Friday, January 31, 2014
" true potential and evolution "
SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
31 - January - 2014
Because of what is happening around you harmony and peace seem far away, yet gradually the turmoil will become less and in just a relatively short time peace will settle upon the Earth. It is because of the coming of the New Age, and it is lifting the vibrations more quickly. These changes were always going to accompany this period, with the ultimate separation of those who are ready to ascend from those who are not. This is inevitable as the vibrations increase to the point where only those souls who have reached the same level can remain within it. It is the culmination of many thousands of years experiences through many lifetimes in different Ages. The end of a cycle is an important time, when all souls decide how well their life plan has furthered their evolution, and if they need to repeat any particular experience.
Most of you are well advanced and will be ready to move to the next stage of your evolution, with the help and advice of more evolved souls. Many will stay with the Human Evolution, but some will elect to join other species that may take them to another planet. You would of course incarnate into a suitable form for that experience. Those continuing their experiences on Earth in the 4th. dimension will find that life takes on a completely new look, and that it is in a harmonious and happy time. Gone will be the dark Ones to follow their own pre-destined future, and be given another opportunity to return to the Light.
You have little idea of the happiness and fulfillment that awaits you, and it will far exceed your expectations. It will be your reward for having come through the darkest period of your life, and having successfully found the Light once again. A few of you will find that some of your friends or relations have failed to make it into the higher dimension. Have no fear for their future as they will be exactly where they can proceed and make progress towards the Light. In your position you will be able to learn of their progress, and visit them when they are out of the body through their sleep period. Whilst you will be able to retain the memories of such meetings, they will return to their dimension with no waking memory of them.
At present you are awakening to your true potential as your level of consciousness expands, until in the near future you acquire full consciousness. Be assured that many helpers are already prepared in readiness to help you take your place in the higher dimensions. Life is a continual opportunity to evolve and at every stage you have many helpers. It is always the responsibility of those that have evolved to assist those who follow after them. As like souls come together so their consciousness becomes as One, but be assured you keep your individuality at the same time.
We know so many of you are weary from your experiences, and it is not surprising considering the dense vibrations that you exist within. It is why you receive so few visits from Beings in the higher dimensions, who find it a most unpleasant heavy vibration to be in. Equally you will be so uplifted when you enter the higher dimensions, and enjoy all of the advantages associated with them. Make no mistake, that when you elected to help those souls trapped in the lower vibrations, you knew what a difficult task it would be. However, you were assured that that no matter how far you dropped, we would always be their to help you return to your rightful place.
Dear Ones, your sojourn in the lower dimension is all but over, and you will emerge far greater than when you first entered it. Your experience will help souls who can benefit from your experience, and you are to be commended for your great sacrifice to benefit other souls on the path of Light.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and full of admiration and gratitude for your unselfish acts to assist your fellow travelers. You are All One and linked in ways that are everlasting, and you will continue to assist each other on your great journey through the Cosmos. Your sacrifice has its own rewards as you see souls move into the Light and awaken to their true selves.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey
Source :
Saturday, January 25, 2014
" fukushima and entrainment "
Archangel Michael though Linda Dillon
An Hour with an Angel
23 - January - 2014
Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The New You — Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness.
Joining her is Steve Beckow, founder of the Golden Age of Gaia and author of Building Nova Earth — Toward a World that Works for Everyone.
Our guest today is Archangel Michael. So with that I’ll pass it over to you, Steve.
Steve Beckow: Thank you very much, Graham, and welcome, Archangel Michael.
Archangel Michael: Greetings. Yes, I am Michael, archangel of peace, warrior of love, warrior of peace, archangel of love.
Welcome. Welcome, my beloved friends, to this time of renewal, of rediscovery, of bathing in the golden light of Gaia, and, might I suggest, my beautiful blue.
And I also ask of you, as you have been requested so many times, as we begin this day, this night, this journey of becoming together, that you ignite your blue flame of peace, that you anchor in your blue flame of hope, of truth, of unity, of connectedness, of balance. For we are not merely limited to one quality, one aspect, one attribute, and, my beloved friends, neither are you.
One of the things that we have been speaking to you of — and there have been many — is the way in which you exist as you go through this Ascension process, as you begin this transmutation, this transformation, washed clean by the tsunami of love, raised up by the love of the Mother, enlightened by her clarity and purity.
But what are you doing as you go through this process? Yes, I know you are curious about what we are doing through this process! But let that curiosity, that sense of adventure, of exploration, of sheer joy extend to your sweet beloved self as well, and go exploring, go back, go forward, and remember who you are.
Explore the ages, and, might I suggest, the core and the essence of your being, not merely as a human, which is magnificent and beautiful, not simply as angel or archangel, Earthkeeper, warrior, communicator, starseed, star commander, come back and rediscover, remember and anchor in the truth of your original essence, in the idea and the plan of you, of you, sweet angels.
Steve, brother of this platform, we have communicated about many things, and each of them, even when you have not recognized it — and I do not mean you specifically; I mean all of you, the listeners, humanity, but particularly this audience that I address and I love, that I offer my service to — there has been a plan to this unfoldment and awakening, the growth of understanding and the growth and reawakening of love, not only for us who are in this sacred partnership with you, but for yourselves.
And in that love, in that valuing of yourself, you are at a place — and you have begun already; as the Mother has put it — of falling in love with each other, with the entire planet, with the entire collective, with everything.
And as you do that, in some ways, it makes you oblivious and blind to what you previously felt was so important, while simultaneously it makes you more clear, more alert, more perceptive, more receptive to everything that truly is of import. You are doing well. So yes, we know that there are moments — well, sometimes days, weeks, months and years — of frustration, of wondering if you are on track, of wondering the timing and the approach and the key elements of this unfoldment.
But let me say to you, each of you, and to the collective of humanity, not only are you on track, you are on the racetrack, and you are moving forward — healing, becoming, expanding, creating at the speed of love. So, do not hesitate, and do not doubt, because what doubt does is it takes you out of that race, it takes you out of that flow.
No, we are not suggesting, nor would we ever ask for, you to set aside discernment. It is one of the finest qualities that you have been equipped with. But be the observer. Be the discerner. Be the mover and the shaker that you are.
Now, beloved friend, where do you wish to start this day?
SB: Thank you, Lord, and I certainly did get the applicability of what you said to myself.
Before we begin the main part of the program, which is on the Ascension fleet, on the Company of Heaven, can I ask two questions please, from listeners? One question is, “Has the tsunami of love begun?” And I’ll get to the other question as soon as you’ve finished with that. [ Trunk horn honks outside Steve apartment. ]
AAM: Well, there, that was the starting bell, was it not?
SB: [laughs] [ ? ] Yes. [To the driver:] Thank you!
AAM: I am feeling very jovial today. And you would say to me, “Michael, my friend, my beloved brother, where does this joy come from?” And it comes from you, and it comes from the beginning of this tsunami. So think of it this way: the trickle is well underway. Well, the trickle is actually already a river. Is it the tsunami as yet? No, but you are already feeling the changes in the energy as this is gathering momentum.
So the answer is, has it begun? Yes. Is it in full force yet? No. Get ready.
SB: Good, okay. That’s very helpful. The second question is actually from two listeners. There are many people who continue to fear the impact of leaked radiation from Fukushima. Some people wish to know if it’s safe for their children to go into the waters off North America, for fear of radiation. And there was a big article posted today in a local newspaper saying that we should avoid eating sushi because of Fukushima radiation.
Are these fears justified?
AAM: Well, let me put it this way to you. And we have talked about Fukushima a fair bit. What you are asking me is a riddle. Because what you are asking me is is fear justified? And I can never say yes. Now, is there need — always! — for caution? Have there been some radiation leakages that Gaia is taking care of, that Pacifica is taking care of, that their star brothers and sisters are taking care of? Yes.
Parents, by their very nature, by the sweetness of what has been entrusted to them, are prudent; they are also strong; they practice patience and fortitude and stamina. So practice prudence.
The children are safe to go into the waters. Stop worrying about it. But I wish to take advantage of this opportunity. When your child — and whether the child is 5 or 50 — goes into such a powerful body of water, or whether they are just getting into the bathtub, do you not wrap them and ensure that they are in their bubble of protection?
I have not declared, nor has the Mother declared, that Gaia and everything that has transpired and continues to transpire on Gaia is completely safe. Human beings, the collective, is not fully anchored as yet in the Fifth Dimension. So there is still a great deal of engagement, can we say, with chaos.
Now, in addition to that, if you are going into the Pacific Ocean, where peace and harmony have not been fully restored, where the sharks still are teaching humans lessons, as are sea urchins and jellyfish and currents and rogue waves, of course you place yourself in a bubble or a cocoon of protection. And being in that bubble of protection allows you to engage fully in the love that Pacifica has to offer.
And you send out the love into every single molecule of water in that entire ocean, and it is received. So we would never suggest to you that you go in the water and communicate fear and mayhem to the oceans, to the streams, or to your bathtub. So, discernment, prudence. Be careful.
Now, the same is true of the food. And right now, quite frankly, we would say sushi is probably not your best choice, but also, in addition to that, you are forgetting — and yes, I know; you are being prudent for your families; I understand; but I am taking this opportunity to be on my platform and to say, you, sweet angels, are master transmuters.
Now, so many of you who hear me say this — and I feel your energy this night — say, “Oh, Michael, I wish that that was true. I do not see myself in this light. I do not see myself transmuting much of my situation. So why would I take the chance that I would eat irradiated fish?”
Let us start small. Let us stick with the question of water. Dear hearts, are you loving your water? This is the life blood not only of Gaia but of your very vessel, of your body, of your form. It is fundamental. Now, many of you, as lightworkers and love-holders, know the importance of having enough water, adequate hydration. But so much of the water that you drink is not of the level of purity and not at the same level of purity and clarity that you are now holding as a result of the Mother’s gifts.
So ensure, my beloved ones, that as you take a cup of water, a glass of water, a bottle of water, that you are taking a moment to love the water and to raise the vibration as high as possible as you drink it. So be careful of the fish and work on the water.
Now you say, “Well, Michael, how will I know that I am doing this correctly?” When you are drinking the water you will feel that it is more alive. You will feel that there is a tingling, a dancing, as it goes not only on your tongue but down your throat and to your body. You will feel a sense of joy as if the molecules are joining with you and celebrating. So you will feel, “I had a glass of water, and I feel better. I feel lighter. I feel refreshed.”
So, begin with that, please. Is this an adequate answer?
SB: Well, just two supplementary questions, just very, very briefly so we can turn to the subject of the program. One, who is Pacifica? And two, there are bound to be some readers, listeners who will say, “I don’t know whether Archangel Michael said the sushi was irradiated and I should watch out, or whether he was speaking generally about sushi.”
AAM: Pacifica is the name, what you would think of as the soul name for the Pacific Ocean. There are some fish that have been irradiated who have chosen as part of their mission and purpose to absorb the radiation and to sacrifice themselves. Now, they are not generally offering themselves up to be caught in the factory ships or the nets for sushi, but what we are saying is that there are some that have offered this service, and so you have need to be prudent. So during this time simply avoid the ships from the east.
SB: Okay. Well, that’s very good. Okay. Thank you for that.
Now, how can I outline generally what I’m trying to get at today? I could say generally that I don’t think many of us know how decisions are reached between the celestials, the ascended masters and the galactics; among the members of the Ascension fleet above us; between the Ascension fleet and the people on the ground; how decisions are arrived at by President Obama when he consults with you, if even telepathically or whatever. We don’t know anything about how decisions are reached, how timing is decided, how events are coordinated.
Could you talk to us about that, please?
AAM: I will attempt, and I will welcome your input into this discussion, because what you are really asking for, in a very human way — and I am not being dismissive, dear heart. You are asking for an organizational chart!
SB: An org chart, exactly. But I also know that it doesn’t work that way.
AAM: No, it does not!
SB: But I can’t get my head around how it does work. AAM: Well, let us try to put this — with that proviso; that we will try and put it in terminology that makes sense to the current reference points that most people, humans, have about how organizations work. We have been called many things, you know! But this is not one of them.
SB: Uh-hunh.
AAM: I tease you, and I tease you all. Because how I wish to approach this is with a sense of playfulness. So often, when you, collectively have been developing org charts and flow charts and decision pathways, it has been filled with angst and anxiety, power struggles, vying for control, monetary concerns. So we have none of that. Do not worry. I am not going to be knocked off my role as warrior of peace because of reorganization.
SB: [chuckles] Okay.
AAM: But let us begin. And let us also begin by saying what we are describing is also a prelude to where you are heading, so it is a timely and planned discussion that we have this day, and we are completely in a unified field, as are you and as are you with us. And when I say ‘with us’ I mean what you think of as the Company of Heaven, the Council of Love, Ascension Command, your star brothers and sisters, the ascended masters, the universe. So this is a massive question.
Now, let us start by describing how we work. And again, I will attempt to translate it.
We have never varied. We have never departed. And when I say ‘we’ now I am speaking of the angelic and the archangelic realms, with the exception of the fallen angels, who have had the experience of variance.
But we are aligned with what you would think of as the heart and mind and will of One, and therefore the design and the plan in all its infinite glory of the Mother. And we can speak specifically to two weeks or two thousand eons.
You have a term on Earth, a word, called entrainment. And the example is when you see schools of fish in the beautiful, crystal clear waters of the Caribbean where you are all headed, spiritually, that swim one way and then without explanation, as a collective, change direction. You see it in flocks of birds, and you see it in human behavior. You tend to think of it as trends or patterns of behavior.
But think of it in this way — that we are in complete entrainment with the Mother. So we do not vary from that flow, from that ebb. If there is a thought, a desire, that then becomes a creation and a variable in the plan, then we are all flowing with it continually. So there is never any discord.
Now, that does not mean that we do not have unique and specific roles within that field, because we do. And that is part of our joy and part of our service to the Mother. So if you were to think of it as an org chart, you would think, of course, Mother is the CEO; Father is the chairman of the board. And the direction is set, obviously, by their collaboration and union.
And I suggest to you, they are always in agreement.
Archangel Gabriel, Gabrielle, is the central administrator. That Lily of Love is actually a very powerful being. So we do have roles. And you can think of Gabrielle as being responsible to administer the plan. Now, we are not speaking of someone who is doing a great deal, but rather overseeing — yes, there are incursions now and then — but she allocates various responsibilities to where they are most appropriate.
And again, there is never — well, I should never say never — occasionally there has been discussion, lively discussion, in your terms, about who does what. But that might be for another discussion, when we share family secrets.
So, through Gabrielle, an element, a fragment of the plan is assigned, and these assignments, as we say, sometimes are very brief, but generally very lengthy. We tend to think of time in far greater spans than you do. But within that span of time there are very specific goals, outcomes, benchmarks that the Mother anticipates to have come to pass. So you can think of that as the Divine Timeline.
So, Gabrielle will say to me, “Well, Michael, there can be no Ascension, there can be no movement of the entire collective until there is greater peace.” Now, she does not guide me or direct me on how to do that. She simply says, “You take care of it.” And if you know my sister, she expects me to do just that. And so that is an element. And I will come back to that simply because I can explain it as it is my forte and sphere.
But then she will say, to Ariel, who is in charge of beauty and the angels of pink, and defenders of the throne, and she will say to Ariel, “Now, we are going to have to have, for the fulfillment of this plan, a greater appreciation of the divine qualities, of beauty, of the inner and outer beauty. And, by the way, while that is taking place, and while you are taking some of your angels of pink, they also need to be assigned to the star beings so that they do not feel ignored and to Gaia and to several other planetary systems. But that is your task. You take care of it.”
And so on …
SB: Well, if I can intervene for a minute, the angels of pink are seraphim. So right there you say something that probably collides with current knowledge. In fact, I’m hearing more and more about the seraphim being involved in our Ascension. But ordinarily, before that, I wouldn’t have thought of the seraphim as being involved.
AAM: The seraphim have never been involved before.
SB: Hm-hmm. What has changed?
AAM: The Mother’s desire to have completion of this Ascension process.
SB: Okay. Please continue.
AAM: So, similarly, she will speak to Raphael and ensure that the healing, in every aspect, is going to be addressed. So, we as archangels know what our role is.
Uriel is charged with anchoring enough inspiration and planting enough of the energy of the future to create that bridge, to bring light where there has been darkness. The imagery I give to you is with philosophy and the cave, (1) and humanity has been in the cave looking at the shadows and believing it to be reality for a very long time. So Uriel brings you out of the cave.
Then, she turns, as an administrator, still, and she collaborates — note what I say, ‘collaborates’ — with Sanat Kumara, with your beloved Raj (mine too, as well) because he is charged with the unfoldment of this plan for Earth and for humanity.
And this is not merely esoteric or spiritual.
Sanat Kumara — and that is why he says, at times, that he can speak more bluntly, more specifically, more freely, because he is addressing human concerns, human behaviors, human patterning, human change, human timelines and the listing, alteration, transmutation of that to the higher plan — is charged with “How is this going to unfold?” in very practical ways. What is the logistical plan for this? So, you would think of it as equipment, food, “How does the army travel? Are they fed? Are they clothed? Are they ready?” And this is a massive undertaking.
Now, each of us, of course, has legions that we work with. And many of you, of course, are part of those legions. And some of you are part of several legions. You have volunteered, you have been seconded, you have worked in various roles and are working in various roles, particularly during this lifetime.
Now, there are allegiances and alignments. So, for example, St. Germaine tends to work very closely on many projects with Archangel Raphael. And he would say, “Now, what is the connection, Michael, between you and Raphael? Because is healing not the same as finding inner peace and the expression in the outer world of peace, of non-violence, of communication, of love?”
And yes, all of our roles overlap. That is not a problem for us. We are not tripping over one another. We do not have stringent, what you would think of as job descriptions. But we have these very broad parameters within which we work.
Now, the same is true of your star brothers and sisters. You tend still to think of levels — are they at the same level as the seraphim, as the archangels? No. But they are part of that alignment. They are living in the higher realm, the dimensions.
They have made that alignment with love, with peace, with healing. And so their mission and purpose have become to spread that love and that service to others, and their primary mission at this point in time, in this universe, in this reality, as we are talking about Ascension, is to Gaia and to humanity.
Everybody is collaborating. No, not by memo, but telepathically, energetically. It is like the finest ballet, or the sweetest orchestra. The symphony is heard throughout the universe. And when there is a single discordant note — and normally that comes from humanity — it is addressed immediately.
Now, in this past year – your time, not ours – we are adjusting and translating a huge discordant note. Now, do not think of a discordant note as something that is bad. Sometimes it simply gives the entire symphony new meaning and new direction.
The discordant note was humanity’s choice to ascend together. That required, on our part, might we say, some major adjustments. Now, were we taken by surprise? Yes and no. There’s very little, my friends, that takes us by surprise.
You were well on your way in terms of your Ascension path, and you had been preparing for it, really, for thousands of years, but in earnest, for decades. And the preparatory work, particularly, had been done by Raj and had been done by Raphael and done by your star brothers and sisters that kept Gaia stable, so that she did not wobble off her axis.
But that discordant note shifted things, not in a negative way, in a delightful way that informed us — and when I say ‘us’ I mean all, and therefore, of course, the Mother who knows you best — that you were further along the entrainment path, but also the opening to love, that while you may have been in the hologram, while you may have been in the cave, that you in fact, saw the light and that you had decided, collectively, to move out of the cave, into the light, and claim the truth of who you are and why you came.
This could have gone several ways, and there are always a number of pathways. The plan of the Mother has so many variables and accommodates so many variations, it is not possible for you to conceive of this. We do not say this in a derogatory way. It is simply that the human brain isn’t there yet. Not even your supercomputers are there yet.
But you received the inspiration and you declared yourself. Now, what did that do to the timeline? It created some delay, it opened the door for more — and to make a higher quantum leap, by the way, which is something that we’ve never discussed — and it truly marked a shift, a very significant shift in what we perceive and how we act in partnership with you.
Now, we have been talking for a couple of years now about our partnership, and we have never truly emphasized how the nature of our partnership has so significantly shifted in the last year or two.
You are not simply junior partners. Do you have the same overview, the same capacities as we do? No, but you are almost there. And the reason why we are sticking so close and making ourselves so available, from the ascended masters to your star brothers and sisters, to the archangels, to the Mother, is that you are doing this while in form. You are becoming your divinity — inter-dimensional, trans-dimensional, divine, whole selves — in form. And that is the truth of Ascension.
It is the reunification not only of you, but of all of us. Now, does it mean that you are completely reunified and back, that you have traveled all the way back to the source of One? No. But you will have those moments of ecstasy and bliss to remind you, to catapult you, to inspire you.
So, now we are in a different phase of partnership. You are no longer — think of it as a low level manager. You have been promoted and you are senior VPs — yes, all of you. And you are working on a very high level. And then you say to me, “Well, Michael, if I am working in concert with you and the ascended ones, and I am a senior VP, then I expect to be paid that way.”
SB: [chuckles] Absolutely. [laughs] When do I get my paycheck?
AAM: Well, you know there are many forms of currency. And we have harped and harped and harped, even to our ears we have harped on spiritual currency. We pay you in the currency of love, in the currency of joy, but we also understand currency. Do you really think that the Mother does not understand money and gold? Of course she does. She created it the same way she created time.
So you will be paid. And you will be paid in a timely manner.
SB: Okay. Thank you. A lot of people tell me, anyways, that they try to imagine how you all converse. So, here is Ashira on the bridge of the Neptune, and he has a conversation with you. And they say, well, is Archangel Michael in the same room? Is he half the universe away? Can anybody see that Ashira’s communicating with you, or is it only Ashira who knows he’s communicating?
We’re trying to conceive of how the discussions aboard the Ascension fleet might take place.
AAM: Very rarely are we in the same room.
SB: Um-hmm. Okay.
AAM: Now, if we want to be, we can be. But usually we are hither and yon, and we are going about our business. So it is very telepathic. It is like the same way that you would pick up a phone and say, “Ashira, this is Michael. Have you thought… your landing plan seems to be perfect, except have you thought of how these locals are going to react, and do you think you need some backup in terms of assistance? Yea or nay?”
There is a cholera outbreak. Raphael will talk to Ashira or to someone and say, “Ashtar, there is a cholera outbreak. They are going to need some assistance in the healing chambers. Do you also need some backup?” Or we will call them for backup.
It is back and forth, seldom in the same room, although we do visit.
SB: And what about a conference call?
AAM: No need. Oh, yes. There are many, many conference calls. If you wish to think of it in this way, they are regularly scheduled conference calls, particularly, hmm, if you want to think of it this way, by senior management — again, generally coordinated by Gabrielle and Sanat Kumara.
SB: We’re calling them conference calls, but they’re participated in by many, say, ship commanders or fleet commanders?
AAM: That is correct.
SB: And they are all telepathic?
AAM: They are telepathic. Sometimes they see us on screen, sometimes we see them. Well, we don’t have to have a screen. We can see a million miles away.
SB: Okay. But the commanders don’t necessarily get together, right?
AAM: No.
SB: No. They don’t. Okay.
AAM: Now, do they convene now and then? Because we have learned, and they have learned — do not forget, they are still in a form, and the lessons of the intergalactic wars were well learned so that getting together, as you think of it, and as you do, to talk, to update, to heart-share, to express frustration of when are they going to really see us?
SB: Uh-hunh.
AAM: Yes. Getting together is important, dear heart.
SB: [ ? ] [ ? ] … Okay. Uh-hunh.
AAM: I would like to continue this conversation when we next meet.
SB: Let’s do that. I look forward to that.
AAM: We have only begun to scratch the surface of this org chart.
SB: So to speak! Thank you very much for that. [laughs]
AAM: You are welcome, dear heart. Go with my love and go in peace.
SB: Thank you, Lord. Farewell.
AAM: Farewell. [end]
(1) The cave is a reference to Plato’s Republic, which drew on the image of people in a dark cave, seeing the reflected light of a fire and moving towards it. The cave represented the prison of ignorance and the fire represented the freedom of Self-knowledge.
Source :
Monday, January 20, 2014
" changes in physical bodies "

20 - January - 2014
There are three aspects of our coming Ascension which make it special for us or special in the history of Ascension.
The first and second are the kind of Ascension it is: it’s (1) a mass Ascension (2) with the physical body. This kind of Ascension has not happened before.
The third is that Earth is the first planet in the universe to ascend in this way.
Previous Ascensions have been individual and have seen the death of the physical body prior to Ascension. Let’s look at what the masters, galactics, and celestials have to say on this subject.
Collective Ascension
The first special characteristic of this Ascension is that the opportunity isn’t restricted only to highly-developed spiritual initiates but to all of humanity.
The Hathors through Wes Annac tell us that ours is a mass Ascension: “Your evolution is coming about in a collective manner, and this isn’t the norm for the ascension of most planets.” (1)
“What is special about this time,” SaLuSa says, “is that the whole of Humanity has been given that choice.” (2) By the end of the cycle,” he adds, “it will be possible to say, that everyone had at some time been given the opportunity to take a new path out of duality.” (3)
“Never before have both the people and the Earth ascended together, but there is absolute confidence that it will successfully take place,” he concludes. (5) “It will of course be successful,” SaLuSa tells us, “as it is in the hands of powerful Beings that do the Will of God.” (6)
On two occasions Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman discussed this innovation. On Nov. 29, 2013:
“In past ages, the Ascension process was available only to those who incarnated as initiates firmly on the path – as disciples whose mission was to anchor as much Divine Light and to bring forth as much cosmic wisdom as possible. That time is past.
“It is a time of mass Ascension, for all the planets, solar systems, galaxies and Sub-universes within this Universe are actively involved in an unprecedented Ascension process.” (7)
And in January 2009, he said:
“In the past, ascension was possible for just a select few. Only those who came to Earth to be examples and wayshowers and who were spiritually advanced were allowed into the inner sanctums of the mystery schools. The secret doctrine was only given to those who were considered to be the strongest and most dedicated disciples.
“The lessons, tests and challenges were strenuous and many perished during the process or did not attain their goal for many lifetimes. That has now changed, for time is running out for the ascension of the Earth and humanity into the next level of awareness, and many Divine dispensations and much assistance is being offered to those who are striving to meet the challenges and tests of ascension.” (8)
Physical Ascension
The second special characteristic of this Ascension is that we’ll do it in our physical bodies. The Council of Angels through Goldenlight explains:
“Your ascension as Earth human beings and hue-mans is about making this transition while you are still in your original physical bodies, but your bodies will be transforming from carbon to crystalline-based.” (9)
SaLuSa also described this aspect of our Ascension in 2009:
“At the end of every cycle there is an emergence of those who are ready to move on to the higher realms. However, as many of you are now aware this one is unique, as you take your physical body with you. Not as your existing carbon based body, but one that has become crystalline and can function in the 5th. Dimension, one that has become lighter, and has moved into a near perfect expression of itself.” (10) T
he Arcturians through Suzanne Lie tell us, have had the experience of ascension in one or more of their parallel realities.
“However, in these other realities, you died and abandoned your physical body in order to soar into your true Home in the higher dimensions. In your present reality, you have volunteered to stay on earth in your earth vessel to assist with planetary ascension.” (11)
“This shift is not simply an Ascension out of form into sheer energy or into a different dimension or reality,” Archangel Michael told us on An Hour with an Angel. “ It is an Ascension while having the full opportunity and choice, the selection, to maintain physicality. And that is why most of you are here.” (12)
SaLuSa compares what our bodies will be like then to those of higher-dimensional galactics:
“This time [i.e., this Ascension] you ascend with your physical body. It is not therefore death of your old one, but simply a change that enables you to use it in a higher vibration. Look at us, as that is where you will eventually be as far as your evolution is concerned. We are always seen as an example of bodily perfection, and in our prime. In fact we can be 100′s of years old without any visible signs of aging, because it is not part of our experience.” (13)
His colleague, Ker-on of Venus, tells us that ageing will no longer be a problem.
“Perhaps best of all from a personal point of view, is that you change to a perfect body composed of crystalline cells. One that is not affected by disease or ailments such as you experience on Earth. Also aging is no longer an issue, as you maintain a young and mature form for as long as you desire.” (14)
Matthew Ward explains that all other physical and emotional disorders and disabilities will be corrected in the process of our Ascension.
“Ascension is possible for all who have absorbed the light, and the souls who accompany Earth will do so in their physical bodies. If bodies lack organs or limbs or have physical, emotional or mental disorders, farther along the ascension pathway there will be healing of all disease and replacement of missing parts until the bodies are perfected and mental and emotional health is sound.
“In fourth density the bodies of aged persons will become youthful and live healthfully much longer than your current life expectancy, and life spans in fifth density can be tenfold or more than yours are now.” (15)
(Concluded in Part 2 tomorrow.)
(1) “The Hathors: Karmic Acceleration, Exposure of Tyranny and Understanding Channels,” channeled by Wes Annac, August 30, 2013 at
(2) SaLuSa, Dec. 16, 2009, at
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) SaLuSa, Feb. 22, 2012.
(6) SaLuSa, Dec. 12, 20125
(7) Archangel Michael: Are You Ready to Embody Your Sacred Fire Energy? Channelled through Ronna Herman, November 29, 2013, at
(8) Archangel Michael, January 2009, through Ronna Herman.
(9) “Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and Source Creator via Goldenlight: Upgrading to a Multidimensional Operating System,” Oct. 5, 2013, at
(10) SaLuSa, Apr. 3, 2009.
(11) The Arcturians, Awaken Now Newsletter, Feb. 16, 2010, at
(12) Archangel Michael, An Hour with an Angel, Jan. 23, 2012, at
(13) SaLuSa, Feb. 5, 2010.
(14) Ker-On, July 3, 2009, @
(15) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 13, 2010, at
Source :
Saturday, January 18, 2014
" the eternal now "
St. Germaine through Linda Dillon
Heavenly Blessings
14 - January - 2014
Suzanne Maresca: Good morning and Happy New Year. Welcome to our first offering of Heavenly Blessings for 2014 with Linda Dillon channel for the Council of Love and author of “The New You: Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness” and myself, Suzanne Maresca.
Today our beloved St. Germaine is here with us to discuss ‘Energy Healing’. Many of us are engaged every day with the invisible work of channeling and sending energy to others, as well as to places and situations, yet we rarely get to see the tangible results of what we do.
A great deal of the shift in consciousness and perception, for me, has been releasing a need to understand every aspect of what’s going on or even any aspect. So, I’m going with the flow whatever questions come up. It’s a joy to be back and doing this show with you, Linda, good morning.
Linda Dillon: Good morning Suzi and yes, Happy New Year to everybody, seen and unseen, that’s here today with us. And I think, just as you and I have been chatting before the show, is that there really is this theme and of course this is what Jesus Sananda has told us, the themes for the new year, and Archangel Gabriel and Mother Mary as well, is that it’s about surrender and it’s about perhaps not needing in the same way to really understand but rather to accept and, huge issue, to trust yourself of what you know, what you perceive, what you believe, and proceeding just into action rather than sitting back and waiting.
So, it’s great to be back and gosh, do we have a lot to talk about! I know it’s just a little over an hour but to talk about the subject of ‘healing’ and everything that’s involved in it is huge.
SM: It is, it is, it’s amazing and you had just posted something that it’s, oh I don’t know, a sign of intelligence or something, to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it and I think we’re well into that territory at this point.
LD: I think we are and the thing about energy healing and energy medicine, like you said, we don’t always understand exactly how that transmission is taking place. But on a soul level and I’d want to say even on a human level, we do understand that it is taking place and I thought one of the things that we would do today is just even talk about some of the false grids that we’ve referred to in earlier programs because when we talk about healing and energy healing then really a lot of what we’re talking about is the healing of those false grids, that belief system.
The Council of Love, St. Germaine himself actually and Lao Tzu, has talked about how most of what we think of as dis-ease, illness, imbalance, about between 83% to 87% of it comes from our outer layers. And when I say ‘our outer layers’ I specifically mean our mental and our emotional and a little tiny percentage from our causal bodies. So, it’s what happens to us mentally and emotionally that ends up making us feel sick or bringing on dis-ease. It’s when it gets to that physical point that, in fact, it’s like we bring it to the attention almost of our physical body, that it’s our body screaming for help to please pay attention, that there’s something really going on that’s bothering us deeply.
SM: Right, right, yes, we do need to pay attention to our bodies and I’m still recovering from this cough and cold that I had over New Years and I just feel like this year things are vastly different, it’s almost like, I want to say night and day, where we really have reached another level of conscious awareness and we just need to get used to it a little, to settle into it to really understand and to be able to let go of the habitual understandings we had before because right now we really don’t understand anything about the way things work. We have the Universal Laws but there seems like there’s a deeper level.
LD: We have the Universal Laws and we have our heart and our heart consciousness and that’s where all the expansion has been anchoring and coming from and it’s this expansion of our heart, of our heart consciousness, that is giving us a completely, if not new, certainly an expanded understanding of how things work or how things don’t work. And to be comfortable with the fact that maybe we don’t know it all…I can’t even imagine that we know even a fraction of it…but that we don’t know it all and that’s okay.
One of the things that I absolutely love about being the channel for the Council of Love is that there isn’t a single day that goes by that I don’t have one of those ‘aha!’ moments. Every single day, at some point of the day, whether it’s out feeding the birds or doing a channeling for somebody or even watching the news…which I do so rarely…but there’s always a points in the day when I have one of those ‘aha’ moments and it’s not just in channeling, because I’m not at the point where I can separate when I channel or when I don’t channel, like you said, either we’re in the flow or we’re not in the flow. And it’s so amazing to be alive, but part of being alive right now and part of what our Ascension is all about is, in fact, being in our physical form and really embracing, I think, at a whole new level, the joy of being in that physical form.
SM: Yes, yes, it’s a very interesting practice to go through the every day mundane tasks that we still have of maintaining our physical lives and to look at that and say, “Wow, why am I even doing this? Well, I’m doing it because I can, I have a hand, I have a thumb that I can rub this glue off with or whatever.” It’s kind of a delight in being where we are and understanding it doesn’t have to be that way.
LD: Yeah. And the delight can come even in doing the laundry. And so, yeah, and it’s…you know one of the things St. Germaine has certainly been…I think this is a St. Germaine week because he came forward and he said he wanted to be on An Hour With An Angel this week, he came forward and he wanted to do this show on healing this week…I mean, St. Germaine is so front and center, present with us at the moment. But one of the things that he was encouraging me to say as I was getting ready and doing the meditation with him to hold that energy is the reminder to all of us, at this point in time, and because we tend to look at what we think of as what I would call close history, you know when I say close history I mean the last year or two, that there are times when we still experience aches and pains or like you said you got that cold.
God knows I’ve had enough health challenges to fill a couple of volumes, and it’s so important, even as we start this conversation, to never go into that fault or guilt or shame or blame because so often we think ‘well if I’m doing my work, and this is a big focus actually that we spend time in the New You and in the book, is if I’m really attending to the care and feeding of my sacred self, then how on earth am I getting sick? And then we think “well, I must be doing something wrong. I must be ignoring something.”
And when we don’t feel completely on top of our game, whether it’s a really serious illness, and I think we do need to separate those, or we just don’t feel 100%. Rather than going into any kind of beating up on ourselves we really need to be gentle because that’s our flashing yellow light and sometimes a red light that we really need to take time out and be gentle with ourselves, to tend to ourselves.
SM: Yeah, that’s true and something that’s come to me about the purposefulness of my cold is that I’m sort of making myself become familiar with the lymph system in my body and that’s not by checking the internet, it’s by checking in with myself, feeling with my fingers and feeling where things are and massaging the lymph system and putting golden light in there and healing myself. And I think it’s a practice that we really need to really…maybe that’s why it happened for me is that I can show myself what I really can do and what I am capable of.
LD: That’s the flip side of it is that all of us, every single person on this planet, has the ability to either heal themselves or to be healed. When I was thinking this I was thinking about all the various kingdoms and the ways in which we’re healed and of course my mind automatically, especially with St. Germaine, and that’s a big conversation, but it goes to the human healing human or self-healing, but everything that we need to heal is provided on the planet. And there are times I know that I’ve been healed by my little dog and cat, they have absolutely absorbed what has gone on with me, especially my sweet cat, Nike, who is now no longer with us, in fact she’s onboard ship and was totally an ET cat but she would take things, literally, from me and transmute them. She never weighed more than five pounds but man is she mighty.
And of course Gaia, the things in nature, in what is that phenomena, that things that will infect or disturb our system if you just look in a pure area, whatever it is like the cure for poison ivy is close by and the cure for whatever ails you is close by. But even the process of earthing, of just putting your feet, every day, either on an earthing mat, thank god for those, or just your bare feet connecting to Gaia, I mean Gaia can heal us like nobody’s business.
And then we forget to ask for the healing element of water or the fairies or the sprites, so it’s all around us and I think we’ve lost a lot of that sense of connection. You know I don’t have any issue, in fact I’m grateful for what we think of as current or western medicine, but what’s happened, I think too often, is that we have looked at western medicine as the penultimate…
SM: Yeah, exactly. Imagine if we got it in schools…
LD: Oh, I wish we did and I know that with the creation of Nova Earth and the Cities of Light we will. I’ll tell a little story…when I have talked with kids, and that’s one of my favorite things to do, and I’m thinking particularly of two young boys that I befriended, or shall I say, befriended me, but absolutely the loves of my life, and we were sitting around one day, outside in the garden and one of them said, “I have a headache” and so, always being very conscientious that you never touch anybody, whether it’s a child or an adult without being very careful about it, I just said to them, “Well why don’t we do this…just rub your hands together,” which they did, and then I said, “Just separate your hands and feel that energy” and yep, they got it right away, “now put your hands on your head” which they did and in less than a minute the headache was gone. And they didn’t say, “Well that’s stupid” or “How does that work?” or “Will that work?” or “Should I take an aspirin?” or “Maybe I have a brain tumor” or “Maybe I should go to the doctor” it was just like so natural to them that of course they could do it.
SM: Yeah, yeah, and all we need to do is be, you know it’s like the human thing, all we need to do is be told that it’s possible…
LD: Yeah…
SM: …it’s hard for us to discover those things on our own because of the societal conditioning of hundreds and hundreds of years. So, yeah, if we could put that into school kids are just totally receptive to it.
LD: Yeah, and to teach them how to meditate, it’s the same thing, “go in and talk to your body, ask your body what’s really going on.” It will tell you and it will come up with the most weird and wonderful answers or just the most obvious answers and then you can proceed from there. And it is as simple…there are many, many modalities, wonderful modalities, of energy medicine and energy healing.
SM: How many children are here now that are empathic and we could teach them to discern what is theirs and what is not theirs? That would be a very helpful tool.
LD: Yes, and also to teach them how to not take on what’s not theirs because I think if there’s sort of a key issue with this new race of children, is that because they do come in highly empathic and awake and already in that place of unity consciousness, there is an element of that that if I have a headache and somebody else is in India with that headache then it’s part of my job or responsibility to heal that. So there’s that fine line of differentiation of sending the energy, which is wonderful, and assuming the pain, which is not what any of us want to do.
SM: Yeah. Exactly. So what do you think; we’re in it and is it time for a meditation?
LD: I think it is time for a meditation but before we do I want to explain, and I probably am singing to the choir, and trust me, you never want to hear me sing…but just a little bit about St. Germaine’s Violet Flame and the Violet Flame is the energy of the I AM Presence. And you say, “Well, what is the I AM Presence?” It’s the Source energy, it’s the God energy, it’s the union energy, it’s the love energy; it’s a very powerful, powerful energy. And so we’re going to work this morning with that Violet Flame, so that’s the energy we’re calling in…
So, let’s all begin…let’s all begin this wonderful new year, 2014, as we begin to sail into those crystal clear blue azure waters of the Caribbean. Let’s begin by taking a nice, deep breath of violet and violet is that wonderful purple tinged with a touch of red; it is the perfect balance between blue and red. So, relax, sink into your chair or your car seat or the floor or the bed, wherever you are, and just take time to feel yourself with Suzi and I and St. Germaine, the Council of Love, at this starting gate of this wonderful year.
And let’s let go, let’s let go of anything you think or feel or believe was left undone or unattended to in 2013 or for the last 2000 years. And sink into your heart, sink into your magnificent tri-flame and anchor deeply. And let’s take a nice, deep breath of the Violet Flame, of that beautiful color, the color you see so much of around the time of Easter, of violet chrysanthemums, and pansies with their face turned toward the sun, and woodland violets. It isn’t a matter of trying to imagine the Violet Flame; the Violet Flame is something that you all know already. So, if you’ve forgotten, let’s pull that up from your wonderful memory banks and see it as the flame of a candle, of a beautiful purple candle that ends not in golden flame but in a violet flame. And this is the essence of the I AM. Now feel that flame igniting gently in your heart and feel it turn on, the same way you would turn on a gas burner and turn it up and breathe and taste and feel that Violet Flame.
Now, what we’re going to do is put that Violet Flame together, with St. Germaine’s help, into each and every one of our chakras, that that sense of Divine energy clears out, balances, and brings a heightened awareness and connection to each center we live in.
So, remaining anchored in your heart, come down to your root chakra…if you don’t know where that is, think of the tip of your tailbone…and see that tiny, beautiful Violet Flame igniting your tailbone, filling your root chakra, marrying and dancing with the red, filling your central column; and up to your pubic, insert the flame; and up to your sacral, to your tummy, which is the color of orange, and feel as if in the center of your tummy you’re putting in the Violet Flame and it is flickering and bright and along with your orange, it is opening and adjusting all your organs, your creativity; up to your umbilical, to your bellybutton, to the core of your addictions, all addictions are addictions to pain. Your umbilical is your place to eliminate, to let go. And today we let go of our need to know and bring in our ability to trust and to know the truth of our hearts. Bring it in.
Now bring that Violet Flame to your solar plexus, to the seat of your will, to your hara, and let it burn away and cleanse all emotional debris, the hurt and injured child, the times of broken heart, of pain or disillusion, let it burn now; up to the base of your rib cage, to the halion, to your connection to your star brothers and sisters so that you bring the Violet Flame in here to strengthen that connection, to remove all illusion, all fear, all trepidation that maybe it isn’t true…let it go. Now, into your heart again and feel the warmth, put your hand on your heart and feel the warmth of that wonderful Violet Flame. More. Up to your thymus, your high heart, the color of siroun, of a sunset or peach; this is your center for peace and balance and harmony. Up to your clavicle, to your lurion, to that hollow at the base of your neck; this is one of your centers, very important for communication, for you to be able to communicate with your guides, with your universal self, with your I AM through your I AM to THE I AM.
So bring in that Violet Flame and let it merge with the blue and the mauve and the pink, feel the warmth; up to your Adam’s apple, to your throat, into your indigo blue. Speak your truth. Up to your eyebrows, to your fourth eye, to the color of grayelsha, silver and mauve and purples; to your third eye, to the magenta, and bring that Violet Flame into your magenta. Feel it open your third eye so that you see clearly. And now to your crown which is violet and see a huge Violet Flame coming out of the top of your head and feel those flames, the direct line, burning brightly within you.
St. Germaine: Greetings. I am St. Germaine.
SM: Welcome.
St.G: And welcome to you, welcome my beloved friends, allies and healers of Nova Earth, and shall we say, really, humanity. And yes, once again I send out my missive, my call, for each one of you are healers. I have said and I will say again, “There is no difference, my beloved friends, between healers and teachers and channelers and human beings, and fairies and elves and trees and rocks. Each of you has the capacity, the talents, the where-with-all to heal and to heal instantaneously and to heal one another.
Now let us speak of this and let us also speak of the despair when one is not healed. Each of you, I give you this day and I reignite my Violet Flame, of which I am proud keeper. I do not call myself, “Master of the Violet Flame” I am simply a humble keeper of the Violet Flame that has been entrusted to be by the Divine. But it is also entrusted to each and every one of you and I call you across the realms, across the dimensions, across the realities, across the timelines to claim your role, and might I say ‘responsibility’, responsibility in the recovery, for the rejuvenation, for the restoration of humanity, of Gaia, of all, because the healing of this planet goes far.
Now, know I ignite this within the palms of your hands, within the tips of your fingers, within your heart and within your third eye. Now, this is part of your birthright and this is part of your capacity to maintain balance, to be in your I AM Presence, not to drift back and forth but to be firmly anchored in the totality of your being. Now, my friends, I have walked the earth and I have seen much illness, much dis-ease, much dismay, but I have never, not on this side or your side, encountered anything that could not be healed.
Yes, as the channel has said, most of what you think of as illness comes from the mental and emotional and from the old paradigms of the 3rd. Now, I want to be very clear with you this day, I do not say this in a casual way, as if you can flip a channel or change a radio station and then say, “Oh, I have a new way.” The release of the old can be difficult but it is also…it is difficult because you believe it to be difficult, you believe it to be a challenge. With the Violet Flame I ask you to build a towering inferno that will burn away the cords to any existence that is not of wholeness, that is not of fullness, that is not of grace, because in the other realms, in the higher dimensions, illness does not exist.
Now are there some of you who have carried illness and dis-ease to teach compassion, patience, prudence? Absolutely and for this we honor and commend you; but you can let go now. And are there some of you who will choose to transit and to be with me rather than to remain in physical form? Yes, absolutely. But do not ever think of this as any sense of failure, of incompletion, it simply means, dear heart, you have a new assignment but you do not need to suffer in pain. Death is a sweet release, it is actually a non-event. It is the fear, the confusion, the sadness of saying goodbye that contributes to the drama of death, but in fact, it is as easy as blinking so that you can be reborn into again the fullness of who you are and who you choose to be.
Many are beckoned home at this time as you well know. Now we are not suggesting dear hearts that any of you make this rash choice, to simply leave before your time, before your appointed choice and time. Always you are welcomed with great fanfare, but that is not the point; the point is your journey and your passage.
Now, let me get to the crux of why I have really called you forth this day. Yes, I have beckoned you…you may think that you have beckoned me but I assure you that it is mutual. I ask you to not only heal your sacred self but to heal the remaining collective of humanity. I wish to create a towering inferno, a violet bonfire that is seen from the far reaches of outer-space so that all discomfort, dis-ease, disbelief, disenchantment, despair is burnt, incinerated, eliminated, and returned back to the Source/Mother/One for what you would think of as recycling and light.
This…I will not use the word ‘urgent’…but this is certainly a very immediate request. Why, why would you even want, other than lack of love and lack of self worth, why would you want this collective suffering to continue? So, I call you once again, my armada of healers, to join with me and let us go together to the place of no discomfort, no dis-ease. Let us go together to the place of recovery, restoration and beauty. All you have need to do is call me, rub your hands together, place them, place them upon Gaia, place them upon humanity, place them upon yourself and heal now!
I am sure, dear Suzanne, you have many questions.
SM: Ah, thank you St. Germaine, it is a joy to speak with you again in this way. I do have questions because it seems like everything has shifted. My work until now has been all about intention and imagination but now I’ve been wondering how necessary it actually is for us to be more than be present in each moment and to follow what is presented to us that feels best and most relaxing in our body?
St.G: Now, I am going to tease you…how are these different? Understand what I say, when you are in the place of harmony, when you are in what you both have called the flow, then there is an innate, not merely trust, but knowing that you are exactly where you have need to be and choose to be in any given moment or millennium, So yes, when you follow what brings your heart joy, what feels right, what feels like equilibrium and balance, then you are doing and stepping forward into action exactly what you have designed, a long time ago, in your plan within the Mother’s plan of which this is only a small chapter, what you want to do. And when you are doing that then there is no sense of ‘must’ or ‘should’ or ‘urgency,’ it is simply where you are.
Now, I do not say this as a band aid permission to be uninvolved or dare I say ‘lazy’. That is not what we are talking about at all because when you are in that truth of who you are our beloved Archangel Michael, the Mother, all of us, have spoken about the expansion of your fields, about the expansion of your hearts, and how you are healing, not just communicating which, of course, you are doing, but how you are healing, raising the vibration, heightening the frequency of others merely through your field. And is that not a joke that I say “merely through your field”, which is the entire power of who you are.
The telepathic, the energetic communication of the healing is how the human race is being transformed. Yes, the hands-on is essential but it is not the totality. There are various components; if you are building a stack of cards, a house of cards, or a spaceship, you bring all the components forward. And how is it ignited? It is energized by the Violet Flame. So, yes, you are correct in that.
SM: Okay, well further to that, I’ve been following my guidance to allow the energies to permeate my body and bring me to be a clear conduit for divine energy as possible, but now I’m wondering, and you’ve sort of just answered that, that’s now shifted to a deeper level and one where I no longer need to do anything purposely spiritual because I am that, just I am.
St.G: You are in your I AM Presence and that has been the goal since the very beginning. So, when you are in and anchored and embodied in your I AM Presence, there is no sense of reaching. There is a sense of very deep and profound calm, of simply knowing and allowing yourself to move with the currents that move with you, that you have chosen and created, and that have chosen and created you. So, when you are in that movement…so what it does, dear heart, is it eliminates that sense of struggle; it eliminates that sense of having to second guess yourself.
SM: It’s very freeing.
St.G: Yes, and it is…can I say this, and there is not a single master from any walk that would not tell you that this is where we have always guided you to be.
SM: So, it feels like creating our reality as we wish to experience it may now be a practice of being in the moment and letting go of everything we thought we knew. Would you speak to that, please?
St.G: When you are in the moment, in what you sometimes call your ‘eternal now’, there is no history. Now you know that time has been given to you simply to help you anchor on earth. But when you are fully in your present I AM, it is not that your memory of past, of present, of future is erased, because I have many fond memories, but your sense of needing to address or justify or remedy any of those disappears. So, for example, let us speak to one of the things that has significantly changed. Many of you have taken, oh years healing your inner child. Now I am not suggesting to you that your inner child no longer exists, it is an aspect and a part, a fragment of your being. But in the energy amplification, in the integration that has and is taking place, that innocent child has been brought within your I AM. So, there is no need to go back, go back, go back and heal that because it is already done. In that acceptance, in that integration, as you have spread your wings and your arms and said, “Come home” then that is done. And if it is not done then yes, you take the time, you do not chastise or criticize yourself, you simply say, “Oh, then I’d better just reach my arms out a little further and with my palms and fingers, my magic heart, bring them home.”
SM: Beautiful. I have one last question before we go to callers, if I may. I appreciate all the work that has been done on behalf of humanity by a multitude of beings throughout this Ascension process. Many of us have been steadfast in our faith and trust in the Divine plan and in our energy healing work and it’s clear as crystal that many internal changes have taken place, especially now. Still we’re faced with the continued suffering and need of those around us while we straddle two worlds. You know what’s in my heart to say and it’s around the release of prosperity packages that would bring so much to this process that I’m wondering what else needs to take place or be done in order for that to happen?
St.G: One of the things that you have touched on is that there is still pain and suffering in your world and dear heart, do not forget that your world is mine as well. And that is why I have said to you that I am calling out, yet again, for my armada of healers, the Healers of the Violet Flame. I do not care what you call yourselves…nurses, doctors, accountants, teachers, garbage collectors, homeless, it matters not, I am calling on you to complete this healing. Now, if we speak of this in terms of what you have said and referred to as prosperity packages, which you know has been a very long involvement on my part, very long, money does not heal. Does it provide relief? Yes. Is it the natural state of abundance of this human race? Yes. But what we do not want is for money, let me be very concrete here, for money to ever be a distraction. And there are far too many still who think that money will solve their issues and they are not prepared to simply take my Violet Flame into their hearts and burn away the fear, the worry, and the sense that their spiritual currency is not adequate and that is a falsehood…it is!
Now having said that, I am not so foolish as to think that money does not solve some very immediate problems. And do not think it is our side holding up the immense flow of abundance for all because there are some human actors and I do not choose to identify specific people, but it is a human collective energy that says, “No, we are not quite worthy enough” which of course is stupid. So send the healing, send the Violet Flame to incinerate; when I have talked to you this day about creating the towering purple inferno burning the cords between these belief systems, I mean it. Take your torch of freedom and hold it high and burn away this foolishness. And I am helping you, we all are, and I might say to you it is already underway.
SM: Okay, good, so we have our orders.
St.G: I would never order, I only request…very strongly, but I request.
SM: Okay, alright, so are we ready for some callers?
St.G: I am, are you?
SM: I am and thank you so much for the wonderful, enlightening information you have given us so far… Okay, so area code 770, are you with us?
AC 770: Yes. My name is Sam, I would like to…I don’t know anything about what you do but I would like to request some help for my husband and how do we do this?
St.G: You do this, dear heart, by going into your heart, which you have already done and that you declare yourself even by stepping forward and calling us this day. So, this is what I guide you to do; take your hands where I have put my Violet Flame and see that you rub your hands together a few times, you will feel the warmth of the energy and of the flame in your hands. Take one hand and put it on the front of his body, on his chest, on his heart; take your other hand and put it on the back where the back of his heart chakra comes through. Simply hold it there and let the Violet Flame transmute and transform. That is what you can do. Ten minutes to start with, no more, for you do not wish to incinerate this one.
AC770: Okay, how do I proceed?
St.G: That is how you proceed. This will work to not only begin the transmutation to open his heart, to open his healing, but also to free him to do what he chooses to do. Understand, when you do what I say, and I do not simply say this to thee, Sam, you take your hand and you are being granted the privilege, not the right, but the privilege to enter another’s sacred space. Can he reject this? Yes. Will he reject this? No. So you move through his Seal of Solomon, you move through all his bodies as you are approaching him, and this is important for you to understand so that you are moving the healing through the mental, through the emotional, through the causal, through the etheric, into the physical, so every level is receiving the Violet Flame.
Yours is not to decide how the healing takes place or even if the healing takes place in the way you wish it to occur. Your role is to simply be the vehicle of transmission and to allow this to transpire. It is a very challenging role and position that I ask all of you to be in, to be the transmitters, the anchors, the beacons, but to not feel attached to the outcome because you are not in charge.
SM: Thank you for your call, Sam, and I just want to add here that it’s not personal, it’s not us doing it, we’re just allowing the energy to come through when we do this work. Okay, area code 810, are you with us?
AC810: Hello. I was just wondering what is the best way to energetically heal from a broken heart, from someone you feel you had a real soul connection with, like to the point where you believe this person was at least your soul mate or your twin flame? I mean, was this karmic debt like releasing past life experiences? That’s my question.
St.G: The best way to heal from a broken heart, dear heart, is to simply allow your heart to heal. When you come to Earth…first of all let us give you a little background, and when I say you, I mean all of you. Very few of you have brought your twin flame with you to Earth. They have a tendency to remain on our side to assist you in this very important mission called “the transformation of Earth.” But you have also brought with you a selection, most of you and some of you even a parade, of soul mates and soul friends. Now not all soul mates are indeed romantic partners, they can be siblings, parents, best friends, fast friends, so there is a variety of roles that soul mates play.
Yes, sometimes you have come back together for karmic reasons, but we also encourage you to know that this is a period of karmic dispensation, so do that process that has been recorded and allow that karmic tie or debt, both that is owed to you and that you owe, to be dismissed. There is no room or time for it. Now, how do you heal? Now we have spoken to Suzanne about ‘in the moment’. In this moment you are not broken, in fact let us look at this, seldom will you ever be broken, but let us assume you are; do not go back into the past. Acknowledge and honor the past, the sweetness of the love, the sacred nature of love, and put that in your heart, in a place of safe keeping, because never will any of us tell you to throw away the love. All we seek to do is to eliminate and transmute, transform, transubstantiate the pain.
So, how do you do this? You do it by going into your heart, I could speak to you of forgiveness, forgiveness of others and forgiveness of self, and of a greater love for yourself, a greater honoring and a trust that you have brought forward, as we have said, several soul mates. This is a time of sacred union in many forms and so you are allowing what you can think of as the past to be transmuted so that you can be in a place of true conjoining. Now it is very hard and I know because I have lived through it, when you feel that you are in a place of being in broken heartedness, to say “well I will heal so I can get ready for the next one.” So that is not what I am saying because when you have feelings that you have suffered a broken heart, the first healing is with your sacred self.
I have talked about not going into blame or shame or fault or guilt, but what happens when you feel that you have so seriously, you believe that you have so seriously misstepped, is that you stop trusting yourself; so, the first healing is a rejoining, a new conjunction, a new point of union with your sacred self. Because my friends, yes, do human beings, through the exercise of free will and free choice, which will never be interfered with, do they make some crazy choices, do they make some very bizarre choices? Yes they do and I am witness to that, up close and personal, myself included.
But then there is the next step…there are no mistakes. What you can think of is yes, have you taken the scenic route and might I even suggest the scenic route through hell? But that was a choice and it contributes to your wisdom, to your compassion, to your ability to continue on, to endure, and to rise like the phoenix from the ashes. So, when you heal your heart, hands on your heart, Violet Flame to your heart, just as I have said to Sam, begin with ten minutes a day and then grow from there. But first and foremost, my dear friend, is the choice and it is the choice not to cling to what you perceive has been a disservice to you but the choice to heal and to go forward and not to dismiss that love affair but to put it where it belongs, in your heart. Love is never wrong. The choices of human beings are notoriously strange, but they are not wrong. So, begin with yourself, dear heart.
SM: Thank you for your call. Oh, that was wonderful. Okay, so we are on to area code 520, are you with us?
AC520: Yes I am, Suzanne. Good morning St. Germaine, good morning Linda. Okay I have a question about using the Violet Flame for healings in relationships. And specifically one of the types of relationships that I have found to be, in my perception, difficult to heal are those where one of the…in a two person relationship, where one of those partners is still in a co-dependent relationship with a third person. So my question is about enduring, staying involved and trying to help and heal those relationships vs. escaping? Or how to take on what is not yours vs. compassion for the person who’s involved in that co-dependent relationship? Or how do you send energy but you don’t assume the pain of that complex connection, those relationships where there’s three people involved instead of two?
St.G: This is a very good question and the issue of co-dependency, whether it is a third party as in a love triangle or a child or sibling or parent, is very common. Now, let me get a little technical on you: All beings, all beings are completely interconnected and completely independent. So, what you are really asking, my beloved friend, is how does one assist, because that is the role of the healer, it is simply, as you well know, to be the assistant and the vehicle of transmutation, how do we help everybody involved? Remember that they are strong and independent and unique and that they have all they require to go forward in this journey, with this wonderful element that we call free will, because in co-dependence there is an element, a very strong element of disruption that one has forgotten that you are an independent being and that you have your own path and your own journey.
So, a couple of things that we would recommend; first and this is also standard practice, insure that your Seal of Solomon, that your bubble of protection that is around you, is intact, that there are no tears, there are no rents, there are no fraying, so for all three people you make sure that the bubble is intact. And if it isn’t you may reinforce it, you may reinforce it with my Violet Flame, with the individual soul color, with the titanium or ziranium, there are any numbers of ways. When the seal is intact then nothing, listen to what I tell you, nothing that is not of love is permitted to penetrate, and that includes co-dependence and everything else, by the way; your love flows freely out and through. Not enough attention generally is given to this Seal of Solomon so pay attention to what you will think of as your bubble of protection. So that is first and foremost.
Then, what you are going to do is ignite, create the towering inferno and notice this day I am not speaking of holding a single flame to those cords, notice that I am not talking about simply lighting the cords, I am talking about towering infernos to turn into ash and back into light those cords because that is truly what co-dependence is, it is cording and it is a belief system in your own insufficiency, that you somehow are not capable and competent to exist and to go forward independently in your mission and purpose.
Now I say all of you, all of us, are completely united on the grid of the universe, on the Mother’s grid. So you simply send this energy along the grid until it is clear and in this way…now inside the bubble you may also send to the person, might we suggest, the warrior blue, that sense of strength, of valor, Michael’s Blue Flame, the Pink Flame, the Pink Diamond of completion, of individual knowing of how each being is a totality and perfect. The Mother does not make mistakes so there is no being that ever has been birthed or created as less-than.
So what you are doing in your healing work…yes, I prefer the Violet Flame but there are many choices…is you are reawakening the knowing of wholeness, not only in the person that you observe as co-dependent but in the person that they are co-dependent upon because this is a parasitic relationship and there is no room for that. Is this clear?
AC520: Yes. Thank you very much, thank you Suzanne, thank you Linda, thank you St. Germaine.
St.G: You are so welcome dear friend, and I thank you for the healing work that you do.
AC520: That is my pleasure, gift, and honor…and thank you.
St.G: Farewell.
SM: Okay, so I’m very excited that we have lots of callers and we are not going to be able to get to everybody, but we are on to, your numbers are showing all 1’s, are you with us?
Okay, we are now on to David, good morning, are you with us?
David: Hello, good morning Suzi, good morning Linda, good morning St. Germaine. So, I was in a pretty bad mood when this started but I’m in a better mood right now. So, it was a really good show. My question is, I also broke up with my girlfriend on the solstice of 2013 because there was also a co-dependent relationship with some other people and I want to focus on myself right now because I gave that up in the relationship, but as usual, I don’t know anymore or I don’t so much believe in myself anymore, probably the solution is the Violet Flame. But my question is, dear St. Germaine, you have some suggestions how I can really get some kind of mission in my consciousness that I can focus on, that I can get my worth of, and not be practically bored?
St.G: Yes I can. Now, the beginning point, and I have spoken volumes in this channel’s book, but I will give her that free advertisement, but I will tell you, dear David, you have asked a pivotal question. How do you begin, all of you, how do you get started or restarted or jump started if you have forgotten your own sweet self, your own mission and purpose and somehow, do to choice, do to circumstance, it matters not, throw all of that away? But you cannot proceed if you have not fully embraced the totality of who you are.
Now there are times and my beloved friend, there have been times even in my lifetime and in various incarnations when I would retreat back to the caves of Tibet. Now everyone has thought that I was visiting with my good friends, yes, the Tibetan and Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, El Morya, and of course I was, but I was also retreating. There is a time to go in to the silence, to the cave and to the void and to have a second, third, thousandth look at who you are and to see, to experience, to feel, the glory of who you are, the magnificence. And if ever there was a time to do that, it is now, because that is how you become to be in your I AM Presence, in that marriage of who you are, of all of who you are.
So this is what you do; go into your cave, your heart, you have had many meditations on this show where you go into the cave of your inner heart and you sit there and simply sit. Now, might I add, it would serve you all well to sit in the violet bonfire, make it a flame, make it a tiny campfire, but let it burn, let it grow, throw on some logs, the purple of indigo, even of blue, and sit on the flame and simply ask, “Who am I?” Do the soul color meditation, do your various merges, meet with your guides, and it is not to have a full awakening, it is simply to remember and to reflect and recall this information that you have already known and known and known and known. And from that place of falling in love, in every sense of the word, fall in love with yourself again because you cannot be in sacred union with another until you are in love with yourself.
We want you to love yourself the way that we love you. And after you have finished falling in love with yourself, then fall in love with us and then you will be ready for sacred union. And it is not a ‘search and destroy’ mission, it is a gift, it is a gift of love and creation, it is bringing forth in alignment of who you are with your mission and purpose.
So, take my hand and come into the cave or the Temple of the Violet Flame with me and let us remember.
SM: Beautiful. St. Germaine we have just over a minute left and I have lots of callers waiting and I am wondering if we can continue this another week because it just seems like there is a lot of interest and need to know things, so…
St.G: I would be honored, pleased, excited, elated and I would also like to hear back in the feedback next week, or when we next meet, about how people are doing with the Violet Flame. May I ask of that?
SM: Yes, sounds wonderful.
St.G: Then I will return. Go with my love and go…violet is a beautiful color, is it not?
SM: It is truly a beautiful color. Thank you so much.
St.G: You are so loved. Farewell.
LD: Hi, it’s Linda.
SM: Hi Linda, welcome back.
LD: Well, it looks like we are into our violet phase, huh?
SM: Yea, for sure, I’m all for it.
LD: I am too. This is…you know we have a saying in the 13th Octave LaHoChi, the saying is, “Healing at the speed of love” and the speed of love is the speed of light squared! So, let’s go.
Channeled by Linda Dillon 01-07-14
Source :
" Keep looking ahead "
SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
17 - January - 2014
From our vantage point your Earth shines out like a jewel in the firmament, and makes it known to all observers that the Light is once again returning. With your input and our assistance it will continue to do so, and no outside influence will be able to stop or hinder it. It has been decreed that this cycle will end in victory for the Light, and this was planned eons of time ago.
You can therefore leave the old behind that has served its purpose, and indeed eventually only the higher vibrations will exist. Hitherto, the cycles have ended with massive Earth changes, so much so that little evidence has remained of earlier civilisations. However, now that necessary lessons have been learnt, the experiences have brought about the desired upliftment in the levels of consciousness. This was required to bring those souls who were ready to ascend, to a level where they could do so and complete their experiences in the lower vibrations. This is normal when a cycle reaches a stage of completion.
Now Dear Ones you can focus on the future, and know that there are many changes to come that will prepare you for even higher levels of existence. It is only natural that you will wonder about the future of family and friends, and many of your groups will stay together for some time to come. If a member should go in a different direction it will be right for them, and they should be released with your love and blessings. However, as was pointed out in a previous message - the love link is a powerful bond between souls, that remains regardless of the distance that may separate you.
In fact, the energy of Love is the glue of the Universe and it is indestructible. Indeed, in the final reckoning Love is all there is. Some of you who are recognising the power of love. are beginning to realise that it is the energy behind what you call "miracles". An example is what you call a "Mothers Love" for her children and why she carries so much power with her to heal when the necessity arises. All of you to some degree have such abilities but they lay dormant until you awaken to them.
As time progresses you will find that your energies have much more influence upon people around you than you imagined. It can of course be for better or worse, and soon you will learn to take full responsibility for them. If a collective of people take part in a healing meditation and have a single focus in mind, their power is increased many times. It is probably already known to you, but it has to be said that where healing is unsuccessful, it is not normally due to a failure of the Healers. It is other factors such as the karma of the soul who is receiving healing, so do not be dismayed if you are unsuccessful.
As you learn of the way in which you have been controlled, you will understand why for many lives you have lived an illusion. Whilst it is true that you have created what is happening on a daily basis, at the same time you have not done so whilst being aware of the Truth. For eons of time you have been led by souls with their own agenda, who have literally kept you in the dark. You have also been fed lies and misinformation making it extremely difficult for you to know what is true. However, do not despair as soon the dark forces will lose their influence and power over you.
Keep an open mind as the revelations come out, and intuitively you should be able to discard information that does not "feel right". Trust your tried and tested sources of information and be wary of those that create fear, as that is not the way of the higher ones working for the Light. As you must be aware, the dark Ones have a large degree of freedom to carry out their agenda, as they also have freewill. However, they cannot successfully prevent the Light from permeating all levels, and this is why their success will always be limited.
Many souls lead their lives without the slightest inkling that they are being manipulated. The dark Ones are very clever in hiding their influence behind respectability or acting through lesser Beings. However, it is too late for them to stop the onward march of the Light, and they are fighting a lost cause. Already they can see their power ebbing away and there is no way in which they can recover. So do not fear the dark Ones as they are about to lose control of their power structure.
Keep looking ahead knowing that your future is assured in the Light. As time passes holding your place in it will become easier, as you will slowly cut your ties to any links that are not connected to the Light. Many carry undesirable baggage from many lifetimes, but inwardly you will know what it is and it will surface for cleansing. It is a fact that anything of the lower vibrations will hold less attraction for you, and you will soon deal with it.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, pleased to give of myself for your upliftment, and leave you with Love from the Galactic Federation.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.
Source :
Thursday, January 16, 2014
" tsunami of love "
Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon
An Hour with an Angel,
9 - January - 2014
Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The New You: Emerging into Humanity’s Heart Consciousness. Joining her is Steve Beckow, founder of the Golden Age of Gaia and author of Building Nova Earth: Toward a World that Works for Everyone.
Our guest today is Archangel Michael. So, with that I’ll pass it over to you, Steve.
Steve Beckow: Thank you very much, Graham. And, Linda, why don’t we spend a few minutes before we talk to Archangel Michael, in light of recent events, just to hear from you on the nature of channeling: what does it mean, how is it done, and what the clarity and protection measures are that you take to ensure fidelity transmission?
Linda Dillon: Oh, I’d love to talk a few minutes today about the nature of channeling. And we had some discussions in our team meetings for InLight Radio about channeling and how now, especially, there are so many channels that are stepping forward.
And what does that mean to us as human beings? What does this mean to us as the collective, stepping forward? And how do we go about channeling? How do we receive channeling? What do we do with channeling?
For me, channeling is when you are speaking with the divine realm. And that can mean the Company of Heaven, an angel, what some people, myself included, refer to as guides, archangels, even the Divine Mother, or what we consider fully enlightened beings.
So when we’re talking about channeling, and when we’re particularly talking about channeling on this show, and I would suggest on the Golden Age of Gaia blog as well, we’re not ever talking about the lower vibrations that are certainly present throughout the universe.
But what do I do? To me — and I have taught this for, oh, at least a decade — when you are going to channel there are certain processes that you go through to ensure that you are hooking into, that you are connecting with and allowing only the highest energies to come through.
So it’s a process of meditation and of posting the archangels and taking even rituals of protection and prayer, and basically emptying yourself to such a degree that you can feel the energy of the ascended ones or the archangel coming in, stepping into you and basically sharing your space.
And if you don’t feel that for some reason — and that can happen from time to time, and it takes time and practice to get used to, that sensation of sharing space — then you just basically shut down the channel and you don’t channel either that day or at that time. And if you feel any variation of it even during the transmission, then you shut it down and you step aside as well.
What I do is to basically make myself as far away as possible. For me, it often sounds like I’m eavesdropping, but if it’s for someone that I’m close to or that I love and care about, or it’s an issue that is really of very significant importance, I tend to send myself outside, or to go and play among the stars so that I’m not present and I’m not influencing what’s coming through. And again, that’s a practice that all of us who are channels are undertaking.
Now, the other side of that is, what do you do as a listener, as a reader in receiving channeled information? I believe at this time particularly, and the reason we’re having such a plethora of channelings coming through is that not only is our vibration rising, but that it’s the sense of direction and information that we need and are being given from the other side, as it were, in order to complete our Ascension.
But as a reader, as a listener, there are a couple of things that you can do in terms of discerning, because the issue is discernment, never judgment, but just discernment about whether the channeling is meaningful to you. And the first would be, of course, is it of love? And if a channeling of any kind, from any source, ever feels like it’s not of love, then, again, you just turn it off and you go away and you just discard it, basically. You know, does it speak to your heart?
And the second point is, is it applicable to your life, to your Ascension task, to your spiritual path? And in practical terms, is it useful to your life? And if so, how? How are you going to take the information and actually translate that into something meaningful for you?
Because we’re not just receiving the channeled information, the messages, just to collect information. We’re in an information age where we love lots and lots of information. But that’s not really the singular purpose of channeling. The purpose of channeling is to open your heart and to assist you.
And the third thing is that when you do receive particular information, whether it’s through an article or on the radio or through a personal channeling or your own channeling — because we all channel in different ways — if it’s to do something and it doesn’t feel quite right or it’s time sensitive, then one of the things that I do, Steve, is I wait. I put it aside, I put it on the shelf and I observe it.
And when it comes to pass, I go, “Oh, that’s what they mean,” or “Oh, that’s what they’re guiding me to do,” or “That’s how that’s intended to unfold.”
And 20 years later I’m still taking things off the shelf that they told me and figuring out, oh, that’s what that meant. Because as human beings we have this wonderful tendency to translate it, right? And of course, because we translate it in ways that we think are going to be immediate solutions for us. But sometimes that’s absolutely the case and sometimes it isn’t.
So it’s just to be, I don’t know, prudent, I guess, in terms of how you act upon that information, when it’s etheric, when it’s about the Divine Qualities, when it’s about how to lead your life or what direction in which to move to grow spiritually. And that’s the easy stuff, because we understand that. But when it’s about, “Move next week to New Jersey,”
So those are some of the things. That’s a very short list, how we approach it.
SB: Way back in the mid-1970s in a psychic development class the medium would allow someone to come in and work her voice box. Now, when you’re channeling, you’re not in your body, right? They’re operating your voice box, they are doing the speaking. Is that correct?
LD: That’s correct.
I know it may sound like this soft spoken brunette, but I’m not running the mechanics of the voice box. I feel, and I observe, by the way — that’s what I meant when I said I’m basically eavesdropping sometimes — that in my channeling room, where I do channeling for individuals and for us here today, I have two chairs, and I go and I occupy the other chair. So, I basically vacate enough so that they can occupy the space.
And that’s something that as you’re becoming a channel and as you’re learning to channel that you need to be very conscious of and very careful with. Because you always want to make sure that you’ve taken adequate measures so that you can get back in.
SB: Wow! What does that mean?
LD: It means that you make sure that you’re traveling on your silver cord, or in some cases some people would think of it as the red cord that comes out of your root chakra. When I go and play amongst the stars, it’s a major issue. I will travel up along my silver cord. Whether it’s channeling or bilocation or, I don’t know, yogic flying, you don’t leave your body without maintaining a connection. You never let that connection be severed. Otherwise you’ve got an empty shell sitting there.
And it can be hard. I’ve only had the experience once. And I learned my lesson and I never want to do it again.
SB: Um-hmm. I think Solomon said, “if ever the silver cord be loosed” – well, that’s the transition, right?
LD: That’s right. You have to have your way back in. And that’s true whether you’re doing automatic writing, or, as I said, if you’re going off at night to work with Archangel Michael, or sometimes in my case whether you’re going on board ship, you make sure that that cord is always there, and that if you’re in sacred partnership or in relationship that the person that you’re with or sharing a bed with is fully aware not to do anything to startle you or to snap that cord.
SB: Um-hmm. Very good. Well, thank you for that.
LD: A word to the wise? There are times — and this is not a new experience for me — when different channels will perceive or channel varying information. And I think that’s where the discernment of the reader and the listener comes through, and the clarity of the channel.
And I’m not even referring necessarily to the current discussion around whether Jesus lived or died. I’m talking about situations where people have called me over the years and said, “Well, I went to a channel,” or very often they’ll say, “I went to a psychic, and they told me that this was going to happen, and this didn’t happen.” And so that creates disarray. And that’s commonplace.
But amongst even very talented, respected channels there can be variations…. One of the conversations that we’ve been having lately, that I think is important that we all really understand, is the nature of the partnership that we are developing with the Council of Love and the Company of Heaven.
And I had this conversation, or, actually, Archangel Michael had this conversation, which I listened into, well, in and out, yesterday, and it was about the fact that now that we are in this elevated form, this new form of partnership — and we’re seeing in our human relationships as well — but we’re in this sacred union partnership with the unseen, with the higher realms, however we call that.
And even a decade before, but certainly 30, 40, 50 years before — the angelic realm, the higher realm, or even our guides and guardians tended to do more for us. And that was the agreement. That was the relationship. In many ways it was more like parent-child.
Now, in this relationship, it’s adult-to-adult in many ways. Now, I know, and I know everybody listening knows, that we are definitely the junior partner in this relationship. But that’s not what they’re saying to us. They’re saying, “We’re treating you in a spiritually mature, evolved and evolving way. And so we anticipate and we support you in creating and behaving and discerning in that spiritually mature way.”
And, you know, even as early as this morning there was part of me, I was thinking about this, and I was thinking, this is really wonderful, this is, like, fabulous! Alleluia! And then there’s this other part of me that thinks, ah, heck! Couldn’t you just do it for us?
And every now and then, of course, they do jump in. I’m thinking of the example of Graham’s letter that showed up in mysterious ways. They do jump in, and they’ll tell us something, “Okay, do this. Bam!” And we say thank you, and we’re really glad to get that kind of information, but by and large, now, it’s more that we’re walking the path together.
So they point the way and say, “Don’t you think you should turn left?” or “Don’t you think you should listen to this piece of information, or integrate this practice into your life because it would enhance our partnership?” But the choice always of saying yes or no is ours. So it’s important for us to pay attention to how our relationship with them is changing as well.
SB: Hmm. And just for our listeners, the reference to Graham’s letter was that I sent Graham a letter and it got lost. And the Company of Heaven directed him to exactly where it was. And he went down there and they looked and, by gosh it was there. So that was pretty amazing.
LD: You just wish we had more of that, hung?
SB: Yeah! [laugh] Well, it’s quite handy, is it not?
LD: It is.
SB: Would it be okay if we went over a few minutes today? Are you able to do that?
LD: I think I’m able to do that, yes.
SB: Okay. If we need to, and we may not.
LD: And if we need to, we will.
SB: Okay. Thank you very much for that, Linda. And I’ll give you the opportunity to just relax a minute and make the transition, and we’ll talk with Archangel Michael.
Archangel Michael: Greetings, I am Michael…
SB: Greetings, Lord.
AAM: Archangel of peace, warrior of love, and yes, welcome to you, welcome to each and every one of you. Welcome, my beloved friends, my dear family, and might I say my fellow light warriors, my fellow lightworkers, my fellow love-holders, because this is who you are. Yes, you are wayshowers. You are pillars. You are gatekeepers.
None of this disappears, dear friends. It is not a title or a job description that you are given for a brief period of time. It was a piece of information, insight into the clarity and the purpose, the makeup, the essence of who you are. And in that, might I say to each and every one of you, whether you realize it, whether you always consistently see it or not, you are magnificent.
The channel, Linda, has skipped something that I would like to add to this conversation about channeling and what it means. It is not only our opportunity, our joyous opportunity, to speak and to communicate with you, it is also a gift to us. It is a gift, a joy, a pleasure to be able to reach you in this way, during this time of transition, where perhaps you do not always hear us with your auditory or telepathic receptors as clearly as we would like you to. Because our desire, dear heart, is to communicate with you, clearly, concisely, and to touch your heart, to open your heart and to allow you to know, not in a general way but in a very deeply personal way, how much you are loved, how deeply you are valued.
And through this medium, through these conversations that we have, both here on this platform and yes, on the blog platform, we are able to do that. And we are also able, telepathically, spiritually, and yes, through my dear friend, cohort, and fellow partner, Steve, to be able to address what is in your hearts and what is in the forefront of your mind.
We do not ignore your mental and emotional body or your needs and desires, particularly your desires to co-create Nova Earth, cities of light, cities of love, peace on Earth. This is where we meet in our goals and service, our mission to the Mother.
So, we welcome the channeling as much as you do. It is a shared joy.
Soon — and yes, I know how many of you dislike this word ‘soon’, but in this situation I cannot say next Tuesday or February, but very soon — let us say in a timely, very timely manner, you will be swept away in the tsunami of the Mother’s love, in the tsunami of awakening.
Now, you have been, my brothers and sisters, in the process of awakening for years, and very intensely over the past two years, but yes, of course there is more to come. And what lies ahead, even what is in the guise of momentary chaos is sheer delight. It is what your heart, your soul, your mind and your body have yearned for, and what many of you, literally some of you by your nails or the skin of your teeth, have been hanging on for.
What is the tsunami of love? It is the outpouring of the essence of love from the Source, from the Creator, the Unified One that has been the creative force for the creation of many, many universes. Now you know, again, particularly over the past couple of years, that you have been actively and consciously receiving increases in your vibratory frequency, in your ability to hold and maintain more light, higher frequency, more love. And this is not simply a tsunami or an outpouring that is occurring, well, out of the blue — but in fact it does come out of the blue! But let me explain.
You have been prepared through the original 11/11, 12/12 and all the repetitions of that, through the increases that we have given you, that your star brothers and sisters have given you, the diligent work, whether you know it or not that your own circle of guides and masters have been giving you. You were given the blue diamond of the Mother, her very essence, but it was like a drop in the Pacific Ocean. But you were given this to ignite your healing, individually and of the collective, long ago, a decade ago.
Now you have been given, and you are continuing in the receiving of, the Mother’s gift of clarity, and even more importantly, shall we say, the twin, purity, which carries with it wisdom and truth. You know this. But these are all, yes, pre-requisites.
They expand you, they allow you to feel in different ways, experience in different ways, and enter into the truth of the human experience as it was intended for the collective. And many of you are experiencing this. And for this we say alleluia.
Has it reached the fullness of what is required? No. But it is sufficient that this outpouring of love onto the planet will not disassemble or overwhelm you to an extent that you could not maintain or stay in your body, because, of course, the entire purpose of this glorious Ascension is that it is being done while maintaining the physical vessel, which is something that is brand new.
Do you know, my family, how rare something new is throughout the multiverse? It is rare and it is precious. And therefore it is being very carefully monitored. I wished to say orchestrated, but that would give you the impression that it is us simply doing to, and that is not the nature of this unfoldment.
We have shared our hearts; we share our hearts every night. And when you speak, whether you are speaking to me or to Gabrielle or the Mother, understand, we hear you and we answer; one of us always answers. But let me get back to the point — we have spoken of a series of events.
Now, let me use an analogy, and an analogy that the child within you can grasp, embrace and get excited about. If the carnival, the fair, was coming to town, there would be a series of events. There would be the clearing of the park or the land, and then there would be that magical night when all the vehicles — the trucks, the tents, the workers — would arrive and begin construction. And then there would be opening day.
Well, what you have been waiting for, basically, is opening day. But from our perspective, the clearing of the land, the preparation, the arrival of the equipment, the delights of which you are about to enjoy, have need to be delivered.
And how have they been delivered to you? In a series of events. And many of them are what you think of as intangible, such as the gifts of the Mother. But what I ask of you this day is to consider with me how those intangible events, such as the gift of clarity, how they have been and are being translated into tangible gifts, openings, understandings, relationships, creations, better work within your life.
So often you say to me, “Michael, please give me a sign.” And then what do we do? We assist the Mother and we amplify her gift of clarity. And you say, “Well, that isn’t exactly the kind of sign I wanted. I want something that I can see and touch and taste.” But dear heart, those transformations into what you think of as tangible, touchable, tasteable human experiences or circumstances are taking place. It is a very big carnival. It is a very big fair. And part of our job, as well as the job that your star brothers and sisters have volunteered for and been fully involved in for hundreds of years, is to make sure that nothing goes wrong.
So, do not think that the day of the tsunami is not at hand. And will it sweep you away with love? Will that sense of the creative force of all be overwhelming? Yes. Will it be sweet? Yes. Will it anchor firmly and permanently within your being? Yes.
Now, dear Steve, I know you have a million questions for me.
SB: Well, you know, Lord, I suspect that I’m getting a download because I’m almost awash with bliss here. It’s very hard to do a radio program when you feel as blissful as I do. You almost forget what it is you’re doing. If this is a foretaste of the tsunami of love, it’s wonderful.
AAM: And this has been my goal this day, to give you a wash, all of you, to feel our love.
SB: Uh-hunh. Very nice. Well, let me get out of the way a question that I feel obliged to ask you. And I hope we can manage the matter successfully and happily.
There’s a question that has drawn a certain amount of lightworker attention recently, and there’s an aspect of it that concerns me, which is why I raise it with you.
We’ve had reports from Jesus that he was crucified, and reports from Matthew Ward, who recently revealed he was St. Matthew, that Jesus was not crucified. I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation for having two versions, but the versions that we have before us so far are mutually irreconcilable.
And so, initially, I’d like to know what the explanation of this is. What are we dealing with here? But I’d also like to know, it puzzles me that the Company of Heaven would allow there to be two different versions circulated, because surely that would confuse lightworkers. So, if you can comment on this situation and help us to understand it, I’d very much appreciate it.
AAM: First of all, I have need to say that I have no intention, as the channel knows, of declaring that one is right or one is wrong.
SB: Yes, I understand.
AAM: Because regardless of whether you are talking about Jesus or Matthew it reflects back to the channels, both who have been diligent in their service and their light work.
SB: I agree.
AAM: And we would never wish to cast aspersions on either one of them. But let us also say this — and you may have a small chuckle: Matthew and Jesus, Yeshua, often disagreed.
SB: [laugh] That is a chuckle.
AAM: And sometimes still do! You have an expression on Earth where you say to somebody, “You are killing me!” And the other person will say, “That didn’t hurt.” Well, it is not in that vein. But let us suggest that the view of Matthew is one that you, yourself hold dear.
SB: Oh, yes?
AAM: And that is that there is no such thing as death.
SB: Yes.
AAM: So there is always a continuity of the being, of the spirit, of the essence. But I would also suggest that Yeshua, Jesus-Sananda, in the fullness of himself, and in the emanation that you know as Yeshua, is very clear about what has transpired to him, to his family, to his community, and not.
Let us be very clear about this. The death, what you have thought about as a crucifixion of Yeshua, was not really the highlight of that life. Many were being persecuted, and crucifixion, not so brutally, but certainly crucifixion was a regular occurrence under the auspices of the Romans. It was very brutal and barbaric, but it was not the point of the life of Yeshua, because he did not in any way think that the death or the passing was an issue.
Now, was he sorry, as a man, as a father, as a husband? Yes, but he also knew there is no such thing as death. Did he continue on to do other things? Of course he did, but not in that form.
But let us talk about this. Each of you is given this disparity so that you can discern. It isn’t a test that we give you. It is simply a difference in perspective. So what speaks to your heart, dear one? What helps you with your journey? That is the question.
SB: Uh-hunh. Well, thank you for that. So you’re saying that the tsunami of love is beginning and we’re about to step into a circumstance that possibly could be discombobulating for people. How should we maneuver, how should we navigate this wonderful event that we’re about to walk into and participate in?
AAM: Go with it. You have various things at your county fair, do you not, or other forms of amusement where you will begin a process of going down a chute or a roller coaster ride? You don’t jump off halfway. You don’t stop the water slide halfway. Once it begins, dear heart, you have need to simply breathe deeply, extend your heart, know that you are not in danger, that this is what you have worked, prayed and prepared for, and allow the expansion, the lightness, to come.
That expression that you have, “the lightness of being,” that is what you will experience. But do not fight it. Simply allow it. So if it means that you are so overwhelmed, blissed out, that you cannot go to work that day, then stay home. If you feel that you cannot put one foot in front of another because you are in what you may feel is an altered state, then do so.
Now, understand, also, that pretty much everyone upon the planet is going to be feeling the same way. So it is also a day where there is elimination, absolute disposal of many of your previous concerns, judgments or fear.
So let me be very practical in this. For many of you, my sweet angels, you would wake up or you would be getting ready for work, and you would say, “I am just so full of love that it makes the importance and the potential of being able to drive to work safely impossible.” And then you would try and do it because you would be concerned about letting someone down, not being responsible, being in trouble, being docked a day’s pay. Put all that aside and allow the energy to do its transformative work.
We are speaking of an outpouring from the Mother. There is nothing more important, not in this or any other life.
SB: In previous times, if we felt afraid, that could block love. But at this time, this love seems to be dissolving fear. Is that correct?
AAM: That is absolutely correct, and that is why we are using the term of tsunami, and even the term of storm, of sailing, of moving from the North Atlantic to the placid crystal cove. So, yes, it is pushing it out so that you look at it and you may think, “I used to be afraid. I should be afraid. I am not afraid,” because that is the residual illusion of the old third, and it is being swept away.
SB: Wow.
AAM: That fear has never been part of who you truly are. So the Mother’s love is pushing it, dissolving it, not simply leaving it on a distant shore, but completely eliminating it.
SB: Now, when you say expansion, we have our own everyday understandings of expansion. But what I’ve noticed as I expand is that new potentialities come into play, potentialities I wasn’t aware of. So, as we’re expanding in the tsunami of love, will there also be these new potentialities coming into play, things that we never even suspected were there?
AAM: That is correct.
SB: Could you talk about that a bit please?
AAM: It is as if you have been looking at a very narrow piece, and all of a sudden your field of vision and your field of what is the potential to experience, to create, to co-create, what is open and available to you is broadened one thousand, two thousand, twelve thousand-fold.
SB: It’s a rather unique kind of experience, because initially one doesn’t know if one’s imagining this or if this is really true. Is this a new faculty that I have, or a new area that’s opening to me? So there is this moment at which one kind of hesitates and says, “Gee, I don’t know what to think right now.”
AAM: And that is all right. All you have need to do, all we would ask you to do — and do not think, for one moment, my beloved ones, that we will not be in full attendance, because that would not be so — so, when you have that moment, then do not feel that you need to push forward. But also know there is a plan!
SB: Yes.
AAM: You have first and foremost been given the gift of clarity. So the clarity is already anchored and anchoring more deeply within you every moment. So that fuzziness that you are referring to would not be at the same level as it might have been previously. But if you experience these moments of, “My goodness, I think I could do this, and this is how,” and you experience a download of how everything would occur, right down to the finest detail, just breathe, sit with us, allow it to anchor into your bones and then go forward. Confusion is a part of fear.
SB: Um-hmm. There are some people who will recall, for instance, Jesus saying to the man who wanted to bury his father, “Let the dead bury the dead. Come with me. This is your only opportunity.” They might think, “Well, gee, if I hesitate now, if I rest in confusion or if I back away, I’ve missed it. I’ve lost my chance.” Is this the case?
AAM: No. Now, let us explain. If we were having this conversation, in your time, oh, a year and a half ago, then there was a chance that perhaps that would have occurred. Do not forget that humanity made the collective decision [to ascend together], which strengthened our partnership. That is what the game changer was.
There have been several [game-changers], but that was pivotal. You said you wished to do this as a collective, and so the Mother is not so narrow as to say, “We will only give you a five-minute window of opportunity. Make up your mind.” So some will feel the full force of the tsunami. Some may feel it but feel like they are a cork bobbing on the ocean.
What you have need to do is continue to breathe, to anchor, to trust and simply allow this to merge with you. We do not remove the opportunity or the opening.
Are there some upon your planet, upon sweet Gaia, who will still say no? Yes. There are. Will they say no in that wash of love?
Dear heart, we are the fortunate ones, and we know that. Because we experience, know, live, connect, unify with that love of the Mother constantly. It is a never-ending flow. It is what sustains us. Do we have what you think of as unique natures? Yes, we do. But we are completely unified in that love. So when I speak to you of this I am also speaking to you of something that we have constant experience of.
Now, it would be a rare human being, or hybrid, that would ever say no to this. Is it possible? Yes. Because the Mother will not suspend, in this situation, free will.
So what occurs in that situation — well, you are simply swept up in a tsunami of love back home. You surrender your body.
Is it guaranteed? Yes. That everyone will receive? Yes. Will some choose to say, “Oh, no, thank you”? Yes. But that decision, that choice also has the ramification — and we’re not talking five minutes here — but it has the ramification of consequently not being able to live on Nova Earth, renewed Gaia, because it is in a vibration of this higher realm of love. So if you do not want that within or without, it is not that we are going to alter the universal law.
If the choice is to reject, to say, “No, I don’t want this,” which to us is inconceivable, then it is not that they don’t receive it. It is simply that it sweeps them out of their body back home.
SB: Hmm. Okay. Well, in the midst of this tsunami of love, a very real and practical event probably will happen, and that is probably the Reval. So, here we are, swept off our feet in love and in some circumstances that actually need handling. How does being in a tsunami of love affect the need to make practical decisions?
AAM: It does not incapacitate you indefinitely. For some of you, it may be hours or minutes or days, but you emerge from the waters, the waters of life, the waters of love, transformed.
So it is a form of cleansing, but restoration, recovery, rejuvenation. So you emerge from those waters better prepared, more acutely aware, more able to multitask, more competent to see the bigger picture of your actions, the ramifications of your actions, the clarity of what is really required.
So it is helpful. So you find yourself in a position where in fact it is as if you have had the best night’s sleep ever, and you can jump out of bed ready to go.
SB: Okay. But now, given what you’ve just said, it seems to be implied that while the tsunami of love, as I have been considering it so far, is going to happen over time, this actual immersion in the waters, then emergence from the waters, will be an event of some short duration. Is that correct?
AAM: Once the tsunami starts, it is not designed, it is not the Mother’s plan to incapacitate you. Now, will there be that moment, of “Ah! Oh!” bliss? Yes. And for some, depending on their makeup, it may be rapid, or it may be brief. But even if you are in the tsunami for a lengthy period of time, dear heart, you will be able to navigate. What you are concerned about is, “Do I lose my capacity to operate? Do I lose my sensibility?” And the answer is no. It is increased.
SB: Okay. But the actual tsunami itself, will that go on over a week’s time, or two weeks’ time? Or a shorter time?
AAM: The initial outpouring will be brief. But we have used the analogy of a tsunami in a purposeful way, because you know that a tsunami approaches, withdraws, approaches, withdraws.
So it is not a destruction. It is a creation. It is a destruction of the old, yes, a clearing and a washing away.
The initial tsunami will be brief. We will say, hmm, about a 24-hour period in your reality. Then there will be another wave, and then — and you will adjust — and then, another wave. Will you all be in angelic form? No. But will you be in the form that, like us, you are anchored in that constancy of the love? Yes. So there won’t be a need for a continuation of the tsunami because you will have already absorbed it.
SB: That’s very interesting. Now, externally in the world after this event, what can we anticipate? Will things happen right away, or will there be gradual examples of more love and peace?
AAM: In fact, we anticipate — and we know that the human beings have the capacity to constantly surprise us, but from where we stand, in this eternal now as you would call it — we suspect and anticipate that peace will reign rather rapidly, that people cannot continue to hold up their guns, their swords, their drones, their missiles and be in the love. We are talking widespread laying down of arms.
SB: Wow.
AAM: Including those who would make such orders. Because, all of a sudden, you have realized what you are doing. And it doesn’t come that it is a harsh judgment of yourself, or an anathema, it is simply, “I can’t do that!” It is an incapacity to continue violence.
SB: Is the ability to benefit from the tsunami of love restricted by — and I hope I’m not offending anyone by saying this —but by extent of intelligence, or by means, or by any external factor or previously considered disability, or any of these factors? Would any of these factors prevent a person from fully participating in the tsunami of love?
AAM: Absolutely none. Say one is disabled mentally, or emotionally disabled, or of a lesser intelligence — and we are using your terms — then, in fact, it is more welcomed. Because these beings, these souls, know how they have been trapped.
So if there is any, what you are calling a barrier to acceptance, it is those who come from a very high place of self-importance and ego. It is the ones who think that they are already gods, but when they experience the truth of the God-love, of the Creator-love, there will be a moment not of sorrow, but certainly of acknowledgment and shaking their head, thinking, “Oh, I really didn’t know very much, did I?” And then a gentle sponging… think of the sponge, of simply drinking in as much as you possibly can.
SB: Let me ask you another even more difficult question. In the case of a person who’s deeply affected by cancer, very deeply affected by cancer, and they’re open to all of this that’s happening, what would be the impact of the tsunami of love on that person?
AAM: There it depends on the individual. But they will have the opportunity to be healed, because that is what love does, it re-creates. It is recovery. It is rejuvenation, or they will be swept away home in a blissful state. And that would be the individual choice.
SB: Now, just to confirm again, I think you said earlier in the show that this is happening soon, not weeks and not months in the future, but soon. Is that correct?
AAM: That is correct.
SB: So how should we prepare for this?
AAM: You are preparing. My sweet listeners, yes, that I reach out to and call family, you have been diligent in your preparations. Oh, could they improve? Yes. There is always room for more! Even with us, there is always room for more. You have pointed that out to us time and time again, that we could be clearer, we could be more proficient, we could be faster in delivering.
So there is always room for more. But understand, you are preparing, consciously, unconsciously, subconsciously. Our guidance and our deep request to each and every one of you, each in your own way, is please, do your work.
Now, what do I mean by that? You are reading information. You are listening to this show. You are doing your meditations. You are doing whatever clearing is necessary. You are working with the violet flame, the blue flame, the pink flame, the golden flames. You are working with the energies that are available to you. You are following your own sacred practice, and you are surrendering.
When an idea comes to you, an inspiration — and it can be as simple as, “I need to make time today for me. I need to clear my schedule. I need to have two, three hours to simply meditate and talk to my guides, to just be filled with their love.” “I need to eat green today.” “I haven’t had enough red in my life.” When you are receiving these, this is your work. This is your real work. This is your preparation. So do not ignore it. Do not say, “Oh, maybe I can do that on the weekend.” There is an immediacy to what we are speaking of this day.
The Mother and all of us have said to thee, the time of waiting is over. Now, what does this mean? It means that on our side that many of the hitches, glitches, delays and frustrations that you, and we, have experienced, albeit in very different ways, are over.
So you are not waiting on the Company of Heaven. But it also means, sweet angel, that the waiting on your side is over. So we are encouraging you, we are begging you, jump into action, not from a place of neediness, but from a place of joy, of celebration of this expansion that you are experiencing.
So when you would say, prior to now, “Oh, I will try to get to it next week, or maybe on the weekend. Or maybe if I call a friend we can arrange some time this month to get together and meditate,” no. Do it now.
SB: All right. And I suppose this will be my last question, Lord, but is this part of the Olympic sprint to Ascension?
AAM: It most certainly is. So, grab your torch and run.
SB: Wow, and this is not a relay either, is it? This is every person in the race.
AAM: That is correct. It is a collective race. And we are running and flying and lifting you up. Come with us. And go with my love. Farewell.
SB: Thank you, Lord. Farewell.
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