Saturday, October 30, 2010
" allow the old to fade away "
SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
As more people learn of the time we are in, there are some excited at the prospect of meeting their benevolent Space Friends, whilst others experience a degree of trepidation without really understanding why. It is largely fear of the unknown, but many have deep subconscious memories from the time when they were present to witness Galactic Wars. Your solar system suffered quite considerably, and millions of souls lost their lives when Maldek was destroyed. We want to get the message out, that it has been divinely decreed that such an occurrence will not be allowed to happen again. This cycle will see the whole solar system and Maldek once again restored, as indeed all has to be made good. Is it not something of a paradox that as the beneficial changes look on the verge of happening, so the chaos and collapse of the old system increases. Dear friends allow the old to fade away as it has served its purpose well, as it is time to step up into the higher dimensions. No one relishes mass changes, but all must be made new again. Nothing is ever permanently destroyed or wasted, except that it changes shape or form.
The occasion of Ascension is of such a magnitude, that you may consider yourselves very privileged to be involved in the end-times. That applies to every soul regardless of how they have planned to exit this cycle. The fact that you have spent many lives in duality has raised your levels of consciousness far quicker than any other means. Bear in mind that every life you have had on Earth has seen you accept many different roles, and it is serious business and each time you have acted out the plan you brought with you. Each has been carefully made to allow you opportunities to experience exactly what you needed to further your evolution. Your success or otherwise, has determined whether or not you are ready to take a great leap forward and ascend. Looking at other people at this present time, do not judge them by their outer appearance or their occupation. Societies are planned in such a way that those chosen to incarnate into it cater for the skills or knowledge required for it to function correctly. You can therefore correctly assume that over many lifetimes you have given of your varying skills, whether as a person of high status to one doing menial tasks.
The end-times are the culmination of a very long period that has seen many civilizations come and go, each leaving their mark for others to follow. So you can see that it is quite natural for each one to peak, and fall away at the end. Lessons are learnt that enable the next civilization to succeed where they have failed. Your civilizations challenge was to rise above the temptation to rule by technological advancement, and in that it has failed. However, you have been prevented from destroying the Earth, as God decided that the destruction of another planet in your solar system would not be allowed. What success there has been is more an individual achievement, and is expressed in the number of souls now ready and desirous of ascending. What is remarkable and to be commended, is the manner in which you have overcome the darkness to find your true self within. It is no wonder that you are viewed as mighty Beings ready to claim your Christ consciousness.
What lies ahead is a wonderful journey that will elevate you into the higher dimensions, and know that you could not enter them unless you had lifted your own vibrations accordingly. The fairness and justice of life is hard to find on Earth as you are not necessarily recognized as sovereign Beings, but when you ascend you will automatically attract to yourselves all that is balanced and in harmony by Universal Laws. The prize is worth every effort that you need to put in to succeed, and nothing that you currently own will have any value or need to travel with you. All that you require is yours for the asking, and you will eventually exercise your power of thought to create exactly what you want. You can travel through the power thought and lets say that instead, you fancy having your own craft – well that too can be created by you. As with the Galactic Federation, there are times when physical craft are needed to travel within the lower dimensions, and it is only in the higher ones that thought creation is possible.
Every soul has creative powers, and the most usual example on Earth is where healing is concerned. More souls could do it if they had the belief, and sometimes it happens without their realization. When you are referred to as Co-Creators it is no trivial comment, as within your own dimension you have collectively created your world. Hence Dear Ones on your pathway to the end-times you are responsible for what you are experiencing now. It is also why you have more than one option that will lead you onto Ascension. Note that in the end all who are ready to ascend will do so regardless of which path they take, and it can be as easy or as hard as you make it. Our encouragement is for you to take the responsibility for yourself and create a peaceful path. Others can help you, but it is very much a personal matter for each one of you. If you doubt yourself, please remember that the powerful incoming energies are lifting up your consciousness levels, and in time you will understand considerably more than you do now.
There are so many things happening that have some bearing on how the changes will come out. However, be assured that we will achieve our aims in good time, and we have never been nearer to disclosure than we are now. The pressures on the dark Ones are building up very rapidly, and forcing their hand in spite of their desire to interfere with our plan. We will always have the advantage over them, as we closely follow their activities and intentions. We have already prevented an escalation of the troubles in the Middle East, and major incidents calculated to increase the fear of terrorism. We also stopped their plan to create reasons to impose martial law, and step up their degree of control over the people. We have kept the dark Ones occupied with their own problems, and strengthened the position of our allies.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and when we can finally carry out open visits to Earth, you will meet many members of the Galactic Federation. The initial meetings will be with those who have the strongest links with you. Consider that you are all Space Beings in origin, and it is your families that wait their chance to be introduced to you again.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
" levels of consciousness change from one second to another "
SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
We see the wavering levels of consciousness that change from one second to another. Those who are aware of the changes that are soon to manifest, are more focused on the future and know that all will turn out well. However, there are still a large percentage of people who lack direction, and tossed about like ships in a storm. For some it causes utter despair, as they cannot see how humankind can overcome the problems it faces. That indeed is the point of our presence, as we are fully prepared to go into action once we are officially introduced to you. Unfortunately we cannot move before that time, but will always be keeping an eye on what is happening on Earth. We can certainly take preventative action if matters get out of hand, and our allies are well aware of their part in protecting you. We are anxious to get on with the cleansing programs, and tending to the pollution of the seas that are a danger to life, and that is a priority. You may tire of hearing us tell you, that matters are so close to bringing you relief from the adversity you presently experience. However, for those who closely follow our activities, it is clearly evident that a major announcement is near, and we are ready.
Our focus is upon the US because you are the seat of the dark Ones, and also the centre of Light that will bring about a worldwide beneficial change. You are at the heart of all that is happening, and your powerful influence is still sufficient to bring changes in other countries. It does not prevent them from having a hand in the proceedings, and sometimes their influence helps to moderate what is happening worldwide. After all, Ascension is an option for each soul regardless of where they are and their beliefs. Another priority is to reach as many people as possible, in the shortest time so that there is a clear understanding of what is to happen in the end times. Our message will be exactly the same for all souls whether they are atheists or strong religious followers. The truth will be a powerful test of people’s flexibility, who will have to make the choice as to whether to ascend or not. If the answer is yes, every help will be given to help that person move into a new mindset, one that will lead them towards a full understanding of what they need to do to be successful. As time passes it is going to be difficult to change paths, as there is work to be done if you desire to become more of the Light and uplifted.
Let us make it quite clear that in taking up the challenge to live through duality, you also knew that having been given freewill you were also liable for the consequences. You readily accepted the challenge as part of an experiment that was prepared according to God’s Plan. It gave you the assurance that no matter how far you dropped into the lower vibrations, there would come a time when the cycle would close, and your full consciousness restored. That time has arrived, and from a karmic point of view you now have to make good the damage caused to the Earth. That is another reason we are here, as you need our help to complete the cleansing operations in a relatively short time. Once things get off the ground we can assure you that life will be one great adventure, as it promises to release you from all of the trappings of duality. Look at it this way, and your fears will no longer play such a big part in your lives.
The joy and happiness that is to be yours draws nearer, and remember that after many lives in duality what you are being called to do now is the finale, and the curtain will come down for good. You will have lived the illusion in good style, and have taken your roles very seriously. Indeed, you lived and believed in the separation that set the dark and Light at odds with each other. Now the Light is dominant, and the lower energies have little left to offer except an obstinate response until their hand is played out. Do not be concerned about their antics, as they are longer a cohesive power that can do much more than apply their usual fear tactics. We know where they are and what they are doing, and they will be blocked from doing anything crazy. They know what we can do in that direction, and it is quite pointless for them to continue with their resistance.
The Galactic Federation could crush the dark forces, but they are bound by karmic reasons as well as any one else. Now they will now experience the outcome of their own endeavors, and called to account for their actions. Justice will be done, and not a single soul escapes responsibility for what it has done. Again we stress that we do not mean punishment, although by your earthly reckoning it may be seen as such according to your laws. You are your biggest judge when you look back at your life, and you will want to overcome weaknesses and lack of understanding. However, you are in the end times and karma comes quickly, and when you ascend whatever is remaining will be deleted by the Law of Grace. The Creator is All That Is, and has no thought whatsoever to punish aspects of the Creator that have been given freewill to choose their experiences. The Creator is total Love and Light, and therefore everything that exists is within it.
You already have victory over the dark Ones in your hands, and they have no answer to the power of the Light. As individuals you would not necessarily know that, but from our greater perspective we can see that the battle between the dark and Light has almost finished. The Light coming from the Earth is magnificent and grows exponentially, and it is pushing into areas where the negativity is still very active. As time passes it will become more difficult for those who have yet to awaken, to ignore the Light. It is probing and transmuting the lower energies, and is causing a stirring of new consciousness levels. It can be confusing for those who were content to remain at one level, as they would seem to be losing control of themselves. However, the Light is so beautiful and uplifting that it will eventually be accepted. Few will have the power to ignore it, but by doing so they have booked their passage to another level of the 3rd dimension. You do not therefore need to concern yourselves about other souls, as all will work out perfectly according to each one’s plan.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and as we experience time as being in the Now, your remaining days in this cycle would seem to us to be but a blink of the eye. You of course will experience it in your own way, and we will be accompanying you on your journey. We Are One, and thus it will be so.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Monday, October 25, 2010
" recognize the Oneness of all life "
SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
More and more of you are becoming aware of how fast time is passing by. That is a sure sign of how much quicker it is going, and also the degree to which your levels of consciousness are growing. It also opens your minds to an understanding of what is happening around you, and there is no doubt that so many more of you sense the need for the changes taking place. Instead of gloom and doom it is seen that things must change for the better, and that there can be no return to the ways of those who would impose their negative values upon you. With the onset of the end of duality, it is obvious that it will be replaced by conditions more aligned to the new Man emerging from the Dark Ages. With the help of the Star Children who have wisdom and knowledge beyond their earthly age, there will be no lack of loving advice and direction. It is a matter of when it is right for them to come to the forefront, as if it is too early they are likely to be ignored. However, their presence does lead to displays of their ability, to apply their understanding in many different beneficial ways. They are members of the Lightshowers who open people’s minds to their potential. It can cover healing to spiritual work that will assist others as they follow their path to Ascension.
We for our part are using our spacecraft to carry out displays that are sufficiently near to you to be identified as from off Earth. It is not as if we need to prove our existence but we must enable people to break out of the cover up, that has been supported by those who deny our presence for their own benefit. It will very soon reach a point when disclosure can no longer be prevented, and its announcement will be the start of many changes. These will lead to our open arrival on Earth by agreement with the new Government, that will eagerly await our presence. We can then get on with the business of organizing the many projects that will result in the cleansing of your planet. We desire to be well into them by the end of next year. However, as we often point out, the time aspect is of no great consequence with the technologies that we will use. We have unlimited resources and so many craft that can be applied to the tasks ahead. Indeed in some instances we do not even need to be on Earth, and can operate quite successfully from your own atmosphere. The fact is Dear Ones, that we have already done so much cleansing of your atmosphere, namely to clear the fallout from nuclear testing.
Those who do not feel ready to join us will be allowed their freewill choice, and leave the Earth for the continuation of their experiences elsewhere. Joining your Space Family is a natural step in your evolution, and in time it will come to every soul. We have been part of a patient and quiet introduction to our presence for hundred of years, and it has succeeded in planting such seeds of knowledge in your minds. You have carried it with you in successive incarnations, albeit in your subconsciousness. However, once brought to the surface it has helped you to accept us without bringing about a fearful reaction. It is the dark forces that have tried to instill continual fear into you, and they know that when the truth comes out they will be seen for what they really are. It is they who fear our coming, as we will present the truth in such a way that it cannot be refuted. Bear in mind that every thought and action exists forever, and can be recalled to substantiate the truth of any challenge against our claims.
It is you the people who will benefit most from learning the truth of your past, and the way in which you have been deliberately mislead. It started millennia of time ago when power was seized by those with an agenda for self-aggrandizement, but the last century and particularly the years since the millennium have been the pinnacle of their success. However it was never going to be allowed to lead to total success, because the end times had already been decreed by God to lead to mass Ascension. What you are seeing now with the demise of the Illuminati is proof of the outworking of it. Yes, they are still around and cause problems, but their ability has been seriously affected by their loss of power. They will still try to induce fear, and prolong the global wars that feed their ego and their purses. Be assured peace is on the way, and the weapons of war will be silenced if they are not withdrawn when ordered to do so. Enough blood has already been spilt and negative energies have built up within the earth, and these are now being cleansed away. Few have realized that such energies create an imbalance on and within the Earth, and then they wonder why Mother Earth reacts to them by convulsions. Be prepared to experience some degree of disruption as a result and without going overboard, allow for shortages of food in areas that are normally affected by earthquake activity. This is in no way meant to bring about panic, but become aware of your likely needs in such a situation.
We of the Galactic Federation will still be working hard behind the scenes to limit any damage to you and your dwellings. For the time being stay where you feel it is right to be, and if you are in an area of activity know that you were subconsciously aware and accepting of your experience, before you came into incarnation. Remember wherever you are, there is a reason for you being there even if it seems an unlikely choice. Sometimes your presence is for the benefit of others, because you have something to offer that they do not have. There is a coming together of souls who recognize the Oneness of all life. Such souls are so important, to show others how the Light can awaken them to their potential. At heart all of you can express your love in such a way, and that will be a step nearer to finding the Christ Self within. It is the ultimate identification with your true Self, and the finding of Unconditional Love.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and it is quite clear that many of you have already been inspired to offer your help to us. Rest assured we welcome your various abilities, and will tell you that it is exactly why you have incarnated for this immediate period. It will be a case of all hands on deck, and some of you will come on board our craft for briefing. It is for the moment all serious stuff as the build up of pressure upon Mother Earth is to really get started, as her program of cleansing is becoming urgent. Have no fear, as we are constantly monitoring all that happens and you are not about to witness mass chaos or great catastrophes. We operate with loving regard for all of you, at all times.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Friday, October 22, 2010
" all souls are connected through an immutable bond of love "
SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
You have great expectations where the next few months are concerned, and rightly so as we have intimated that the time has arrived for action. As we recently mentioned, we are now at a point where certain issues must brought to fruition. Our patience and that of our allies has been commendable, but it wears thin in the face of repeated refusals by the dark Ones to withdraw. We will therefore place them in a position where there is only one way out. It will see the end of their power base, and the loss of their ability to dictate the future to the whole world. The New Year will herald a string of surprising developments, although you do have some basic awareness of what is in store. We desire to give the world back to you, and with it will come the power to make it possible.
There are beautiful souls on Earth simply waiting the opportunity to give of their knowledge, and help establish a new power base that fully represents what the people want. War and Peace are not natural bedfellows, and peace will become the rally call that will draw immense support all over the world. People have had enough of their families and lives being destroyed by the ambition of those who would rule the world. Dictators have no place in the future, and instead sharing will become the way of life. The changes will move mankind onto a new path, and nothing will then be able to delay Ascension. It is important that every soul is aware of the marvelous opportunity to ascend, and we are most anxious that the media is released from controls and censorship. Your news is adulterated and contrived to keep the truth from reaching you, but that will change and journalists given the freedom to report the news as it is. One man controls too many outlets, and that is not going to allow free speech. However, we do note that there is a gradual move towards freer expression, but it is far from satisfactory.
When disclosure is announced we wish for correct and accurate coverage, and that people will understand what we represent and our true reason for making contact with you. There will inevitably be those who hold views that see us some threat to their beliefs, but that is to be expected. The question is whether they can accept that in the past, that much information and teachings have been based on less than reliable or inaccurate sources. We do not condemn such souls, and simply wish that they carefully consider what we have to say. The truth will bite at many accepted beliefs and practices, and it is intended to allow a great step forward.
With the changes your consciousness levels will increase, and your capacity for understanding greater truths will increase tenfold and more. You will naturally become more discerning, and all of these changes will propel you nearer to becoming a Galactic Being. You will be given every help as you progress towards this time, as our concern is not just for your safety but the successful completion of this cycle. The future is golden and such a comparison to what you have known in the past. You will have freedom of travel, and restraints such as you experience now will disappear. If you so desire you can be totally independent of anyone else, as you will be self-supporting and create all of your needs. The chances are that you will desire to explore the Galaxy, and therefore likely to become a member of one of the Federations that do so. A visit to your Space family would also be appealing, to renew acquaintances with those who had long faded from your memory.
Duality has kept you from knowing the truth about yourself, and you have been led to believe that you were meant to be lesser Beings subservient to those in power. Indeed, if the Illuminati had their way and succeeded in world control, you would not have known any difference. Freeing yourselves from their clutches has opened your eyes as to what has really been going on around you. Now you can re-claim your sovereignty, and begin to assert yourself to regain your full rights. Certainly changes to the Law will be made to remove unjust laws that were intended to place you under draconian controls. We talk of countries all over the world, as none are an exception where unfair laws are concerned. You have been fooled into thinking you were free, but that has been far from the truth.
Young but wise souls have been coming to Earth for quite sometime, and now they shape up to share their knowledge with you. After disclosure they will be ready to share their wisdom with you, helping people to understand what remains to be done to prepare for Ascension. Young they may be, but they are very old souls who have deliberately chosen this time to be of help to those who are awakening. Service is sought to share whatever ones abilities are, to advance those souls also making their way along the pathways to the higher dimensions. Wherever you go in the Galaxy, you will find that all souls are connected through an immutable bond of love. That is perhaps the beauty of discovering other civilizations that are at various stages of advancement, and finding that all come from a common source. The grand design of the Creator is never ending, and life abounds all around you.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so pleased that we of the Galactic Federation have been assigned the task of guiding you all to Ascension. It is a privilege accorded to us because of our past links with your genetic evolution, and our hand in your growth and awakening. So you will understand that we have been with you for eons of time, and none have been quite as important as the period you are in now. What is happening is known throughout the Universe, and many visitors excitedly draw near to you to witness yours and Mother Earth’s unique Ascension. There is also the spectacle of earth changes that will be quite extensive, and transform your Earth to one of utter beauty. They will be befitting of the higher dimensions that you are entering, where only Love and Light can exist. Where peace and harmony are constant, and where you can fully use your creative powers.
I would ask you to ready yourselves for the exciting times ahead, and focus on the benefits and changes that are to prepare you for upliftment. Keep in your Light at all times, and give of it freely to others. On behalf of the members of the Galactic Federation, I send our Love and Blessings to you.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
" keeping your focus on all that is of the Light "
SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
Dear Ones,
you are seeing before your very eyes the fall of the great capitalist empire, that has ruled your world for many years. From the early days when the Constitution became law, it has gradually taken away your rights until today you are almost under the total control of the Illuminati. Having reached such a point in their plan for world rule, they have moved beyond their ability to sustain their authority and now it is breaking down. These times are going to be oppressive and chaotic, before the plan for your future is revealed and instated. You can be sure that the outcome has already been decided, and follows the plan for your upliftment. As always, try to see beyond the immediate occurrences and know that they will not last very long.
Our allies are briefed and ready to take over control in many ways. It will lead to not just your “rescue”, but also a change in your direction that will put you firmly onto the path of Ascension. The clutter and last vestiges of the old will be gradually swept away, and you will learn more about your Space family and how you link to them. Together you will advance much quicker than you would otherwise have done, and life will become a joy and pleasure as Love and Light bring about great changes. Try not to allow material problems to get on top of you, as the answers are known and they will be solved in good time. Much of the first round of changes, are to get the right people into places of authority. This is very much a priority where politics are concerned, and clearly matters will proceed more quickly when those in charge are working for the good of all people.
The hidden truth concerning many matters of importance to you is surfacing, and there is so much more that must become public knowledge. It is important that you understand how you have been mislead for eons of time, as then you will accept the extent of the changes that will bring many new ideas into your lives. You certainly will not want to go back to the old ways, but it will not leave a vacuum as the new programs are going to involve a great leap forward. It will more than recompose you for all that you may have lost in the process, and you will be well satisfied with the outcome. Once we can openly work together the new technologies will speed along the changes, and they will be focused on giving you a happy and comfortable life. In time there will further changes that will uplift you even more, as you enter the higher dimensions. Then life shall become more blissful and peaceful, with beauty and harmony all around you. By then you shall also have become Galactic Beings, with considerable power to create, as you desire.
Individually you have karma to clear, and what comes up will be anything that cannot be carried by you into the higher vibrations. Sometimes it will be merely the direction that your thoughts go into, prompted by the lower vibrations that have become attached to you. It is simply a lesson in keeping your focus on all that is of the Light, and moving out of mindsets that are no longer in your best interests. There are few of you that at times do not have dark thoughts, even if you give them the energy to manifest in your life. Think of all that is wholesome and of beauty, and dispatch any others with your love so that they shall not return.
You are all changing whether you are consciously aware of it, and a number of you have symptoms of imbalances that result from them. Feeling off color or lethargic are such signs, and they will soon pass. Rest is what you need so that you do not overtax yourselves, and adequate sleep is most essential. Your physical bodies are being changed and the process is speeding up, but once you have settled down to the changes they will prove most beneficial. You will feel renewed and far more energetic than previously, and you will have one foot in the higher dimension. You are self-healing and physical problems will gradually disappear, and you will enjoy good health. Ultimately your body will be beyond the ills and problems you presently experience.
People are becoming more active, because their awareness has been opened up by the higher energies reaching you from outer space. As a result you are beginning to realize that you have the power to demand your rights, and it is pressurizing your present governments to bring in change. It will probably not get far until after disclosure, when our help will ensure that you are properly represented. The dark still persist in causing fear and they put much faith in the possibility of terrorist attacks, and it is they who are behind most incidents. However, we shall not tolerate another major incident, and those involved will find their attempts come to nothing. We want you to feel strong enough to counter any fear tactics, so as not to give them any power over you. Spread your Light wherever you can, and if you identify areas that lack the Light send yours to it. When many of you do so, there is a surprising amount of power generated that will transmute the dark energies.
We of the Galactic Federation are closely monitoring activity on Earth, as Mother Earth needs to pursue her own cleansing program. She is very much like you in the sense that she also has to shed that which cannot go through to the higher dimensions. However do not focus on the worse scenario, as you may otherwise be instrumental in bringing it about. All changes will occur with as little harm to you as possible, and we can warn you of where the most danger exists. We will be working behind the scenes to lessen the impact of them where permissible. There are minor changes occurring on the Earth’s surface all of the time, and these are quite natural and usually present little danger.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, as many visitors to Earth have also been in the past. Your history contains many accounts of such visits, which are now being accepted as actual happenings. It is often only the descriptions that have stopped you from realizing such facts, as it was difficult for ancient people to describe that for which words did not exist. We have often told you that we have visited you for thousands of years, and they were planned as part of your awakening to other forms of life. We have also helped along your progress by passing on useful information, to advance your understanding of medicine and means of survival. Now you are well beyond those early stages, and we come to give you the benefit of advanced technologies.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
" spread your Light and Love "
SaLuSa though Mike Quinsey
Suddenly there are things happening that are clearly showing how the Light has opened up the whole world to the truth. It comes out from all quarters, and bold people are ignoring the consequences of telling the truth. It was not all that long ago that fear would have taken over, and reluctance felt at the thought of the repercussions of stepping out. Have no doubt that the dark Ones will stop at nothing to prevent the truth coming out. However, all such attempts are now pointless, as the momentum of the higher energies is far too powerful. You can therefore expect a rush of information as more and more people are prepared to reveal what they know. The truth is far more amazing than most of you realize, and indeed can also be quite shocking. The old paradigm is being cleansed out of sight, and the new one will simply slip into its place. Many already know where it is all heading, and there is much to do before you can really talk deeply about Ascension. However, all that is taking place is leading towards that event, in a process of evolution that is ever advancing. The realms of Light are awaiting your arrival, and it will be a most joyous and happy occasion.
Over the weeks and months to come, it will become apparent that the changes are in mankind’s best interests even though at times it will be chaotic. Those of you who are already enlightened will be a calming influence, as you will re-act positively. The doubters will need their proof before they come out of their rigid mindsets, and the Light will break down their resistance. It is very difficult to turn your back on it, as it brings a peace that is strongly felt, and most souls delight in bringing it into their life. It is like turning the light on in a darkened room, and the illumination is a sudden enlightenment. The Light is also your protection, which is why it is recommended that you frequently firm up your aura so that it is completely shrouding your physical body. You have never had such a wonderful opportunity as you have now to experience upliftment.
The material side of life will eventually become less important, because your needs will be catered for and your time spent enjoying your new found leisure. You will have plenty of time to pursue your hobbies and pastimes, and work such as you know it now will eventually become unnecessary. Time will also allow for self-development and your spiritual evolution. The schism’s that exist now will disappear, and the truth will mould future beliefs in a common acceptance of a new understanding. Much will be laid before you, and proof will accompany the truth so that there is no doubt as to its veracity. It will mean that religious groups will assess their teachings by such standards. A coming together will be inevitable, and is to be desired. At present such groups are fearful of the truth, but it will not destroy their understanding but instead enlarge it so that it can take them forward. Otherwise such groups will disintegrate, as they cannot expect to become part of the new wave of truth if they stand still. Much help will be given to ensure that advancement takes place.
All of the time that is left and leading to Ascension, will be used to get as many souls as possible moving into the higher dimensions. It will still be your choice as to what you accept, but no one will be able to claim that they were denied the same opportunity as others. If some souls are not ready to move on, they will obviously continue to experience what is normal to this present dimension. However, they may not knowingly make a choice but by feeling comfortable and against changes in their present circumstances, it is a vote to stay where they are. We often comment upon such souls, and ask that you allow them to go forward as they desire. Give them their moments of happiness without pressurizing them to change, as they do not need to feel guilty or different about it. You may not have had any waking knowledge of having been in their position yourselves, but be assured that you have undoubtedly had such experiences.
You really are in the heat of the moment as matters are boiling over, and something has to rapidly change. We are pushing our allies to bring a conclusion to their efforts in this connection, as we would rather that the moves are seen to come from them. However, the deadline is fast approaching, and we will be obliged to force the issue if necessary. We want to see disclosure come about quickly, as the abundance programmes are also getting nearer to manifestation. We are however extremely pleased with the continual increases in the levels of consciousness, and it shows how all of the effort put in by the Lightworkers has brought its reward. Bear in mind that the plan for your enlightenment was begun a long time ago. It has taken ever-increasing numbers of advanced souls, often directly from other planets to create the conditions for it. The levels of darkness were at times so powerful and cloying, that the task looked far from easy.
The hardest work has been done, and the Light is now in command. It has been firmly established upon Earth, and it will continue to rapidly grow. Hardened hearts are beginning to soften, and as a result more souls are awakening. The potential to open up rests with every one of them, and once they announce their intent to follow the Light help will be given. There is absolutely no lack of souls prepared to leave the beauty and joy of living in the higher realms, for service upon Earth. You are never left to fight your battles alone, and other souls have accompanied you through very lifetime. Sometimes they are your fellow travelers, who were once your family or friends who have simply gone on before you. Love between souls keeps a link between them that carries forward in many lives. So please do not worry about the future of those close to you, you will always meet again. In fact in the higher dimensions we can truthfully say, that they are only a thought away.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so encouraged by your resolve to win the day and your determination to bring changes about. That is what we like to see as it speeds up the whole process, and our coming together is getting nearer. Keep your focus as ever on what you see as your pathway to the future, and spread your Light and Love as far and wide as possible.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
display over Canada
Friday, October 08, 2010
" you will not be wanting for anything at all. "
SaLuSa though Mike Quinsey
What shall you do as the changes commence in such a way that they begin to affect your daily life. We would say carry on as normal as far as you can, and know that at the right time you will be advised as to what action to take. You will certainly be well informed as to the nature of the changes, and at some stage they will affect everyone. You cannot go through the remaining period before Ascension, except that much of what you now have is moved into its higher expression. You cannot take anything with you and it is totally unnecessary, as all that you will need will be provided. In fact your needs will be considerably less, as you will experience the joys of having a new body. It will be lighter and more of energy rather than physicality. Consequently much of your bodily input will come directly from the energy around you. Also with an ever-healthy body you will not need to replenish it as you do now. Since you will eventually create through the power of thought, you will not be wanting for anything at all.
As you are realizing, the changes are not coming to simply restore the status quo. The old paradigm is finished and has all but served its purpose. It is only those who benefit from the old ways, that will try their hardest to cling onto what they have now. These are mainly those who have built up vast wealth and also wielded it to gain power over others. It matters not what they do as the alternative to Ascension for them is more of the same. It comes by starting again in another location, and it has happened before and proved to be an excellent way of bringing home some very hard lessons. There is no on else responsible for them, as you attract to yourself exactly what you focus upon. If therefore friends or family do not share your intent to ascend, it is clearly right to allow for different choices to be made.
Stand by your decisions where your future is concerned, as by now you should have found your path to the next cycle. Some souls may awaken rather dramatically at the last moment, but by and large the choices have already been made. Whatever direction you go into, one thing is for sure, that you will be greatly affected by your experiences at this time. Even those who profess to have no interest in Ascension, are nevertheless observing what is going on around them, and it will be valuable sometime in their future. Much lays at a subconsciousness level that surfaces from time to time, as you never lose your memories of previous experiences. For example at this time many who desire to ascend, are subconsciously aware that in their past they failed to take such an opportunity. They are mostly souls that were present when Atlantis sank below the waves.
When you realize that your lives have a plan and a purpose to lift you up, your experiences become so important because they are not random or by chance. It is therefore essential that in the run in to the end of the cycle, you pay attention to what happens in your life. You are clearing your remaining karma, and as a result new people may enter your life. Look at everything in terms of how you can apply the Light, to ensure you do not create further instant karma. In the end you will leave the present Earth with a clean slate, and certainly minor karmic debts will be foregone through the Law of Grace.
If we suggested you enjoy yourself just now, you may wonder what there is to be happy about. However we look at you finally leaving duality behind, knowing that a great future beckons that promises everything you could possibly want. We say, live that dream now and create around you an aura of happiness that allows you to sail through life. That will also help others who travel along with you, as the higher vibrations are extremely uplifting. Notice the difference in people’s re-actions to you, and how interested they will become in you. You will have something they would like and are not quite sure how you achieved it, or they can too.
The mere promise of action at long last has greatly lifted the vibrations on Earth, and we do not want you to lose that excitement and energy of anticipation. It will carry you right past any attempts to pull you back, as you will no doubt you will have noticed a sudden flurry of negative outbursts calculated to bring back fear and uncertainty. Just keep your eyes directly ahead and do not lose sight of the reason you came to Earth at this time.
After millennia of time and in some cases hundreds of lives, you are ready to put your feet up and take an enjoyable rest and break from the rigors and demands of duality. It is well deserved, and you will be well rewarded in many ways. Perhaps the most important aspect is the valuable experience you will have gained. It will serve others in the future, as you may well take your place in the Galactic Federation. Once ascended you will have much more say in your future lives, and the focus will be upon what can best further your spiritual evolution. As you begin to understand more about life and Universal Laws, you will be quite clear as to the goals that lie ahead of you.
Clearly it will not be too long before we can arrange sightings for you, rather than what appear as chance ones. The sooner your hearts can resonate and accept our vibrations, it will allow us to be far more open and contact will be possible. That is a time we greatly look forward to, and it will help release any doubts that may be held about our intentions. A full explanation of our presence will in any event be given and we know it will satisfy the majority of the people. Others will be won over once they see the assistance we will provide, to remedy the damage to Mother Earth and the widespread pollution. It is course wider than that, as we will also instigate plans to give you the advantages of our futuristic technologies. The sooner you become independent of others for the essential tools of life, the quicker you will become self-supporting.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and feel that our venture with you is now only just beginning. There is so much we can do together, and life will become a delightful experience. For a time it will seem unreal after all you have gone through, but we know you will quickly adapt to your new roles as Galactic Beings. First however, stay firmly on your path to the Light and the freedom it offers. You are to claim back what is rightly yours, and is due to you.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Thursday, October 07, 2010
" there is nothing to fear "
SaLuSa though Mike Quinsey
Your increasing expectancy of major changes to get under way is bringing them nearer to manifesting. Those who for whatever reason opposes them are also more active trying to prevent such progress. It is up to you Dear Ones to ignore such sources, and in no way give your energy to them through fear. If your faith holds strong you will know that there is nothing to fear, as the Light is your power and protection. The truth will speak for itself and hold firm when all else falls away. As the vibrations continue to rise up, so the truth shall stand out for all to understand. The time for deceit and lies is ending and the Light shall rule supreme.
Bear in mind that some of the big events may be preceded by more chaos and turmoil. There is much of the old that clings on and must be removed. It is not always possible to do so without considerable inconvenience to you. However, all such occurrences shall be short lived because of our participation. You might reflect upon the fact that as a result, physical changes to the Earth have not been anywhere near as apocalyptic as some have predicted. Our abilities are such that we have already prevented you from destroying the Earth, and lessened the overall volcanic activity. Furthermore, we have kept it stable and in balance, as at times its wobble has become too extreme. Our brief has been one of ensuring that the cycle ends as decreed. Ascension is far too important to be aborted by a group of negative Beings, bent on achieving world control for their own power.
So we of the Galactic Federation are ready to as you term it, to go public and have agreed a plan that makes everyone satisfied. All along we have taken a careful approach, as it has been essential that we be viewed for what we stand for. We are clear that our intervention will be one of co-operation, and we shall observe your protocol. We shall lead because the operations that are concerning Earth, shall require advanced understanding and knowledge that is presently beyond you. However, we will share such information and invite some of you to take an active part in the proceedings. We want you to quickly lift up to our levels of knowledge, as you do have a mind that is capable of comprehending advanced technology. To some extent contact in the with the Greys in the U.S. has paved the way for this time, as you have already been given a head start over some countries. Our knowledge will however be given freely without strings attached, as what we have to share is for the benefit of everyone.
Great times are approaching and as you near the end of this year, you have every right to at last expect some action. All of the time our allies have been setting the scene for the awaited announcement, and it appears to be almost ready to go ahead. We are as excited and relieved as you are about the immediate period of time. It has been a long time coming, and we go back thousands of years monitoring your evolution and caring for Mother Earth. It has been a labor of our love for mankind, and a service in the name of the Creator. For obvious reasons you are at present the focus of our attention, but we are on call to any civilization throughout the Universe. Our lives are extremely interesting and rewarding, and we have experienced so many surprises as we explore the far away areas of Space.
The future is so bright for you, and what a contrast it will be to what you have been used to. It is somewhat like the higher astral dimensions of Earth, and freedom from all of the bothersome drudgery of being a human in the 3rd dimension. You have not really experienced such a level of freedom, happiness and joy except for brief moments in your life. Can you imagine the relief of removing your worries of how to survive, provide your sustenance and shelter? What it would be like to be totally healthy and without any form of disability, well Dear Ones that is just part of what you have to look forward to in the higher dimensions. No worrying problems about money, as it is unnecessary when all of your needs are freely provided for. We cannot do justice with words to what you are about to experience, but the word paradise comes to mind. Remember these things if the going gets tough, as it will all prove worthwhile in the end.
You have so much to look forward to so do not waste your energy on the mundane matters of daily life. Know that the dark Ones will have their last fling in desperation, but let it go over your head. The truth will safely come through and deception will be seen for what it is, as you are of an enhanced level of consciousness and are more alert to such attempts to fool you. The good, bad and the ugly are all in the same pot for now, but shortly there will begin a great clearing out of anything that cannot stand in the Light. The vibrations are speeding up, and can only carry with them souls who are of a like vibration. If you know or consider your self to be of the Light, you really should not be concerned about anything of the lower vibrations. It will in time transmute or disintegrate, as a point will be reached when it cannot remain any longer.
We are aware that claims and counterclaims are flying around about us, and all we will ask of you is to be guided by your intuition. Not even our opinion or anyone else’s for that matter is as important as what you are given by your Higher Self. Each of you has specific needs, and rarely are two of you exactly at the same point of understanding. However, please accept our messages regarding Ascension, as it is a Universal event that is definite and irreversible, and will take place. The many paths that lead to it will make no difference; all will reach the same point of ascension together.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and have complete faith in you to take the right action as you engage the changes. Be kind and considerate if you meet opposition on your path, as some souls cannot grasp what is occurring. That is quite different to those who have already made their choice to stay in the lower vibrations. They will tend to ignore what is happening around them, and should be allowed to determine their own future. All of you regardless of your intent are greatly loved by us as we see you Inner Light of God.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
" bringing a degree of stability to the Earth "
SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey
There is a sudden opening up of your consciousness levels, as people are becoming more open minded. It is partly the result of the changing conditions that cause them to seek the answers as to where everything is going. There is a feeling not of impending doom, although some groups believe it is inevitable. Instead it is one of responding to the higher vibrations, and having an instinctive knowing that there is a divine purpose in what is taking place. That is a most wonderful development, and is bringing a degree of stability to the Earth. It is setting the scene for our coming, and very soon the long awaited announcement admitting to our presence will be made. Once that happens matters will go speeding ahead, and you will find that you are living in the most exciting times.
The fact is our presence is not at all unusual, as we have visited Earth for thousands of years. When cycles have ended in the past we have played a key role, and we participated at that time in both Lemuria and Atlantis. At different times we have also taken groups of people off the Earth. So as you will understand, we are not in fact strangers to you at all. We could claim quite correctly to know you better than you know yourselves. That is because you have little waking knowledge of your past. Many of you came from the last great civilization of Atlantis that peaked at very high spiritual levels. It then became pulled down into the lower vibrations, which brought about their demise. Subconsciously you know this to be so and for some that shows as fear, because of what happened then and the possibility of it occurring again. Now the end times are exactly what they mean as duality has all but run its course. The dark Ones may not yet accept the situation, and their efforts to keep going are failing miserably. Their time is just about up and we shall delight in removing them so that they can no longer get in your way.
Regrettably for various reasons of self-empowerment your history has been falsified, and that is an area that we shall put right. You are entitled to know your true history although it will bring back painful memories. You have been continuously misled, and it has divided people so that they have been against each other. Chaos has ensued, and peace has only been a momentary blessing. However, to live peacefully together is your right, and as you have learnt of late the people of other countries are just like you in this respect. Most big cities are already cosmopolitan, so it will be relatively easy to bring you together once the threats of war and terrorism are removed. New energies permeate the Earth, that come from outside your solar system. These are behind the personal changes you are experiencing, and are becoming more powerful each day. Those of you who are particularly sensitive will know what we mean, and as time passes more of you will develop acute senses of awareness. If you did not, you may well question whether the vibration levels are rising.
Demonstrations and riots are becoming more frequent, as people reject a return to the past. They are awakening to the potential that exists to make a clean start, and have no desire to accept any form of compromise. Before matters can get out of hand, certain events that are near to happening will help calm matters. The future is assured, and we will gradually have a greater role to play in your lives. We ask you all to be part of the movement for peace, and not engage in violence no matter how much you are incited. Live to your highest ideals and you will no go wrong, and in so doing will show the way for other people.
The Galactic Federation is meanwhile keeping a firm watch on the military bases, so as to ensure that they do not interfere with the process of change. They too like all of the armed forces will become converted to serve peaceful purposes. War has absolutely no place in the future, and for that reason there will be no need for defensive employment. Keep these things in mind when you are thrown into the midst of turmoil, as it will help you through such periods. Think peace, love and beauty as so much on Earth is ugly and has been despoiled by Man. Respect for the Mother Earth must return, as there is much work to do to make good the damage caused to her. In this we will play a major role, as our technology will make short work of most problems. It will be the speed of recovery that will both please and astonish you.
We are in control of Earth but not in the sense of having taken it over, but being aware of everything that is happening. We do keep the balance at all times, but have to allow a certain degree of freewill to operate. Even so it will not effect our position or your future, but simply allow matters to flow, as they should. Your individual freewill allows for you to choose whether or not you go on to Ascension, but remember that most of you made that decision before you came to Earth. Events can be foreseen way ahead, so it easy enough to place you where it is of the most benefit. Life seems complicated but in reality it is quite simple, as you will always find yourself to be in the right place. It is much the same with the people that enter your life, as that is also by arrangement and agreement.
We too have life plans, but we are constantly aware of them in our conscious state. Bear in mind we live for hundreds of years and can achieve much in that time. We are also allowed more say in what we do, having reached a high level of understanding. In your case decisions often have to made for you by your mentors. It depends on how spiritually advanced you have become. After all the purpose of living many lives is to follow an overall plan that leads to your spiritual evolution. It is the only way to advance and leave the cycle of re-birth behind.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so pleased that after all of this time we will at last be able to invite many of you to join us. It will be part of your Ascension process and you will be ready to work side by side with us. We do in any event come to meet our own, who have lost contact with us. Our presence will speed up their remembrance of earlier lives when we were One in Love and Light.
Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.
Source :
" telepathy will become more commonplace "
SaLuSa thoughMike Quinsey
All around you there are more people than ever, suddenly finding that they have the ability to channel messages. As with any skills that suddenly appear it takes time to settle in, and the clarity of them is dependent upon your level of consciousness. We would certainly encourage you to persevere with channeling, and if successful you will be contacted by Beings who can resonate with your own vibrations. It is possible that the messages you get are personal and for your own advancement, as not everyone will be expected to go public. These could for example come from your Higher Self, but care needs to be taken in the early stages to ensure you do not attract lower entities. As you might expect, when you sit for such a reason you need to place protection around yourself. Michael invokes Warrior Angels that work with Archangel Michael, and you could hardly do better than follow this example. Some of you will develop your own methods, and what you need is to surround yourself with Light, and for example the Golden White Light is most powerful.
As time passed you will find your psychic abilities also developing, and telepathy will become more commonplace. Many of you already experience it often without realizing it has taken place. It comes in the form of knowing something that has not yet been spoken or taken place. You probably call it intuition and that is why we regularly advise you to use it where you can. When you meet new people it is a “feeling” that speaks to you volumes, and it is indeed first impressions that tell you a lot about them. With your expanding levels of consciousness you will begin to experience a “knowing” about matters that are of a spiritual nature, and it will become your measure where other information is presented to you. To continue developing, you will need an open mind so that you do not pre-judge a situation. This way you will allow your Guides to come closer to you, and they know exactly what you need by way of spiritual knowledge. In reality you do not need help, as everything is held within, even if it is in your subconscious memory. However, wiser Beings can point you in the right direction, and you can take it from there.
Hitherto you have not been encouraged to develop psychically, and indeed there has been outright opposition to it. This has usually centered around fear, and through religious teachings that associate it with the Devil. The only one we will acknowledge is the one that Man has created through so much negativity. It follows that what you believe in becomes real for you, so it is best not to focus upon such creations. Of course there is evil, but there is no point in blaming it on some mystical beast. Negative energies are all around and even embedded in the earth, and part of the cleaning process that is taking place is to transmute them. Some of you carry out such wonderful unselfish work for the good of all, and that is greatly appreciated. Dear souls of Light incarnate for such purposes, and it becomes their life’s work.
The Lightworkers do tremendous work, and many have come from the higher dimensions to which they have already ascended. Therefore although outwardly there does not seem to be much evidence of it, without their help you would be in a worse predicament. For many years they have sought to bring more Light to Earth, and succeeded in opening people’s eyes to the truth. You needed to move on, and throw off the mindset created over millennia of time that stifled original thinking. The time to be led has passed, unless you wish to remain shackled with beliefs that will hold you back. We of the Galactic Federation are part of the revelations, that have opened your eyes to the existence of life beyond your Earth. The civilizations represented by the Federation are light years away from you, yet are easily in touch because of inter-dimensional travel. It was not that long ago it was thought to be quite impossible, but now the idea of meeting us has expanded your understanding. More importantly it is beginning to be known that many of you originally came from the Star Nations. You no longer think of yourselves as a unique form of life, or that you are God’s only creation. The Universe teems with life and it is recognizable as humanlike, and at a soul level you have all come from the Source.
The more you accept the wonders around you the hand of God will be seen. Man may play with genetics and your DNA but whilst he can create a body, he cannot and never will be able to create a soul that can animate it. You are a godspark that is immutable, indestructible and has infinite life. You were sent out from the Source to experience whatever was your choice, and originally you had immense power to create for yourself. As you climb back up through the dimensions it will return along with your expanded consciousness. However, first you must complete your journey upon Earth, and so little time remains. You are about to embark upon the last episode that will see an end to duality, and all will eventually change from what you know it as now. The new Earth is emerging, and with Ascension you shall join it in all its beauty and splendor. It will truly be a paradise that you would call heavenly.
The wait has been long, but now the changes will start in earnest and a great peace will settle upon the Earth. It is what you have longed for and sought in vain. It was in fact beyond your reach whilst the Illuminati retained their power, because their intent was exactly the opposite, by fomenting war and destruction. All of this will soon end with the conclusion of this cycle, and then you will be taking a giant step on the path to Ascension. This is not therefore the time to wilt or give in to outer pressures, as they will not impinge on you for much longer. Take whatever happens in your stride, and keep looking ahead.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and know that predictions involving us are more than usual, but that is to be expected as people are picking up the vibrations involved. This often happens when changes are near, and as a result sometimes the predictions are fragmented. Again use your intuition to sift out the likely messages against those that are clearly false and meant to be misleading.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
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