Tuesday, May 27, 2014

" state of consciousness. ordinary quiet times "

Arcturian Group Message via Marilyn Raffaele

25 -  May - 2014

Greetings people of dear planet Gaia.

 We observe Light shining ever more brightly as more and more awaken to new ways of seeing the world and their place in it. This is evolution, dear Ones — the changes — the opening to new ideas and higher ways of understanding normal everyday life issues.

Spiritual ascension is not normally a sudden blinding flash that leaves you ascended (although this has happened for a few individuals who had already attained this consciousness in another lifetime).

Ascension is a state of consciousness that has been attained through the myriad experiences of many lifetimes lived in the energies of duality and separation. From these experiences, the soul learns and grows until at some point he moves beyond having to learn in this way and begins to be taught from within. You are at that place now, dear Ones.

 Take your quest for answers into meditation and ask your questions there. Ask for more Light, more understanding, and more awareness but avoid asking for “things” because when you ask for “things” you are automatically stating that you “don’t have” and are creating “don’t have”.

Answers may come directly in mediation for those attuned to hearing the “still, small voice,” but usually unfold afterwards and are the “fruitage” of the meditation. Answers will come in ordinary ways that can be understood and related to. For instance, your answer may appear as a book that somehow comes to you or may be heard in a chance statement someone makes. Frequently answers and ideas will pop into your head while doing something as mundane as washing dishes for often that is the only time the mind is quiet enough to hear the inner voice.

If you wish to hear, it is important to keep yourself free of constant noise and confusion. Many are unable to recognize or hear the solutions they have asked for because they keep themselves in a state of continual noise and distraction and then wonder why they do not get answers.

If you would hear the “still small voice” then you must live and go about your work in a quiet centered way, one ear always open to “hear”. This does not mean you cannot have fun, visit with people, dance and live life, but we speak of those who choose to go through every waking moment with head-phones on, texting, and generally living completely outside of themselves.

You see, Dear Ones, spiritual connections are often portrayed in your media as powerful psychic events with lots of bells and whistles. Spiritual connections are almost always experienced in quiet and seemingly ordinary ways which the spiritually alert will recognize, but at the same time causing those expecting bells and whistles to believe that they have somehow failed.

 If you are sincere in your seeking for more Light on any topic, the answers and ideas will always come and will come in a way you can understand. The artist will not receive new and creative ideas in the form of a scientific breakthrough, nor will the surgeon seeking a new technique receive the idea for a new painting.

Mind will translate your answer (Divine completeness) in forms that resonate with your individuality. There may be lessons needing completion or old beliefs needing to be let go of before that which you are seeking can manifest, but your choices and intentions are always heard – for you are seeking from your Higher Self – YOU.

Arcturian Group wishes to speak of the facets of Love. Every activity of daily living is a facet of Love since Love in its truest sense is the energetic connection between the many within the One.

Individual actions vary according to the interests, chosen lessons, and state of consciousness of the individual. All actions for or to self and others – compassion, forgiveness, understanding, service, and all forms of work and business are in reality facets of Love because of the interconnectedness of all within ONE. Gratitude is the return flow of Love expressed.

 Every activity of life experienced in the third dimension on Earth is in reality the material sense of the spiritual reality. All activity between life forms reflects the energetic connection in and of the One – there is nothing else.

The actions of interconnectedness become “not love” in the usual sense when interpreted and acted out by global and personal states of consciousness fully enmeshed in beliefs of duality and separation. The energetic connection of each soul to every other soul within the One can never change, but when this truth is misinterpreted by those who believe all life forms to be separate, it manifests in ways that reflect this belief – rape, abuse, animal cruelty and war, etc.

Once an individual evolves into his true identity and begins to realize the interconnectedness of all life, he no longer resonates with the activities of the unawakened lower densities – activities based in separation.

 As you lift yourselves, you lift the world, dear Ones, for very truth known and integrated adds more Light to universal human consciousness that contains every idea or belief of mankind, no matter how absurd. The Light through you, is automatically dissolving the shadows – third-dimensional thought forms and beliefs which in reality have no law to support them, but through belief in them, have held mankind in bondage.

 Thoughts and ideas floating into your thinking from the universal world consciousness are always impersonal – never claim them as yours even if they seem to be coming from within you. Each individual is more receptive to certain types of impersonal beliefs because of past-life experiences. Some may find themselves more receptive to universal concepts of health and disease, while others may be more receptive to beliefs about relationship.

Overwhelming fears like fear of water or heights also indicates energy still held in cellular memory from some past-life experience causing them to be more receptive to all the beliefs floating about regarding these issues.

Once these impersonal beliefs find a home in individual consciousness, they will then manifest outwardly, for you are creators. Outer manifestations are your guide posts, dear Ones, indicating to you what needs to be looked at and released within your belief system. Try not to feed these thoughts, but use them as tools.

The spiritual journey is about taking back the power that you have ignorantly given to anything outside of yourselves – be it words, thoughts, people, books, beliefs, things, traditions, teachings, or anything regardless of how it may of served you in the past. It does not mean you will not have these things, but it means you have removed the power for good or bad from them. Knowledge and evolution may come THROUGH these things, but not FROM them.

 Actions taken in that past when ignorant of truth have only the power you give them, so begin to release all negative emotions of guilt, anger, regret, etc. which have their rise in the third-dimensional belief system. If there is someone you need to forgive or who needs to forgive you, then do it inwardly or outwardly and move on. Now is the time of clearing once and for all of any lower resonating energies you may still hold so you can move into the higher frequencies of Light and Love.

You are alone with your God and that realization is all the power you will ever need. Evolving on Earth has been difficult because lifetime after lifetime has been lived in an energy of duality and separation, but remember that you chose it because it is a well-tempered and powerful Being that emerges from the fire.

You are now ready to move into trust and a realization of Oneness. It is a letting-go, and this can be difficult and frightening. Always remember that nothing – no person, no event, no activity, or even death can separate you from what you are and always have been regardless of any appearances.

Just Love, dear Ones – just live always in the recognition that all are in and of the ONE and this realization will guide your every action. Let go of the need to plot and plan everything and allow your inner Self guide you gently minute to minute, day to day, activity to activity.

When you become aware of the activities of the unawakened, visualize that tiny flame in their hearts they themselves are unaware of, take whatever human footsteps you may be guided to take, and then move on.

This is Love – the activity that flows from a recognition of everyone’s the true identity.

We are the Arcturian Group

 Source : http://www.onenessofall.com/newest.html

Sunday, May 25, 2014

" fall of mainstream media "

By Jeff Berwick
The Dollar Vigilante

 May - 18 - 2014

 It doesn't happen often, but The New York Times (NYT) has truthfully reported on something recently.

 On what did it report? Well, on itself, and how alarmed it is due to its own increasing irrelevance in the face of new sources of information.

 NYT is well-aware of the “New Media,” as a 96-page internal report, sent to top executives last month, makes clear. Obtained by Buzzfeed, the report “paints a dark picture of a newsroom struggling more dramatically than is immediately visible to adjust to the digital world, a newsroom that is hampered primarily by its own storied culture.”

 The report ignores its traditional mainstream (MSM) competitors and takes a closer look at new digital companies like First Look Media, Vox, Huffington Post, Business Insider and Buzzfeed. 

“They are ahead of us in building impressive support systems for digital journalists, and that gap will grow unless we quickly improve our capabilities,” the report states. “Meanwhile, our journalism advantage is shrinking as more of these upstarts expand their newsrooms.”

 “We are not moving with enough urgency,” it says.

 A central issue for NYT is “a cadre of editors who remain unfamiliar with the web.”

 “Many desks lack editors who even know how to evaluate digital work,” the report continues.

 A few suggestions NYT is looking into is a TED talks-style event series and an expanded op-ed platform, including location-based local news and information.

 But it is too late…

 Stating the Obvious

 At the very least, thank you, NYT, for stating the truth even though it was an internal document not meant for the public.. And, even if it was already painfully obvious. Still it took bravery for such a dinosaur to admit its own obsolescence.

 The paper’s model is obsolete, but even worse than the model has been the paper’s lack of interest in the truth. As the US empire has grown more out of control, more dangerous, and more insane, the NYT has functioned as a fourth branch of government, a gatekeeper for a totalitarian world a la 1984 or Brave New World. But the gig is up. The world knows NYT’s complicity in erecting a sick and deranged world, and unless the paper breaks major news stories and outs itself as an undeniable friend of freedom, it will continue to lose revenue. No more can NYT expect to serve the elite and its bottom line at the same time. In the age of the internet, what David Rockefeller was once grateful for is no longer possible:

 “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years…It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.” 

 Mainstream media is definitely dying, and this is a VERY good thing. The root of the word government combine as “to control minds.” The root of the word “govern” is control and the root of “ment” is mind. Without control over minds via the media, the government will lose all control. More young people now get their news from the internet than television. In mere years most everybody will get their news from the internet because nobody will trust the mainstream:

                                                 mainstream news readership

 This data shows that it is really only those over 65 years old who are still completely brainwashed. Not all, of course. But many or most. (Stephen: Based on my experience, I’m not that sure I would agree with this stereotype!) The good news is they will be dying soon along with their interest in voting.

 Newsweek (which I call Newspeak) has released its last print issue. You’ll remember one of Newsweek’s last attempts to be relevant again was uncovering the wrong Satoshi Nakamoto as the creator of bitcoin. They found some guy with the right name in the phone book…You know, “quality journalism”…

 Clearly the only valuable part of MSM media sites is in the comments section which debunks 90% of the articles published. Popular Science was so overwhelmed by people bringing facts into many of their articles that the site shut off its comments section.

 CNN’s viewership is at a record-low (the network recently laid off 40 journalists), while CNBC has suffered a viewership collapse as well… and this with the Dow at all time inflated highs. Imagine if the stock market were going down how low these numbers would be.

 But once Larry King said that CNN would be better off showing re-runs of Spongebob Squarepants 24 hours a day, you knew it was over…

 Click here to view the embedded video.


 Larry King left CNN because he knew it would collapse. He left CNN for the Russian government propaganda channel, RT, because it is more respected and features more truth about the West. Twenty years ago, this would be have been unheard of for Larry King! A career-ender! Not today…Nope. Today it is a respect-earner. Oh, how things have changed…

 The New Media Takeover 

 The New Media has taken over. Alex Jones is almost a household name and groups like Luke Rudkowski’s We Are Change have revolutionized how people get information. (Editor’s Note: We Are Change offers “Change Media University” to learn how to become a real investigative journalist that we highly recommend. Forget traditional school).For years now the most popular MSM personalities, like Glenn Beck, have followed the playbook of new media personalities in a bid to remain relevant.

 Now, in order to remain relevant people like Glenn Beck need to quote or interview people in the “alternative media”.

 Glenn Beck quotes this author, Jeff Berwick

 It was not all that long ago that John Kerry and Zbigniew Brzezinski said that the internet, simply put, is making it hard for them to govern. Secretary of Statism, John Kerry, before a group of State Department workers told the audience that the world has been “complicated” by “… this little thing called the internet and the ability of people everywhere to communicate instantaneously and to have more information coming at them in one day than most people can process in months or a year.” 

According to Kerry, the internet “makes it much harder to govern, makes it much harder to organize people, much harder to find the common interest.”

 Z-Big echoed his sentiment, saying that public access to information stopped war with Syria.

 Bill Clinton, laughingly even suggested the need for a “Ministry of Truth” over the internet, run by the US federal government, that would censor anything it did not deem to be “truth”.

 In 5-10 years people will look at you funny if you tell them you watch mainstream media. Why? Because there is no real information nor substance on mainstream media.

 Jeff Berwick is the founder of The Dollar Vigilante, CEO of TDV Media & Services and host of the popular video podcast, Anarchast. Jeff is a prominent speaker at many of the world’s freedom, investment and gold conferences as well as regularly in the media including CNBC, CNN and Fox Business.

Source : http://dollarvigilante.com/blog/2014/5/16/when-propaganda-fails-humanity-awakensthen-excels.html

Friday, May 23, 2014

' SETI astronomers on extraterrestrial life "

Astronomers in America have told the US congress that the search for extraterrestrial life is “plausible and warrants scientific inquiry”.

by James Vincent

 22 - May - 2014

 Dan Werthimer and Seth Shostak of the SETI Research Center at the University of California, Berkeley presented evidence to the House Committee to secure further funding to find alien life in outer space.

 “In the last fifty years, evidence has steadily mounted that the components and conditions we believe necessary for life are common and perhaps ubiquitous in our galaxy,” said Werthimer in his written testimony."

  “There may even be primitive extraterrestrial life in our own solar system, perhaps on a moon of Jupiter or Saturn. Europa, one of Jupiter's moons, is thought to have a liquid water ocean beneath its icy surface, perhaps a good environment for life as we know it.”

 The pair said that although “no evidence exists for the presence of life outside of the Earth”, the sheer abundance of planets – “roughly one trillion in our Milky Way galaxy; three times more planets than stars” – suggests that the universe is “teeming with primitive life.”

 SETI institute (short for “Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence”) does not actively look for primitive life, but instead uses radio and optical telescopes “to search for evidence of advanced civilizations and their technology on distant extrasolar planets”.

 Werthimer and Shostak pointed out that Earth itself has been beaming out radio and television signals into the cosmos for the last 85 years (nearby stars are already receiving episodes of The Simpsons) but that this time span is only an instant compared to the four billion year history of life on the planet.

 “We are just now developing the tools and technologies that might detect distant civilizations,” said the pair. “There could be radio or laser signals from extraterrestrial civilizations reaching our planet right now, but we would most likely not detect these signals with these early SETI projects.”

 Since its inception, SETI has organized a number of programs designed to sift through potential emissions from extraterrestrial sources, including the SETI@home program that uses downtime on ordinary peoples’ computers to analyse incoming data from the likes of the Arecibo telescope – the largest radio telescope in the world.

 However, Werthimer said that the US was in danger of being overtaken by other nations, with China currently developing a radio telescope 500 metres in diameter (larger the Arecibo) that, alongside the internationally-funded Square Kilometre Array, “may soon become the world’s preeminent radio SETI observatories.” 

Source : http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/seti-astronomers-tell-us-congress-theres-alien-life-out-there-9419702.html

" edible plants talk to animal cells, promote healing "

Amazing Food Science Discovery: Edible Plants 'Talk' To Animal Cells, Promote Healing

 by Sayer Ji

 23 - May - 2014

 A groundbreaking new study published in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research titled, "Interspecies communication between plant and mouse gut host cells through edible plant derived exosome-like nanoparticles," reveals a new way that food components 'talk' to animal cells by regulating gene expression and conferring significant therapeutic effects. With the recent discovery that non-coding microRNA's in food are capable of directly altering gene expression within human physiology,[1] this new study further concretizes the notion that the age old aphorism 'you are what you eat' is now consistent with cutting edge molecular biology.

  Exosomes: The 'Missing Link' In How Plants and Animal Cells Communicate and Collaborate

This is the first study of its kind to look at the role of exosomes, small vesicles secreted by plant and animal cells that participate in intercellular communication, in interspecies (plant-animal) communication.

The study explained the biological properties of exosomes as follows:

 "Exosomes are produced by a variety of mammalian cells including immune, epithelial, and tumor cells [11–15]. Exosomes play a role in intercellular communication and can transport mRNA, miRNA, bioactive lipids, and proteins between cells [16–19]. Upon contact, exosomes transfer molecules that can render new properties and/or reprogram their recipient cells."

 While most of the research on exosomes has focused on their role in pathological states such as tumor promotion, they were recently found to play a key role in stimulating regeneration within damaged cardiac tissue, [2] and are known to be found in human breast milk, further underscoring how irreplaceable it is vis-à-vis synthesized infant formula.[3]

The New Study

The investigators isolated plant derived exosome-like nanoparticles (EPDENs) from ginger, carrot, grape and grapefruit, and observed their behavior in mammalian cells (mice).

 They chose these commonly consumed edible fruits and vegetables because,

 "It is well established that a plant-derived diet has great influence on regulation of mammalian host cell homeostasis, in particular, cells in the digestive system [1–3]. Deregulation of plant-derived diet regulated host cell homeostasis leads to increased susceptibility to infections, chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, and cancer [4–10]." 

 They noted, "the cellular and molecular machinery regulating such interspecies mutualism between a plant-derived diet and the mammalian gut is not fully defined." Their new study aimed to gain new insight into defining the mechanisms through which cross-kingdom crosstalk occurs.

 Plant Exosomes Affect Mammalian Cells Intimately 

After isolating and characterizing exosome-like nanoparticles from all four edible plants, the researchers discovered they possessed remarkable similarity in size and structure to mammalian-derived exosomes. Furthermore, the study showed "that these exosome-like nanoparticles are taken up by intestinal macrophages and stem cells, and have biological effects on the recipient cells."

  The biological effects were described as follows:

* Ginger exosome-like nanoparticles strongly induced heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) and IL-10 expressed in macrophages, an indication of anti-inflammatory and antoxidant properties.
* Fruit-derived exosome-like nanoparticles including grape and grapefruit induced Wnt/TCF4 activation, which is a key component of the anti-inflammatory response
*  All tested foods activated nuclear translocation of Nrf2, a key regulator of the HO1 gene, which has an important role in anti-inflammation and antioxidation; ginger was found to be most potent, followed by grapefruit, carrot and grape

Notably, EPDENs were found to be resistant to gastric and intestinal enzymatic digestion, further indicating they are capable of exerting significant biological effects by escaping digestive degradation, which has also been found with lectins and microRNA's within edible foods.

 The researchers discussed their results:

 "Our findings show that exosome-like nanoparticles are present in edible fruits and vegetables and reveal a previously unrecognized strategy by which plants communicate with mammalian cells via exosome-like nanoparticles in the gut, and in particular intestinal macrophages and stem cells. We found that edible plants contain large amounts of nanoparticles. Like mammalian exosomes, further characterization of the plant nanoparticles led to identifying them as exosome- like nanoparticles based on the nanoparticles being com- posed of proteins, lipids, and miRNAs. EPDENs from different types of plants have different biological effects on the recipient mammalian cells. This finding opens up a new avenue to further study the molecular mechanisms underlying how the plant kingdom crosstalks with mammalian cells such as intestinal macrophages and stem cells via EPDENs. This information may provide the molecular basis of using multiple plant-derived agents for better therapeutic effect than any single plant-derived agent." 

 They also offered that their results may explain why those who consume a greater variety of edible plants are healthier: "It has been known for decades that people eating a variety of edible plants daily are the recipients of many beneficial health effects when compared to subjects that ingest fewer types of edible plants. Ingesting EPDENs from a variety of fruits and vegetables daily would be expected to provide greater beneficial effects for maintaining gut homeostasis than ingesting EPDENs from single edible plant."

  Discussion: Deeper Implications of the Study

As part of the fascinating new fields of epigenetics and nutrigenomics, this new study's findings promise to expand the relevance of food in the practice of medicine and the prevention of disease. We have crossed a critical threshold in the past few decades where food can no longer considered simply as a source of caloric content, minerals and vitamins, and building blocks for the body-machine. [Learn more by taking the author's E-Course] Rather, food carries very specific forms of biologically meaningful information (literally 'to put form into'), without which our genetic and epigenetic infrastructure cannot function according to its intelligent design.

 The discovery of plant-dervied exosome-mediated modulation of fundamental mammalian cellular pathways, lends powerful support to the concept that ancestral nutritional practices handed down for countless generations are critical in maintaining our health. With the advent of the post-industrial diet, based largely on 'food-like' synthesized nutrition, and the novel introduction of grain-based nutrition in only the past 500 generations, our present diet suffers from a series of profoundly biological incompatible foods.

 Millions of years of co-evolutionary processes have generated a wide range of interspecies, cross-kingdom co-dependencies. For instance, mammals and angiosperms (which comprise about 250,000 species and include most of the flowering plants that provide the modern world its diet) co-evolved for at least 200 million years together, and are today two of the most dominant forms of life on the planet. The very molecular and informational fabric of our bodies evolved to intimately depend on the presence of various key food components in the human diet, and the absence of others which may be detrimental to our health. Food components like exosomes may be as important to our health as vitamins and other classically defined 'nutrients,' and may even be more important in modulating a wide range of complex genetic- and epigenetic-mediated cellular processes within the body. This may also explain the mystery of how certain fruits, such as pomegranate, have been found to replace the function of the mammalian ovary in an ovariectomy induced models of premature aging. While pomegranate is one of nature's most concentrated source of bioidentical estrone, exosomes may be the 'missing link' as to how a plant food can support complex hormonal processes within the animal body, along with exerting such a wide range of additional therapeutic health effects. This is all the more evidence with plants like turmeric, which have over 600 health benefits and has been found to modulate the expression of thousands of genes simultaneously.[4]

 We believe that taken together, the recent discoveries that 1) microRNA's within foods like rice can enter into our blood and tissue and regulate gene expression 2) that double-stranded RNAs within a wide range of commonly consumed foods have molecular homology with thousands of human RNAs (and are therefore capable of silencing them) 3) that lectins also can directly activate nuclear machinery within certain cells, the addition of exosome-mediated gene modulation, lends further support to the concept that the quality and types of food we consume carry as much relevance in terms of 'biological destiny' as the DNA within our genome.

 With exciting research now available, the famous quote attributed to Thomas Edison rings truer today than ever:

 "The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease." 

References :
[1] Lin Zhang Exogenous plant MIR168a specifically targets mammalian LDLRAP1: evidence of cross-kingdom regulation by microRNA Cell Research (2012) 22:107–126. doi:10.1038/cr.2011.158; published online 20 September 2011

 [2] Ahmed Gamal-Eldin Ibrahim, Ke Cheng, Eduardo Marbán. Exosomes as Critical Agents of Cardiac Regeneration Triggered by Cell Therapy. Stem Cell Reports, May 2014 DOI: 10.1016/j.stemcr.2014.04.006

 [3] Qi Zhou1, et al Immune-related MicroRNAs are Abundant in Breast Milk Exosomes Int J Biol Sci 2012; 8(1):118-123. doi:10.7150/ijbs.8.118

 [4] Sreenivasan S, Thirumalai K, Danda R, Krishnakumar S. Effect of curcumin on miRNA expression in human Y79 retinoblastoma cells. Curr Eye Res. 2012 May;37(5):421-8. doi: 10.3109/02713683.2011.647224. PubMed PMID: 22510010.

 Source : http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/amazing-food-science-discovery-edible-plants-talk-animal-cells-promote-healing

" earth focal point. aspects of us on other planets "

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey

23 - May - 2014

 As we are aware of the wider picture we can assure you that good progress is being made, helped by the fact that the dark Ones are no longer able to do just as they wish. Their plan for total world control is no longer possible yet they blindly continue to press on without any possible chance of success. Our allies continue to join forces and their power is growing faster than ever before. For our part we observe what is taking place so as to ensure that progress is made without interference. Many of you are intuitively following the plan for your successful future, which shall eventually remove any influence or presence that is not in accordance with the Light. The time is coming that will reflect your desires for freedom from the dark energies. When the critical point is reached in the twinkling of an eye you will be uplifted into the higher vibrations, totally free from the lower energies. So rest assured that regardless of events that are taking place around you, in the greater picture all proceeds well.

 At present there is much happening on Earth, and those in positions of power who still hold on to the old vibrations are finding it becoming more difficult to impose their will upon others. The people have woken up to the subterfuge and games being played to prevent the Light from fully manifesting. They are seeing through the false promises and attempts to keep the truth from them. Such actions will be to no avail as the Light has been firmly established upon Earth, and continues to grow at a fast rate. The affect is to reveal the lower energies for what they are, and people are no longer fooled by them. Events taking place are a mix of the different levels of energy, but in time they will be lifted up and leave the old ones behind. Indeed, there will be no place for them in the future and a glorious period of harmony and joy is coming.

 Your Earth has been the focal point for many civilisations that follow your progress quite intently. The outcome is far more important and far reaching than you can possibly imagine, and each soul that has been privileged to live through it will be widely loved and blessed. Each of you is essential to the future of civilisation and your experience will be invaluable to others who will benefit from it. Once experience has been gained there is no need for every soul following afterwards to go through exactly the same ones. You will find that evolution is constant and those who have gone ahead will always assist those following. You are all Brothers and Sisters and as One are destined to return to the Light.

 Your experiences on Earth can go from one extreme to another, depending on how far you have progressed towards the Light. Each soul has a particular path to travel and is at different stages of progress. However, many of you have been chosen to partake of the end-times experience, because you have been through it previously and with your success will be able to also help others do the same. Beyond your present dimension you will find that it is quite normal for other souls to reach down to help those who follow. You will always feel the urge to progress ever onwards until you have once again returned to the Godhead. Many of you will have heard of “God breathing in and then out again” and it is your destiny that drives you ever onwards. You are presently on your journey back to the Godhead, having now come out of the darkness where you experienced separation from God. 

Knowing that you are all One should help you see others in a new light, as you are all inseparable regardless of the experiences you have had. Now those of you who have progressed and are ready to move back fully into the Light, will find that you see the soul of another within the human form. You will know that the body is only a temporary home for it and the experience needed to evolve. Intelligence does not necessarily mean that a person is evolved spiritually, and indeed some who appear to lead a very simple life are in fact well evolved. So do not be mislead by appearances and if you are intuitive you will know when you are in the presence of an evolved soul. Naturally in the higher dimensions there are no problems in discerning who is evolved, and by their Light you shall know them.

 On Earth there are challenges all of the time and whilst you learn them the hard way, it is also the quickest way to progress. Remember that you always have your helpers around you, and they are ready to assist you when help is needed. However, it is not their place to impose themselves upon you, and you need to ask for help to get a response. It may not always be exactly as you desire and remember that there is always your life plan to consider. Certainly you have freewill, but at the same time you have undertaken a certain life plan that is your path for any one incarnation. It is to ensure that you progress in a sensible manner as quickly as possible. However, you can always have further experiences if needed, and these can cover any area of your life plan that has not been successful.

 I am SaLuSa from Sirius and uplifted by the growth of the Light upon Earth. It will continue exponentially and already the benefits are being felt. Although there is still much work to overcome the prejudice between races, more people are beginning to see the link between them all. We will extend that understanding to cover all forms of intelligent life beyond your planetary system. Life abounds everywhere and as you rise up you will meet other entities who are also evolving. You have been kept from the truth about yourselves for eons of time, but soon you will learn more about your true selves. Bear in mind that you are not your body, and where needs arise you can experience lives on other planets outside of your Solar System. You are also a multifaceted Being and several aspects of yourself can experience at the same time. We tell you these things simply to broaden your outlook and understanding to prepare you for the future, as the time is approaching when you need to know the truth about yourselves.

 I leave you with much to ponder and also lift your consciousness higher as you are nearly ready to move further ahead. We will of course be on hand to assist you assimilate the higher knowledge that goes hand in hand with your expanding consciousness. I wish you every success and send you our love to light the path ahead.

 Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.

 Source : www.treeofthegoldenlight.com

Thursday, May 22, 2014

" stress upon you increasing enormously. importance of meditation "

Saul through  John Smallman

21 -  May -   2014

This is a very difficult and stressful time for you all, especially as you pay compassionate and concerned attention to the vast amount of suffering and deprivation that is being endured by so many all over the world. The tsunami of Love is flowing powerfully and intensely through your illusory dream-scape.

 It is very effective and it is stirring up all your unaddressed issues which have been lying like mud or sand at the bottom of the pond that is your unconscious, the vast hidden area of your mind where all that you could not bear to face has lain hidden for eons.

 All that “muck” has to be released and cleared away so that the Light that each one of you carries with you constantly can shine forth brightly as divinely intended. As It does so you will become increasingly aware of the divine Light shining forth from others – your heavenly brothers and sisters, the beautiful children of God.

 You are all brilliant and divine beings who have hidden your Light so well from yourselves that you have almost forgotten (indeed some have forgotten) that your true nature is an eternal and divine nature which can never be discarded or lost. It can only be momentarily hidden from view as you play your illusory games of separation. And, as you keep on being told, the horrendous era in which the illusion has been constantly presenting you with these painful and disturbing dreams is over, finished with, terminated.

 You are about to wake up, your awakening is imminent, and you do know this, so when you spend time in that quiet inner space, to which you all have access, allow that knowing to come to the surface of your awareness and embrace you. And it will!

 Allowing is the secret, but what often happens is that you are so keen and impatient to receive answers that you do not allow yourself to “hear” the Holy Spirit, your higher Self, your favorite saints, guides or mentors, because your ego rushes noisily in to fill that quiet space with its own self-serving answer. It can’t abide quiet space! Discouraging distractions such as “I’m just imagining this” or “What’s the point, it’s not going to happen” or “Why would one of these spiritual entities waste their time talking to me,” then flood your mind.

 You can all probably offer your own examples of personal and discouraging “favorite” distractions. This is because your egos desperately want to be heard, all the time! You have all been in situations where you are listening to someone and an idea pops into your mind that you just cannot wait to share with the person who is talking, so much so that you either interrupt to make your point, or you focus so intently on that idea that you do not hear the remainder of what the other is saying. It is the same when you meditate and seek guidance, distracting ideas occur to you and you lose your focus. 

Meditation is a discipline that requires your focused attention and therefore you need to practice it seriously and regularly. Often you spend time sitting, intending to meditate, but other “important” stuff comes to mind distracting you. Then, suddenly, the quiet time that you had set aside has passed and you have to move on. But with practice you do become steadily more adept at disregarding the distractions that your ego tosses so enthusiastically into your quiet space. Persistence with your practice works, so persist, the odds of success are weighted heavily in your favor.

 Guidance or answers from the spiritual realms are very softly “spoken,” gentle, unintrusive, so you do have to listen carefully and patiently, and that is very difficult for those of you brought up in the “high-powered, get it done” kinds of western culture where time is money and must not be wasted. As a result, you often respond with the first thought that comes to mind when dealing with a stressful or conflict-driven situation, and, as you have all doubtless experienced, it can frequently be the wrong one.

 Meditation is not only an essential practice to allow you to gain access to your guides and receive answers from them on issues that concern you. It also trains you not to react too quickly, and possibly impulsively, in your daily lives when communicating with others, but instead to pause and make space for all the appropriate responses available to you to present themselves, putting you in a far better position to deal with whatever the situation demands.

 So, yet again, I am stressing the importance of making “down time,” quiet time, uninterruptible time solely for yourself available to yourself daily. The stresses upon you have been increasing enormously as more and more of the deceit and corruption on which the world – the illusory world – turns is disclosed, demanding that you sit up and take notice.

 The old days, when you thought that you could trust your duly elected governments and their agencies, and your supposedly “responsible” multi-national corporations to take care of the interests and well-being of the majority are long over.

 However, the hidden secrets and corrupt agendas that have been followed by those in positions of power and authority, whom you had been trusting to act on behalf of the general good – that whistle-blowers everywhere are now placing in the public domain – are shocking and very disturbing. To be shown how blatantly your trust has been betrayed is stunning, and then numbing as that betrayal appears to be forever ongoing and unending.

 The only way to relieve the intense stress that this unfolding torrent of deceit and betrayal is causing is by taking time out, daily. In that time remind yourself that everyone, even one who appears to be totally evil and corrupt, is a holy child of God. When they, or anyone, behaves badly, it is truly a call for Love. Only those in severe inner pain – pain that they most vehemently deny – could behave so abysmally towards others.

 In those quiet times you relieve your stress by reminding yourselves that your everyday world of deceit, suffering, and corruption is an illusion, and that only Love exists. Love is unconditional, undiscriminating, and totally accepting of all of God’s children. During those quiet times make and renew your intent to be Love in action in every moment. When you make that intent, and then hold it and demonstrate it, you are very effectively adding to the field of Love enveloping the world.

 Love can be rejected or ignored, but It cannot be destroyed, eradicated, or overpowered because It is infinitely powerful, being All That Exists. As you make the intent allow the Love to wash over you and embrace you, feel It, and then forgive all who appear to be in opposition to It. Doing this is enormously powerful, it eases your stress and anxieties, and it truly does soften the hearts of those who seem most opposed to It, effectively wearing down their ill-advised resistance to It.

 Of course many of you are already doing this, and some of you no doubt are feeling that it is having little if any effect. You could not be more wrong! Your loving intentions are changing the world and bringing all to awakening. Continue to do what you have been doing so well, and make a point of accessing your inner knowing which confirms your certainty that your awakening is imminent.

 With so very much love,

Thank you Saul,
John Smallman

Source :   www.johnsmallman.wordpress.com.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

' expanded heart, aspect of the planet, no strife "

Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon

An Hour with an Angel

May -  15 -  2014

 Graham Dewyea: Greetings and welcome to an Hour with an Angel with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The New You: Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness.

 Joining her is Steve Beckow, founder of the Golden Age of Gaia and author of Building Nova Earth: Toward a World that Works for Everyone.

 Our guest today is Archangel Michael. And, Steve, as I pass this on to you, you were at a meet-up group here just recently.

 Steve Beckow: In Seattle, Graham, yes. A great deal of fun. I think there were between 21 and 25 people. And what surprised me the most about it was that everybody was so eloquent! I mean, lots of people got up and talked, and talked at length.

 I would say in hindsight they didn’t need me. And I’ve heard that they’re going to continue meeting, probably in two places ― Whidbey Island and Seattle ― or the Seattle group might go to Whidbey Island. But I just want them all to know that I had a wonderful time.

 And I’ll also be doing it again in Portland. I received an invitation from Wally to come to Portland, so I’ll be in Portland on May 24th. I think it’s about mid-day, and we’ll have a notice up about that. And I’m looking forward to that as well. So yes, it was a lot of fun.

 GD: What were some of the topics that people spoke on?

 SB: Well, some people are doing very exciting projects. Rebecca has a play that she’s written looking at what the Cabal’s been up to in the last any number of years. And Genele is an intuitive life coach, and she talked about that. We talked about ascension, what it might look like. We talked about, well, actually a lot of things I’m going to be asking Archangel Michael about today.

 And there were people from Britain; there were people who drove up from Portland and Olympia ― it was quite a group. It was fun. The whole weekend was fun.

 GD: It’s an important opportunity for people to come together, and we certainly encourage people to do this in their own communities. It doesn’t take much. Look up Meet-up on line. You can start your own group. meet-up groups are certainly throughout the United States and probably beyond. They’re really great opportunities to connect with like-minded people, to have rich discussions and sharing. 

SB: Oh, yeah. And let me just make one more comment before turning to Linda. It was common to hear people say that they really don’t know very many people who recognize what’s happening right now ― Ascension and the Reval, and everything else.

 I should mention as well by the way that foreign currency was passed around. Anybody who didn’t have foreign currency left the meet-up with it. So that was also a nice development. But people were feeling ― I know I was ― and other people were feeling a little lonely because they just don’t have face-to-face conversations about the events that are actually happening. So it really did fill that niche. It was quite enjoyable all the way around.

 Yeah. Let me now turn to Linda. Linda, why don’t you tell us about the live stream on the Tsunami of Love?

 Linda Dillon: Well, sure I will. I guess it’s a different kind of meet-up. But before we do, Steve, are you having those kinds of meet-ups in Vancouver as well?

 SB: Well, I was just thinking that myself! Yes, yes! I mean, obviously that would be a good way to stop feeling so much as if we’re all either isolated or virtual. So yes, I will, actually. [BUT someone else will need to arrange it. I'm not sure I could take on additional duties at the moment.]

 LD: You know, we have the Council of Love conference calls the first and third Saturday of every month. And I’d say it’s maybe the old-fashioned version of the meet-up.

 But it was exactly the same rationale why we started it, because I think so many of us are out there, doing our work, plodding along, feel lonely, or feel “Is anyone else feeling this way? Or am I crazy?” Or, “Most of the people around me think I’m crazy.” So it’s a great idea.

 SB: I agree. And the live stream?

 LD: The Tsunami of Love live stream, as I mentioned, is a different kind of meet-up. And it’s for people all over the world to be able to come together and learn and do the tsunami meditation together.

 And this was sprung on me, quite literally, by the Council of Love last weekend. And the date for this live stream is Sunday, June 8th, at one o’clock in the afternoon to two-thirty, a ninety-minute live stream. That’s in Eastern Standard Time of the United States.

 But it will be taped so that people who either can’t make it or who are overseas will be able to tune in, whenever they need to or whenever they can, and watch it again and again.

 And I think the primary reason that the Mother has strongly encouraged me to do this live stream is because we keep hearing from people who are having incredible experiences doing the Tsunami of Love meditation, but we’re also hearing from other people who say, “I’m distracted. I’m feeling anxious. I’m feeling jittery. I’m exhausted. I don’t feel the energy of the love.”

 And so the intent of this live stream, which is basically watching a live TV program, is for people to get that direct connection with the transmission, the download, the attunement, however you think of it, from the Divine Mother so that they start feeling the Tsunami of Love and then begin to anchor that energy for the collective, for themselves, so that as it’s approaching ― and it’s getting stronger and stronger every day ― that they are helping the collective to anchor this in ways that are joyous and blissful, and that they’re prepared. So that’s the idea. A live stream is like a live TV show, but I will be accepting submitted questions about the Tsunami of Love beforehand for those who register. 

So that’s it. You go to the Council of Love spirit store (http://www.mcssl.com/store/col), and you register. We’ve kept it very cheap ― $22 ― so that people can all come.

 SB: That’s wonderful, Linda. And I’ll let you kind of settle into your transitional state. I can certainly say while you’re doing that that I felt it in the “system restore” experience, where all my vasanas left. It’s followed by more and more joy every day, as Archangel Michael said would happen. So, as soon as Linda’s ready we’ll begin discussing ascension and related events.

 Archangel Michael: Greetings. I am Michael…

 SB: Greetings,

 Lord. AAM: … archangel of peace, warrior of love. Welcome.

 SB: Thank you.

 AAM: Welcome, beloved ones. And yes, it is a time of change, a time of blossoming, of becoming, of unfoldment and enfoldment. It is a time of unity. And this is key to the human collective going forward, and yes, we have spoken, and the subject has certainly been widely discussed, about unity consciousness.

 But what you are witnessing, what you are feeling is the deep desire to truly connect with one another in meaningful ways, in heart consciousness ways that you have not experienced before, or if you have experienced it, it has been like a wave, now and then, up and down. But the desire to translate unity consciousness ― which is nothing more than heart consciousness, than love consciousness ― into the physical reality of connecting human to human, heart to heart, mind to mind, personality to personality in physical ways has truly begun to emerge in a spectacular manner. 

And what we would suggest to each of you is that the meet-ups and the desire for meet-ups in the physical realm, in the human realm, is an indicator not only of this anchoring but of this shift.

 The desire for divine connection, of returning home, of the ultimate knowing, of not only of your own divinity, but of your connectedness, permanently, infinitely, eternally to One, has always been present if one stopped long enough to recognize it.

 What is occurring now is this recognition on a deeper level of the divinity within each other. Now, this is a well-established way of connecting with your star brothers, with the inter-galactics, with your guides and archangels, but it is, to us and to you, a sign of significant progression, that you are yearning, deeply, profoundly, for this human connection. It is part of your Ascension.

 When the collective has decided ― some consciously, most not ― to ascend as a unified group, that decision being made throughout the course of 2012, and certainly confirmed, shall we say, in December of 2012, many of the humans, many of you, my beloved brothers and sisters, shook your heads, and some of you shook your fists. That is all right; we do not offend easily.

 You looked around and said, “I am ready. In fact, I am beyond ready. I am desperate.” But of course desperation has never been a component of Ascension. And over the last months you have grown and you have thrived and you have come to realize you have shed so many false grids, illusions, paradigms, vasanas, issues. You have truly grown.

 And the acknowledgment of the rest of humanity ― yes, those in containment to those who are in sainthood ― and the necessity to work as a global union in order to go forward, in order to participate fully and meaningfully in the creation of Nova Earth, this knowing has been anchored, and it is being more deeply anchored within each one of you every day.

 This is good news. And the fact that some of you still shake your heads as you look at your fellow humans, as you look at the mayhem, at the chaos, at the war, at the upheaval, at what appears to be a still strong establishment of institutions which are not reflective in any way, shape or form of love, many of you still shake your heads, and you say, “Lord, how is this even going to be possible?”

 So we have a great deal to talk about today. Now, do you wish to begin your questions, or shall I answer them, dear heart? 

SB: Without my asking them? Well, that’s always an enjoyable experience, Lord. But let me ask one question, and you can go wherever you like with it. And that’s that people are actually ascending. And I’m meeting one or two of them, and, as I said to you some time ago, they aren’t walking on clouds. They haven’t got harps in their hands and no wings have sprouted behind them. So what does actually happen when we ascend and what does not?

 And if you wouldn’t mind answering this second question, too: What special circumstances are placed upon Ascension by the fact that we retain our physical bodies for the first time ever and ascend en masse? Can you give us a picture of what’s accurate about Ascension and what may not be accurate, please?

 AAM: We would be pleased to. Now, first of all, we have always said that this Ascension is unique insofar as you are maintaining the physical form and reality. It does not mean ― and it never has meant ― that you are shedding your physical bodies.

 Now, will they be lighter? Will they not carry the old paradigms of death and disease, disillusionment, dismay, lack, and limitation? Yes, because those are of the old Third Dimension, which is but a wispy vapor at this point.

 Now, understand what we are talking about. Gaia, your beloved Earth planet, has already begun her ascension. And we have said this repeatedly, but again we have had many confused looks or heads that have shaken and said, “Well, no, I don’t think that is possible.”

 But Gaia has, and continues her Ascension into what you think of as anchoring in the higher dimensions. She has taken along with her the kingdoms. The only group or kingdom that has not fully begun this process ― but we are going to answer this question about some ascending ― as a group is humanity, is the human collective.

 Now let us back up even a little more. Many, we would suggest thousands and thousands and thousands of people have ascended and have had the experience of the ecstasy, the bliss, and the significant shift within their very cores insofar as they do not see or experience being human or being in Gaia in the way that they had previously. Let me explain.

 These souls ― and yes, they are everyday people; they are not those who have been vying for sainthood, but they acknowledge their mastery, and part of each of you ascending is acknowledging your mastery ― but they have basically gone through the Ascension portal. 

They are primarily way-showers. They have anchored in the higher dimensional energy ― Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and so on.

 They have what we have called made a U-turn and are still exhibiting on planet, in form, in everyday reality, because their promise ― as part of their sacred journey, and as part of the collective’s commitment, decision ― is that they would be the way-showers for the rest of humanity.

 So they have, shall we say, Ascension Lite, insofar as that they have experienced the bliss, the higher realms. They have released the sense of restriction. They have embraced the sense of their inter-dimensionality, their ability to create and co-create.

 Now, each individual is having, and will have, a different experience of Ascension. Now I am going to describe, in general terms, what this Ascension looks, feels like and what that experience is like. But it does not mean, even though you come as a collective, it does not mean that each of you perceives and experiences this sacred union, the rising up through a higher-dimensional realm, in the same way.

 But even for those of you who turn to me and say, “Michael, Mi-ka-el, my friend, I have not experienced anything except some very painful Ascension symptoms.” And then I would say to you, “Is your heart more open? Do you feel more consciously aware? Do you feel greater empathy, compassion, prudence, humility, wisdom and understanding of the universe, of the Mother, of your beloved self, of others? Have you been involved in a significant process, not merely of letting go, not merely of surrender?” Because out of surrender, which is an action, comes the next step, which is creation and co-creation.

 “Have you felt a more urgent push to follow your dreams, to fulfill your life purpose, to know your life purpose and to live it? Have you felt a stronger urge to join in love with a significant other, with family, with friends, with community? Has your yearning and your observation of your star brothers and sisters grown?”

 You see, Ascension symptoms that you are in in this process do not only include headaches and painful joints and exhaustion, kidney problems, arthritis. Do not forget, all things that are not of love, that you individually, my bright angel masters, have experienced in this lifetime, which is reflective of other lifetimes, by the way, is coming to the surface for clearing. But so are the soul desires, the push to truly go forward.

 So, yes. There are those who have gone through the Ascension portal and who are operating, can we say, from a different, higher frequency. But do not feel in any way that you have been left behind, because if you are experiencing any ― and I could go on and on and on with the list ― if you have been experiencing any of these expansions, then you also, my beloved friend and family, are in the process of your Ascension.

 Now, you say, “Well, why can’t I step forward and do the U-turn?” And what I suggest to you is that you can. And the more of you that are anchoring the love, anchoring the bliss, anchoring the higher frequency, the easier and more rapid it is for the collective to walk through. That is what being a pillar, a way-shower, and even a gatekeeper is about.

 Those who are gatekeepers were among the first to go through this … what we will call the U-turn process because they are standing on that portal. It was not possible, nor desirable, that those who have been standing as gatekeepers have felt the energies. They have been penetrated by the energies. They basically did not need to go anywhere.

 But understand, this Ascension, and the energies that you are feeling, are much like the Mother’s Tsunami of Love, which is a precursor in many ways. But it is pushing against that portal. So think of it this way. The human collective, which may have been two miles away a year ago, have all been approaching, in their own various reluctant, recalcitrant, eager, joyous ways. They have been approaching with the way-showers, with the pillars, towards the portal, and at the same time there is pressure on the portal to be fully opened.

 Now, recently, I have spoken to you about how the worthiness, or the lack of self-worth, the lack of self-love component for the collective ― not for many of you, my lightworkers, love-holders ― was at about 30 percent. Now, I have never shared that insight before, because previously it would have been too discouraging for you to hear it. And many of you had said, “Well, Michael, how can it be that we are 80 percent of the way home and at the same time we are only at the 30 percent in terms of self love?”

 I have shared this information to show you not how far behind you are but how easy it is going to be, and can be, and will be, for you to get through the portal. We are not talking any longer, and we have not been talking, about pushing the boulder up the hill. You have passed that point years ago.

 Now, since I have shared that piece of information with you ― and it has not even been spread far and wide, which was my hope, but nevertheless ― many of you have gone to work on dissolving this false grid, this vasana, of lack of self-worth, of the collective thinking that you do not deserve love and you do not deserve ascension. And even in this brief time, since we have spoken, that quotient has increased to about 50 percent, which is miraculous.

 And I wish to emphasize miraculous, because it is important for you, as humans, as lightworkers, as love-holders, for you to realize, yes, in partnership with us, that you are creating miracles, that you are doing what you would call some incredibly heavy lifting, that you are shifting the hearts, the minds, the egos, the wills ― not the free will, but the will to proceed ― of the human race. So you are doing well.

 So what does it mean to stay in form and ascend? And this is part of the reason why it has been delayed, from our perspective. Yes, we know all is in divine perfection. We are the ones who told you that. But why has it been delayed? Why has it been so difficult? Part of it has been the maintaining of physicality, of form. Gaia did not shed her form as she began her ascent. The kangaroos, the lions, the giraffes, the dogs, the cats, the lizards, the eagles, the doves, the hummingbirds ― none of these have shed their forms. Part of the joy that was lost upon Gaia was the joy of being in form, of having a form and actually experiencing love in its totality and fullness in form.

 Now, you say, “Well, Lord, I do not know how that is possible.” It was the original plan. It is the closing of the circle. It was always the plan that Earth, that Gaia would be the planet of love in form, not trapped. You see, you think that it is not possible in form because you don’t have an experience of it or a memory of it, because it is so far back in the very beginning of the Creator race. Well, some of you do remember, but most of you do not.

 But it is fully possible. Now, it is not a requirement that you live and inhabit this body for thousands of years. It is not a requirement that you inhabit the form indefinitely. But when you have agreed to this service, when you have agreed to the Mother to return as masters in form, to bring the fullness of your sacred soul design, the fullness of your spark of light, of divinity, of love, and anchor it, the totality of it, in your life, in this Ascension. Now, what is the difference? Yes, all of this has been a process.

 And we can call it a shift, we can call it a process of Ascension, a process of becoming. But the moment ― which is infinite and eternal, and we understand that that is difficult for you to understand in the time paradigm that you are thinking of right now, in your definition ― but that moment of Ascension is all. It is the full reconnection. It is the expanded heart, full consciousness.

 There is no reference point to the old Third. There is distant memory, because it does not ever need to be recreated. But there is a blissful joy and a knowing, not only of your place, your being, but your connection to all, your uniqueness, your divinity, and at the same time everything. And that is the infinite, eternal moment of Ascension. Now, does it take a day, hours? Yes, it does. Let me stop there and let you ask your questions.

 SB: Thank you, Lord. I was going to ask you a question about the Fifth Dimension, but I’ll put that ’til last now. Some people will find themselves in dimensions higher than the Fifth. And I’m speaking now at the time of Ascension. But then there’s also another event that will be happening in the unspecified future where people will find themselves back in their native dimension, and they may even choose to leave the Earth.

 Can you comment, please, on both those events? That some people will find themselves in dimensions higher than the Fifth upon ascending, and also on the other time at which people return to their normal dimensions and may leave here, please?

 Of course you know that one of the factors of that is the timing of all this, but I also know we have an agreement with the channel not to discuss timing in any specific manner.

 AAM: When you ascend, and even before, it is a matter of cognizance and choosing. But let us talk and keep this conversation to Ascension, because there is so much to talk about.

 SB: Yes.

 AAM: When you ascend, it is important that you anchor with and on Gaia. Otherwise your feet, quite literally, are not on the ground. So when people can experience and go, jump, to the higher dimensions available within the human experience, it is important in the Ascension, both individual and collective, that you stay connected with Gaia.

 Think of yourself as a helium balloon and Gaia is holding your string. So, as you ascend you will be at this time within the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, brushing the Eighth, brushing the Third, but not really in those dimensions. So for people to think that they are going to ascend and simply go directly to the Eleventh or Twelfth would not be fully correct.

 Now, once you have done your Ascension, are you free to move about? Of course you are. But the building and the creation of Nova Earth ― and we are talking about the human piece of Nova Earth, the human co-creation of Nova Earth, because the kingdoms and Gaia are already creating Nova Earth, and they are already participating in the higher dimensional reality ― but if you have your mission and purpose to assist, or desire to assist in the anchoring of what you, my friend, and I have called the Golden Age of Gaia, then you are primarily going to anchor in the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh dimension.

 Now, at some future date will there be a further Ascension? Yes, she is already inching up, as it were. And that will occur. And yes, there will be some who, once they have completed their commitment, shall we say, to the Mother, of Ascension in form and the ripple effect throughout the multiverse, the anchoring, the full anchoring of the love, then they may say, “Well, I think now I am going to primarily go back to my comfort zone,” or my home zone of an alternate dimension.” That is fine. 

But the fulfillment of the promise of this phase of the Mother’s plan is for the humans to accompany Gaia and all into the higher dimensional reality, and particularly into the love. That is what it is about. It is a return of the plan. And when there is so much reference, and confusion, might I add, about the light body, all beings have a light body. It is not something that you need to obtain. It is part of who you are.

 Now, did you forget that? Many did. Most of you who listen to me this night did not. Now, are you building that light quotient, with the divine qualities, with love, with self love, with love of others? You most certainly are, and you are doing that in concert with us, with your star brothers and sisters, with your guides and guardian angels.

 But it is not that you are going to shed your physical body and just be in a light form. No. Your light form and your physical body basically become a unified grid. That is the miracle of Ascension. It is that melding in that infinite moment into your totality, and the shift that you have been making from carbon to crystalline is so that vibration, that frequency can actually be held, in light body, in physical body.

 You have never in physical form ― well, not since the beginning ― held such a high vibration on Gaia. It very quickly deteriorated. Now, I know that we speak in eons of time. I am not speaking about eons or decades or years of time in terms of Ascension. You are on the doorstep. The pressure from the cloud coming in and the pressure from the portal of we who are welcoming you is building. It is ready.

 So the question, my beloved friends, to each of you in your heart, is are you ready? Have you surrendered? We have spoken of being tired being a good thing, and now we speak of the collective, that they are tired enough of the old to surrender.

 Because many have asked, how can this happen, when the majority of the human race not only doesn’t know anything about Ascension but has not agreed? What we depend on is heart and soul agreement. And the collective is so tired of the old that they are in a place, even those who appear virulently aggressive, recalcitrant, dismissive. They are so tired of the old ways. They may not know or understand fully what they are surrendering to, but they are surrendering.

 How often do you hear every day, every moment, all over the planet, there has to be a better way? This does not work anymore. We are tired. Change is a must. And the good part of that, the encouraging part of that is that people are then looking to themselves, to their neighbor, to their partner, to their community, to say, “How can we change?”

 You are looking to the good changes, but when you look to the grass roots, that is where the most significant change has and is taking place in this very moment, not even our moment of infinite eternal, but your human moment.

 SB: Lord, question: Will Gaia appear different to a person who has ascended, or will it not?

 AAM: It appears more sparkling clean. The complete communication with the elements, the elemental, the kingdoms and Gaia herself is completely open. There is an understanding and a vision of the subtle cleansing and reorganization of what you can think of as the light body and the particles of Gaia herself. So yes, she does appear differently.

 And so do the animals. So do the creatures. But it is not a different planet, and that is what so many are looking for. And then I would say to you, well, then, what would be the point? For the planet to appear completely different, to shift like in an ice age, is not desirable. It is not what she wants. She is tired of all the pollution and devastation. So the changes that you witness are the clean-up.

 So, does she, and will she, and will you look different? Yes.

 But will you be in form? Yes.

 SB: Well, I have often said ― and I think I may be mistaken, so I need you to tell me whether I am or not ― that we’ll be entering the first sub-plane of the Fifth Dimension and we’ll move to higher and higher sub-planes over time. Is that part of what you mean when you say that Ascension is a process? And if we do move to higher and higher sub-planes of the Fifth Dimension, can you give us a little bit of a preview of what that will look like, what it’ll result in?

 AAM: Yes. And you are correct that I also have need to emphasize that you will also be assisted inter-dimensionally because you will be free to access inter-dimensionally, but you will be at the beginning stages, yes ― that is a good way to put it ― the first planes of the Fifth Dimension.

 What does it look like? Can I quote St. Germain and myself? It looks like freedom. It looks like restoration. And when I use the word restoration ― yes, Jesus Sananda has said that this is the year of rejuvenation, restoration, recovery and rediscovery. And that is the truth of what the Fifth begins to feel like.

 But the Ascension process does not begin in the Fifth Dimension. It has already begun. You are already experiencing it. But when you reach there ― as you are about to, by the way; that is as close as I can come without breaking my promise with the channel.

 SB: Well, now, Lord, I think I need you to confirm that you’re talking about everyone and not just talking to me.

 AAM: That is correct.

 SB: Everyone? Okay.

 AAM: Every person.

 SB: Okay! There you go, folks! [laughs] Thank you! [Archangel Michael has just confirmed that we are about to reach Ascension.]

 AAM: You will feel no pain. What you have thought of as dis-ease is gone. What you have experienced as financial strife or lack, gone. Because you know how to co-create. It is as if the light switch, the understanding of your place in the co-creation has been switched on.

 There is an end to strife. There is an end to war. There is an end to murder and mayhem. Because you do not murder and have no inclination to murder yourself. So how can you murder your brother when they are connected to you on the grid? Because that is the equivalent of murdering yourself. 

There is a knowingness that expands beyond your comprehension currently. And that knowingness is in your brain, in what you would think of as your mental body, your emotional bodies, your intellect, but primarily your heart. Because that is your anchor. It always has been.

 Now, as you enter this, does that mean that everything is done? Well, might I be humorous, and ask you ― what fun would it be if you arrived at the party finally only to discover that everything was done? No. What it looks like is humanity coming together, not to cleanse the Earth. Gaia is taking care of that. You will help cleanse, and so will your star brothers and sisters, but you will cleanse the rivers, the streams, the oceans, the soil, the air. But Gaia is already busy at work.

 But what about your piece? What do your communities, your cities of light ― that is one of your first, primary objectives, is the full anchoring in physicality of the cities and centers of light, of anchoring communities… and when we say cities of light we do not merely mean bustling metropolises. [Music begins.]

We will continue this conversation.

 SB: Yes, indeed. Thank you, Lord, for such clarity on this Ascension process, which we’re already in. Thank you.

 AAM: Go with my love. Farewell.

 SB: Farewell. [end]

Source : http://counciloflove.com

Saturday, May 17, 2014

" intuitively knowing what to do "

SaLuSa though Mike Quinsey

16 - May -  2014

 The levels of consciousness are steadily increasing and already we note the beneficial changes that are taking place, and so it shall continue as you are carried into levels that will signal the arrival of the higher dimension. At this stage there is no going back to the old ways, although there are those who are reluctant to let go. However, all souls will get every opportunity to rise up and those that are not ready will carry on their evolution at a suitable level. Meantime those of you that are aware of the changes and are taking them into yourselves, are helping ground them upon Earth. We will ensure that there is no interference with your progress, and are doing all we can to ensure you are protected against those who would interfere with it. Providing you continue to go forward with a positive approach no one will be able to prevent you from successfully raising your vibrations.

 Do not be unduly concerned about the fate of those who appear to struggle, as all receive help and will at the right time take a quantum leap forward. Timing is the essence of successful progress, as it does not help to be thrust into knowledge that is beyond a souls understanding. All comes in good time and lessons have to be learnt before the next stage can be reached. Many souls are clearing karma and learning through experience how to raise their vibrations. It can occur through simply having good intentions and caring for your fellow human Beings. In much of what you do it is the “intent” behind it that is so important, and it is helped by looking upon other souls as your brothers and sisters. Help others where you can and often a word or two can be very uplifting, or if the situation calls for it a kind deed can be even more uplifting.  Do your best but do not try to take on the world’s troubles, as each soul has something to offer and you simply do what you intuitively know you are capable of. Remember also that we are with you and will do our best to guide your intentions in a way that is most beneficial to all concerned.

 Time is as always speeding by and so much is happening that you cannot be aware of because so much is kept secret. It applies to those working for the Light as well as the dark, but we are naturally following the progress of both sides. It means that we can foresee events that are intended to interfere with the plans of those working for peace upon Earth. Where we can we direct those of the Light so that their work can proceed with little or no hindrance. It means that the Light has an advantage over the activities of the dark Ones, and that their success is assured. Events sometimes seem to suggest otherwise but bear in mind that you are in very volatile times, and so much karma is being cleared so that you can go full speed into the higher levels.

 Where you are personally concerned you may well have cleared your old karma already. If so, you will find that your life will go along smoothly and without incident as you draw the higher vibrations to you. Your peaceful and positive approach to life will also help others lift their vibrations, and collectively you will lift up as you leave the old vibrations behind. Major changes are yet to take place where your leadership is concerned, but eventually those who refuse to relinquish their role will be forced to resign. Many souls of Light await their opportunity to step forward to lead you onwards towards freedom from the attention of the dark Ones. That time is fast approaching and there will be much rejoicing and celebrations when it happens. You have worked hard to achieve success and fully deserve the rewards that you are to receive.

 We are as always monitoring the dark Ones and they have no hiding place that we cannot penetrate. We also keep a check of their off planet activities and are totally aware of their presence upon Mars, that are concealed underground. Be assured we will not allow such bases to target Earth and use any weaponry against you. As we have previously told you war is not an option, or any attempts to destroy your defences against attack. War and everything associated with it will eventually become obsolete, and the technologies associated with it will be put to peaceful uses. The saving in money and peaceful use of resources will ensure a higher standard of living and greater co-operation between countries. People have always been open to friendly links with other nations, and with freedom of travel will become multi-national. They will have much to offer each other, and progress will steadily become worldwide. As living standards increase prosperity will be shared to bring all people together.

 Your experiences will eventually be shared with other growing civilizations so as to speed up their evolution. At the higher levels it is normal for those with a greater experience or knowledge to help those who follow in their footsteps. You are after all as One at a soul level and will come closer to each other as you rise up the levels of vibration. On Earth the dark Ones have perpetuated the idea of individual evolution and separation, to the point of turning you against each other resulting in a perpetual state of war. That is however changing and people are more caring about each other and becoming more their “brother’s keeper”. You will certainly have much to do to restore Mother Earth but with our help it will happen much more quickly than it might otherwise have done.

 Dear Ones, you are doing so well to rise above the lower vibrations, as that is one of your more difficult tasks, Indeed, many souls still flounder in them and seem to be unable to rise up. However, many souls both on and off Earth are devoted to helping them and eventually all souls will respond to the help being given. Each time you are able to exhibit love and compassion to those who are embroiled in the lower vibrations, you are helping them beyond your understanding. We would encourage you to equally help all souls that are in need of assistance.

 I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and greet you each time with much love from those who work from these levels to assist your evolution. It is why we emphasize how much help we are giving you to ensure you successfully take the opportunity to ascend. This is of course your chance to do so as the Solar Cycle closes, and you should do all possible to take it. You should intuitively know whether you have sufficiently prepared for it.

 Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.

 Source : www.treeofthegoldenlight.com

Thursday, May 15, 2014

" universe watching Earth's evolution. ultimate settling downs of weather patterns "

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey

9 - May - 2014.

 There are many ways that you can assist the desire to bring permanent peace to the world. As individuals you can spread your Light wherever you go, by focussing on all that is pure and wholesome. You can also send out your healing energies and love to uplift those who are in need of help. Your ability to do so goes far beyond your understanding, requiring immense faith on your part. Like attracts like and it is for this reason that healers present a monumental power for good. At this time the Earth is in need of immense healing to help the process to go forward, and it comes from many sources many of which are off Earth. Whilst the Earth may be of an insignificant size compared to other planets in your Solar System, you can be assured that in your Universe it holds the centre spot. It is because of its importance to the evolution of the Human Race that is due to evolve beyond the third dimension. If it does not it will affect and delay the progress of souls who exist in the higher ones. So as you can see, this stage in Human evolution is so important to the progress of other souls. 

As we have previously mentioned, the opportunity to ascend is so important that if it is not taken it can actually set back your progress. However, do not be dismayed or affected by what we have told you, as you have many advanced civilisations that are giving you their full support. You do in fact have much more help than you imagine, and it is to give you every opportunity to achieve your goals. The immediate help you get is to ensure that your progress is in the right direction. We can influence your decisions but cannot impose our ideas upon you. However, the souls taking part in the end times are aware of their tasks, even if it is only at a subconscious level. All told we are confident that success will be achieved, but there is always that element of risk because of your freewill.

 Anyone who has been following your spiritual progress, will certainly be able to look back and see a definite pattern. It shows an opening up of the Light that has grown at a rapid pace, so much so that it has brought about a more peaceful approach to life. We can assure you that it will continue to grow until it will be recognised that the Human Race is ready to ascend. However, there is still much work to do, but in the near future it will become apparent that the dark Ones are no longer able to influence the destiny of Mankind. We wait for our opportunity to meet you, but the circumstances must be such that peace has been established upon Earth. To that end we will take an active part so you can rest easy and know that you have chosen your path in the Light. The dark Ones will no longer be able to interfere with your progress, indeed they will have been removed and find themselves at a level that is consistent with their lower vibrations.

 Dear friends we are of little difference to you except that we have journeyed further along the road of evolution. You have chosen a different path to us but nevertheless we all travel in the same direction, and for that reason we offer a helping hand to speed up your progress. The importance of the present time cannot be over emphasised, as it is the culmination of a period covering many years of evolutionary experience – a Solar Cycle of 26,500 years. Those of you who have evolved sufficiently will continue to rise up, as you experience in accordance with your goal to continue expanding within the Light.

 Of necessity you are going to experience many changes which will propel you into the New Age. The old ways are no longer suitable or reflect the new energies that are streaming to Earth. We are pleased to tell you that once matters are moving forward, they will do so quite quickly as after all we have been preparing for this time for many years. You have as you might say “ now come of age” and your progress must be allowed to forge ahead. Clearly there will be some confusion where those who are unenlightened are concerned. We will however give you as much information as possible to ease your worries. Be assured that you will be advised as to exactly what to expect, and it will include many very acceptable surprises.

 You will be surprised as to how quickly you will move forwards, and forget the earlier periods of difficulty. Bear in mind that you are experiencing the end times yet also the incoming energies that will lift you up. It will be an unusual experience yet uplifting because you will be able to appreciate the reason for the changes. Those of you in the know will be able to help those who will be confused and somewhat fearful of what the future holds for them. However, we intend to make sure that once we can present ourselves to you, that you are fully informed as to what is transpiring and what you can do to assist. Meantime the new energies will help you remain calm, and we will always be at the ready if circumstances call for our intervention.

 Throughout the world weather changes are being experienced and in some areas they are already becoming quite extreme. These changes must take place as you move out of the extremely volatile weather extremes of the past. Matters will settle down and you are going to experience more acceptable conditions that will be to your liking. The extremes that you normally experience will slowly disappear, and ultimately your weather patterns will settle down. Do not expect too much too soon, as we are informing you of what to expect in the immediate future.

 For your part you can help others to understand the necessity for world wide changes, and most importantly help them to understand the need to go along with them as they are for your benefit. The most striking changes will in our opinion be the result of cleansing the Earth of centuries of pollution and destruction. You will see immediate benefits and the beauty and cleanliness will be most striking. Pollution of the air, earth and seas will be removed quite quickly and all will eventually be returned to its pristine condition.

 I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and excited at the prospect of helping you experience all of the wonders and beauty that are waiting to greet you. It is a wonderful time and soon you will see changes around you. Keep your hopes high and know that God has declared the end of the last cycle and so be it. As always I leave you with my love and blessings.

 Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.

Source : www.treeofthegoldenlight.com