Monday, April 28, 2014

" collective intent to awaken, Ukraine, energy fields, interconnectedness "

Jesus through John Smallman

27 - April - 2014

Despite your doubts and anxieties the moment for your grand awakening draws ever closer. It seems that we have been telling you this for years, and we have, but it is still true, and thus we keep on reminding you, reinforcing the idea of its imminence, because it is your collective intent and will that is about to bring it on.

 You have made the collective intent to awaken, but there is much foot dragging among you due to anxiety about what your awakening actually means, and because you are accustomed to the illusion and are familiar with all the problems with which it constantly presents you. Many also fear that the conveniences to which you have become accustomed over the last sixty or seventy years will no longer be available due to energy shortages as you use up the Earth’s resources at an unsustainable rate.

 One aspect of the illusion is a strong aversion to change because change has often brought confusion, pain, and suffering, and so you choose to move ahead cautiously because impetuosity has so often led to conflict and war, and even now many of you are concerned about the possibility of a new war in the Ukraine.

 Intensify your intent and determination to awaken! Doing so strengthens and enlarges the individual fields of Love that extends around each one of you, and, as you well know, Love is the solution to every issue with which you have to deal. But one of the major problems is that most of the time you do not believe it! And yet you can see clearly that anything that is in opposition to Love can never succeed in solving any of your multitudinous, and presently seemingly insoluble, problems.

 Please remember that you are all Beings of Love. There are no exceptions! And yes, many are behaving unlovingly, which is due to fear and lack of trust. But maintaining those attitudes only accentuates that fear and lack of trust. All your channeled sources, all your mystics and all your wise spiritual advisers keep telling you that in the face of attack do not defend yourselves.

 Because you are Beings of Love, Love is what you seek. But ingrained fears and anxieties as a result of previous conflicts tend to encourage you to approach each new meeting or interaction with suspicion and even hostility. If you would let go of those fears and approach each situation with loving intent you would be amazed at the calming effect that you have on all involved, especially as more than you had hoped for is achieved.

 However, many people are permanently on the defensive and are thus enveloping themselves in energy fields of distrust that threaten violence, and this is felt by those with whom they interact. What this demonstrates is that defence is a form of attack, or an unwise reaction to an expected attack, or is even of itself a preemptive attack driven by fear that merely increases the tensions people experience as they meet and prepare to interact. Nearly all of you have experienced these kinds of tensions, they are never comfortable, and often lead to tears.

 What you so often focus your attention on are your personal worries and concerns, and by focusing on them you attract them to you, and in doing so you upset the loving balance that stabilizes your individual energy fields. So focus instead on Love! If you do you will find your lives changing for the better, and an aura of peace and stability will envelop you, and will be felt by others as they engage with your now loving energy field.

 Your energy fields are very powerful, but due to the limitations that your bodies impose upon you very few of you can actually sense or see them, and so you remain unaware of the power that you possess and project in every moment. You are effectively working in the dark! (Pun intended.)

 Those who can sense and/or see these energy fields have talked about them, described them, written about them, and used them for healing, but generally unless you personally experience these energies it is very difficult for you to accept that they exist. Your science has made considerable progress in this area recently, but for most people it is as alien a field as electronics, computer technology, or nuclear physics. What you cannot see or understand you tend to ignore.

 This is changing as the new generation, basically those under 35 years of age, are beginning to extend their boundaries of awareness and feel the energies about which many have talked and written but which few have felt. This growing awareness is one of the reasons why so many are now accepting the fact that everything is interconnected, nothing is isolated, alone, or totally unaware of the whole. Therefore every thought, word, or action affects the whole.

 This new awareness of the interconnectedness of everything has been developing slowly for the last two or three centuries, and has become increasingly noticeable in the last fifty years or so. Growing knowledge about ecology, global warming, and the need to respect the planet that allows human existence to continue, has led to movements and organizations forming to encourage and then insist on individuals taking responsibility for their behavior and life choices.

 It can easily be seen that your planet can provide abundantly for all of you if you behave with wisdom and restraint instead of continuing with the greedy and rapacious activities born of your industrial revolution and the unrestrained operations of the multinational corporations that this has spawned.

Your technological abilities have, of late, grown far, far faster than your wisdom and intelligence. That is now changing as the younger and wiser among you move into positions of authority in order to bring about the changes essential to humanity’s continued survival and well-being on the planet. 

Change is happening very rapidly now, and very few of you remain unaware at least of that. The collective choice and decision to awaken has been made and cannot be reversed. Your task is to hold that intent, to hold your ever brightening Light on high so that all may see it, and you do this by being loving in everything you think, say, or do. It does not mean going out proselytizing, telling people that they are wrong, that they need to clean up their acts, it means simply demonstrating Love by your words and behaviors, and by the thoughts you share.

 It is very simple, but can seem a little frightening if you have seen yourself as a quiet, spiritual person leading a quiet and maybe almost solitary life. Truly, many of you have found yourselves rather alone as you have followed your spiritual paths, and now you have to be ready to move forward into the brightness of the Light that you have been carrying so steadily for so long.

 Daily meditation is an essential aspect of your lives, now even more than ever, so do not let even one day pass without engaging in it. And as you do ask for help, ask for a love squeeze, and settle into the peace and joy that it will bring you, knowing that you are most successfully doing precisely what you came on Earth to do.

 Your loving brother, Jesus.

Source :

Sunday, April 20, 2014

" makeover of the matrix "

Dear All,
a short rather.. charming.. message,  if you have any knowledge
or interest into the Elementals...

Elementals through Meline Lafont

18 - April - 2014

These are messages that were conveyed through me while being in Avebury Stone Circle, UK.

 Méline: Can you tell us what you ARE as an ESSENCE and being, instead of this form of stone? 

Stones in Avebury: We are a part of the Elementals, we are Elemental Spirits that are formed into a stone as this is the vision and perception of Humanity of how they perceive us; which is the form of a stone. And as soon as Humanity will see us as an elemental Spirit we will be set free as a stone. Thank you for being here.

 (one sentence message from the stones through my friend): The mists of time are withdrawing themselves and Humanity will begin to see things as they really are.

 Méline: Thank you for calling for us. What can we be of service to you?

 Stones of Avebury: Please send Love to this Planet and to immortality.

 Méline: This is a message given to me from the Fairies and the elves while sitting under the trees in Avebury. It was an audio channeling and I have to quote it as it was shared through me.

 Fairies: Beloved Portia we are the Elves and the Fairy kingdoms and we wish to convey a message through you. The message is to stay grounded in the upcoming days, to be relaxed as much as possible. There is a huge changeover that is taking place at this time, that is being instigated since the Blood moon and this rather on the Physical reality than on the Ethereal reality (which means that it is in our Now moment in our Earthly reality). This changeover will assist you, you and Humanity into a deeper process of re-Union with the Twin Flames as well as Union with SELF. Not only with Self and the Twin Flames but also a huge changeover and makeover of this entire Matrix on Planet Earth. 

There will be veils lifted, there will be processes that will bring you into an intense clearing as well as purification. We do realize that this is taking place for such a long time but now it is one of the most intense processes that Humanity will go through as we are set in the Middle and the Center of the point of the Galactic systems and Nations for everything is being brought into balance and into a Zero Point.

 This Zero point will assist Humanity in this Ascension process to let go of all the time-lines of past incarnations and life forms and to assist in being in the Now so that everything that is being in the Now is Union, is Oneness and this for the collective as well as for Planet Earth.

 The Matrix will change in such a deep and grand way that most of Humanity will reach (this is the point of view in the NOW) the other side of the veil so to speak, but a lot of people will be confused and it is our request and advice for you to be grounded and to be there for whomever may require your assistance. Whether it would be with patience, Love and services or through other ways. Whatever is best and serving the highest best, you will be guided to do so and to offer this.

 As for people who will not be awakened at the time, hard times will come but realize that these hard times will be “hard” to wake these souls up and to bring those into a deeper realization and inner knowing. So everything is serving for the better!We wish you much luck and the best, until we meet again in the heart precious Portia. We Love you!

 Méline: Thank you so much! I love you all so much by heart. Is there anything we can be of service to you ?

 Fairies and Elves: Send Love to the entire Planet

 Méline: Every time that I have asked if we can assist and be of service, the clear and strong message came in to send love to the planet. I got a strong feeling that this is being stressed strongly as tremendous shifts are taking place. More sharing of my Sacred journey to come in the upcoming days! A lot to share and to show you all that has to do with Sacred names and symbols, relationships, and Merlin. Much love ♥.

 Source :!-Message-from-the-Elementals-Fairies-and-Elves-during-the-Blood-Moon-portal-/c112t/AF43C693-9BF6-47E4-82C7-0AE69164DA45

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

" new patterns sent to the Universe "

Hilarion through  Marlene Swetlishoff

13 - April - 2013

 Beloved Ones,

 Now is the perfect time to do nice things for yourselves, for you are each most worthy of them! Take a break from your routine and do something different, for this helps to bring refreshment and renewal to the soul. For those who have come here to serve, this is often difficult, as taking care of one’s self is the last thing on one’s agenda. It is however, one of the new habits that should be developed.

 When an individual gives love to their selves first, love given to others comes easily and flows unhindered from an unfettered soul. Finding your way through the perplexities and challenges of life which are further embellished by great downloads of energies from the celestial realms can make life experience interesting but most worthwhile and this is when most new revelations come into view and writing these down is very helpful to record for later perusal and contemplation.

 The world at this time is beset with a plethora of challenging events that vie for your attention and it is important to analyze these from the viewpoint of your heart feelings. If there is something you can do about it such as sending light and prayers into those situations, then by all means do so on a regular basis. If however, it brings up old world thought patterns and values which limit you and bring your own energy down, then be scrupulous about clearing these from your consciousness, for they do not serve you in your new beginning of a new way of living upon Earth.

 Replace these patterns with nourishing and life enhancing thoughts and habits which reinforce those concepts that help you move into the life you have always dreamed of living. You are the creator of every facet of your life and fostering all the good you desire to experience in it will serve you well. Let go of all that holds you back from the life you are meant to live.

 Each day spend time blessing everyone and everything around you. By developing this new habit of being on a daily basis, you are creating new templates of thought patterns which are a reflection of the higher vision you wish to see anchored into the new reality. You will find in time that this brings the blessings you intend for others to visit upon your own reality. You are, in effect, bringing heaven on Earth and that is, indeed, what you are here to do.

 What you send out into the Universe is reflected back to you and when you are living and embodying the higher vision of your life, you are enabling those around you to do the same, for always remember that your energy field extends many miles in all directions and touches all of life within that field. You are not here to do this work alone, you are here to be in unity with other Lightworkers by doing this work who create a greater field of light that affects all of life upon this planet.

 Yes, there are many who are still influenced and affected by the lower energies of previous cycles and what happens when you direct your attention along with the other Lightworkers into the new thought patterns of kindness, generosity, sharing, caring, abundance and prosperity on a daily basis is the resetting and renewing of the consciousness of humanity into those attributes that you are emulating.

 You are the pattern breakers and also the pattern makers. You are creating the world as you move along through your daily existence. If each person on Earth took responsibility for their own actions of all that they create on a daily basis, the glorious new world would be manifest much more quickly. 

And so we ask that you continue to do the work upon yourselves to create changes in your thinking and doing and this in turn creates changes in the destiny of all life upon this planet. You are that important in the overall scheme of things and this is why we want you to love and honor yourselves each day. The well of life within you must not be allowed to run dry but must renewed with zest and enthusiasm on a regular basis to recharge your batteries, so to speak.

 Until next week…

 I AM Hilarion

 ©2014 Marlene Swetlishoff

 Source :

Sunday, April 13, 2014

" pristine conditions restored, unboundedness of soul "

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey

11 - April - 2014

 We come again to tell you that matters will soon be coming to a head, as the Love and Light continues to strongly establish itself upon the Earth. Each of you can take some credit for these changes, and we welcome your determination to achieve total success. We are continually monitoring events upon Earth and would assure you that all proceeds very well. We do, so to say keep everything under wraps and even so are making very good progress. For those that keep up with our reports that come through various sources, a picture is emerging that should indicate how much progress we have made.

 It has been many years now that our craft have come close to Earth, and it is our way of assuring you that we are looking after you. Sometimes we have to allow karmic situations to see their way to completion, thus allowing much karma to be cleared. Some look at the devastation caused in Syria and the immense loss of life and wonder if it has all been necessary. We would say “yes” because the situation has released so much karma, and allowed many souls to move forward. The destruction would seem to be massive, but bear in mind that it is the negative energies that are being cleared. Upon our arrival on Earth which is an event that will be announced in the near future, we shall work with you to clear any areas destroyed by wars. We can assure you that all traces will be removed and everything restored to its original beauty.

 We can transform areas back to their pristine condition if necessary, in next to no time. These will be exciting times and most fulfilling after centuries of death and destruction. We can absolutely state that nothing shall interfere with our plans to restore Mother Earth. So do not worry unduly as to how the restoration will take place as with our technologies and experience it will seem to be no time at all. Way back in your past the Earth was truly a Paradise and to it you shall return. God has decreed that there will be an end to wars and the pointless destruction that they cause. So whatever challenges you are yet to experience, bear in mind that you are to see and experience a wonderful closing to the last cycle.

 Because the people of Earth have more freedom to travel, the mysteries of other races has become known and ultimately you realise how much you are alike. People seek happiness and peace, and it is only the dark Ones who have deliberately maintained a situation that has repeatedly led to wars and unrest. That is already changing and with the mixing of the different Races, people are realising that there is in truth only one Race upon Earth – the Human Race. Even so as you have incarnated in many different countries for your evolution, you have acquired an understanding of the differences – that All are One. In the larger picture you are all Gods but that is a potential at this time, yet you will come to accept that truth.

 You are not your body yet it is a vehicle that you use to gain experience. However, upon death you will move into a higher version of it that will not age or be subject to the ravages of time. In fact it will be perfect version of your previous body but in a higher vibration. The future will be full of very acceptable surprises not least of all your ability to experience freedom to define your own future, and choose them. Being on Earth in the lower dimensions has had its ups and downs, but to use your terminology – it is a fast track to Ascension. Nowhere else would you evolve at such a fast pace, and be assured that many souls would willingly change places with you. It may seem unlikely but you are truly privileged to have the opportunity to evolve in the lower dimensions.

 Also be aware that you only carry a small amount of knowledge as to your real status. You are far greater than you imagine but in time you will “grow” into a much higher level of consciousness. On Earth you are very limited and part of your challenge has been to find your real self. Once you begin to realise that your consciousness is limited yet has no boundaries, you will quickly evolve at an astonishing pace. We tell you all of this because it is time for the truth to be made known. You can therefore set your sights as high as you like as literally anything is possible where your evolution is concerned.

 Being a Human is in itself a remarkable experience, but can you imagine what it is like to be an Angel. Indeed, what it is like to be at the right hand of God, in a state of pure perfection. You are too far into the lower dimensions to “feel” what it is like in the higher ones, but that will come to you in time. As you must realise, there is no need to limit your ambitions as all souls are slowly making their way back to the Godhead. It may be a little too much to expect you to take in such possibilities but we do want to make you realise that you have unlimited potential.

 Coming back to Earth once again, do what you can to help other souls on their journey. After all you are “One” and all at different stages of your journey back home. Share your knowledge where you know it can be accepted and understood, but do not overwhelm another soul as sometimes all that is needed to help awaken them is a subtle suggestion or idea. Deep down each soul knows the Truth, but it has been clouded or hidden deliberately to allow a focus on the experiences necessary. So never assume that lack of knowledge or intelligence are pointers to a souls stage of evolution.

 I am SaLuSa, and look forward meeting you on the Earth and being able to help speed up your progress. You will be enlightened more fully as to what the future holds for you, and we can even give you glimpses of it. Technologies are used by us that will truly seem miraculous, and we can therefore deal with your problems on Earth with all speed. Restoring the planet to its pristine condition is one of our first priorities. However, our resources are virtually unlimited, and we have millions of craft to call upon if we needed them. Great times lie ahead and be assured we will invite you to share them with us. So go forward with full confidence as everything will work out not just to your expectations, but well beyond. I leave you with my love and blessings.

 Thank you SaLuSa.

 Mike Quinsey

Source :

Sunday, April 06, 2014

" efffects ot tsunami of love individually and globally, korea, russia, china, venezuela "

Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon

An hour with an angel

4 - april - 2014

Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The New You: Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness. Joining her is Steve Beckow, creator of the Golden Age of Gaia and author of Building Nova Earth: Toward a World that Works for Everyone. Our guest today is Archangel Michael.

 So, with that, I’ll pass it over to you, Steve.

 Steve Beckow: Thank you Graham! And before we ask Archangel Michael to come on to the show, I’d like to ask Linda…. Linda, I think you’ve been getting quite a bit of mail about people’s reactions to the building Tsunami of Love. Is that correct?

 Linda Dillon: Yes. Hi, everybody, and yes, Steve, I have been. It’s been actually very interesting — the flow, the influx of mail, both to the Tsunami of Love volunteer team and to myself about people’s experiences, beginning to feel the waves, what you’ve called the wavelets, Steve, of the Tsunami of Love. And it’s coming, actually, in a variety of ways, in a variety of experiences. But the experiences share the commonality of people feeling very expanded, feeling very blissful, feeling that love of the Mother entering into them and clearing out the nooks and crannies and the crevices, and giving them a sense that they are becoming part of the Tsunami of Llove.

 I think one of the things that we, collectively as a human race, are in the process of learning right now is that we are entering into a different phase of what it means to really be in partnership with the Company of Heaven, with the Divine, with the archangels, et cetera. So while some people are reporting one day they’re in the very deep, dark trenches of the Mariana Trench, and other days they are sitting on the top of the waves at the breakwater, or they’re standing on the shore and being washed clean, the experiences are uniform in terms of, first of all, that people are feeling it, and that they’re feeling it consistently, but it’s just these waves of love. And we can call it bliss, we can call it ecstasy, we can call it expansion. But what we’re also seeing in the receiving of those waves, in the acceptance and the enjoyment of those waves, is that people all over the world, from China to Europe to Africa to South America, are feeling more open as a result to both giving and receiving love.

 Now, I did a very interesting channeling for someone who is a brilliant lightworker earlier this morning, and one of the things that I remember from that channeling, which — I don’t normally recall people’s channelings, but — that they were talking about, the Council was talking about how there’s been a shift in the paradigm of the human collective, that we have moved significantly from our yearning for power and position and goods and jobs, et cetera, to a very deep yearning for love. 

And I think that’s also part of our yearning for the freedom that Archangel Michael’s been talking about, St. Germain’s been talking about, all the masters have been talking about, is that we’ve reached that point in our evolution which is in concert and coordination with the Mother’s Tsunami of Love, that we want love, that we are sick and tired of the rest of the game. We’ve looked at it, we’ve done it, we’ve gone through that dark period of human existence, and now we want to try something entirely different.

 SB: Um-hmm. We’re tired of eating sawdust, for so long…

 LD: Oh, my gosh, yes!

 SB: … and calling it something else.

 LD: Yeah, calling it ambrosia!

 SB: Yes! [laughs] All the manipulations that we used to use to get things done, all the prodding criticisms, all that seems to be washing away.

 LD: Um-hmm. And that’s, you know, one of the first signs, or indicators, of really the Mother’s gift of clarity, her gift of purity, and now to be able to really receive the full impact of her love. Because we’re becoming increasingly clear.

 You see, the way that these gifts are being sent to us, including the gifts from our star brothers and sisters, isn’t stop-start, stop-start. It’s add on, build, add on, build. And so it’s increasing not only our energy-field but our desire to really cooperate and receive the full impact of what, not only is available to us, but who we really are.

 SB: Um-hmm. Hmm. Well, I’m going to save my comment for when Archangel Michael comes on, because I have a question about this, but I’d best keep hold of that. So, all over the world, though… all… you say South America, Asia…

 LD: All over the world. It’s not… it doesn’t seem to be restricted to one area. I’ve heard from people from China, from the Netherlands, from France, from South Africa, from Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Peru, all over North America….

 SB: These are only people who know about it, who know about you and know about the whole context of Ascension. These are not the general public out there, who are probably wondering what’s going on.

 LD: That’s exactly right. But hopefully, as we all spread the word and realize that there’s something cooking, that… you know, the man in the street, the woman in the street, will come to know. They may not speak in the same language that we use, but they do know that something’s shifting.

 SB: But the minute they start asking what that something is, they start to get into areas that are going to shake their paradigms and… I’m… It’s always interesting to watch somebody awaken to this whole scenario. It’s very challenging to do that, and you may lose everything you believe in. LD: And you may gain everything…

 SB: Yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s true, too.

 LD: … that you want to believe in. SB: That’s right. Yeah.

 LD: [laughs] So….

 SB: I’ll put a…. I don’t want a new set of clothes right now, I think I want a new paradigm.

 LD: Yeah. I can wear these old jeans, but please, give me a new set of beliefs. 

SB: Yes, that’s right!

 LD: Give me the truth, right? To quote Stephen Cook:

 SB: Yeah.

 LD: Tell us the truth.

 SB: That’s right.

 LD: And I think that’s a message not only that I find that I keep going back to not only for the leaders of the countries but for the Company of Heaven, for the Council of Love, for my guides and for each other. It’s just, tell me the truth! I can take it! I’m a big girl. SB: Um-hmm. LD: Just… let’s go!

 SB: Yeah, let’s start.

 LD: And we can’t really proceed unless we have that clarity. Because then we’re still operating in the dark, and we’re sick and tired of the dark.

 SB: Yeah. Building on sand instead of a solid foundation.

 LD: Yeah. Yeah. 

SB: Hmm. Well,, what do you say? Shall we let in the person waiting in the wings? [LAUGHTER] 

LD: You mean that person with the really big wings?

 SB: Yeah, the big wings!

 LD: Oh, him!

 SB: Yeah, right!

 LD: Yeah! Good idea.

 SB: Okay. So, I’ll give you a chance to make your transition.

 LD: Oh, thank you.

 SB: Okay.

 Archangel Michael: Greetings! I am Michael…

 SB: Greetings, Lord.

 AAM: … archangel of peace, warrior of love, sometimes bringer of news. Welcome.

 SB: Thank you.

 AAM: Welcome all of you, my brother of blue, my sister of blue, my brother of halion and green, and all of you. I welcome you again as brothers and sisters, as family, as soul-circle. We are not some distant entity sitting on a cloud, although I can tell you there are times — yes, in your framework and mine — when I would be very happy to sit on a cloud and play my harp! But there is work at hand, and there is much exciting shift, change, growth, expansion, flow. And that is because you, and we, are creating and co-creating, accepting, allowing, surrendering… and increasingly you are following your hearts.

 There are many things that we can and that we will speak of this day. But let us begin by simply saying this very simple statement. Yes, the Mother has a plan, and it is the unfoldment of the divine plan and the restoration of love on this beautiful planet, with a domino effect throughout the galaxies. But she would not be creating and sending you these gifts — of clarity, of purity, the beginning of the tsunami followed by the full event — if your hearts were not open, prepared and welcoming of this energy.

 There are times in human, Earth, galactic and inter-galactic histories when the energy of Source, of Mother/Father/One, has certainly bowled people over, whether they are starseed or humanoids or hybrids or even angelics. But that is not the phase of evolution that you are now within, and that is not the plan for the human race.

 You are at a place in your collective, human, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual evolution where you are ready to step forward. So it is in many ways that you are meeting the Mother halfway. You are meeting us halfway. That is one of the reasons why we have used this analogy, this allegory of the wave coming to the shore, because you can rush down to the shore and meet us. But let us be very clear, you’re preparedness can be on a mountaintop or a desert, in a high-rise in an urban center — it does not matter. What matters is your assent, your ascent, your consent, your agreement and your desire, your heartfelt yearning, not only for love, but for change, for creation and recreation, for recovery and rediscovery.

 Increasingly, at every level — yes, even amongst the most petulant — there is a desire to not only create the new but to experience the new. Within each person’s heart, their heart consciousness, their soul, is that spark of light, of love, of energy, however you conceive of it, that yearns and is increasingly demanding and commanding to meet that spark of energy in the outer reality.

 So you are doing this in how you are engaging in your work, in your play, in your work with us, in sacred union, in union with family and friends and community. You, all of you, and particularly, yes, my beloved lightworkers, you are declaring yourselves as ready to engage in a higher realm. And that higher realm is not merely dimensional, it is the realm of love. It is the realm of purity. It is the realm of truth, of what you think of as the divine qualities, not just one this or that, but all of them, to be that embodiment not of the truth of who we are but of who you are. Nothing could be more exciting. 

And that, I tell you, is a huge statement to those of you who wait with bated breath for financial reorganization, for disclosure, for societal change. So I tell you, nothing is more exciting to us and to you than the opening of your heart and the seeking, not merely sitting in the void yearning, but the seeking of love, the creating of situations, of environments, of relationships where love is the essence and the truth.

 Now, many of you have not fully embraced the concept or the construct that you are love. You are getting better. You are going forward. You are engaging in a deeper form of love — with your children, with your parents, with your friends, with your sacred partner, even with us. But one of the key elements is also fully engaging in that love of self, of acknowledging not merely your worth or your worthiness, but your own magnificence, your own might, your own power in the purest sense of the word.

 I do not say these words to compliment you, or even to convince you, for we have been trying to convince you of this literally for billions of years. I say this as a request to explore inside and to see what shines there, and to embrace this truth that is you, and from that, to allow this spark of light to explode and expand, like a supernova. This is how Nova Earth is created. It is not merely by acknowledging that you have the power to create, or that you have destroyed the old illusions. It is by exploding forth in joy, in laughter, in glee, in love to do what you have chosen to do during this lifetime, during this very particular incarnation, because there is not one of you who did not come to participate in this Ascension.

 It is just that simple. You would not have come. Each of you has wonderful unique roles, variations on a theme that is central to the creation of the universe, but unique expressions within that. So we invite you, we implore you, go exploring within. Allow yourself to see, to know and to be who we know you to be.

 Now, dear heart, where do you wish to begin this day?

 SB: Well, I know you know what I’m already going to ask and say, in part because you used a word in your introductory remarks that was exactly the word I’m going to be asking you about. So, but, if I may, I’d like to read a passage from your November 8th Hour with an Angel, because that’s what I want to ask you about, if that’s okay.

 AAM: Yes.

 SB: Thank you. The passage is: “The key to the success of sacred unions is freedom, complete liberation, and the acknowledgment, not lip service but on the deepest soul level, of the freedom of the person that you are joining with, the sanctity — yes, the sanctity — of their path, of their choices, of their desires, of their decisions. So there is no push and pull. It is the ebb and flow; it is the infinity,” — and by that I think you mean the infinity sign, the figure-eight of love that flows between people — “it is the tide.”

 Now, the question I have is, those last words, “no push and pull, ebb and flow, infinity, the tide,” they invoke in me thoughts of flow, Lord. And I want to know if flow is the paradigm of the 5th dimension, the new way of life and love, the way to the kingdom of heaven? That is my question. 

AAM: It is a very good question, and yes, flow is one of the ways, and the aspects, the elements, of which you may consider… and experience, because it is not just to be observed; it is to be lived and experienced in the 5th dimension.

 Now, one of the qualities of the 5th dimension is also the ability to manage and to experience, to embrace change. Now, how can you do this in a loving, flowing way if you are not in the ebb and flow, if you are not like the tide, if you are not like the seasons? You have many sayings — for the coming of spring or the leaving of winter or the coming of summer — but do you really think that spring pushes out either summer or winter? No. They interconnect. And in that joining of moisture and sun, of earth and air, of all the elements, the new is born.

 Your experience in the old 3rd — and I do not wish to be judgmental; this is merely the statement of fact — the experience and the way of operating, and the reason why sacred union has been so rare, is that it was based on push and pull. It was based on a feeling of compromise in the worst sense of the word.

 Compromise is a wonderful word, but not in the sense that you have known it. How can you possibly have freedom, liberation, when someone is telling you, above, below, or in between, what to do or how to do it? How can anyone, outside of your beloved sacred self, demand or determine how you go about your sacred journey?

 The entire purpose of sacred union is exchange, support; the experience of love without shackles; the complementarity. And that is why, so often, we have used the visual of puzzle pieces interlocking at one or two points of conjuncture, but not engulfing one another, allowing for the expansiveness. How can you be a ballet dancer if your arms are tied, if your feet are tied? How can your love flow out of your heart, not only to your sacred other, but to them and through them and with them to your community, to your family, to your planet, to your brothers and sisters of the stars, if they are impeded?

 In the old 3rd, you are intergalactic experts at conditional love. And that is quite a feat. And it is, “I will love you if….” “I will love you, but….” You will never hear that from us. And as you are moving to the 5th, you will never hear it from yourself or from each other.

 Now, Gaia is on the move again — yes, news of the day. And you are on the move again. And this is part of what we have spoken of in terms of your Ascension process. But it is being in the flow, and you cannot determine how to be in the flow, because it is new behavior, on every level. But you cannot be in that flow if you are not in the flow with your sacred self. When we have spoken of sacred union, we have repeatedly said the first relationship is with your sweet self, and to be and to know — maybe not everything, but to respect that you have… each of you has an ebb and flow. And you know this spiritually, you know this physically — that there are days when you are full of vim and vigor, and there are days where you wish to be more quiet, reflective. There are days emotionally where you are wide open with yourself and everyone you meet, and then there are days when you wish to travel more deeply within. There are days when you are razor sharp mentally, where you wish to engage in intellectual and cutting edge conversation, and then there are days when you would like to simply curl up with a good novel.

 You have your ebb and flow. So, yes, liberation.

 We have given you so many different formulas, and certainly Linda and Graham have spent a great deal of time with InLight Radio discussing creation formulas, et cetera. But think of this formula. Love… and rather than an equal sign place the infinity sign, that sideways 8, and see it as an = … liberation. Love ∞ liberation. Post it on your wall. Post it on your forehead. Post it on your website, because that is what it is. You cannot say that you are engaging, truly, in love with yourself or love with another if you are using the words ‘should’, ‘ought’, ‘need’. It doesn’t work.

 Is that clear?

 SB: Very clear. I think I said that in an article today, as a matter of fact, Lord, what you just said. Well, my next question is, if our listeners could imagine a graphic of the evolution of the human race, they might see — of course, this is not true; this is not how it happened — but, ape, Neanderthal Man, Cro-Magnon man, and Homo sapiens. We are going through an evolution right now, and the next step on the evolution is the Tsunami of Love, and the next step after that is Ascension.

 Can you talk to us about what — how can I say it? One way I could say it is to say, can you talk to us about the differences between the Tsunami of Love and Ascension, as if one is Cro-Magnon man and one is Homo sapiens? What’s going to happen at the Tsunami of Love? What’s going to happen differently at Ascension?

 AAM: Think of it this way: the Tsunami of Love is the gift, once again, in an ever-increasing velocity of the Mother’s essence. So there have been various gifts and stages, and as we have said, those gifts have not dissipated or disappeared. If anything, they have been built upon and built upon and built upon.

 The Mother has declared — and it is already being sent to you, each of you, in your physical beings, in what you think of or are coming to think of as your inter-dimensional selves, many facets, many aspects of your being, your soul design, maintaining your physical self, are ready to have a greater experience of what the love, the fullness of love, feels like and especially how it is incorporated as it flows through you.

 You see, this is why we use the analogy of the tide, of the ebb and flow, of the wave. Love is not something that you hold on to. Now, you have lived in an evolutionary stage where you have held on tight to most everything you have, and of course that has caused death and disease and hardship and pain. And even when you were in pain there has been a tendency to hold on to it and treasure it, as if it is the crown jewels.

 Love is the energy of the universe. It is the energy of the Mother. And it moves constantly, continually, eternally, infinitely. So, to have an experience of love is, it moves through you. Now, does it fill you? Does it restore you? Does it nourish you? Does it alter you? Does it change you? Does it give you that evolutionary jump? Yes. It nourishes you, but it also clears you out. In some ways, it will purge many of your remaining illusions.

 So, for some, will it be dramatic? Yes. But it will also be gentle, because it is love. So the human beings can choose to have high drama or not, but the essence of the love is not high drama. It is pervasive. It is not something that you can stop and start. Does it ebb and flow? Yes, because it is in constant motion. It is the Mother giving you the preview, and the upgrade, as it were, evolutionary upgrade, which will affect also your physical being, your DNA, so that you are prepared, freely and openly, to fly through your Ascension portal without your baggage.

 You cannot bring all of your baggage, all that you have clung to, through that portal. And that is particularly true for the collective. There would not be enough storage space for all of you to bring your baggage.

 So it is a cleansing, it is an upliftment, it is an upgrade, it is a nourishment, it is the Mother getting you ready to go to the prom.

 SB: Okay, Lord. Well, I think some of our listeners just might want to know what you mean by baggage. You mean our vasanas and issues and upsets, is that not correct?

 AAM: That is correct. It is your vasanas, it is your issues, it is your false belief systems. 

SB: Okay.

 AAM: It is your collective false belief systems.

 SB: Right. Well, here’s one question I have that comes from my own experience. The tsunami… in spiritual literature it is said that the vasanas do not… they’re not erased until a level of enlightenment called sahājā nirvikalpa samādhi, which is Ascension. We’re going through the Tsunami of Love. Will our vasanas lift and be erased and eradicated in the Tsunami of Love? The reason I ask this is because if people go through the tsunami of love, turn to their sacred partner and expect them to be vasana-free, so to speak, and they’re not, it could be a very big upset for them. They may look upon their partner as deficient or something.

 So, will the Tsunami of Love erase our vasanas or not?

 AAM: Think of it this way. Think of the tsunami — now, you can cling to your vasanas, should you wish to, or your false belief systems, but it will make you move like sludge through the Ascension process. So this is your opportunity to cleanse. You can think of it as moving you to vasana-lite.

 SB: Okay. That’s good.

 AAM: Now, what do I mean by this? There are times when people revert; if something in their life goes awry, people revert to whatever their issue or their belief system is, their core issue, their vasana — “Love never works for me., “I never get what I need,” “The world is a harsh place,” “Struggle is reality.” And none of this is true. So this will wash away.

 Now, can you reclaim it? It will be sitting on the beach. Would you wish to reclaim it? No. Now, that does not mean that you are home free, yet. Now, we are talking about the tsunami. There will still be some imprints, so there will be further raising in the vibration. But many of you have already been doing this clearing.

 So this is an extra, extra, extra clearing, but it is also imbedding in you, yes, even in the constant movement, it is imbedding in you, through that wave that moves through you…think of it as giving electrolytes to yourselves. It is imbedding in you the molecules, the atoms, the subatomic fibers of love that say to you, “This is what I want. And I don’t really want that old garbage, so I’m willing to let it go.”

 And on a collective, especially, collective level, this is necessary for the collective to be able to ascend. Now, there are… each of you has a unique position in all of this. And as we have said, there are many of you who are working already on the anchoring of this energy of the tsunami, who are becoming, part and parcel, the molecules of the wave, of the water, of the love, so that there will be that deeper penetration and that it will not feel like a deluge.

 Each person has, and will have, a unique experience of the tsunami, but the consistency will be — and for many, for the first time in their entire life — they will truly feel what it is not only to be loved, but to be the love, to have it inside of them.

 SB: Well, I can certainly vouch to that, lord. I’m practically blissed out as we speak! I’m sure the love is pouring through your broadcast.

 I have four questions to ask, and I think we have about 10 or maybe 15, maybe a little more, minutes. So if we could give shortish answers to them, that would be very good.

 First one is, Ashtar through Phillip has mentioned contact between galactics and humans. And I’m sure you know that reading. And there are rumors of an impending landing by the galactics. I don’t think either of these events is meant to be Disclosure, but they’re kind of preliminary things that are happening. Can you tell us anything about that?

 AAM: Your star brothers and sisters have a great deal of activity planned for the very, very near future. Disclosure in terms of a formal announcement from the heads of countries? Well, I would suggest that those above and below have almost given up on that occurrence. So they will be backed into it, if anything. The sightings, the landings, the presence that is announced will be simultaneous, in different places, in what we would say, more rural villages, all over the planet, at once. 

SB: Wow.

 AAM: And they will come not to the heads of nations, but to the villages, to the people. They will come in the smaller craft. There will be an energy field, just like they are now penetrating the planet and each of you with a soft pink glow; there will be an energy glow of the pink. No, they’re not going to change the material of their machines, but there will be an energy field that will reassure people. And this has been done also through much of the work of having troops on the ground, understanding the variations and the frequencies of communications.

 If anything, what will occur is that your star brothers and sisters will present their credentials in very small groups to, like, the mayor of a small town or a village. Because that is the level at which they wish to connect. It is very low key, and it is also saying to those who, in fact, have their feet closer to the ground, as it were, that your role in working with your village, and our value for your role, is profound.

 The leaders of many nations — and we do not disrespect or dismiss them — but the leaders of too many nations, nations that have agreed — in G8, G20 — that the star brothers and sisters are present have simply not stepped forward. So it is a more casual approach.

 And then, when you have the mayors and the people of villages all over the globe declaring that they have visitations and new allies, this will force the hands of those “people in power,” quote unquote, because that is not where the power lies, to say, “Oh, yes, that is so.” So it will be a very gentle initiative.

 SB: Well, Lord, why does Barack Obama need prodding? I thought he was pro-Disclosure and willing to disclose? Or Medvedev, for that matter?

 AAM: Many of them are pro-Disclosure, and they have agreed in private conversations of meetings of nation-heads to Disclosure, but they have not proceeded. They have turned their attention, and they have also allowed themselves to be influenced by military. And this is particularly true … well, some of the more recalcitrant factors have been at work in terms of working out some of the angst and anger. So they have always had higher priorities on their agendas.

 SB: Hmm.

 AAM: Now, your star brothers and sisters have waited hundreds and hundreds of years, as you well know. And could they wait hundreds of years longer? Yes. But you can’t. Earth, Terrans, Gaia, Kingdoms, are not in a position, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically, to wait indefinitely. And your star brothers and sisters, they came, all of them, on a mission of peace, with an olive branch of love, with technology and goods, science and culture, very rich, that they wished once again to engage with this planet in exchange and mutuality, and particularly in assisting Earth to raise — and everything upon her to raise — to the higher frequency and dimensions.

 SB: Okay.

 AAM: So they are not willing to step back and miss the main event!

 SB: Absolutely.

 Three more questions, if I may. The first is, can you give us an update on what the outlook is in trouble spots like Venezuela, China and North and South Korea?

 AAM: This is a time where we say that those who are deeply enmeshed in their illusions, in what you call the vasanas, the false grids, the belief systems, the paradigms, et cetera, are bringing these to the surface for clearing. Now, are they creating a great deal of chaos and mayhem? Yes. But that is their joy. But what they are finding is rather than giving them a sense of completion and joy, it is truly ripping at the very fabric of their societies.

 With Russia’s incursion into the Ukraine — which is ironic, because there have been incursions, territorial, political, et cetera, for a very long time — but this particular action has given the message, perhaps because it is on the European continent, it has given the subtle message to others — and now I am talking particularly about China and about North and South Korea — that it is permissible to be aggressors, to ignite an incursion, a land grab, a power grab into another nation’s position; that if you are strong enough that you can threaten enough and use military might to create a takeover. And that is very, very sad. But again, this is simply people flexing their muscles and working out their anger, their lack of self worth, their lack of self love. And it is very pathetic.

 SB: And what about….

 AAM: In China there is a growing rift between the middle class and what we would call the super rich. And there is a growing crisis. And what you are going to see — and this relates to some of your currency questions as well — is that in Venezuela you are seeing the people rising up and demanding their freedom, and demanding some economic shift. Now, the difficulty of that is, is that Venezuela has mortgaged and sold their vast resources for decades to come, and given them away elsewhere. And they are allowing a huge influx of Cuban influence into their country to control.

 It is about oil. It is about resources.

 Now, what you are seeing in China, in addition to the, what we are calling a class warfare that is growing and will be ignited very shortly, is that you are seeing a nation trying to buy other countries’ resources with their financial might, which in many ways is a mere reflection and repeat of what has occurred in Venezuela. So it is not a beneficial situation. And that is another reason for your star brothers and sisters to truly make their presence known, because this issue of clean energy, of free energy, is tantamount and certainly part of your 5th dimensional changes.

 SB: All right. Thank you, Lord. Two more questions.

 I’ve heard from…. well, I’ve heard that Archangel Gabrielle didn’t think we took up her invitation to contain violent men. And I was puzzled because I thought it wasn’t possible for humans to participate in containment. I thought that was only capable of being done by archangels. So what role have we to play in the containment of violent men who persecute women?

 AAM: Now, you know my sister is bereft over this.

 SB: Well, that’s what I heard! Please, send, you know, give her my apologies!

 AAM: We are teasing you, dear heart.

 SB: Oh, gosh. Okay. [laughs]

AAM: But yes, she brings it to everyone’s attention. Because what she has done is make an offer that has never been made before. And it is an offer that is the partnership of humanity, and particularly of lightworkers, with us and with her, for a new form of containment.

 And it was to take… for you to gather, visualize, herd, think of, however you do this, to place massive numbers of those who are against the honoring of gender equality into the blue topaz box of the Mother’s clarity. So this is a form of containment dreamed up by my sister, approved by the Mother, dreamed up by my beloved Gabrielle. And she has invited all of you — and believe you me, she has invited us as well. And when Gabrielle invites you, you show up — to gather, and it is not merely men, it is women who also believe that the subjugation, the mutilation, the subservience of women is acceptable as well.

 So it is the men and women who do not believe in gender equality, for them to be penetrated by this clarity and purity of the Mother, that they may then emerge into a new framework of understanding and of action. And this is a very rapid way to heal this issue.

 So, on her behalf I offer this invitation and extend it to all of you to work in concert with us on this issue.

 SB: Okay. Well, now, we’re an internet community by and large. I myself am a print journalist. Graham and the others are audio journalists. How do we work with this invitation? How does an internet community work with this invitation?

 AAM: You work with it in your heart. You share the information, of course, but you work with it and your incite others to work with it who care, deeply, about this issue. This is part of being a global citizen. You cannot say, “I live in Florida,” or “I live in Vermont, or Vancouver, and therefore I cannot affect what happens in Iraq.” That is not so.

 So in your heart, in your prayers, in your meditation, in your visualization, in your writing, you see that these beings are gathered energetically into this place. And it is a massive box. It is about the size of North America. There are many, and it is not merely in Africa or the Middle East, it is everywhere, who have this opinion, who have this set of beliefs. So it is one of the ways in which you are really helping to clear some very significant, not only abuses but vasanas.

 SB: Well, that’s very interesting, very challenging. I will definitely take that up.

 AAM: It is a new form of partnership. It is the way in which we are saying, “we can work together to resolve and eliminate these issues.”

 SB: Oh, well, here we go! We’re running out of time again! It’s too bad. It was a very, very enlightening discussion today, Lord. Thank you.

 AAM: Go with my love. Go, dear hearts, with the ebb and flow. Farewell. 

SB: Farewell, Lord. 

Channeled by Linda Dillon 04-04-14 © 2014 Council of Love

Source :

' taliban warnings defied as afghans flock to vote in 'massive victory for our people' "

Emma Graham-Harrison in Kabul

Taliban warnings defied as Afghans flock to vote in 'massive victory for our people'

 saturday - 5 - april 2014
 12.31 EDT

 In anxious preparation for a historic presidential election, Afghanistan fortified its cities against attack, primed observers to detect fraud ... then was blind-sided by a problem no one had even dared to imagine – unprecedented voter enthusiasm.

 Defying Taliban threats and the more mundane challenge of rainy weather, Afghans flocked to the polls in such high numbers that ballots were running out in some places by midday. Soon, more than a third of provinces were reporting shortfalls, and as the scale of the problem emerged election organisers scrambled to respond.

 "I don't know how I will bear it if I don't get to vote," said 22-year-old Atifa Sultani, who had her finger marked with indelible ink – designed to stop repeat voting – at a station in west Kabul before being told that ballots had run out. "As a citizen it's my right to choose our leader, but I can't try anywhere else, because from my finger it seems I already voted."

 Afghans are choosing a successor to President Hamid Karzai after 12 years, and if the handover is smooth it will be the first peaceful, democratic transfer of power their country has ever seen.

 For months Kabul was filled with rumours that Karzai would seek to delay or cancel the vote so that he could hold on to power. But he kept his promises to hold the poll on time with an early-morning trip to a polling station near his palace.

 "Today is a vital day for us, the people of Afghanistan, that will determine our future," he said after casting his ballot and urged other voters to come out . They did so in numbers and with a determination that surprised even optimists, and even after ballots ran out. Seven million Afghans cast votes, said election organisers, nearly two and a half million more than the last presidential poll, and about 60% of all eligible voters.

 In the Kabul station that ran out of ballots, Sultani waited three hours until a last-minute batch arrived, sending organisers who had been muttering darkly about government conspiracies scrambling to reassemble the polling station.

 A 77-year-old man who had ignored family warnings about going out in the rain was first in line. "It is my joy to vote," Qamber Ali said, echoing the sentiments of thousands who stood patiently in well-disciplined lines even through downpours. Younger voters posed for photos with their inked fingers and uploaded them to Facebook and Twitter. "Have voted for the future of my country," wrote artist Shamsia Hassani. Hassani was joined by hundreds of thousands of other women, many students and professionals who have come of age during Karzai's rule and were voting for the first time. Ballots ran out particularly fast at voting centres for women, who also made up more candidates than ever before.

 Male and female polling stations are separate because many in the conservative country frown on the mingling of the sexes in any context outside of the family. "Of course the massive turnout of women voters is a big slap to all those who want to block us to contribute. Feeling proud to be a woman," said activist Samira Huria, who had returned to Afghanistan to take part in the poll.

 It was not all good news. The election in some rural areas dominated by insurgents sounded like another vote entirely, with villagers steering clear of voting stations after the Taliban warned them to stay away, commanders taking ballot-boxes to stuff at their leisure, and rocket, bomb and gun attacks.

At least one person was killed, several others injured and more than 200 polling stations closed at the last minute because of security threats. But multiple rings of tight security, with Kabul virtually shut down for days before the election, appear to have prevented any major Taliban attacks.

 The insurgents had denounced the elections as a sham, warned that anyone who worked on them or took part was risking their lives, and mounted a high-profile campaign of attacks in the runup to the vote. The bloodshed cut short some international election monitoring missions and prompted many foreigners to evacuate ahead of the poll. In Kabul a lone gunmen shot dead nine people, including a prominent Afghan journalist and his wife and two young children as they ate dinner in a city centre hotel, stormed the guesthouse of a landmine removal charity, and attacked two election offices and a ministry in less than two weeks.

 Afghan intelligence sources said several squads of suicide attackers were preparing more spectacular attacks on polling day. In response the government declared four days of holiday, sent workers home, shut down all roads into the city and promised people it would guarantee their safety with more than 300,000 police and soldiers deployed around the country.

 Kabul voters spooked by the string of attacks said they were unsure if the security cordon would hold but had come to the polls anyway. "I am 100% worried about security, but this is about the destiny of our country," said 23-year-old Aslan, an election monitor who by 10am had already spotted a man who had scrubbed his inked finger and was trying to vote twice.

 He was part of a 200,000-strong squad of election observers, mostly tied to individual candidates, who kept a far closer eye on polling than five years ago when the vote that returned Karzai to power was marred by widespread fraud and more than a million ballots were thrown out.

 It would be foolish to call the election overall a success at this stage. Reports of fraud in 2009 trickled in slowly at first, and even if this poll proves cleaner there is certain to be controversy about which areas were short of ballots, and whether it affected some candidates more than others.

 Election organisers reacted fast to the high turnout, extending voting hours, sending out more ballots, and trying to explain their miscalculation to the angry masses of would-be voters. "We surveyed each area, and sent ballot papers based on population," said Ziaul Haq Amarkhil, chief electoral officer for the Independent Election Commission. "If we had sent more papers everywhere [to start with], it could have offered opportunity for fraud."

 Not all the shortages were resolved, though, and monitors said they would investigate whether any stations ran out because of early-morning ballot-box stuffing. Any complaints will certainly be joined by other cases of abuse. Officials have already made arrests for attempted ballot-box stuffing and voter fraud, when four people were found with over 1,000 voter identity cards.

 Even if results are declared clean, they will only be final if one candidate gets more than 50% of the vote. Anything lower triggers a second round runoff, and with strong competition between the top three candidates another polling day seems more likely than not.

 Still, Afghans celebrated their extraordinary success in holding a day of voting where the focus stayed mostly on people casting their ballots, not the ones trying to stop them.

 "Huge, huge day for Afghanistan. A historic event ends peacefully with millions casting their votes," said Saad Mohseni, the businessman owner of Tolo TV, one of the country's biggest channels. "A massive victory for our people, and a massive kick in the face for the Taliban."

 Mokhtar Amiri contributed to this report

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