Wednesday, March 30, 2011
" Creating wealth will not be the focal point "
SaLuSa through Mikr Quinsey
30- March-2011
By now you should be getting a feel for what is taking place in your world. If ever you wanted proof that the mass consciousness is a powerful tool, you only have to register how many countries are under pressure for change. It seems to make no difference as to how powerful the rulers are; eventually the people get their way. Sometimes it is not achieved without violence, but even although they are often ill equipped the people still succeed. Materialism cannot continue, as it is unable to move forward with the higher vibrations of Ascension. Therefore financial changes are most likely to be the most far reaching. In a future time money will no longer be used because it will become unnecessary. Creating wealth will not be the focal point as it is now, because sharing will become normal, and no one will seek more than they need. There will be an entirely new mindset that puts others first, until everyone has a fair share of the benefits of all labors. Work will not in fact occupy you to the extent it does now, and more than ample time will be available to follow more leisurely pursuits. You were never meant to be the slaves of those corporations that demand so much from their workers.
When you re-unite with your Higher Self you will have become a Galactic Being, with full creative powers. With it you will also have developed those necessary powers of control, and also carry such responsibilities with an outlook that seeks the best for all souls. Your high level of consciousness will heighten your sense of Oneness, and the grouping of souls with similar vibrations will occur. At such a high stage of evolution, you will have free choice as to which path to follow, although Ascension will continue to be an ongoing process. Families will still come together, and birth will always be planned and never happen accidentally. However, in the higher dimension, birth is quite different to your experience on Earth. A soul will join its family by arrangement in a semi-adult state, which is a holy event that is treated with great reverence and thanks. Parents are chosen for what they can give the newly arrived soul, who will have a clear life plan that the family will all know about in advance.
There is so much that will change and your lifestyle will be much more rewarding, enjoyable and exceptionally pleasant. Coming out of your present cycle of duality you will not carry karma forward, which is why it must be cleared before you can ascend. The conditions are therefore in part necessary for souls to have the opportunity to do so. If in your calm moments you think carefully about the present period in your life, you will almost certainly begin to sense the reasons why you are here. You should intuitively pick up on your weaknesses, and that will help you clear them a lot more easily. Do not be afraid to admit to yourself what they are, as that is the first towards forgiving yourself. Thoughts are a very good clue, as they will suddenly enter your mind without any direct intent on your part. As you become able to take in more of the Light energies, so your strength increases and you will experience the lower vibrations without falling into them. Indeed, when you become adept at centering yourself your Light becomes your protection.
As we have often informed you, once you express the intent to ascend you will achieve it. You will become motivated and attract the higher energies to yourself, and your decisions will be spiritually inspired and your knowledge will grow quite quickly. Also well before the end of the cycle we will have arrived on Earth, and you will have every assistance to help you succeed. Regardless of any other aspects in your life, the achievement of Ascension is after all the main object of your many lives on Earth. You have come a long way and experienced so much about human life. About its power and the weaknesses of the flesh, and the strength of the soul with its infinite life and journey from the stars. You truly have tried and tested yourself to the limit.
Now the time approaches when you can put everything behind you, and enjoy the reward of so much hard work. Your endurance has been so great that even when you panned the depths, you never lost complete sight of who you truly were. You will need reminding of how great you are and we will do so not to feed anyone’s ego, but ensure they know that they are so much more than a mere physical body. There are even now so many souls who have not yet fully awakened, who have no idea that they are sparks of God with all the potential to become gods themselves. Again there will be ample teachings passed to you so that you understand the truth about all life forms. All have degrees of consciousness, and all have their being within the Universal energy that is God.
We know that some people will still scoff at the ideas expressed about your true origins. However we do know that given time they will open up to them, although the changes to their understanding are too much at present to contemplate and absorb. It is for this very same reason, that introducing ourselves to you has been a rather long exercise. Slow but sure is far preferable to be seen to force the truth upon you. People shock very easily when the learn that their cherished beliefs have been held in error, and it is too much to admit to themselves. We believe that by the time we openly show ourselves the truth about us and our relationship to you will have been discussed, and people will generally show more acceptance of us. There is certainly nothing at all to be frightened about, as we have consistently shown you that we come in peace.
Our actions are now more frequent on your behalf, although you would not necessarily be aware of them. But soon they will become more evident, as we have work to do that will take place before your very eyes. It is all bringing our open contact with so much nearer, but we will still approach it through your diplomatic channels. All along we have followed your protocol, but we reserve the right to act as necessary if any attempt is made to endanger our presence. Nevertheless ours is the way of peaceful negotiations, and we will never be the aggressors.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and have become so familiar with the ways of Earth people who are admired and immensely loved by all of your Space Families.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
" life without boundaries "
The Buddha
This body is not me; I am not caught in this body
I am life without boundaries,
I have never been born and I never died.
Over there the wide ocean and the sky with many galaxies
All manifests from the basis of consciousness.
Since beginningless time I have always been free.
BIrth and death are only a door through which we go in and out.
Birth and death are only a game of hide-and-seek.
So smile to me and take my hand and wave good-bye.
Tomorrow we shall meet again at the true source,
Always meeting again on the myriad paths of life.
Monday, March 28, 2011
" such a powerful energy "
SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
For a long time you have asked to see action and although we cannot allow you insight to everything we have done, you are becoming more aware of our part in what is happening worldwide. Along with our allies we are pushing hard to get really started on bringing some matters to completion. We know that once things start there will be no stopping the onward surge. As you can see and as was predicted, your ever-increasing levels of consciousness are bringing results as evidenced in the changes taking place in the Middle East. It will not stop there, and you will see other countries subject to pressure from their inhabitants. Freedom is the flag that everyone flies, and it is such a powerful energy that it will carry all before it. With it will come truth and a great reconciliation will occur between both people and their countries, where previously they have been set apart.
Separation was played upon by the Illuminati and everything done to foment the differences, whether they were true or false. The hatred and anger caused has gone deep into the earth, and there will never be true peace until such energies are cleared away. That is why Mother Earth is anxious to get going and why her activities will be more frequent. However much you see a threat where your safety is concerned, bear in mind that you agreed to take your place on Earth for this particular period. Whatever happens you will find yourself exactly where you were meant to be. It may be difficult to contemplate, but some souls have planned to leave before Ascension and are directly involved with the changes. We of the Galactic Federation already do much more than you are aware of, and the results of the earthquake in Japan are one example. Be assured they could have been so much more serious without our intervention, and you will not necessarily know exactly what we have done.
Sometimes it is intentional that you see our craft are become aware of our activities, as for example where we have openly disabled nuclear weapons on their missile sites. We made it clear to all governments that nuclear weapons would not be allowed to be used, and it is quite pointless in having them primed ready to launch. In the course of time we shall call a halt to all war activities, and if that is ignored we shall disable all types of weapons so that none can be raised in anger. Peace is coming and our role is to ensure that it is achieved well before Ascension. This is why you must have the right people leading you governments, and those at present representing you will by and large be replaced. For you at present a politician that speaks the total truth is a rare specimen, but there are souls who are with you who come especially for that purpose. Some you already know by their work to bring changes about for the benefit of the people.
There is no turning back to the old ways and whilst some aspects may survive you are taking a great step up, and will make good the period of time that you have been held back. The upliftment you will experience will far outweigh any difficulties you go through, and many of you have still not grasped the immense importance of the time you are in. We have told you previously that it is a unique occasion, but just as important is the fact that mass ascension only occurs at long intervals. It is an opportunity that will not come your way for many thousands of years, so take it with both hands and do not worry yourselves with what is necessary to achieve it. With great love for you all God planned the end times of this cycle, so that every soul would have an equal chance to ascend. It is not forced upon anyone and neither will you be coerced into doing so, but nevertheless you will be given every encouragement. Many feel the pull of wanting to “go home” as they know that the lower dimensions are not their real home. Set your sights firmly on Ascension, because it is your pathway back to where you originally came from.
We will be with you when circumstances permit, and then we shall have a wonderful period of getting to fully know each other. In many instances we are old friends of yours and your true family from the stars. The Greys have been on Earth for a long time, and have been working with many Earth representatives of their family to help save their civilization. These are in the minority but in gaining permission to have bases on Earth, were responsible for the early exchange of advanced technologies, Regretfully the Illuminati never intended that it should be used to everyone’s advantage, although some of it did make into the commercial markets. There have been other Space visitors but none in recent times have stayed upon Earth, but have carried out exploratory missions. The Universe is full of intelligent life, and it is the way of things that when a civilization reaches the point of being able to Space travel, they travel their Universe in search of knowledge.
Clearly you are rapidly approaching the time when you should trust your intuition, and see beyond your eyes, and outside of your mind. All that is happening now or due to happen is in your best interests. The planet is being swept clean on many levels, so that it is in a rejuvenated state in readiness for Ascension. You too will be registering changes within yourselves, as you cannot really go through this period of upliftment without being aware of it. Get plenty of rest and do not give your energies to any articles or individuals preaching the fear factor. There is still disinformation being given out and it can be confusing, but by now you should be able to discern the difference. There are some recognized sources of truthful information, so stick with them and do not be distracted by others.
Week by week there will be startling bits of information, as slowly but surely the truth is coming out. The world has come alive with the realization that people power is real and can after all “move mountains”. Hitherto as happened many years ago in Hungary, any demonstrations against the authorities would have been totally crushed without any consideration to loss of life. Now that approach will be stemmed, as the people’s demand for change has resulted in a powerful surge of energy that is carrying it onwards.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and on the one hand happy to see the outward showing of your success, but tinged with sadness at the cost in human lives.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
" the universal acceleration mode "
Matthew through Suzanne Ward
25- March- 2011
Knowledge emerging about manmade quakes, weather manipulation; radiation in Japan, ET assistance; Hatonn: difficulties in dismantling Illuminati-controlled technology; freedom fighters in Arab countries; higher perspective of Libya
1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew to speak about two especially significant situations in your world. Because your perspective is limited to personal observation and media reports, we want to give you the encouraging news as seen from our higher vantage point. All happenings are within the universal acceleration mode that we have been telling you would cause changes to come thick and fast, and all that seems to be in turmoil in this moment will lead to the emergence of truths and the implementation of reforms.
2. To give an example of a long-hidden truth that has come forth to some extent, not long ago most people on Earth would have found it difficult to believe that a few scientists have been causing the tremendously destructive earthquakes, severe storms and flooding. Now your Internet is teeming with information about what manmade technology can cause and has caused, and while the public at large may not yet know this, in time they will.
3. Let us first speak about what Japan is dealing with. We know some lightworkers feel that our off-planet brothers and sisters need to step in and control the radiation situation that has the potential to create untold numbers of casualties and environmental damage globally. In our previous message we told you that our space family is reducing to the extent possible the radiation levels, and in other messages we have stated that crews cannot land en masse until safety can be assured for you and them, and at this point, it cannot. So assistance at the nuclear facility cannot come in a large public way; however, action has been taken.
4. At the request of various persons, my mother has been in touch with me and other sources, and I have asked her to share with you what she has been told. _____________________________
5. [Suzy: This is an excerpt from my March 18 email to Hannah Beaconfield, who channels the Pleiadian Light.]
Three nights ago I had a call from Gen, the Japanese translator, thanking me for Matthew's message and asking if he had given me any more recent information. Matthew told me "they" had heard that some ETs would land and help reduce the radiation situation, but that information hadn't been verified. The next day was crazy so it was very late when I asked God if he knew what Matthew had told me. He said yes, and he could verify it. A small ship had landed about a mile from the nuclear facility and the crew was using their technological equipment in conjunction with more extensive equipment in ships overhead; no one at the facility would know the crew was on the ground.
I relayed that to Gen and this morning he wrote: Somehow the radiation leakage from those reactors has been suppressed miraculously under critical level. I believe ETs' efforts are being manifested. There have also been video reports showing small UFOs flying at the sites.
6. [The following is from my March 25 email to Jean Hudon, who publishes EarthRainbowNetwork.]
Jean, I thought you'd be interested in the video I just watched and what Hatonn gave me to tell Gen, who sent me the link. He and his family went to Okinawa, where they set up an organization to provide housing for Japanese who lost their homes, and now they are in Hawaii.
"Hatonn here. Do not give up hope about your homeland! Discussions at the highest levels of the universal council are going on as to dismantling that grid system, what the counter effects may be with our various technologies. It's not a matter of if, but how we shall prevent more destruction to the planet by that diabolical means."
Hatonn said there's no time line on this, but we'll know because future quakes or eruptions will be fewer and milder—most of the negativity that Earth had to release already has been. He said that's the paradox about that particular use of HAARP—it's intended to create massive amounts of negativity but has been releasing much more than it creates.
7. [The following excerpt is from my email later in the day to a friend who asked if I knew anything more about ET assistance.]
Hatonn just told me that the Illuminati know of our space family's interference because intended destruction hasn't happened. Apparently they suspected that but it was conclusive when that hurricane weakened over the ocean, then turned and went north instead of hitting the US mainland, which wasn't at all what the Illuminati had designed.
He said that technologies to initiate earthquakes and weather manipulation have been refined and intensified over the years. Major storms used to be produced by one system and quakes by another, but because of ET interference, the Illuminati scientists started using a combination of technologies, like back-ups in case one system isn't as effective as they want, but also to make it more difficult for ET technologies to interfere with all of the energy sources simultaneously.
He said that in Japan, one of HAARP's several capacities in various locations has been used in conjunction with developments from Tesla's inventions and discoveries to produce destruction from above and below Earth's surface. Even with ETs’ advanced technologies it's not a simple matter to dismantle all of the Illuminati's equipment without interrupting essential power and communication sources that serve us, not only the Illuminati. That's why discussions are going on at the highest levels of the universal council as to the best way to proceed.
Thank you, Mother.
8. There are indeed unsafe levels of radiation in plants, water and air near the facility and lower levels elsewhere in that country; all those levels would be far higher without our space family’s assistance on and off-planet that has greatly reduced the radioactivity at the facility.
9. We honor the courage of the Japanese workers at the site whose prolonged proximity to radiation will result in death or severe illness. Those who make transition to Nirvana will be greeted by throngs shouting Bravo! and given whatever personalized care is needed, and their bravery will be recognized as well by leaps in their soul evolvement. As for the workers who are less sickened, if their soul contracts call for a lifetime of many years, their bodies can heal as Earth continues her ascension toward vibratory levels where no disease exists.
10. In our previous message, we stated that all persons who perished in the quake and tsunami received exactly the customized care they needed. It would give a measure of comfort to their families if they could know that their beloved souls are joyful in their active lives in spirit and are beaming light to uplift their countrymen.
11. Now then, your space family’s assistance in regard to this nuclear situation can go only so far because it is not their world, it is yours, and you must take strong action to assure that nuclear power is eliminated as a principal energy source. There must be a global demand for no new reactors to be built, for those in the construction stage to be stopped, and those in active service to be shut down. Nuclear power at your stage of development has been risky from the beginning, yet it proliferated because it is very profitable to the few whose greed far exceeds safety interests.
12. When crews can land in great numbers, they will bring their technology to dematerialize all nuclear waste and to eliminate all radioactive pollutants in air, water and soil, and they will work with you to purify and rejuvenate your planet.
13. The second situation of major significance we wish to address is what is happening in the Arab world. In what appears to be freedom contagion, if you will, the peoples who have been long-oppressed by despotic rulers or dynasties are responding to the intensifying light that is illuminating their lives as changeable and is emboldening them to wield “people power.” Again, this is part of the acceleration that is affecting everything in the universe, and those reactions are keeping pace. There will be much bloodshed before the peoples in all countries are free, but triumph they shall!
14. We are aware of the conflicting opinions about the US-led coalition of military forces in Libya. What we see is a glorious U-turn in the attitude of national leaders intervening in the affairs of another country: For the first time in your history, intervention is not for a purely selfish purpose, but a noble one—to assist people who are fighting for their freedom. Without this assistance, many more Libyans would be slaughtered by the dictator whose conscience along with his mental capacity was destroyed long ago.
15. The day of dictators is over and so is the day of supporting those dictators for self-serving reasons. The day of exploiting Earth’s resources without regard for environmental destruction is over, as is the day of the wealth of the world in the hands of a few. Everything based in darkness is swiftly coming to an end.
16. Unfortunately, the time of rumors and dramatic predictions about massive land, sea and polar shifts is still with you. Yes, do be truthfully informed, but please do not give any energy to any kind of fear-filled information! Stay steadfast in your light, knowing that countless souls in body and spirit are with you, speeding you on your way to Earth’s Golden Age.
Suzanne Ward
Source :
Friday, March 25, 2011
" free energy is already known "
SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
Let no one deter you from your goal, as having come thus far you are at the door of success. Even in terms of linear time there is so little time left, and even that continues to speed up. Equally your opportunity to increase your level of consciousness is becoming greater, as more and more energy reaches Earth. The Light is in the ascendancy and the lower vibrations are being transmuted quicker than ever. There is an air of expectation now that it is clear that the changes are really under way, and you will not be disappointed. All is moving nearer to completion, and as ever we are at the ready to move into action.
Japan is of concern, but the immediate danger has lessened, and we are hopeful that everything will soon be under control. What has happened is a lesson for Mankind, and is causing you to question the further use of Nuclear Power. Clean energy abounds all around you and can be tapped to supply all of your needs. Amongst the people there is a mood of desiring change, but few are aware that free energy is already known and has been proved possible for your use. It could have been introduced many years ago, but you have been deliberately denied use of it. In fact many inventions that would have advanced your society have been kept back. That will all change once we arrive on Earth, and you shall share any new technologies that will meet your needs.
Do you not think it strange that over the last century your means of road transportation have hardly changed; yet in other areas technologies have advanced quite considerably. Yet a number of inventions have proved successful in converting what you already have, to a clean and more economical power machine. Again Dear Ones, you have not been allowed to benefit from them, but we will ensure that such discoveries are open to whosoever wishes to develop or manufacture them. We will of course bring our own devices, and the use of those that are robotic will prove very attractive to you. It was never intended that you should spend the best part of your lives laboring, and in the future the emphasis will be on ensuring that you have all the time you desire for developing your own skills. Mundane jobs and services will no longer need manning, except perhaps for a computer expert to monitor all such functions.
We are going to help you speedily move into the future, and make up for lost time. You are going to get back on the path that takes you to Ascension and beyond. We already enjoy such a life, and we can assure you that it is quite normal to provide an easy and comfortable life for yourself. In time even education will be made much easier and more beneficial, yet take up so little of your time. That is partly because new concepts will be introduced to you, so that you do not need to study for hours on end. You can be programmed with information quite easily as you will find out. For those who desire a greater knowledge of spiritual matters, there are other planets that have fabulous temples of healing and knowledge. The Arcturians are one such civilization that excel in this particular area, and have the most wonderful temples of crystals and Light with colors beyond your present knowledge.
Life after your present Earth will be so different, and so fulfilling that you will soon forget the distant past. Indeed some of you are already focused in the future, and find that you are more removed from past events. In time you will put aside all experiences as such that held you in the lower dimensions, as they will serve no further purpose the lessons having been learnt. Indeed the reason behind all experiences is to further your evolution, and you can travel the Galaxy in search of whatever adds to your understanding. You will never tire of your journey which will be both rewarding and satisfying. Other life forms will prove extremely interesting and you will find that regardless of what shape or size they are, they are like you evolving towards the same Source.
For the time being you are very much occupied with earthly matters, and will not be at complete peace until they are cleared out of the way. Then you can start to concentrate on a wonderful future and prepare to rise up into the higher dimensions. It is like a dream come true, and promises your release from a period of intense experiences that have at times been particularly unpleasant. However, it has all added to your spiritual understanding in a way that no other experiences could have done so. Yet here you stand ready to move ahead and are none the worse for them. Fortunately the emotional impact is not lasting, and soon healed.
We see moves being made on Earth by our allies that indicate some possibility of results within the next two months. We can say no more as the outcome is dependent on those who we have no control over, although our authority does carry the power given us by the Higher Councils of Light. It is the Light that is the key to success, and the more mankind can contribute to it the quicker there is likely to be a result. You have such power yet do not realize its potential, and as you ascend it will be your place to ensure that it is not misused. You will however be given every help to understand your responsibility towards others. Once you have risen up it will be quite easy for you to become a Galactic Being, with full control over your powerful energies of creation.
You do create now, but usually it takes time for the results to come about, and you may not even realize that you had a hand in it. In the past your creations have been more associated with the desire resulting from your mass consciousness, and it has determined your future. It has led to where you are now, the difference being that the Light has since risen sufficiently to become the leading force on Earth. So we now look forward to sweeping away any energies that are still of the old paradigm. The new and the old are not in any way harmonious, and it has led to the chaos you now experience. It will be short lived and the new energies are now shaping your future.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and ask you to continue supporting the Light in every way you can. By doing so you will hasten the time when we can have a greater degree of contact with you, and we thank you for your patience.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
" You have so to say a lot on your plate "
SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
You have so to say a lot on your plate and it might overwhelm you, so this is a time for deep introspection so that you put it all into perspective. Not all of it will concern you personally, but remember that somewhere behind the scenes we are constantly monitoring what is taking place. Where we can we will limit any attempts to cause another major upset, but sometimes there is a lot more at stake than you imagine. As long as matters can be channeled in such a way as to serve the greater purpose, we may at times be obliged to allow a certain outworking to take place. Be assured we are ultimately directing matters for your progress and ability to sidestep any real danger. You all have Guides and according to your life plan, they will always do their utmost to ensure that you are in the right place at the right time. In some instances you may see it as being in the wrong place, but no mistakes are made where your life plan is concerned.
Trust that you will leave this Earth, much wiser than when you entered it, as you cannot fail to learn lessons through your experiences. That indeed is the object of your incarnations, and each time you commence another life it is carefully planned to ensure that you continue to evolve. If in this lifetime you have had much contact with the lower vibrations, it is for the purpose of assisting you to progress. Such experiences do not necessarily hold you back, as they can be put behind you and still enable you to step up into the higher vibrations. No soul is perfect at this stage of evolution, and if you were your vibrations would be far too high to remain in your present dimension. Many of you are however rising up quickly, and your intent is to go on doing so and leave duality for all time. You will know if you are one such soul, and you are most likely already a Lightworker helping others to achieve Ascension.
Not all of you will be called to be a Lightworker, and often the preparations to do so go back many lives. There is normally a strong urge to work in a certain way for the Light from a very young age, and you are seeing this with the many youngsters now who have so much to offer you. When the timing is right their opportunity will come, and many are waiting for the changes that will bring them to the forefront. There is a time and a place for them to share their wisdom with you, and they will feature very much in work to bring the truth out. Spiritual knowledge and ability to heal are often their forte, and their services will be vitally necessary for many people just awakening. The changes proceed to become more evident, and instead of fearing the outcome people need to be aware that it is the necessary cleansing before Ascension can take place.
We urge people to follow their intuition if they are in a position of having to make an important decision. It could for example be connected with moving to a new area, and you may seek assurance that is will be safe to do so. Make a calm decision that you feel comfortable with, and trust that it will be correct for you. Somewhere in your subconsciousness you already know what was planned for you, and this is why your intuitive powers will normally prove to be the most reliable. These are times for sorting out any remaining problems in personal relationships. Try not to leave loose ends until the end of this cycle, as it is far better to have settled any issues even if it means eating humble pie. Forgive and forget, otherwise you will carry the energy with you until you do find a way of settlement.
In real terms there are no winners in arguments, as differences cannot be settled until all sides come together in forgiveness. Mistakes are commonplace where humans are concerned, some are unavoidable and others deliberate but either way they cannot be allowed to interfere with each souls evolution. Such baggage needs to be released, as it serves no purpose to carry it around with you. Entering the last stretch before you ascend is going to be a wonderful time of understanding, and a great expansion in your levels of consciousness. Every opportunity is there regardless of who you are, and truth and knowledge will abound in such a way that you will not need to question the source. We will at some stage also be with you to help explain your true history. You will soon realize how you have been held back, and take back your sovereignty. You are great Beings who will once again recognize your true potential.
For too long you have been ground into the dust, and used in so many ways that have been demeaning for souls such as you. However, your Light is returning quite quickly and you can show others how great their potential is by your words and actions. Be your true self and treat others as your loved brothers and sisters, because you are All One. Such action will draw the best out of other souls who will want to be as calm and happy as you are. Your strength will encourage others to follow your example, as they will see how you walk tall and deflect any lower energies around you. It is everyone’s time to decide exactly how they want to enter the new cycle, and there has never been such a wonderful time for it. Some will prefer to remain where they are, whilst others will jump at the opportunity to leave the cycle of rebirth in the lower dimension.
Whether you realize it or not, choice has always been yours where your experiences are concerned. Nothing has ever been forced upon you in the spiritual realms, and in fact every help has been given to ensure you make the best decision for yourself. You have always been promised that you would be guided back to your real home, and there was never any way that the dark Ones would totally imprison you. Yes, you have touched the lowest of points in duality, but to your credit you have found the will and intent to overcome them.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and tell you that the Galactic Federation sees you in your real Light and Colors. We know what great Beings of Light you were and still are even if you are not totally aware yourselves. We salute you and leave you our blessings and love.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Monday, March 21, 2011
" sending of Light from you will best serve "
SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
Events move on towards the inevitable changes that will see your future fulfilled. These are not easy times but you knew that part of your experiences would include this period. Your confidence in the outcome arises from your faith in us and the Creator, and the many higher Beings that have accompanied you all through your lives. You know that nothing can alter it, and those of you that desire to ascend will do so. Unlike previous times when such opportunities have arisen, you are assured that Ascension will take place. In fact it has been carefully planned on a Universal scale, and is to be an enormous event that happens very rarely. For you it has been a long time coming, but you have been spared a conscious memory of previous occasions. In the scheme of things time is not linear, but all is in the Now. The past, present and future are One, and you can move into whatever aspect of it that you wish. The future is full of probabilities which are why you will sometimes learn of different versions of it. It is you ultimately that attract the one that fulfils the vision created through your consciousness.
It is very important that you keep focused upon the Light that is bringing harmony to the Earth. The Light is streaming in and required more than ever at this time. It is an important period where with so much going on, you need to be in the world but not of it. Be a centre of Light so that you bring calmness to others who are in fear of the outcome. Speak to others of the necessity of changes and the great benefits they will bring. There will be rumors of catastrophic events as the dark Ones play upon people’s fears, but assure them that they are intended to distract them from the truth. Everything has been foreseen, and ordained in such a way that the affects will be limited. If there is doubt remember that Man could have destroyed the Earth on more than one occasion in the last century, yet it did not take place. You are not only guided to fulfill your task of taking the Earth through to Ascension, but also helped to enlighten people around you. You have never been left alone to suffer the consequences of your actions, and compassion and love has been given to you in a never-ending flow.
The powers that be are generally speaking unaware of what is bringing about the chaotic conditions upon Earth. Often they are spiritually ill equipped to understand the implications of what they see happening and of necessity they will make way for those who do, and have the interests of all people at heart. We know who they are, and they will be protected to ensure that they can take their place of leadership when the opportunity arises. It does not mean that every person at present in such a position is going to be replaced as some are of the Light, but unable to exercise their desire to lift Mankind up. The time of such changes is not far away, and once they commence it will bring a whole new approach in the way you are governed. With other benefits that you are expecting, the scenario will rapidly change to one of positive expectations, as at last you will see the way forward. Our eventual presence and opportunity to speak with you will clear the way for cooperation between us, and much will be achieved in next to no time. All of these things are moving towards manifestation, and you can be sure that the Galactic Federation is fully prepared for its role in your preparation for Ascension.
As individuals your contribution to the changes is important, and it is best served by sending out your Love and Light to wherever it is needed. The Middle East is an area that for ages past has accumulated much negativity, and it needs help to clear it. We can help in that respect but a mass sending of Light from you will best serve the interests of the people in that region. You are grasping how important and powerful the Light is, and no matter how many weapons are lined up against people they are no answer to it. The Light is the most powerful “weapon” that you can respond with, and it is an unending supply that you can draw through yourself. The Light can accompany your prayers or meditations thus empowering them with your love. You are All One, and as such there should be no discrimination between one soul to another as to whom you send it to. Love is the healing balm that can cure all ills, and you can apply it to all forms of life. The Earth has been a difficult place for many animals to exist, and they equally deserve your love. There is everlasting life so in actual reality no death, but all living things do nevertheless benefit from receiving love. Kindness and compassion are much needed at this time, and when those thoughts are sent out they do have an uplifting affect.
Man is naturally a benign Being, and it is only the lower vibrations that have introduced the negative traits that have pulled many souls down. There is no longer any reason to continue living at that level, as you can rise up with the new energies coming in. You are not victims but willing participants, and there is every opportunity to lift yourselves up. Think about what you say and the way that you act, and move on from judgement and criticism of another person. Most people are trying their best in difficult circumstances, and because the end times present an opportunity to clear karma, have undertaken much more than they might normally do. In reality there is no such thing as an easy life, but you tend to measure that by a persons wealth that can be a burden or a blessing depending on how it is used. In the near future you will be sharing the wealth of the world fairly, and it will create a society of equal opportunity and eliminate the class distinction that now exists.
Dear Ones, there is a revolution taking place in your world, and consciousness levels are rising and pointing you in the right direction. It is the final battle of this cycle, and you have taken the opportunity to reach the stage whereby you can leave the cycle of duality forever. When you have learnt the lessons it has to offer, the experience gained elevates your consciousness to a higher level. When it is reached the lower vibrations become uncomfortable and no longer serve you any purpose. In such circumstances you are ready to leave duality, for a new level that is more in line with your own and your needs.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and much admire your tenacity and determination to win through the remaining challenges that confront you. We are with you all the way, and great times are approaching as you achieve success.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Source :
Sunday, March 20, 2011
" a spirit of endurance "
Third letter from Sendai
Source :
Life here has become one of living day to day. I am staying with the mother of my best friend, Izumi. Her home is two minutes from my unlivable shack. Izumi has moved in there, too, as her own home is in shambles after the major quake. She goes there daily to straighten things out.
Each morning and evening we watch the news. Our daily lives are nose to nose with the immediate world around us, so seeing a larger picture is important. But even so, we are much more focused on day-to-day living.
As I said, in the morning Izumi usually heads to her home, while I set out to find food. Lack of rice is a big problem. But vegetables and protein are also high on the list. I know of a small four-generation grocery store tucked way back in a neighborhood with narrow, twisting alleyways. The chain stores on main streets are closed or only open a few hours each day due to lack of supplies. But smaller ones off the beaten track are more promising.
To my utter amazement and delight, this place was to open at 3:00 p.m. So, I joined the line of people waiting for that hope-filled hour. The wind was fiercely cold and the wait almost two hours before I was able to enter the shop.
Very wisely, the owners were allowing only five people in at one time. They had food because of farmer relatives who had brought in a large truck of vegetables and fruit earlier in the day. Most places permit people to buy only five or ten items, but in this beautiful place, the owners, deep with understanding, did not set a limit.
It was such a delight to watch people come out of the shop with bags full of such items as potatoes, cabbage, daikon, carrots, yams, and other such sturdy vegetables. The look of joy on their faces was palpable. I got my share, too, and as I pedaled home on my bicycle, I found another wee shop selling two-kilo bags of rice. So it was indeed a fortunate day. When I got back to Izumi’s mom’s home, we all laughed and clapped for joy.
Since I will have to move from this shack of mine, I wandered over to a real estate office nearby to let them know my desires. Miraculously it was open. The woman was there to clean up and also because there was running water. There was none in her home and with her daughter’s newborn child, washing diapers was a problem. So she scrubbed nappies while we discussed housing for me.
Shifting focus off my immediate experiences, please let me continue sharing beautiful, life-affirming things that are happening all around. I am ceaselessly in awe of the emergency infrastructure here. There are not enough supplies, which everyone knows, but the excellently organized system is running like clockwork to the best of its stretched abilities.
To give a few examples, evacuation shelters are all over every city. Food, water, and heat are there, although very limited. Mats and blankets, again in short supply, are also there. People are collecting wood from damaged buildings and making fires for heating and cooking. Volunteers welcome evacuees and to help in whatever way they can. Firefighters and policemen carry the old and injured into shelters on their backs. And shelters have designated leaders to head meetings and make decisions.
People in the shelters are supporting one another. They massage each others’ legs and shoulders, sit in close circles for human contact, read stories to kids, or simply hold hands. They are grateful for whatever goodness comes their way. “I feel so fortunate. We are able to eat at least once a day,” one woman said.
And people are being very creative. Some are out collecting snow in plastic bags. The water from it can be used to flush toilets or wash dishes.
Today one young able man, who was helping his parents clean up the remains of their home, was called into the reserves. He had no choice, but was not happy about this turn of events. But his mother said, “We need him here, of course, but his service to others, to many, is more important than for only us.”
During the day people go out to search for missing family members. TV crews are there, of course, and often stop people for interviews. Emotional wounds are deep and vast. People’s intense efforts to contain grief is painful to witness. No overt wailing. But tears and silence everywhere.
“Shigata ga nai” is a Japanese expression that roughly translated means, “It cannot be helped.” It also implies a sense of enduring what is happening and of making the best of whatever situation you are in. That concept is an integral part of everyday life here, not only now, but always. This emergency situation is surely one of “shigata ga nai”. And everywhere people are saying, “We have to soldier on. There is no other way.”
Gambarimashou with Love,
Friday, March 18, 2011
" Meditation is most suitable and recommended "
SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
As the full affects of the earthquake are being felt in Japan, so it is focusing people’s attention upon it due to the vast damage, loss of life and potential for even more after shocks. It is a situation that is making people world-wide; question the sense in continuing with nuclear energy as a source of power. The more the dangers are publicized and the longer it goes on, there will undoubtedly be a groundswell against its further use. Do you see Dear Ones how eventually the truth must come out, yet regrettably it is not until a serious condition arises. There are already calls for an alternative source of power, and our allies will be pushing for free energy devices that are already available. It is sad that Man does not wake up until faced with a disaster, but if it can be a stepping stone to a new approach it might be looked upon as at least having a beneficial outcome. Free energy would solve so many problems that exist at present, and be one of the greatest steps forward in this era. The difference in your lives would be phenomenal, and put you that much nearer to what lays ahead by way of Ascension.
We monitor all major events on Earth, and as far as we are allowed are always looking for ways of lessening the impact upon you. Over a long period of time we have substantially reduced radiation levels, which have inevitably followed the testing of nuclear weapons. Without such help you would by now have been a nation of very sick people, and as you know the affects continue from one generation to another. If and when the decision is made to stop using nuclear power, we will help remove the dangerous plant and prevent it from posing a threat to you. We cannot help you unless you are prepared to help yourselves, as we must only re-act to requests from you rather than be seen to “interfere”. We would love to deal with all of your problems, but there are lessons to be learnt that mean there is a proper time for us to show up. However, we are working hard to get Disclosure acknowledged, and then we can really help you and would not delay coming amongst you.
How life can change without any warning, and so suddenly that you are often ill prepared. At least you have been made aware of what lies ahead, and with your input all will proceed as planned. You are vital to the outcome and getting an enormous amount of attention. The Universe is closely following your journey, as it is important that you reach the stage of readiness to become Galactic Beings. The cycle of duality is to all intents and purposes over, and we want as many souls as possible to return to the level that was your home in past times. Many of you know that Earth is not your real home, and yearn to return to it. It will be like taking a grand holiday in the sun, after being underground for all your life. Everything will be so bright and beautiful, the very air you breathe clean and refreshing, and an uplifting energy permanently around you. It cannot be much different wherever your home is located, as so much more perfection exists in the higher dimensions.
One day in the future you will look back and no longer feel any pain or unhappiness, because the high energies of the love vibration will have taken over. You will be in a permanent state of joy and happiness, and dark thoughts will not even enter your mind. All souls together in such energies become as one, and share a close bonding in a high state of love and Light. But for reasons of service to others, you would have no reason to return to the lower dimensions. Indeed, if anything you will move into even higher levels for the purpose of furthering your evolution. Progress is ongoing and only ceases when you fully return to the Source of All That Is.
Peace will come to Earth, so do not feel downhearted if for a time the dark Ones are able to resist change as it will only be a temporary hold up. The higher energies planted upon the Earth are so powerful that they will transmute the lesser energies. That will take away any possibility that the dark Ones had of making more mischief and soon they will be stripped of their power, and we can start our many projects to lift up Earth and the people upon it. It will happen, and then the suffering upon Earth will be dealt with quite quickly, and a happy civilization will emerge. Health will be a principle benefit upon Ascension, as in near perfection you will not experience the aches and pains of the old carbon based body. You will stay young and healthy, and in the process of Ascension will be healed of any condition that is anything less.
The dynamics of the energies playing upon Earth are setting up the grid that will bring the new Earth into being. At the same time they will uplift you also, and both will be ready for the final action leading to Ascension. It calls for more time being allocated to your personal development, so that you may take the opportunity to raise your vibrations. Meditation is most suitable and recommended; even if you can only find limited time in which to do it. At least find quiet moments when you can unwind, from what is a stressful time on Earth just at present. Being fearful will not help, and your health will benefit if you can find a little time for yourself each day. Also remember when you are in a relaxed state to send out your love to wherever you see it is needed. Perhaps you are already in a group presentation, and that will be even better and more powerful.
Money worries occupy many people, but even these will disappear in time as debts are forgiven, and wealth is distributed more fairly. Can you imagine the relief when people can start again with not just a clean sheet, but with the advantage of being funded once more. It will be but one step towards a brand new society, that focuses on sharing and works for the benefit of each other. Dealings will be carried out above board, and the authorities will show their honesty in whatever they do. People will be consulted much more than now, and have more say in matters that concern them. In one way or another the old paradigm will die away, as it has ceased to fairly reflect the needs of the people for eons of time.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and trust that the information we give answers many of your questions. They are not complete and best addressed when we can come to Earth, when we shall spend much time quickly acquainting you with all that is to follow. We send our unconditional love to all of you.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
" an enormous Cosmic evolutionary step "
Dear All,
It feels really a blessing to be a human being, please read,
the frog
Source :
A letter from Sendai
Things here in Sendai have been rather surreal. But I am very blessed to have wonderful friends who are helping me a lot. Since my shack is even more worthy of that name, I am now staying at a friend's home. We share supplies like water, food and a kerosene heater. We sleep lined up in one room, eat by candlelight, share stories. It is warm, friendly, and beautiful.
During the day we help each other clean up the mess in our homes. People sit in their cars, looking at news on their navigation screens, or line up to get drinking water when a source is open. If someone has water running in their home, they put out a sign so people can come to fill up their jugs and buckets.
It's utterly amazingly that where I am there has been no looting, no pushing in lines. People leave their front door open, as it is safer when an earthquake strikes. People keep saying, "Oh, this is how it used to be in the old days when everyone helped one another."
Quakes keep coming. Last night they struck about every 15 minutes. Sirens are constant and helicopters pass overhead often.
We got water for a few hours in our homes last night, and now it is for half a day. Electricity came on this afternoon. Gas has not yet come on. But all of this is by area. Some people have these things, others do not. No one has washed for several days. We feel grubby, but there are so much more important concerns than that for us now. I love this peeling away of non-essentials. Living fully on the level of instinct, of intuition, of caring, of what is needed for survival, not just of me, but of the entire group.
There are strange parallel universes happening. Houses a mess in some places, yet then a house with futons or laundry out drying in the sun. People lining up for water and food, and yet a few people out walking their dogs. All happening at the same time.
Other unexpected touches of beauty are first, the silence at night. No cars. No one out on the streets. And the heavens at night are scattered with stars. I usually can see about two, but now the whole sky is filled. The mountains are Sendai are solid and with the crisp air we can see them silhouetted against the sky magnificently.
And the Japanese themselves are so wonderful. I come back to my shack to check on it each day, now to send this e-mail since the electricity is on, and I find food and water left in my entranceway. I have no idea from whom, but it is there. Old men in green hats go from door to door checking to see if everyone is OK. People talk to complete strangers asking if they need help. I see no signs of fear. Resignation, yes, but fear or panic, no.
They tell us we can expect aftershocks, and even other major quakes, for another month or more. And we are getting constant tremors, rolls, shaking, rumbling. I am blessed in that I live in a part of Sendai that is a bit elevated, a bit more solid than other parts. So, so far this area is better off than others. Last night my friend's husband came in from the country, bringing food and water. Blessed again.
Somehow at this time I realize from direct experience that there is indeed an enormous Cosmic evolutionary step that is occurring all over the world right at this moment. And somehow as I experience the events happening now in Japan, I can feel my heart opening very wide. My brother asked me if I felt so small because of all that is happening. I don't. Rather, I feel as part of something happening that much larger than myself. This wave of birthing (worldwide) is hard, and yet magnificent.
Thank you again for your care and Love of me,
With Love in return, to you all,
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
" a positive outcome "
SaLuSa though Mike Quinsey
As problems upon Earth proceed to become more threatening, bear in mind that whereas the dark Ones can use force to achieve their objectives, the Light works in a more subtle way. Because it is co-ordinated across the world when it does cause action to take place, it is usually most powerful and cannot be stopped by any conventional methods. In fact it is the most powerful force in the Universe. Therefore regardless of the opposition against it, it will achieve its purpose. Presently it is increasing in its power levels, and will continue to do so all of the way to Ascension. Try not to be overwhelmed by the disasters that are happening, and know that there will be a positive outcome that will lift you up to a higher level. Much of what has happened was foreseen, but as it relates to karma – sometimes on a group level, it must be allowed to work through. From our point of view all will proceed as planned, and the Universe will finally ascend.
A lot can happen in a short time, and as you progress through this year events are going to become quite hectic. The people are beginning to take charge of their own future, and will not stand for the old ways to be reinstated. They realize that what were supposed to be democratic governments in many countries around the world, were more totalitarian and not answerable to them. In fact in many of them voting was a sham, and dictatorships existed that served themselves by denying the people their entitlement. In waking up to what has been taking place, they have stopped the dark Ones in their tracks and opened opportunities for a regime change. Not only that, when they take place they will be changes complete with a new policy, that will address the wrongs of many hundreds of years. These new energies for change will strengthen the resolve of those dear souls who have stepped forward to challenge the old set-up. Their endeavors are supported by us, and we guide them so as to achieve the victory that will fully open the path to Ascension.
As ever time continues to speed up, and that is a sure sign that you are well on the way to the great upliftment of 2012. Life goes on for every soul regardless of what they believe will actually happen come once that date is reached. In part you create your own future, but the fact remains that the final act will be Ascension. There is no necessity for great catastrophes or disasters, or masses of people dying as a result of them simply to reach that point in time. The only link between the two is the need to cleanse the Earth so that she is ready to ascend with you. So the remaining months will be filled with all manner of different happenings, which will gradually become more acceptable and beneficial to everyone. By then we will certainly have been officially accepted as visitors to your planet. In actuality we already have your acceptance, and the numbers of people turning to us are increasing each day.
The course is set for your release from the Illuminati, and they strike out in their last desperate attempts to delay or prevent Ascension. Their days are numbered, and little time remains for them to continue in opposition to us. It will be with absolute delight that we finally remove the dark Ones from positions of power, and bring in Beings of Light that have been waiting such as opportunity to replace them. These are our allies that have already done so much to create a structure that aids our plan for your release. Also many, many of you have especially incarnated at this time to be part of the final days upon the old Earth. Each you have something to offer that will be called upon when the time is right. There will be so much activity going on, you may be sure that even at a local community level, you will have plenty to occupy you.
Our appearance on your television channels will enable us to reach out to people to dispel any doubts that they may have about our intentions. We will go to great lengths to explain why we are here, and the plan to take you up to the end time. We serve you through the Galactic Federation, and Ascension is not the end of our presence with you, as we shall become your fellow travelers through the Galaxies if you should so choose. You will be able to visit the home of civilizations that dwell in the higher dimensions, and will be accepted as one of them. To say the least, you will be somewhat different to what you are now as you have yet to rise up to the higher levels of vibration. When you have done so, and work from your higher consciousness you will truly have become Galactic Beings. That is your present goal, and our help will be given to ensure you achieve it. These are all matters that we will need to introduce to you, and clearly it will be much easier when we are openly with you.
We will have a common bond with those of you that do ascend, because you are cognizant with the understanding of the Source, and that it is All That Is. Respect, Love and Gratitude are our offerings to the Creator and we know that many of you share those sentiments. The truth of such matters is also important for you to know, and they will be covered in due course of time. A belief in God will carry you forward, until we can enlighten you although we must say that many inspired teachers are already on Earth. Following religion as such is not our way, as all knowledge can be found within. You have it now, but find it difficult to touch that level of your consciousness. For the time being trust your intuitive powers and follow their promptings.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and watch the ever-changing levels of mass consciousness on your world. With each disaster a loving glow arises from Earth, showing how much love and compassion is being felt for those who are the victims of them. It is bringing people together who see the need to take back their power, so as to create a new world that is based upon caring and love for each other. It is truly remarkable how far you have come in such a very short time. It was expected to be so, but until the time arrived there was no certainty as to exactly what you would achieve. However, Ascension is the Creator’s directive, and no one but the Creator can change what has been decreed. Knowing this it must have a positive affect on you, as you need have no concerns or worries about the end time. We of the Galactic Federation are geared up to move anywhere at a minutes notice, and well rehearsed in all aspects of our assistance for you.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.
Monday, March 14, 2011
" a wonderful opportunity for Mankind to help each other "
SaLuSa though Mike Quinsey
Dear Ones
we must mention the massive earthquake in Japan, that followed an earlier one in New Zealand. When you have countries that are in earthquake zones and actually on the Ring of Fire you are sitting on a powder keg, and there is always a chance that the big one takes place whether through natural or man-made means. At a time when Mother Earth is re-shaping the surface, you can therefore expect some more serious convulsions. In the case of Japan the potential exists for the tectonic plates to pass under each other, and as a result it could disappear into the waves. So we are grateful that the worst scenario did not occur, and have every sympathy and compassion for those dear souls who were affected. It is not our place to interfere, but we are allowed where possible to lessen the effects. Sometimes we are dealing with the needs of Mother Earth, and the cleansing must be completed before Ascension is possible, and as you will have noted the preparations are speeding up. Out of such disasters comes a wonderful opportunity for Mankind to help each other, and a coming together will cement friendly relationships important to the immediate future. It has been mentioned previously that all souls that pass over as a result of trauma, are carefully looked after and treated with much love. They do recover quite quickly and it is helped by them being re-united with their families and friends.
In general what you are seeing all around the world is the final cleansing that must take place very soon, and you will see the objective in what is happening. At some stage in the not too distant future we will be joining you, and then you can receive every help we can give along with details of what is needed to carry you speedily forward. Until we can all get started things will appear disjointed and at times chaotic, but we can assure you in spite of that a clear and precise plan is in operation. It is just that for the time being we cannot disclose the details of our actions. The governmental changes are clearly most essential to our ability to work with you, and the last cabal must be and will be removed to prevent any further interference with our plans to release you from their control. In fact they have already been seriously weakened, and do not carry the influence or command over events as they did previously. Our allies have infiltrated their set up and successfully prevented an expansion of their activities. As long as they are contained, we can make progress with you and anyone who is aware and alert will notice the direction that we are going in.
Again we must mention the fear aspect that arises in such times as you are experiencing. We ask you to remain calm and know that it is not true that the end of the world is taking place. In no circumstances will it be destroyed or even seriously impacted by natural or man-made circumstances. Matters of that nature are within our control, and we are here to ensure that the cycle is completed as divinely decreed. Often what is referred to as support for outlandish predictions are old writings that were made in a totally different era to what you are in now. In other words most are no longer relevant to the time you are in now. Since the Millennium you have moved onto another path, that in spite of the current or recent calamities, is one that is less volatile. We would add that as always we are very active in ways not apparent to you, and we do whatever is allowed to ensure matters do not get out of hand. Karma is a factor that we cannot interfere with, but we can respond to your calls for help that are received by us in Love and Light.
Our desire is to get past the last hurdles that are holding up Disclosure, and that is a vital event that affects so many others. Be assured as slow as the progress is we are getting there, and it is close to happening. Keep your thoughts and prayers coming to us for open contact with you, and in your own way you will be helping speed up that event. We are very pleased with the way your consciousness levels have grown, and your acceptance of us and desire to meet with us is more powerful now than it ever was previously. That tells us that our approach has been exactly right, and over many years we have been able to dispel fears that have been deliberately created to keep us apart. Even now your media plays the fear card, but you are much wiser than before and see through their plans to keep us from meeting. It is time for such a coming together, and you will definitely meet with us your Space family and your ancestors from the Inner Earth. Oh yes, you have a lot to learn about your true history that has been kept from you or distorted, to convey only what the dark Ones see as necessary to keep you in their control.
You are to throw off your shackles very soon, and taste real freedom as a right that has been previously denied you. Your very way of living will move to a higher level with all of the advantages that modern technology can give you. With it will emerge the real you free from the dictates and oppressive controls that have kept you in slavery to the Illuminati. Their influence will by then have no more power to interfere with your lives, which will become most happy and wonderfully exciting. Keep looking ahead, and do not let the changes put you in fear of the future. All that is happening now is going to be short lived, and out of it you will see the purpose that will set you firmly upon the path to Ascension. Of course many of you have made excellent progress towards it, and are recognizing the changes in your levels of consciousness. That will become more evident this year, as there are key points when the energies are going to be uplift you even further.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and tell you that if you can look upon what is happening as a means to an end that is for your benefit, you will quickly overcome any problems that affect you in a personal way. You obviously all have a life plan that is meant to fit in with them, and if you sit quietly and ponder what they are you will almost certainly gain an understanding. After hundreds of lives in so many countries and cultures you can be sure that you are so much wiser than when this cycle first commenced. Now it comes down to clearing whatever karma is still uncleared, and at a time when you are at your strongest to deal with it. Take it as it comes and do not fight it, but approach it with love in your heart for yourself. You are a great soul that has yet to understand your full potential, but very soon you will know without a doubt. Remember that we are with you at all times, in Love and Light.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Friday, March 11, 2011
" Keep calm as the events on Earth progress "
SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
The Universe awaits your presence as Galactic Beings, for which you are being prepared. As long as you have the desire to advance from Earth to the higher dimensions, you will reach them without any real difficulty. Everything that you need is in the process of taking place, and that is the great interplay of energies that come from as far away as the Central Sun. You make the effort to attract the higher energies and they will most certainly reach you. Proof already exists, as some souls are now aware that just recently their consciousness levels have risen quite substantially. This year will be one that opens up many opportunities for those of you who desire to contribute to moves to bring peace to the Earth, or partake in the restoration of Mother Earth to her pristine condition. We know there are many of you who are eager to help in some way, and be assured your offer will be noted.
What is very heartening is your appreciation of the situation that you are now in. It is the storm before the calm, and requires as many of you as possible to see it through without taking your eye off the ultimate goal. The distractions are many, and the dark Ones will not withdraw until they are given an ultimatum. Either they resign as requested or they will be placed in an untenable situation where they have no alternative. Every soul will at some stage have to face the music where their deeds are concerned, but we are not out to punish anyone and will allow the greater powers to deal with crimes against the Human Race. Everything about you is known and you cannot fool anyone, or lie your way out of what you have done. Even your intentions are known down to every thought that you have ever had.
You will obviously know if you have some dark deed on your consciousness, forgiveness starts with yourself. You have been in duality to learn from your experiences, and it is only human to make mistakes. These are not held against you, but at some time you will be called upon to make them good. The concept of “an eye for an eye” is not in fact how karma works, and you help decide what further experience you need to overcome your weakness. Ultimately you will become much stronger as a result of it, and never have to go through the exact same experience again. Lightworkers have normally reached a level of understanding where they can be expected to create very little karma in their present lifetime. There is an inner knowing of what is right or wrong that carries them through the challenges of duality. There is a stronger voice within that cautions them when they are likely to move away from their life plan. Freewill is your god given right, but once you agree a life plan every opportunity is taken by your Guides to keep you on it.
When you have ascended you will have little or no problems with the lower energies, as they cannot exist in the higher vibrations. However, it is for example possible to incur karma, even when your motives have been pure and honest. In doing good there is a need to ensure that you do not also “interfere” with a souls life plan. However, you will be aware of what is required of you, and unlikely to inadvertently step out of line. You will in any event likely be part of a group that work from a shared consciousness. If you do, it will be because you are drawn together in a common purpose. Some of you incarnate together for that very reason, and where Earth families are concerned they can be very powerful. As you might say, “for better or worse” you will always find the ones you are meant to be with, so look at the lessons that arise from such associations. It does not matter who instigates the experiences that you have together, as whomsoever they touch are meant to be part of it.
Keep calm as the events on Earth progress, as at times it will appear rather unsettling but know that nothing will last for very long. There is a lot of clearing to take place, but very soon you will understand the purpose and take it in your stride. Better still disclosure will open the door to first contact with you, and in next to no time we will establish a world-wide communications system. You will know of our plans because we wish you to be part of what is going to take place. Certainly there will be increasing activity as time progresses, and meanwhile we monitor what is happening to keep a tight rein on the dark Ones. We carry out far more actions than you have been aware of, and of necessity we keep the details to ourselves. However, you have for example heard of our operations, to show that we meant our orders to your governments that nuclear weapons will not allowed to be used. We proved that we could at will disable the warheads on your missile sites.
Over millennia of time we have protected you and your Earth, and often that has been some natural calamity. Wars are your affair and it is karmic because of your previous desires to war with your neighbors. The big cry for peace has now brought you help, and we were allowed to respond to it. You have clearly stated that you have had enough of wars, and the plans to put a stop to them once and for all now exist. We will not have any difficulty in ensuring world peace. Again it comes down to our superior technology, and if attempts are made to break the peace agreement we will intervene with the blessing of the Creator. We therefore ask you once again to keep calm, and send out your Light to where or whom you feel needs it the most. Love is a powerful weapon that can melt the hardest heart, and as you come together to send it out so it carries much more power.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and speaking for my group wish we could make a few landings to inspire you. However, we have to pay our respects to your protocol and it will all be done with proper planning and permission. Eventually we will be known all over the world, and you will find it fun trying to identify the civilization connected with the vast numbers of craft that will be seen. The smaller scout craft will be regularly seen in your skies, as these are specifically used for traveling in your atmosphere. In this connection, let us say that the one George Adamski did have a meeting with Venusian’s. They landed with their bell shaped scout craft, which type was sighted on a number of other occasions. In fact there have been numerous contacts of this nature, going back hundreds of years. We look forward to the exciting times ahead, and celebrations will be in order when we show up.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
" peace comes at a price "
SaLuSa through Mike Qinsey
Peace will come to Earth because you have willed it to be so, but peace comes at a price and many dear souls have put themselves forward to achieve it. The battles are being fought now, and not necessarily on a physical level. There are mental battles taking place and when the power of Light becomes the dominant force, success will be achieved without bloodshed. Our presence will help your efforts to bring the changes about, but some people will not go quietly. We are monitoring all events on Earth, and will try to stop outside interference into the affairs of another country. It should always be the natural inhabitants that first make the moves for change. It is only when requested that outside help can be given, and even then it must be for the highest motives.
Clearly the transition period for the world will run into several more months, but some countries will advance much quicker than others. Generally speaking, it will be the more advanced countries that will be the slowest to respond to public calls for change. The Illuminati has more power where they are concerned, and progress can be very slow. However, our allies have long identified those who stand in the way, and every effort continues to have them removed. One fact stands out and that is the longer these matters are unresolved, the more people are standing up and making the truth known. There will gradually come an immovable force that will ensure that those who use it, will gain much support and protection to carry out their task. Your intuition will determine whom to support, and you need to exercise care because of the disinformation that is also around.
Each time a period of chaos is reached it galvanises more people into action, so with them comes a force for good that can solve the problem. We have often spoken of people power, and it has never been as strong as it is at present. You have seen already what it can achieve in the Middle East. In some countries that are more democratic it will be possible to use that method to bring changes about. However, you are up against a controlled media that still lacks freedom of speech, and this is where your Internet comes into its own. Its value is in its ability to draw hundreds, if not thousands of people together in a common cause. It is because of them that the energy levels are raised exponentially, and eventually bring a response. After all everything is energy and there is an interaction between it.
These are times when you can expect to notice changes within your own consciousness levels, that are rising up in response to the increasing levels of energy around you. Calmness and an ability to maintain it would be one such indication, and it will become evident amongst more people as the weeks pass by. It is the special days when there are powerful alignments, which are making a considerable difference. One such occasion will occur with the Vernal Equinox on the 20th. March, and as the year passes will include a really powerful alignment on the 11th. November. These are all part of the build up to your preparations for the final year of Ascension. By then you will have had your proof of what an important period you are entering, and will also have actively experienced some of the major changes promised to you.
There is so much that is coming your way by way of change that it would be difficult to visualise without some guidance. Transport for example is still going to be essential, but where it is inspired by any form of combustion engine, will be superseded by pollution free drives, and the use of electro-magnetic energy. Much of your local travel will be underground, but small spacecraft will be available for longer journeys overseas. How it develops is up to a certain point your responsibility, but we will freely give you the technology required. Some of it is already being secretly used for the black operations of the US Government, as also for the means of “beaming up” people. You have for some time heard about free energy, and that will power many devices that are quite simplistic in their design. They are also cheap to manufacture, and mass production will ensure that there is no problem regardless of whatever quantities are needed.
The Oil Industry will eventually be made redundant, and at a stroke rid you of a major source of pollution. This will aid our projects to clear existing pollution, knowing that the same conditions will not return. As the vibrations increase disease will also be less evident, and there will be a much more healthy population as a result. Drugs for medicinal use will become unnecessary, and treatments will completely move away from the necessity to use them. More advanced healing methods will be introduced, using sound, light and colour. Their value is already recognised and in use now, but it can be developed much further than it presently is. In time even all of these advances will become unnecessary, as your bodies will have become so refined as to be no longer prone to disease of any kind. Perfection exists in the higher dimensions, and such will be your power that you will create much that you use.
Where you have missed out by not being given the benefit of new technologies, we will carry you forward to an even more advanced stage. So you will experience leaps and bounds, and they will amaze you where communications are concerned. Everyone will not only be able to contact each other regardless of distance, but also see them. Furthermore there will be translation devices that will handle any existing language. Entertainment will benefit from these advancements, but programs will become a reflection of the new society that will arise from the old one. Violence and similar negative aspects will no longer feature, as you will have higher levels of consciousness that will not tolerate or desire it.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and you will be introduced to many new advances as soon as we can meet with you all. We clearly know what you need and where the priorities exist, and also that you have many knowledgeable people who can quickly adapt to them. This was expected as your thoughts are helped by outside influences that have often come from us. Through such methods we have helped you advance by introducing new ideas to you.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Source : www,
Monday, March 07, 2011
" The measure of a soul's worth is by the degree to which that soul can share its love "
SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
The measure of a soul's worth is by the degree to which that soul can share its love. Love is the motivation behind all acts of kindness asking nothing in return. Yet whatever one gives out is returned through the Law of Attraction. At a time when the needs of others are mounting, the presence of those of the Light is a blessing, and those who wish to serve will find plenty of opportunity. Our reading of the situation is that there are now many more such willing people, than at any previous occasion in recent times. The Oneness of all souls is being recognized, and once the differences in politics and religion are overcome, there will be a great coming together that will lead your civilization forward in unity, and in a common purpose to bring harmony and balance back to Earth.
Let no one doubt that Man is on the path to massive changes, and they will provide the answers to your present problems. For too long you have been seriously held back to keep the status quo, so that the Illuminati can benefit from your demise. They were not however going to achieve their plan for total control, as the Light has slowly gained ground and virtually brought their activities to a halt. We of the Galactic Federation have clearly shown them the extent of our technological abilities to deal with their attempts to pervert the course of Ascension. With much more at our disposal, there is nothing they can do that is beyond our capabilities to deal with. You are therefore safe from world-wide destruction, and along with Mother Earth you will reach your destination. It is our duty to see that as many souls as possible are awakened, and having done so are given every help to find their way to Ascension.
It will not be long now before things really get underway, and an exciting time awaits you that will bring cheer and joy with it. There are those of you who are experiencing hardship, but no matter what the problem the answers are already known. You will be quite surprised how quickly a fair and acceptable life will be established for all citizens of Earth. Your needs are many, but they will be covered by the plan that has already been drawn up. It will prepare you all for the end times, and you will be ready to ascend at the right time as Beings of a higher level of consciousness. Some of you have already noticed the commencement of such changes within yourself, and they will continue to rise until you finally reach full consciousness. That is a requirement for any soul that aspires to move into the higher dimensions. What is assuring for you all is that there are so many great souls that have joined us in this grand adventure. When the appropriate time comes after First Contact has been made, the way will be clear for them to come amongst you. All in all they will be familiar names that have appeared time and again in your history.
The experience you are going through is priceless when you consider how unique it is. You are privileged to have been accepted for incarnation into this period, and if you think otherwise, please remember that you knew exactly what was in store before you did so. You are those who are strong in purpose and intent, and in reality have sufficient experience to overcome all obstacles and challenges. The value to you is that you will have raised your consciousness quite dramatically in such a short time, and it will serve you well during the coming period. It is what you have worked for over many. many lives, and it does not matter whether you have succumbed at times to the pull of the lower vibrations. Once you have chosen the path of Light you are helped to clear old karma out, and eventually the slate will be clean through the Law of Grace. The Creator desires the eventual return of all souls, and their service to the Light will mean that much experience is gained. It is never lost and can help others who are also seeking to raise their consciousness.
Financial changes are being discussed, and they will come into being and so prevent another collapse because of greed and unacceptable trading practices. Small is going to be beautiful and ensure that the moneylenders never again have the power to destroy your lives. In fact as many of you already know, such changes will be accompanied by an entirely new set up. Monopoly Money as you so call it, will not be allowed and in future it will be backed by precious metals. Many know this scheme as NESARA and it is now a part of the new financial set up waiting to be introduced. The greatest benefit to all will be the forgiveness of debt thus removing the worries and concerns of so many people. Taxes unfairly taken will be refunded, and a new system will ensure it cannot happen again. Wealth will be spread so that economies can recover quickly, and overcome poverty where it has caused distress and all manner of ailments. There are a considerable number of loving souls ready to give their time to such projects, and it is yet another way of bringing people together. The Human Race is benign in nature, and it is only the dark Ones that have separated you from each other. They have set one against another using insidious tactics to promote hatred and division.
Have no fear Dear Ones, everything will soon change giving all of you the opportunity to start anew, and bring joy and happiness into your lives as it always could have been. When you ascend there will be no souls going with you, unless they have raised their vibrations to the necessary level. That is the law, thus ensuring the harmony and balance that is a feature of the higher dimensions. It is a matter of freewill choice, but no one is automatically assured of ascending unless they have reached the required level. If you have already decided that you wish to ascend, then you will almost certainly achieve it – but keep your focus at all times on your goal. Unless you make a conscious decision to drop out, you will find that you have an increasing awareness of what it takes to succeed. Certainly your Guides will be working with you, so follow what you feel inspired to do in that connection.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and will tell you that we are becoming busier with every step nearer we get to Disclosure. It is a most important step forward, which will open up many other opportunities for us. It will take the lid off so much that has been hidden away from you, particularly regarding ET contact, which has been occurring for many hundreds of years. It is time for the truth to come out, and it will be both surprising and shocking at the same time.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
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