Friday, October 31, 2008

"The inauguration of your new President will see the start of a new era"

Ag-agria through Mike Quinsey

As you close in upon the end of this year, you are no doubt reflecting on how quickly time has been passing. It will continue to be so, and as you enter the New Year you shall experience many events that will clearly be seen as a prelude to greater happenings. Looking back you will be able to see where the changes commenced, and the manner in which they were used to move you onto a new path. Already some of you see how the dark forces have been allowed to overstretch their ability to manage events. Also how they now face a certain collapse, which will make it easier to remove them from their positions of power.

With our guidance and protection you are the big players in the current events taking place. First will be your choice for a new President, and then your support for the beginning of far reaching changes. No one would expect immediate miracles, but with the right approach and the power of the people remarkable progress will be made. The inauguration of your new President will see the start of a new era, where you will pull together and achieve many goals with some speed. At present you can only speculate as to how you will pull yourselves out of the pit that the dark ones have created. The plans have been laid down, and will fulfill the destiny and direction that you are intended to go. Our presence and help in such matters will become more known, and as we have done so in earlier times we shall guide those of the Light.

It is difficult to convey the truth of what is happening, to those who do not wish to acknowledge our existence. However, as time goes by there will be a more informed public about our activities and why we are here. You can perhaps understand why we concentrate on making our presence obvious in your skies, rather than open contacts at this important time. There is a perception amongst you that accepts our peaceful intentions, and that has taken a long time to achieve. Actual contact has to be carefully planned and involve those who have agreed to it, even although they think otherwise. As you are so often informed, nothing that has a major bearing on your life happens by chance. Even what you may see as unwelcome forms part of your life plan.

The object of your lives in physical embodiment, is that they shall give you the experiences you need to expand your spiritual awareness and understanding. No one would say that it is necessarily easy and in fact it can be absolutely overpowering, but also very revealing about you. Deep down you know what lessons in life you need, and traits of character that are liable to let you down. When you have gone through a traumatic time look at the forces that are behind it, and if you can accept that there is something to be learnt from them. You carry links to past lives, and emotions and fears from them play a large part in your present one. However, it is not all one sided and you also bring love and understanding that is growing all of the time. Spiritual evolution is the gain from each life you have had, and now many of you have accelerated it to a degree that you stand ready to ascend.

Spiritually your biggest leap forward will come from accepting that you are all One. For too long you have been separated by your schisms, color, language and creeds, but modern day education and communications have narrowed that gap. There have been too many different gods, with too many interpretations as to their place in your lives. In a world that is a time capsule of so many different periods of religious teachings, it is no wonder that it is difficult for you to find a common thread that links you all together. That will come in a relatively short time, but only if people are prepared to ease their rigid hold to their beliefs. The truth will be presented in such a way that everyone shall have the opportunity to consider it. Ascended Beings shall return to Earth for this purpose and address you though your different forms of communication. The message will be for each of you and it will presented without creating fear, and explained with great love and understanding.

We have no desire to uproot you or pressurize you in anyway, but you are entering a vital period where a change of direction could be most beneficial to you. It is desired that everyone shall have an opportunity to know what lies ahead, and it will be their choice as to what they accept. Ascension is your pathway to freedom and the higher realms, but you have to see it as your goal and work towards it. The energy is such that it will be attracted to those who stand in love a Light, and seek a higher expression of it in their lives. It is a unique time in this cycle that offers a release from duality, and death such as you understand it. Your future Self will when the necessity arises take a new body without the need to experience dying again.

The future awaits your presence with its promise of a Utopian existence with unparalleled beauty and a peace beyond your imagination, one that brings utter joy and happiness. Who would turn down such an opportunity, yet some dear souls are simply not ready for such a great leap forward. They have their ties to Earth and its lower energies, and prefer to continue experiencing what it has to offer. For them there will not seem to be a change at all, and they shall go their own way to experience another cycle of opportunity to grow spiritually. Since in reality there is no time as you understand it, Heaven can await the coming of such souls and its doors are always open. Our message is that you should not be concerned for your friends or loved ones who cannot rise up with you now, but know that in the energy of love you are forever linked. You will come together again, and it may well be your choice to act as their Guide such as others have done for you.

I am Ag-agria of Sirius, and pleased to have had this opportunity to address you on behalf of the Galactic Federation. Great Light continues to pervade the dimensions of Earth, and there is a coming together of your rising energies that shall merge with them. It will lift you up even faster than before, and you will spend less time attracted to the lower vibrations. Your will find them much less fulfilling than ever before, and your focus will be on the higher energies. You are Beings with a capacity for great love, and it shall serve you well at this time. Give freely of yourselves and you will be helping others lift up. In your near future, service to others will become your way of life. We see your real selves, and love you immensely for your great desire to lift up again.

Thank you Ag-agria
Mike Quinsey.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"Greed will die with the passing of the old ways of materialism"

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey

Dear Ones,
we are forever emphasizing the need to lift up your consciousness and maintain the higher level of vibration. It becomes more important as time goes by, as there will be considerable pressures from the darker energies. The financial problems are far from solved and for some time will be the cause of stress and worry. They are part of vast changes that must take place, and we ask you to hold on to the promise of the coming solutions that will completely overcome them. Our task together is formidable, but will be carried out with as little inconvenience as possible. It will clearly take some time to replace your institutions and government with a better working model. Even so, it will gather pace once we can fully integrate with you, as it has been planned in minute detail to ensure success.

Because we have the ability to monitor all activities on Earth, we have control over the outcome of many occurrences and particularly in the area of physical changes. We must allow some as they are part of the cleansing, but can minimize the effect upon you. We would remind you that where lives are put at risk and lost, the manner in which such souls leave Earth is part of their life contract. Many of you find that difficult to understand, but it is just another way of leaving when your physical body. The trauma of violent death is short lived soon after they reach the other side, where loving helpers attend them until their emotional reaction is healed.

Lightworkers are present on Earth by the thousands each serving Mankind in their own way. They work in all aspects of life, bringing help to individual souls to working with the whole planet. It may seem that the dark hold sway, but that is because their actions are given maximum media coverage, and is the deliberate intent of the Illuminati as part of their plan to keep you in fear and under their control. Their latest ploy is to create fear over the likely Presidential result to try and influence the outcome. We ask is there ever a result that satisfies everyone and is without its opponents, but the suggestion of civil war is scaremongering. Do not be swayed by such outbursts and become wise to the tactics of the dark forces. Do not allow them to move you off your path and do not accept anything on face value. You have the intuitive ability to grasp the real intent in some messages, that are foisted upon you by the supporters of the dark forces. The sadness for us is that many souls do not even realize how they are being used for such purposes.

We are fully behind our allies, and that includes so many who have the goodwill and intent to bring the Light to you but are not necessarily aware of our help. The dark far from have it all their own way and long ago realized that they have a formidable opponent in us, and those working from even a higher level of understanding. Some of our allies are absolutely inspired and fearless in their intent to bring out the truth, and we protect them to a very large extent. Everyone has the option of calling for our help, but we cannot enter your lives unless you give us permission. Otherwise, we would be imposing ourselves upon you and that would be looked upon as interference in your life. It is different where the Earth is concerned and the Divine Plan that we are helping to manifest. Our first responsibility is to the Higher Beings of great Light who oversee all events throughout your Universe.

You command an immense respect from us, as we understand why you have become caught up in the materialism of the present cycle. It is another experience that you have accepted as a challenge to your real self, but it has completely overcome some of you. There is however nothing to fear, as the Light is streaming to Earth at levels that are way beyond anything in the last 12,000 years. As you awaken so you will begin to realize that you can release yourself from the hold of the lower vibrations. Until recently it seemed that you were under the total control of the dark forces, as they speak well and seem to promise a better future. However, their ways are intended to mislead you whilst planning greater and more Draconian controls over you.

The dark forces are in fact losing their way as their own structure of command breaks up. They cannot buy there way out of the demise of their system of governance that has brought them thus far. It will by nature be an untidy end to their set up, as their minions are rooted out and replaced by law abiding people who are motivated by their love of mankind. Never fear that those of the Light will not lead you into the last phase of this cycle. It is planned to be so, and our presence will ensure it happens accordingly. Your last years before Ascension shall be joyful, and give you the happiness and peace that has been missing for so long in your lives.

Your lives are being shaken up and down while the changes start to impact upon you. Just be aware that this is only a temporary period that you must go through, that allows for the old to be removed. However, the signs are already there that indicate a corner has been turned, and from hereon if you look carefully you will notice that there are new ideas and solutions to age-old problems. There cannot be any going back to the old ways that have stifled your desire to experience a better life, and one that promotes equality and fairness in the spread of wealth.

Greed will die with the passing of the old ways of materialism, and with many new ways of living shall emerge. Reliance upon oil will be replaced by the many free energy devices that are already designed for your use. You will no longer be captives of the few who have ruthlessly controlled your lives through such resources. There is so much waiting to be revealed and released to you, that will have an immediate effect upon you. All areas of your lives will be changed for the better, and it will commence once we can walk and talk with you in complete safety. That which has been hidden for so long will be revealed, and you have much to learn from us. We are your willing and loving mentors who will soon become an important part of your lives.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius a member of the Galactic Federation, from a planet of great Light and Love that we wish to share with you. We are your friends and feel a kinship with you as we know you well.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.


Monday, October 27, 2008

"It is a time to hold fast in your beliefs"

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey

Your level of consciousness is creating for you a reality that is in line with your expectations. It is why there is so much controversy and diverse opinions amongst you all. Your intent and desire move you forever onwards, and if it leans towards the energies of the dark you create at that level. If your consciousness is aligned with the Light and truth, you create accordingly. An ongoing battle between the Light and dark has been talking place for eons of time. In your present cycle, you are now opening up to the Light more than at any earlier time, and it has become well established upon Earth. Looking around you at the chaotic happenings you would think otherwise, but that is only the outer appearance of change. Within the hearts of so many more souls the Light is growing, and is being continually drawn to Earth with the consequent upliftment of the vibrations.

It is a time to hold fast in your beliefs, and not be deterred or distracted by the final struggles of the dark forces to hold onto power. They are losing control and destined to collapse in the very near future. There is no going back for them and although they refuse to recognize defeat, they can no longer command the support that they previously enjoyed. They seek to destroy the old structure of control and replace it with measures that increase their power, but in fact they will be unable to do so. They have been instrumental in bringing about their own demise, and are in their death throes. Be assured that they talk big and loud, but behind that façade they are deadly worried as they are losing their power and influence.

Your Presidential Election this time will give a true result of people’s votes, and you will get a new President who reflects the desires of the people. It will bring an opportunity to restore sanity and good sense, to lift up out of the darkness that has engulfed the whole world. America will once again become a country that others will look up to, and be able to trust. However, those changes will take time, but will be birthed by a new approach that puts the people first. High on the agenda is the restoration of your Constitution, and help for those who have been trodden down by the erosion of their rights. The Light will return to uplift all those people who have given up hope, and at present see no future for Mankind. You are soon to see worldwide changes and a new energy will sweep through every country, and Man will come together as never before. It will prepare the way for our coming, and enable us to officially announce our intention to openly contact you.

Over the years our approach to you has been one of caution, and gradually we have been able to overcome the natural fear that people have of off world Beings. Our craft continue to show themselves with more frequency, and even in greater numbers. Many have come to accept us, and have moved beyond the archetype promoted by your fiction writers and moviemakers. The dark still try to create a fearful image of us, and we have avoided any confrontation with them although they incessantly try to shoot down our craft. The dark know that their game is up, and we represent your main hope of permanently removing them. We do not use force but a peaceful approach that all can see, and where we have made contact already our messages have been of hope and concern for your wellbeing.

We of the Galactic Federation are the bringers of Love and Light, as that is our way and consistent with our more enlightened spiritual approach. You are as much a part of us as we are you, and undeniably connected through eons of time. We recognize and accept the existence of the Creator of All That Is, and in that we are aware that our source is the same as yours. We may have travelled different paths and exist on a higher dimension than yours, but on another level we are all together in the Now. We are on a journey through creation, and soon you will recognize and accept your own place within it. We are One and always will be, and it is time to lift up out of the darkness that has dulled your senses and caused you to forget your divine birthright.

There is no turning back although you may stay within the existing vibrational
level if you so desire. You are in a freewill Universe that the Creator has given for your experience, and now it is time to move on with the opportunity to leave the cycle of duality behind. There are no recriminations against those who have desired to play the dark game. At any given time you know what you have set up your life for, and you would not be incarnate now unless you wished to experience this particular period of time. The serious game of life in duality is your path to knowledge, and evolution at a pace that is not matched elsewhere. You are not having random experiences, but those which have been selected by you to progress spiritually. Sometimes you find it hard to comprehend why you should do so, but on returning to the higher levels all will become quite clear and understandable.

It is most important that you believe in infinite life, and that you choose how to experience it. Your many lifetimes on Earth in the lower vibrations have given you joy and happiness, but also sadness and grief yet each time you have eventually returned to the higher realms. In the light of understanding you can take a broader view of your many lives, and allow for the fact that you have chosen exactly what you needed to further evolve. You do this with much assistance, and no fight you take on is without the presence of many Guides or Angelic protection. You are never alone to face your trials or tribulations, it is just that you are normally unaware of the help with you. When you are low or feel overpowered by what is occurring around you, know that you can call upon help and it will be heard.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and along with the Pleiadian’s and Venusian’s are very much like you in appearance. After all, you are genetically linked with us and we have more in common than you might imagine. Many of you are aware of other humanoid forms, and these are simply variations that are more suited to the different planetary conditions. Bodies are vehicles that house your soul for the duration of your time in any one environment. Soon yours will change again, as you move into the higher vibrations and indeed for some of you they have already begun. I leave you with my Love and Light forever.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.


Friday, October 24, 2008

" Laying down the foundation for a new reality is led by your mass consciousness"

Diane through Mike Quinsey

You will notice that we encourage you at every opportunity to take responsibility for changing your reality. The more you can do to get started, the quicker matters will be able to progress once we come openly to Earth. If necessary, we can direct your activities and those of our allies from our craft, as at any time we can compute the overall situation. We can therefore say that you are now beginning to understand what needs to be done, and are grasping opportunities to forge ahead. Laying down the foundation for a new reality is led by your mass consciousness, and the foresight of those who see how changes will uplift Humanity. We have been helping you change to a new timeline that will leave the old one behind.

Those who are bound up in the old ways cannot see the new ones emerging, but they are aware that major changes must come into being. It is becoming apparent that you cannot continue to live within the old paradigm. It has never fulfilled your yearning for a life free from stress and worries, and the dark forces have deliberately prevented you from moving out of them. Your awakening has taken a long time, but suddenly the higher energies are reaching you and have opened your eyes to the truth of what has been happening around you. Now you seek another way that will at last allow you to be the masters of your own destiny.

Know that every individual soul contributes to the outcome of your change in consciousness, which continually fluctuates according to how you perceive what is occurring about you. With the financial melt down there are unavoidable worries, and the cleansing and changes are a prelude to a new way of organizing your lives. There must be, and will be fairer distribution of wealth, and with it a stop to the mindset that encourages greed. No matter how wealthy you are you can only spend so much on your needs, and in the future no one shall experience poverty and abundance will become the order of the day. Nothing would please us more than to see poverty eradicated for once and for all, particularly in the impoverished areas of Africa. It is a continent that holds untold wealth, and massive potential that has never been developed. That will change in the interests of everyone and not just for those who hold power.

There will come a new way of thinking that will bring people together in a common purpose, to bring all into a society that looks to set high standards of living for everyone. The Earth belongs to you all, and was never intended to be at the mercy of those with the power to keep its wealth for themselves. There are sufficient resources to cover all your needs, except that in the past they have been used to line the pockets of the few who already control them. Be assured that a redistribution of wealth will be enforced in the interests of everyone, as part of the plan to provide you with the ability to have a happy and joyful life. By taking away the worries and depression that so many experience, Man will come together in a common purpose to raise the living standards upon Earth. Poverty must be eradicated as soon as possible, and to this end we shall be very active when we come amongst you.

It is your God given right to enjoy peace and happiness, but it requires a great lifting up into the Light so that it is achieved through the loving intent of you all. Once the new plan starts to manifest, you shall see the benefits of moving into a new way of thinking and sharing that will bring you all together. Gone will be the thrust that has promoted the class distinctions based on wealth, and money will quickly cease to be a measure of success. Each of you has something to offer for the good of all, and it will allow your participation in the coming together of all people. You will at last understand that you are One and have all come to Earth for the experience, and that soul growth through Light and Love are your goals.

You should not need to be taught how to love each other, as it is your natural way of being and has only become clouded in the darkness that abounds upon Earth. You have been led to believe that you are separate entities, and no more than by the multitude of different religious beliefs. Clearly many promote erroneous teachings, and in truth there are no such groups as the “chosen few”. Certainly some carry a greater degree of truth than others, but by and large they are confused and unable to move forward. All knowledge is within, and in recent times more of you have broken out of the rigid disciplines of a religious nature. The truth will be brought into the open in due course, and it will be left to you as to whether you accept it. It will be your choice alone that will decide which path you follow.

If you can allow for our greater degree of understanding having gone before you, perhaps you will recognize the motivation and love we have for you is because of our elevation into the higher realms. We see you in essence as no different to us and do not look down upon you, because we know you have taken on the challenge of duality as part of your evolutionary experiences. As we often remind you, you were once at our levels and we greatly admire your faith that has carried you through them. Subconsciously you know that your destiny is to return to the higher realms that are your true home. It is therefore time to move into the Light that opens your eyes and hearts, to the truth of who you really are. You are great Beings who are awakening once again, and we come to help speed up that process and take you on to Ascension.

I am Diane from Sirius, and ask you not to forget your feminine side and bring in the gentleness and love that accompanies it. The days of the warrior are numbered, and a balancing of your energies is taking place. Male dominance has been too extreme, and now there is a shift to a more loving and peaceful approach to life. It is not without reason that in recent times, the feminine influence has moved into high places. Women have been subjugated and made second-class citizens in most countries, and that will totally change in the near future. Gender is not important, and people will be recognized for what they have to offer to each other. Accept change in whatever shape and form it comes, as in the long run it will allow for the new to emerge. Be love because you are love incarnate, and powerful souls that are awakening to your true selves and the god within.

Thank you Diane
Mike Quinsey


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

"You look at other planets and see no possibility of life, yet all have similar dimensions to ours and some are even higher"

Ker-On through Mike Quinsey

I come from the planet Venus, known to you as the one associated with the energy of love. A hostile planet as you see it, yet on a higher dimension one of beauty with its crystal cities. You look at other planets and see no possibility of life, yet all have similar dimensions to ours and some are even higher. Life is everywhere around you, therefore what could be more natural than contact being made with you. It is not that long ago that you started to explore the space around you, and your understanding of it has increased. Evidence of life upon your Moon and Mars has been found, although your Governments try to hide that information from you.

Within your own atmosphere and beyond, for eons of time we have traveled the heavens and made out trips to Earth. It is not specifically out of scientific curiosity, but as the Galactic Federation we have also had the responsibility to follow your evolution. You know by now that you are experiencing on a freewill planet, and beyond instructions given us by the Higher Councils our presence has not been intrusive. We monitor the Earth a sentient Being to whom you owe much for your lives upon her. We follow your development and since you entered the Nuclear Age, have come a lot closer. Our service to Humanity has been to make sure that you complete this cycle, and that both you and the Earth are not destroyed. You have come close to doing so on a number of occasions and we have prevented it. It is fortunate that the Divine Plan for you requires that you see this cycle out to the end, which is but a few years away.

There is a lifting up as we come closer together, and we work to settle the higher vibrations upon Earth. We do it directly, or through you which is why your last century has been intensified where your spiritual teachings have been concerned. Your belief systems are sometimes so rigid that they are a stumbling block to the truth. Some wait for the Gods to return and save them, but where your personal development is concerned, that is something you can do yourself. The key to upliftment lies in your ability to bring the energies of love into your lives, and live them as part of your daily life. Treat all as One, even if other people are unaware that they are also on the path to the completion of this cycle.

In the greater scheme our help has been essential, and we have kept you and the Earth in balance. Your Lightworkers are vital to your success in maintaining consciousness levels that will carry you forward into a new era, leading to Ascension. Support them whenever you can, and remember that those that are against them and their work are under the influence of the dark forces. Their presence is always around you, and unless you attract them they cannot enter into your mind or attach themselves to you. You have been continually encouraged to create a reality that suits the design of the dark, yet you are able to alter everything around you, and it commences with your power of thought. It is strengthened by your ability not to be pulled into the dark energies, and by being aware without being emotionally involved.

The biggest factor that the dark play on are your fears, which they create by their words and actions. There is no better example than the terrorist threat, and the consequent draconian laws to exert even greater control over you. You see with your very eyes what is happening and how you are being poisoned in many ways, yet your representatives do little or nothing to prevent it. You need changes all around and we have been charged to help you achieve them, as without our help that task would be beyond you. There is now a time factor involved as everything is speeding up, and there is an immense amount to do in just a few years. It must be clear to you now that the cleansing must soon commence, and we look to our allies to assist us. They are set up to bring the truth out, and also rid you of the last cabal that still clings to power.

There are more positive influences building up upon Earth, but you must wake up and see for real what is happening around you. Take back your sovereignty and freewill, and add your voice to others who bravely stand up against the dark forces. You have for too long been denied your rights and entitlement to share in the wealth of the world, that has been kept through the greed of the privileged few. On a higher level you can perhaps realize that there is a battle has been between the dark and Light, but we can tell you it is already won. The dark influences are now ebbing away on Earth and losing their power, and it is time to remove them for once and for all. The dark also know this and desperately cling to their positions, and act irrationally by trying to extend their control into Space. We can assure you that the line has been drawn against certain activities that would endanger life on and beyond your Earth, and they are therefore curtailed in what they can do.

We of the Galactic Federation are pleased to tell you that there is an upsurge of interest in us and our presence. The idea of contact with us was once a frightening prospect, largely projected by the dark forces and their portrayal of us as evil, and hungry to control you and the Earth. It is ironic that they have hidden behind that image, doing exactly what they have accused us of as part of their plan for world control. Now the consciousness of Mankind has surged forward to such a degree that you can see through the subterfuge and lies that confront you every day of your life. The energy of love is opening up people’s hearts and minds, and they have found a pathway out of the dark and release from their hold. You stand at the crossroads of choice, and can take the offer of release from the cycle of duality. However, in so doing you must live the life of one who aspires to move into the higher dimensions, through your love and dedication to others. You will then be uplifted through the Law of Attraction.

I am Ker-On from Venus, and pleased to note that your calls for contact from us and our arrival on Earth are increasing. Our main response took place several years ago with the advent of the plan for First Contact, and that time gets ever closer and we think in terms of months and not years. It will happen as decreed, as it is time to expand your understanding and contact with the outside worlds. My Love and Blessings go out to you all.

Thank you Ker-On.
Mike Quinsey.


Monday, October 20, 2008

"Can you see how the occupation of other countries, creates the very opposition that has bred the insurgents and suicide bombers?"

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey

I continue with my thoughts about the “Sighting”, simply because I want to make it clear that we are at a level of vibration where the thoughts of lying to you are not even a consideration. It does not form part of our consciousness and we live in harmony and balance with each other. We also work together with great faith knowing it to be so, and have a great love that overrides the lower vibrations. However, you are living in levels of vibration where there is such a mix, that you do of course have to be cautious and wary. It is because you are continually being confronted by statements and news that often bears little truth within it.

There is no source that is more inclined to mislead you and lie than your governments, and for many decades they have progressively created your reality to suit their own ends. You have been manipulated and used to fulfill the agenda of the Illuminati, and that has been for total global control. Fortunately over the last few years you have begun to awaken to what has been taking place, and now you are sufficiently informed to read between the lines. Even so, you have little idea as to the extent that your freedom has been removed. You have been subjected to a campaign of terrorism, and that largely comes from your own leaders. It is the very source that has caused the rise of terrorism from outside of your country.

Can you see how the occupation of other countries, creates the very opposition that has bred the insurgents and suicide bombers? I make no reference to the rights and wrongs concerned with such issues, but point out the reasons that have brought about such an evil campaign. Can you then accept that you have a crying need to put away everything that promotes war, and instead bring people together and enhance their quality of life rather than destroy it? We have made the point so often that you are One, and many dear souls have taken it upon themselves to try and bring a new way into being, that respects the rights of all to live in peace. However, you have effectively allowed the Illuminati and their minions to control what you do, pretending to work in your best interests yet having no real interest in your welfare or future. We do mean this as a comment in respect of more recent times, as you have been mislead and deliberately kept in the dark as to the true purpose of what has been happening in your name.

For eons of time you have had much in the way of spiritual guidance, but it has been an offering and not forced upon you. It relates to the freewill aspect of your lives, and choice to create your own pathway and future. The material age has promoted greed and waste, and played on your natural instinct for survival. Wealth has been encouraged, and certainly there is nothing wrong with being amply rewarded for your work. However, its overpowering attraction has led you astray and at the expense of your spiritual progress. Your past teachers have tried to put it all into perspective, and in recent times you have had more beings of Light come to the Earth than ever before. They along with increasing contact with sources such as ours, have brought you more information and guidance than you have had for a long time, and it is there for those who seek the truth.

The end times are so important for everyone, because the cycle is ending as decreed. No one can continue for much longer on the Earth as it now, as it is in the course of changing in readiness for Ascension. This period of time allows for each and very soul to make a decision as to their own future. Even if they outwardly have no knowledge of Ascension or the closing of the cycle, nevertheless they are still creating their own future. It is bound by the degree of Light that you have drawn to yourself, and whether it is sufficiently high enough to enable you to ascend. Some of you are by nature kindly and loving souls and have a different background, yet have little awareness of our place in your lives. That is no drawback at all as in time the truth shall be made known to all of you, and before the final year when the cycle ends. Ascension is something you will knowingly choose, and with enlightenment seem quite natural as part of your spiritual evolution.

Our progress towards First Contact comes ever nearer, and highlighted in your recent times by a greater number of sightings than any previous period. Our existence is undeniable to those who seek proof of it, and we quite clearly feature in your ancient historical records having been with you for eons of time. We can speak from actual experience, as we have exceptionally long life spans which are normal within the higher dimensions. We have bodies that do not decay as yours, and can replace them as required should we desire to do so. It is because our matter vibrates at a much higher speed, and is not as heavy as yours. At our levels of existence the lower vibrations cannot exist, so we are not subject to the problems that beset you.

The levels that you can rise up to are unlimited and eventually you become a Being of Light, with all of the powers of creation. You will have full consciousness and become a Cosmic Being, with the freedom to travel anywhere within it. Think upon these things and realize that after many lifetimes upon Earth, you now stand on the path to Ascension that is your release from duality. Is it not worth waiting a few more years to completion of the cycle, and stand back and enjoy the experience? There is no necessity to become deeply involved in earthly matters, simply become an observer whilst giving out of your Light and Love. In this way you can still contribute to the upliftment of Earth, and help others who still struggle to find their way.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can assure you that the Galactic Federation are working through their allies to move events on much more quickly. You are in a period of intense action, and there will be a move towards establishing the new financial system before very long. It all takes time and we are content to seize the right opportunities to do so. It will be the first major step towards First Contact which draws nearer each day. We continue to monitor all earthly events, and our knowledge enables us to take whatever steps are needed to keep you on course for Ascension, the ultimate aim of all that is happening. Our Love an Light encompasses you wherever you are, We Are One and it shall forever remain so, as it is immutable and life force of All That Is.

Thank You SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey


Friday, October 17, 2008

"if you aspire to experience more of those higher energies through your concentrated efforts, you must seek to live in Love and Light"

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey

My Dear One’s I come again, to address the reactions from the “Sighting”, and it is with sadness and surprise at the negative response of a relatively small number of people. Your Lightworkers are dedicated souls who come to Earth to serve others and help them on their evolutionary path. They often sacrifice much in their lives to follow their ordained path, and seek no glory or recompense for what they do in the name of Love and Light. Without their presence and unstinting loyalty to their cause, I can tell you that you would not be as enlightened as you are now. There is joy and satisfaction in the work they do, and nothing that gives them more happiness and joy to feel that they have helped other seeking souls.

It is therefore with surprise that I learn of the vociferous and abusive reaction to Blossom Goodchild and her work. She is a courageous soul with great dignity and Love and Light, and is one who seeks to create laughter and happiness around her that has been a feature of her service. Yet in her disappointment as the messenger of the sighting that did not materialize, has been emotionally upset because she feels for everyone who believed in the “Sighting”. There is a facet of the human psyche that is extremely judgmental and “kicks people when they are down”, and perhaps those who felt such negative emotions against her should look within and question them. Human’s are coded genetically so that they can experience emotions, but it is a two edged sword and you can go through all the extremes of love to hate. Part of your spiritual evolution is to learn how to correctly use such powerful energies, and exercise control over your feelings. Coupled with pride that often comes through egotistical thinking, you sometimes forget that you are inherently Spiritual Beings seeking to bring out Love and Light.

Abuse to the point of threats against the person, is a sad reflection of the violent society you live in, one that your Masters and many others have tried to change through their teachings. We recognize that the challenge to raise up your vibrations in the midst of so much negativity is very difficult, but these are the goals of anyone who aspires to express their Higher Self whilst on Earth. It can be done and a multitude of souls are with you at this time both on and off Earth, who practice and teach self-control. They show you the way to find that quiet spot within where you can contact your Higher Self, your God Self. Therefore if you aspire to experience more of those higher energies through your concentrated efforts, you must seek to live in Love and Light, and lift yourself out of the lower vibrations.

We of the Star Nations are ascended Beings and have long risen above the lower emotions, and we tell you so that you know it is achievable. We highlight the life of Jesus as an example for the reason that it shows you what can be achieved, and is one that most of you are familiar with. You know the words of the Master about loving others as yourself, and of forgiveness and all of those aspects of a soul living in Love and Light. Indeed, in the ultimate living with the ability to express and act with Unconditional Love to all life forms. It seems to us that the lessons you learn about life are very hard, and you tend to forget them in moments of anger. Karma is also a factor, and in these end times can be brought back to you quite quickly. The fact that you are One is often impressed upon you, yet you forget such an important teaching. Would you cut off your feet to spite your legs, because how you treat others is what comes back to you? . Remember, that what you do to you others you do to yourself.

We know that the vast majority of you strive very hard to achieve spiritual progress, and that delights us immensely and we will one day soon welcome you on board our ships. They are alive with the higher vibrations of love, and visitors seldom want to leave the harmony, joy and happiness that they feel all around. Unlike Earth there is no negativity or lower vibrations, as we have moved far beyond them. It is possible to create such conditions on Earth, except that you have forgotten who you truly are, and your creative powers to change the existing vibrations. It is understood by us that you face immense opposition to bringing love fully into being, but as you know there is a Divine Plan of which we are an integral part that will achieve it in readiness for Ascension.

Duality is a fast track cycle that allows for great progress along your spiritual path, but there is of course a down side if you stray away from it. Nevertheless, there is a silver lining to every cloud and that is the lessons that you learn from your experiences. It is human to make mistakes and no one in the higher realms will admonish you for them, but we do try our best to help you understand how to lift yourselves up and progress as a result. You came originally from the higher dimensions as highly evolved souls, and through the fall into the lower vibrations have suffered amnesia and have forgotten it. You have every potential within to regain your higher position, and as your consciousness continues to rise up so you open yourself to even greater possibilities of advancement.

We of the Galactic Federation and other groups of Space Beings, along with advanced souls from even higher realms are with you even if unseen. We are guiding you towards an epic and unique opportunity to leave this cycle of duality for once and for all. It is carried out with Love and Light and great respect for you all, and we do mean “all”, and we see your different vibrations and how low they are in some instances. However we also see that each and everyone carries a Spark of God within, even if its Light is diminished. We love you for what you really are and see beyond your physical body, and know you have the strength to find your way back to the path of Light. It is our mission to help you achieve it, and we ask you to follow our example by helping your fellow souls with love through their torment and troubles.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and know you can feel from the heart, the home of the soul. Be kindly and loving and start with Self, and you will find that you will lift up out of the lower vibrations. Not only that, but you will also be able to protect yourself against them and become a beacon of Light amidst the darkness. Be of Love and live your lives as you would have others live theirs

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"A few more days or weeks are really unimportant after thousands of years in duality"

SaLuSa through Mike Qinsey

Dear Ones a high point has been achieved through the ongoing expectation of the arrival of the Forces of Light, and that is so important to the final outcome of First Contact. Having been presented with a firm announcement connected with the “Sighting” rather than a mere possibility; it has confronted many souls who were not ready for such an enormous event. The result has been a shock to their system, over and above the normal reaction to the many sightings that have been taking place with ever increasing regularity. With all of the confusion and chaos already making people tense and worried, yet another matter of mind wrenching capability has created a degree of tension that was not envisaged. In the interests of those people, the sighting has been curtailed for a short time until a more receptive response is registered.

The Lightworkers will understand that people’s wellbeing has always been first and uppermost in our consideration. As with other proposed major events that have been held back, the whole process of Ascension still moves forward. It will certainly be unaffected in any way by the change of course. Overall the Light has grown, and brought the facts of what is transpiring on and off Earth, to more people’s attention than ever before. In that respect there has been a gain for the Light, however it was never intended that an event planned with so much love and good intentions, should heighten people’s fears and confusion. Our decisions are always for the good of all, and it still remains true that there is a divine decree in place regarding the manner in which the end times are played out.

Now the focus returns for the time being on the next few months, during which many major and extremely important events are drawing to a conclusion. This is in accordance with the long held plan to remove the last cabal. Then, the mass consciousness will be even more receptive to the possibility of First Contact. What has been happening over the last few weeks, is that dear souls who have not previously given much thought to the existence of their Space Family, have felt compelled to wrestle with what it would mean to them. For some it has been extremely unsettling, and they clearly need yet more time to contemplate such an important issue. However, the seeds are sown and as further changes occur on Earth, so the possibility of contact with us will become more acceptable.

There is a fine line between our desire to contact you openly, and the reluctance of some of you to accept our presence and place in your lives, and indeed in your future. Our ways are not to force issues, but to try with immense patience to guide people’s thoughts into a new way of thinking. For quite some time messages of love and great encouragement have been presented to you. Their goal is to awaken you to the truth of your reality that you have created, and lift your consciousness to a much higher level of understanding. In that the messages have been remarkably successful, yet so many of Humankind have remained bogged down by the lower vibrations. Our desire would be to lift every single soul up, but we know that some are not ready to take such a step. That is as always a freewill choice, which will always be honored.

It is not so much as you would say “back to the drawing board” but simply an adjustment to part of the plan to acquaint you with our presence, Bear in mind that at this stage, the “Sighting” was intended to make a final move that proved beyond doubt our existence. Whilst millions of you have seen our craft, and even Extraterrestrials a considerable number of times, these have been the ongoing contacts that have gradually brought a large degree of acceptance of us. To present a sighting such as was planned would leave little way out for those full of fear. Of course there is always going to be a certain degree of opposition to such an event, as the uninformed and dark forces will use every way possible to defeat our intentions. They cannot however achieve but only a temporary respite from our presence, and in the long run the plan for Man will manifest.

Nothing has really changed, and there is always a need to reappraise what we are planning. We do in fact constantly review our input into earthly affairs, and our caution is sometimes seen as inaction on our part. A few more days or weeks are really unimportant after thousands of years in duality. The most important factor above all else is the result of our presence, and our gentle nudging towards the path of Ascension. Our craft will continue to make their way across your skies as before, and that will remain as part of our ongoing plan to familiarize you with them and accept that they offer you no threat.

We would encourage you to look at the positive side of any event that seems on the face of it to be a failure. The “Sighting” has not gone ahead as planned, but because of the intent to prove our presence beyond doubt, it has opened more people’s minds and hearts. It signals the coming together of your civilization and others that are truly your brothers and sisters from the stars. As always we keep tabs on what your dark forces are doing, and they continue to fall down the slippery path to oblivion. Their time is up, although they refuse to recognize it and obstinately hold onto their waning power.

A look at what is happening on your world shows that there have been great advancements for your release from the hold of the dark. Suddenly the plan for the initial changes that will start a whole ream of them is there to see. Allow for matters to play out, and then you will notice that our allies have managed to set the scene for a massive change in the way your financial set up works. Soon the abundance program will be able to commence, and your immediate worries will be short lived. It will be only the start of a whole series of changes that will not be able to be thwarted by the outgoing and defeated cabal.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and the Galactic Federation ask that you try to see what has happened where the “Sighting” has been concerned, and put it into perspective with everything else. Your future is assured, and although it may not be apparent, there has been much gain from the upliftment in people’s consciousness as a result of it. Please accept and feel our love for you all.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey


Monday, October 13, 2008

"Ascension is a process that you have been involved in for quite some time"

Atmos through Mike Quinsey

The excitement mounts as the prospect of the 14th October Sighting is upon you. The news of it has spread far and wide, and it has caused people to take a serious view about the consequences of such an important event. Some naturally feel uneasy about the possible outcome, but by far the majority are relieved that some form of help is coming to Earth. They may not all be aware of the nature of it, but in your present turmoil they look to any source that can offer a way out. Those who have followed the various messages coming through many different channels, have at least an idea as to what may happen. One fact that is absolutely certain is that you are at a stage in your evolution where you must prepare to move on. The end of this cycle has allowed for different options over the course of time, but many have chosen to ascend and have accordingly raised their vibrations. Ascension is a process that you have been involved in for quite some time, and by Divine Decree it must take place.

The stage is set for a grand finale and a glorious time of enlightenment, and the spreading of much love and harmony. The Light is reaching into people’s heart centers, and awakening them to greater possibilities than they have previously considered. Some hide away from the possible outcome of recent financial turmoil, as it is an emotional issue for which they have not been prepared. Those of the Light understand that much of the old has been found wanting, and no longer able to continue at a time when the new energies are being grounded upon Earth. We would wish for all to have an opportunity to be aware of why so many changes are occurring, and when we can come out openly and talk with you the explanations will be given. Simply stated, you are in the end times and must be prepared to undertake the next part of your evolutionary journey.

As you might imagine, we have not come thus far to be thwarted by the continued actions of the dark forces. They have been allowed to play out their hand, and it was seen that they would implode of their own volition. It clearly has resulted in many hardships and continues to do so, but you have our assurance that in the immediate future all will be well. The cleansing of the Earth means removing the lower energies and their manifestations, and as you have already seen, it cannot occur overnight. Having said that we will instigate the changes in a series of projects that shall run along side each other. In that way it shall seem to you that progress is made very quickly. Dear Ones, we have planned for this particular period for a long time, and once we have established our presence, shall move on to the next announcement of open contact. Your governments clearly already know of our plan, and have been as interested in our intentions as any one else. Some are reluctant to accept us however there is no choice involved any longer, as you the people have “invited” us within your midst.

October the 14th will be a monumental day when at last you see irrefutable evidence of our presence. It will sweep away the deliberate policy of most governments to hide the facts of our existence. Not only that but also our contact with their officials offering to bring peace to Earth, which has repeatedly been rejected. Our help has been extended to you since you first split the atom, as it was seen that this would lead to the development of nuclear weapons with the power to destroy your Earth. We shall eventually prove to you beyond doubt, that on more than one occasion you were intending to bring about a nuclear war. We shall also show you proof that your actions could have destroyed your Earth. We wish you to be aware that we have acted as your guardians for many thousands of years, and you would not have been where you are now without our help, indeed you would not have reached this high point in evolution.

Our help has been on both a physical and mental level, as we have tried to encourage a more spiritual and loving approach to life. We talk often of our allies, and be assured that many of our kind have taken a normal incarnation upon Earth and walk amongst you even now. They have brought a higher energy to you to help lift up your consciousness, and often been the very ones who have led the way to a higher understanding. You do not realize for one moment how much has been done to help you through this vital period. We along with the many councils that oversee your evolution, have constantly worked for your well being. We do not interfere with your freewill but have always kept a balance between the dark and Light, to give you every opportunity to lift up out of the lower vibrations. Whilst you have determined the nature of your experiences, we have ensured that the Divine Plan works out.

Each and every one of you subconsciously knows why we are here, even if you are not able to bring that knowledge to the waking mind. Many will deny this statement, as they have become tightly bound by different beliefs. We say to you that it is time to bring the truth into the open, and you should allow for a different approach to your understanding. The Spiritual Hierarchy that monitor your progress allow for your freewill choice in all matters, so no pressure or force is used to make you change. There will however be great Beings coming to Earth as teachers of the Truth, and no one will move out of duality without having been presented with it. There is basically one important message, and it is that “You Are All One” and have immutable links with the Source of All That Is. Therefore break down the barriers that separate you from others, and let go of any prejudice or perceived differences. Allow for a coming together, because it will happen once the old paradigm is replaced with one that brings you love, peace and harmony amongst all people.

I am Atmos from Sirius and bring messages of hope and enlightenment, and would advise you that your material problems will be short lived, and a fair and just society shall see out the last years of this cycle. You cannot carry the old vibrations much further, and they must be transmuted into the Light. As always it is your final choice, but realize what an opportunity Ascension offers you to once and for all leave the cycle of Duality behind you. The Golden Age is about to commence, and you can step onto its pathway if you so wish. Live in Love and Light and you will achieve a great step up in your evolution.

Thank you Atmos.
Mike Quinsey.


Friday, October 10, 2008

"This is one time in your history when you shall emerge victorious"

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey'

These are testing times with many problems thrown at you on a physical level, and also testing of your faith and understanding in connection with your Space friends, and their announcement of intent to show themselves to prove their existence beyond doubt. The weeks have passed by and the Sighting looms ever nearer, and it has as expected provoked much interest and discussion. In the depths of world chaos there is hope extended by us, and anyone who has followed our messages will be aware of the nature of our presence. We come to release you from the conditions that have subjected you to so much turmoil, and have reduced your lives to being little less than slaves to your Government’s agenda of global control.

This is one time in your history when you shall emerge victorious, unlike earlier cycles when you have been virtually destroyed through the actions of the dark forces. This one was always projected as having the full potential for a successful conclusion, and to ensure such an outcome has been carefully directed and assisted by our Federation. It has required much cooperation from you who are the Lightworkers, and your commitment to establishing the Light upon Earth. In this you have been remarkably successful, having carried Mankind through several periods of uncertainty over the last century. Many souls have ventured to Earth during this time to specifically lift you up, and out of the darkness have achieved the establishment of a grid of Light. It is your link between Earth and the immediate levels above you, and as you attract the Light so it enforces the power of the grid to create many centers within it.

The Galactic Federation have made clear what you can expect with their coming to Earth, and they offer great help having foreseen the mass destruction that the Illuminati planned for your demise. Very few of you have a realization of how far their plans extended, and the degree to which they had been advanced. They had success in their grasp, but have had it snatched from them through joint activities with our allies. There is no “quick fix” and even with our knowledge and technology, it will take some time to establish the foundation for a new way of life. However, we are very near to being able to go ahead with First Contact, and that is the key to everything else that is necessary to get the changes underway.

It is nearing the time when the Light will have been established upon Earth, and it will project you into a new era of joy and happiness. It will continue during the restoration of Earth and take you on to Ascension, when you will exist in absolute bliss and become free from all of the problems that beset you now. Duality is an experience and no more, and it was never intended to become your permanent way of life. It is cyclic like everything else and now draws to its conclusion having served its purpose. Your natural state is being at one with All That Is, living in complete harmony and happiness without the burden of having to deal with the attention of the dark forces. They too are gaining experience from their activities, and act out their roles assigned to them just the same as yours.

All around you death, destruction and decay are evident, but understand that absolutely nothing is permanently destroyed as it simply changes its level of vibration. All is energy and creation is by thought, and as you lift yourselves up your powers will increase to levels of instant creation. You are far from being helpless Beings tossed around in the sea of physicality, as you have all of the potential offered by the higher levels of vibration. Ascension will place you in the fifth dimension or higher, which is far removed from the limiting vibrations you are now in. Yet, it is you over millennia of time that have created what you see all around you today. It is not exactly by choice, but your dark thoughts and deeds have overshadowed the Light. Now you can take credit for having lifted yourselves up sufficiently to manifest the higher vibrations, and they are opening the path to Ascension.

Meantime you can help those around you, by not entering into the fearful consequences of the financial problems that abound at present. You have the benefit of seeing further ahead than those who are uninformed or unaware of the Great Light, and it is emerging from the darkness and creating the opportunity for a complete turn around in the direction of your lives. Keep that vision in your sights at all times, because it is about manifest and once it does you will be under no illusion as to what it means. Changes for the good of all are descending upon you in the form of the Galactic Federation, and we await the initial response to the “Sighting” from which we can gauge your readiness for the next stages. Know for certainty we will come very soon, as it must be realized that time is becoming short for the plan to take you to the end times.

We do not experience concern in the way you do, as we have the ability to adjust to any changes quite easily and no challenge is beyond us. It is simply that our technological superiority lends itself quite readily to any situation. However, we need to take the present opportunity that offers us the chance to implement the Divine Plan for you and your evolution. Earth is a beautiful world that will leave you with many memories, but these will be surpassed once you see the restoration completed. Truly the Garden of Eden will rise from the ashes of many centuries of neglect and destruction. It will be befitting of the new Man that will emerge to accompany Earth on its Ascension pathway.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and can tell you from my experience, that your Earth is one of the most beautiful planets I have ever seen. It was created for you by bringing the flowers and fauna from other planets, so that you could experience some of the wonders of the Universe. Can you comprehend the love of the Beings of Light who were responsible, and the great love of the Creator who conceived of the plan. New Universes are being created all of the time, and as a Cosmic Being your opportunity to explore these unlimited expanses is infinite. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain from the changes that are commencing on Earth. Think positively and live your life in appreciation of what is being given to you, and give love to all others on this journey with you. Make it a happy and joyous time that you share with them.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.


Wednesday, October 08, 2008

" In the future your leaders will be chosen for their honesty and integrity"

Diane through Mike Quinsey

Please resist looking back at what were by contrast with today happier times. Of course you have felt more comfortable and settled at different periods of your life. However, you were always destined to experience more chaos and threats to your well being, as the Illuminati planned to strip you of your freedom. To loosen their powerful hold is no easy challenge but as you see it is now falling apart, at the very time they expected to gain more world domination. What is in store for you now bears little resemblance to life under the old Laws, and its restraints that have eroded your rights little by little until you have very few left. You seek fairness and justice, and conditions that take away the worries that plague decent people trying to make a comfortable life for themselves and their families. You should not be in poverty or lack the fundamental rights of access to assistance in such areas as housing and health. All of this will be placed on a new level through the fair distribution of wealth, and our assistance to enable your needs to be met very quickly.

Almost at a stroke our coming will release so much anxiety over your future. You will soon learn of our plan and understand how it will change your lives, and give you what you should have had many years ago. You have been deliberately kept down, and subjected to all manner of events intended to make you reliant upon your Government. They have far from alleviated any condition that was causing you concern, but rather exacerbated the situation for their own ends. Your country is now bankrupt yet at one time it was extremely wealthy, but your wealth has been channeled into the families who have controlled your lives. Through manipulation and covert actions they have kept you in need, and at the same time spent your hard earnt dollars on war and politics to gain world control. Their actions are no longer secret but even so you will be shocked to learn the extent of their power, and the draconian and fearful measures they have used.

Some people have been easily fooled, and there remains a difficult period during which we will have to provide much evidence of what has been taking place in your name. That will not tax our ability to do so, and we shall make the truth known on a world-wide basis. Your media will be unable to stifle or hide the truth, and they have been as a guilty as anyone at hiding it. In the future your leaders will be chosen for their honesty and integrity, and their spiritual awareness. They will speak openly and truthfully and shall intuitively know what is needed. Our presence will be as ones who assist in ensuring the new plan eventually works for all people wherever they are, and equality will be our byword as the standards of your lives are raised up. So many problems will be overcome in the first few months of our contact with you.

Once your day-to-day worries are removed, you will find more time to understand the needs of your spiritual self and you shall also be helped in these matters. After all, the main reason we come to you is to make preparations for Ascension, and it requires that you lift yourselves up to levels that will enable this process to take place for you. So many of you have moved onto this path through your dedication and understanding of the task, whilst others are unsure and seek guidance. Ascension has nothing to do with religion as such, and people of all denominations can be prepared for it. You need the desire and knowledge of what it means, and how you can release yourselves from a mindset that can hold you back.

Ascension is every bit about God and the Divine Plan for your upliftment. It has to said that while every effort will be made to give each of you an opportunity to be part of it, without a fundamental belief in a greater intelligence that guides Humankind it will be difficult to move forward. As we often point out, within the plan for Man there is even so a freewill element that makes it your choice as to where you go from here. One thing is certain, that one has to made before the end of this cycle, as the old paradigm is no longer applicable. If you feel that you are ready live by the application of Love and Light and have accepted the Oneness of all life, you are certainly ready to take the path to Ascension. Intuitively you should know what best suits you for your continuing evolution. There is no disgrace in preferring to continue your experiences in this dimension, as each of you have been given unlimited time to go exactly where your needs take you. You are immortal and have infinite life, and whatever you choose you shall be loved and treasured as are all souls.

In the Divine Plan much emphasis has been placed on giving you an opportunity to ease yourselves into the higher vibrations, and increasingly the Earth has been bathed in them for this reason. It is an awakening process open to each and every one of you, so that none shall be denied the chance to ascend. As your consciousness grows so you will gravitate towards the ways of one who has found the Path of Light. If you are not ready for it, you will simply remain with your beliefs that your present reality is sufficient for you. There is no pushing or pressure to bring you into greater awareness, but any steps in that direction will serve you well in the future. In the ultimate you will one day ascend, as that is your divine future, and encoded within you.

Be assured Dear Ones that what we are doing is for your upliftment and that of Mother Earth, and it is our choice to serve others throughout the Universe. We serve you by serving the Will of God, and God’s energy permeates All That Is. You are as much a part of God as all other life forms, and in that you have your undeniable link with everything that exists. On Earth you have endured lives that have trailed the depths of darkness, but now you can leave it all behind if you so desire. We could quite correctly say that you have the chance of a lifetime to move on, and encourage you all to seriously consider the wonderful plan placed before you. Trust in the Father of Humanity who loves you beyond words, and has opened the way for your release from the dark energies.

I am Diane from Sirius and soon we shall be with you on Earth, an occasion we very much look forward to with great joy and happiness. You need us to help you through the end times of this Cycle of Duality, and that we shall do with great love for you all.

Thank you Diane.
Mike Quinsey.

Source :

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

" It will continue to be a roller coaster ride for some time, but out of the tumultuous events you will see a direction being taken"

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey

There is so much happening you find it difficult to keep up with it. It will continue to be a roller coaster ride for some time, but out of the tumultuous events you will see a direction being taken, that promises to set you in a different one. From hereon it will appear to be forming slowly and as you progress it will take you beyond the trials and tribulations you now experience. Out of it you will see a much more acceptable way of life, that will reflect a new approach that shows a love and caring for the welfare of all people. Until that time there will be many heartaches and sorrow, but it will be a passing phase so necessary if a thorough cleansing is to take place. Have no fear that you will be let down, as your needs are known and will be fully attended to within a relatively short time. For many years you have waited for this great step up in your evolution, and it has come upon you so suddenly,.

Soon the floodgates of truth will open and your true history and links to us will be revealed. We are here by divine order as although you are adaptable and resilient in the face of difficulties, the tasks ahead require our assistance. In the present climate and given man’s history of perpetual wars, you could not achieve the world cooperation that is necessary to establish permanent peace. There has to be trust, and forces such as ours are capable of ensuring that any agreements were honored. We have the personnel and technology to carry it out and back it up, which is why we would be successful.

Your energy and resources need to be used to obtain the best results for the good of all. New methods of operation will move you on, and take you away from the wasteful and damaging processes you use in many industries. This will enable the cleansing of the Earth to proceed, without fear of repetition of the previous widespread pollution. The extent of the problem is far greater than you realize, and with the rapid decline that is taking place your Earth would have become totally poisoned. We mention these matters because it is important that you are aware of how urgent it is that we join you, and immediately tackle such massive worldwide problems.

Your welfare will be equally attended to and we have many different groupings within our fleets, all with great experience and expertise specializing in their own part of the program to lift you and the Earth back up. What is happening to you is like a nightmare or dream, according to how enlightened you are and well informed of the coming end times. There are many expectations according to your background and upbringing, your education and religious training. Within most is a knowing of some event that signals the completion of your time on Earth. As long as people expect and desire the outcome to be the best for all Mankind, the nature of your beliefs is not so important. However, it is essential that you have an awakened consciousness and recognize the Oneness of all life. Love is the energy that will carry you ever onwards, and must be freely given with compassion and understanding to those who still flounder in the dark.

You are not just linked together on Earth, but to all life beyond it and in the Universe. We are like you and seek the path that leads back to the Source, and there is a driving force that constantly urges all souls to rise up to ever higher realms. Your understanding of this quest varies according to your beliefs, but before the end of this cycle has been reached you will all have had the opportunity to find the answers. This will enable you to make an intelligent and informed choice as to whether you ascend, or stay within the lower vibrations for another cycle.

Our coming will accelerate your upliftment, whilst at the same time we also assist Mother Gaia to prepare for her Ascension. Beautiful times lay ahead and not that far forward, and most souls now present will experience these wonderful final years to the completion of this cycle. It is in your life plans and nothing you are experiencing now was not foreseen as part of your lifetime. It may seem that you are thrown around by random events, but you are directed and guided by many Beings who accompany you on your journey. Of course you have freewill, but that was exercised before you came to Earth and your challenge is to leave it with your plan fulfilled.

Dear Ones, you have come so far to reach this final period, and if you did but realize how important it is, you would not be distracted by the outer events around you. It is your future that is in the balance, and you will need every focus upon your vision of the future. Leave old problems and unfinished business behind you, as they are no longer of importance. Settle your differences with whomever you still have difficulties in forgiving for any misdeeds against you. You cannot take them into the higher realms with you, as it would not be befitting of an ascended soul. As you lift up your vibrations so these challenges become so much easier to handle, as you have a totally different outlook upon life. Gone is the judgmental approach and wounded pride that so often leads to problems. Instead there is a feeling of peaceful countenance and love that overcomes all obstacles, and sees all that is positive and godlike in all people.

Be your real selves as much as you can, and if you fall back do not be hard on yourselves. You are meant to have experiences from which to learn about physicality. If you were perfect you would not be on Earth, as your vibrations would draw you to the higher realms. With Ascension you will attain a state of awareness that will be so much more developed than at present. Also your creative powers will be such that you will be able to think into being anything that you desire. The differences to what you are now will be monumental, and it is difficult to convey in words how you will feel. You will have the freewill to choose your next experience, and freedom to journey anywhere in the Cosmos. You may join us or travel elsewhere in service to other souls who need the benefit of your experience, as it will be your choice.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and privileged to come to you at such an important time. Be the loving souls that you really are and use your Love and Light where you see a need for upliftment, and also be joyful as you enter the final days of darkness. You will help much more than you could possibly know.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.


"You are the guardians of the Earth"

Ker-On through Mike Quinsey

We look at you and understand your concern at what is happening on your planet. The breakdown of your structures is the result of centuries of wrong thinking and systems that have been inadequate, and failed to deliver the unity and peace that you have sought. It is not that you have desired such a world, but you have allowed those with a different plan to take over. Had sufficient of you awakened and maintained the principles laid down by the Constitution, it could have been vastly different. However, it was your destiny to experience life in the manner presented to you, even if you unknowingly supported a repressive and dominating regime. If sufficient Light had permeated your world you could have written a different path for the final years, and you would have been gently and easily moved into the Ascension period. As it is you have reaped the results of what you have sown, by allowing the dark forces to take over your lives.

However, the end times were envisioned and since it is a divine decree that every soul has the opportunity to ascend, greater powers than those on Earth have directed the course of your lives. In experiencing the dark you have been challenged to find your Light within. You have not only responded but it has strengthened your resolve to overcome the lower vibrations, and awakened you from your sleepwalk in the dark. You have not just become awakened, but also risen up to confront your controllers who have slowly but surely taken away your rights. Now you stand tall and the power of the people cannot be denied any longer. There is an unstoppable momentum that is carrying you forward, and helping you break away from the restraints of the old paradigm.

Events are happening so quickly you have difficulty in seeing the full picture, but we do and can tell you that the changes are achieving what is necessary to bring a new way of life into being. The plan for your upliftment is there waiting to manifest, and has been carefully put into place and is emerging to alter the very fabric of your society. The chaos is in its own way your assurance that great changes are upon you, and many events are planned to speedily move you forward. Those of the Light can be of immense service to others, who have little or no knowledge of the meaning of what is occurring upon Earth. Where the opportunity arises let it be known that the changes are for the good of everyone, and open their eyes to what has been taking place. Even now the dark plan more atrocities but be assured that we are aware of what they plan, and we will remove opportunities to further their intentions.

Remember that you are all powerful individuals, and although you question what you can do to assist the changes keep your thoughts on the future which is assured. Collectively your power is immense and as more of you envisage a world of peace, so you help bring it into manifestation. Indeed, with our help and the higher forces of Light, and those advanced souls that have been joining you on Earth you have set in motion a great force for good. It is beginning to awaken many more of you, so that the awareness and importance of these times is being understood. Without being told many souls now sense a different energy upon Earth, and there is an inner feeling of wanting a new way of life. The dark have overplayed their hand, and in what they thought was their victory, has turned out to be their swan song. They are in complete disarray and face a breakdown of the very structures that have kept them in power. It has come as a great shock to them to know that they are not invincible, and what they fear most is the power of the people.

Dear Ones, hold on to the reins that you now have to lead your Civilization forward, into a new period of progress towards a solution to all of your ills. The answers are there just waiting for the right ones of Light to emerge, and lift you up out of the murky waters of yesterday. At present the financial mess in your money markets lays it open for massive changes, and you will see that a new system will be put in place. There will be no going back to the corrupt and unfair systems that have bled you dry. Fairness and justice will bring eventually bring about a proper distribution of wealth, and no one shall be without the means to survive. A new Light is shining upon you and it is bringing out your compassion and love for your Earth, and all life upon it.

You are the guardians of the Earth, and soon the opportunities to undo the harm and damage caused over many centuries will be presented to you. The Earth also prepares for Ascension and needs your help to restore its condition in readiness. Those tasks are not for you alone, and we have fully prepared for this time and we shall be as one force working for its upliftment. You are beautiful Beings and have much love to give to each other, and the days of greed and selfishness are over. At heart you are desirous of helping each other and we hear your pleas for help. We are ready to come to your aid and bring our highly advanced technology, and it will speed up the cleansing of your planet. We have such large resources at our disposal, that you need not have any concern at the size of the tasks ahead.

I am Ker-On from Venus, and we are long standing members of the Galactic Federation serving all civilizations throughout the Universe. For the time being you are our focus of attention, and the most vital task we have had for a long time. You are part of a major event that carries so much importance for the whole process of Ascension. We are here to ensure that everything goes ahead and is completed as planned. We know you are full of questions and once we can safely walk amongst you, the time will come for a series of revelations about the history of your civilization. It will mean that much of what has been presented to you previously will have to be discarded, as your version of it is far from accurate. You have been deliberately kept from learning the truth about your links with us, and how we have guided your evolution.

Each day now is revealing more about the nature of changes that are taking place, Rest easy knowing that they are all for your greater benefit, and soon you shall see the proof in the resultant outcome. Look to the skies as we approach you and come nearer to First Contact than ever before. We bring love and seek to restore peace upon Earth, and bring all souls together in lasting friendship.

Thank you Ker-On.
Mike Quinsey.

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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

"a beautiful wave of Light is sweeping over the Earth"

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey

Dear Ones a beautiful wave of Light is sweeping over the Earth and will continue to do so as there is a new awakening, hastened by the emergence of joy and happiness at the first public announcement of our arrival. How much it will reveal is up to your response in the meantime. We not only observe but also register the upsurge of a heightened energy full of expectation as to the future. The chaos now being experienced by you is the period of cleansing that shall see opportunities for a totally new approach to your needs. No longer are the old ways acceptable, and it would be a waste of your energy and resources to resurrect the format upon which your financial markets were based. It will be a time of concern for many of you, but remember that in the long run all of your needs will be satisfied.

The suddenness of what is happening has been looming for a long time, and the outcome could no longer be held back. It has come as a great shock to the Illuminati who thought they were still in charge. However, your destiny has been taken out of their hands for some time now, and at last you are beginning to see how the changes are manifesting for your betterment. There are still a few steps to go, and we await the opportunity to promote our allies to the positions of power, but this time they shall be trustworthy, honest and true to the Light within. You have spoken and we of the Light have responded in no uncertain ways, and this is only the beginning of a series of changes that will quickly lead to peace at all levels of your existence. It is now required of you that you support those who are so obviously of the Light, and have already spoken and acted in ways that reveal their true selves.

We can clearly see the auric colors that emanate from each of you, and it is your signature showing the level of your spiritual development. The clearer and brighter they are, the more Light you have brought to yourself and you stand as one who has awakened. This energy flows out and about and affects those it comes in contact with, and with it you are helping others to uplift themselves. There is a collective consciousness upon Earth, and we can tell you that it has risen quite noticeably with the announcement connected with the 14th October. It has given people the promise of an event of world-shaking proportions, which has suddenly drawn so many of you together. The details are not so important as the signal it gives out, that your time has arrived to take back your freedom with our help.

The focal point for the events that are going to change your lives, and way of thinking are coming through the contact known to you as Blossom Goodchild. Others are also tuning into this energy and picking up similar information, and you can expect it to be supported to a great extent. There will however always be those that have reasons to differ, and we respect their right to interpret matters in their own way. In the ultimate there can only be the one Truth, but it sometimes takes time for it to manifest. Be intuitive and true to Self, and your own judge as to what you believe in, and you will find your place with regards to what is coming. It has to harmonies with your reasoning and if it does not, think clearly as to why not, and try to take an unbiased view of it. This is no time to be narrow-minded and restrict your ability to be open to a new way of thinking.

The days of muddled thinking are over, and the truth will come out to the point of changing your life. The changes are to enable you to step right onto the path of Ascension, and in so doing leave the lower vibrations behind. They will no longer serve you any purpose unless you wish to remain within them. Open up to the Light as it is there for every soul to draw unto themselves, it favors no one against another. The Light is already present within you, if not subdued after so many lives where it has been veiled by the darkness created by the dark Ones. Now you can break out of their hold upon you, as the Light permeates every dark corner that remains upon Earth. Do not be put off by those who have doubts, as if you have been blessed by the Light it will have opened your heart centre to the truth.

The Galactic Federation are here to help with both your physical and spiritual progress, and ensure the Divine Plan for you is fully revealed and enacted. First Contact is not just a part of it, but a marker that will signal the beginning of the end times. It is a magnificent plan that is flawless and perfect, in its desire to uplift as many souls as possible in the time remaining before Ascension. Many of you have worked so hard over a number of life times, to take this opportunity to leave the 3D reality and the cycle of re-birth. In future you will have no legacy left from it, but will have completed your time in it never to return except by choice. You will be fully released from any outstanding karma, and your lessons will have been considered well learnt.

The Cosmos will welcome back those who have ascended, and they will eventually rejoin their particular families within the Star Nations to continue their experience in the higher dimensions. You will not be as you physically see yourself now; it is only a temporary body to house your soul as containment in the lower vibrations. However, it is one that is also your temple for the God spark that has ensured your everlasting connection to the Light. These are truths that people need to recognize, so as to be able to face the changes and release from the bonds with their physical body. Each cell contains a consciousness, and they are also to be uplifted into a higher expression befitting of the higher vibrations.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and taking a more central role in passing on these messages from the Galactic Federation. The different energies have served their purpose in bringing to you a link with us, and upon our arrival we shall be received as your brothers and sisters and not as strangers. We have always made a peaceful approach to you, and you will feel our joy and happiness to meet you. We pose no threat whatsoever, far from it as we come with Love as messengers from God to fulfil the plan for your Solar System, and the greater plan for its ascension with the Universe. Duality is no longer your pathway; you have reached the point of completion. Enjoy the new reality forming around you now; it brings the Light and Love that is you and will remain so.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

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