Friday, May 30, 2008

"love is the most important aspect in your life"

Ag-agria through Mike Quinsey

Not many people on Earth are aware that they lead a double life, and have a secret life in the higher realms. Very few of you realise that when your present life is finished that you return to the higher one, and that it is ongoing. You may choose to continue experiencing that which has gone before, depending on whether you consider the lessons it offered have been learnt. All life is for that purpose, with the ultimate goal of rising up on your evolutionary path.

Whatever happens to your physical body, your consciousness carries you forward into the next phase of your life. This search for progress is ever moving onwards and is always planned with a view to your upliftment. Once on Earth the plan is forgotten, and it would seem that you alone determine your future. However, you have Guides that are assigned to the task of keeping you on track, and bringing into your life those experiences you have elected to go through. It can be quite complicated with many souls sharing your experience, and more likely this is for karmic reasons.

Nothing that happens in your life is without reason, and all experience contributes to your overall development. It is almost like your first experience of school, when you are prepared to take your place in higher education. Out of it you find the purpose of your life, and sometimes it seems pointless and leading nowhere, but all of the time you are gaining experience. Often it is by observation, and not directly being involved in other people’s lives. You can learn in many different ways, and you live different situations through your mind games.

Your freedom of choice can open a number of paths that lead to events planned in your life, but eventually you will reach those that are essential as karmic responsibilities. Your life is your own, but your freewill has usually been exercised before you incarnate upon Earth, and it is not in fact in your interest to alter your plan. Matters can impinge upon you that affect your own life, so there can always be changes to your experiences. The school of life will nevertheless ensure that you leave it with much to contemplate, and it is not until you review it that you aware of how you handled it.

The criterion for all experience is whether your actions or words harm others. As the judge of your life, you will be the hardest critic of what has taken place, and from it is determined what lessons remain or are necessary for your next one. Remember that you undertook to come to Earth, for the purpose of furthering your spiritual evolution. You never stop learning, but once you have risen above duality your path will become clearer and much easier, and you will travel in full consciousness.

In the present period on Earth you are quickly awakening to your true self, and this is necessary for you to take your place in Ascension. If you feel that you are failing to grow in awareness, do not be harsh upon yourself as you will overcome all obstacles. It is just that you cannot see beyond them, but be assured that no conditions that assail you will last indefinitely. How you have chosen to live out some of them will depend upon your pre-life plan. You can change your situation but if it goes against it, you may find it creates more difficulty. Accept what comes to you as carrying an important lesson for you, and to progress make sure that you integrate into your consciousness.

Often you will carry resentment about something that has happened in your life. Try to see things from the perspective of your Higher Self, and accept that there will be unpleasant experiences and that these will certainly be karmic in nature. Ambition is fine, but you cannot have everything you set your minds upon. Quite often thoughts arise from your sub-conscious mind, and they may relate to previous lives and experiences that you want to continue. That is not always possible but the urge may remain with you for your lifetime. Preferences of many kinds do surface, and will strongly affect your choices. For example it can be seen in your style of dress, or decorations in your home. It certainly influences your interest in foreign countries, which is why some more than others are particularly appealing to you.

Past life experiences can also lead you to follow certain beliefs that remain in your sub-consciousness. These can be in respect of religious beliefs, and some of you will feel at home with those of another country. Where you have had an illustrious life previously, it will have a stronger impact upon your present one and may lead you to follow the same ways and customs again. There are many strange things that happen in your life that are explained by previous life experiences. Meeting souls that are already known to you is often accompanied by an immediate feeling of already being familiar with that person. Links with your past are never completely broken, and you are just as likely to move through your different lives with many old friends. They may become part of your family, and often such units continue to stay together.

The truth about you and your many lives is often stranger than fiction, and when you return to the higher levels you will be able find such information recorded and available to you. On Earth it is as well that you do not have access to it, as it would distract you from more important things. Some people have psychic powers and can look into your past lives, but it is controlled and they do not have free access to everything. Some information would not be desirable if it looked like disrupting you present life.

Whatever your beliefs about previous lives, know that life has a purpose and in this way make sure that your experiences count for something. If not, you may be sadly disappointed that you did not make the best of it. Allow other people to see out their chosen experiences, and if it involves you try to help them along in a positive way. Setting up negative situations will help no one, and thoughts such as revenge against someone who has hurt you will simply pile up karma for you. As you are often told, love is the most important aspect in your life and you need to be generous in giving it out. It is the balm that soothes many a difficult situation, and mends broken lives.

I am Ag-agria from Sirius, bringing love for you all and your upliftment.

Thank you Ag-agria.
Mike Quinsey.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

"What is growth but an expansion of the human consciousness"

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey

The Earth is the point of focus for us because of its need to complete its cycle very shortly. The Galactic Federation otherwise covers a sector in Space that is enormous in size, and our responsibility as civilizations that are linked with you, is specifically directed to this solar system. Nevertheless our members can join forces if urgent needs arise, and distance is of little importance because of our ability to travel inter-dimensionally. As a Federation we stand by for any eventuality, and even the size of it presents no problem as we have unlimited resources to call upon. Therefore dealing with the cleansing of Earth is a task that is well within our capabilities.

We have traveled with you for eons of time, and respected your freewill to determine your own destiny. At times we have experienced great sadness to observe what you have done to yourselves. You have not really understood until recent times, how great your responsibility has been to yourselves and your Earth. Now the realization has dawned upon you that you are the caretakers of your home, and steps must be taken to reverse the harm that has taken place. To that end we have ensured that matters do not get out of hand, and that is why we have been authorized to prevent the further use of nuclear weapons. They have caused so much damage to you and Mother Earth, and yet knowing the consequences of their continued use your military and governments would use them again.

It would be an understatement to say that Man has lost his way. What you are learning is that power without spiritual application and consideration for all life forms, threatens the very basis of your structure that keeps all in balance. We have warned you many times about the path of destruction that you are following, but it has fallen largely upon deaf ears. The arrogance of your dark ones knows no bounds and they selfishly only see their own goals, forgetting that what you do to one you do to all. Power and greed are coupled with corruption, and at present you are unraveling the extent of this poison that has penetrated many areas of your society. What was hidden is being revealed, and you would be in shock if you knew the full extent to which it has gone.

Clearly without a change of course Man would simply career into the bottomless abyss. This is not however the Plan for Man, and despite the fear that can be generated by what you observe happening around you, a grand change of course is well advanced. You darkest hour has passed and as the Light permeates all corners of the Earth, the dark energies are losing their power to continue causing chaos. Of course they will cling onto it for as along as possible, but they are no longer in total control. There is so much Light appearing all over the Earth, and it is linking up to form a powerful energy for change.

Time as ever is continuing to speed up, and there is expectancy in the air of the coming changes. The Light is bringing a more balancing influence to you, and there is a strong feeling of the return of your individual powers. It is important that your new found power is handled with care, and that you aware of your ability to alter your reality through the sheer power of thought. What you visualize is helping to create the pathway to Ascension, and also hastening the day when we can finally unite with you and continue the journey together. We will do it with the goal in mind, and that is to complete this cycle with a successful Ascension.

Once the dark forces have had their power removed and can no longer interfere with your evolution, we shall all go speeding ahead. That time comes closer and we see the truth becoming your peaceful weapon against them. No one can escape the truth and eventually all have to face their own part in the cycle of duality. There are lessons to be learnt by everyone, and it will remain in the consciousness of Humanity to serve you well on future occasions. What is growth but an expansion of the human consciousness, as you are one within the Mass Consciousness that you have created. As you evolve you will find group consciousness quite normal, and it in no way takes away your individuality, and on the contrary enhances it.

You have been led to believe in your separateness, and that isolation has been the cause of much difficulty. Man has always searched for the Source of his being, and it is a journey that is now ending as the truth is revealed. It has however led you along many false pathways, but now you are to take a quantum leap that will restore your full understanding. Even so, it is not imposed upon you and if you are unprepared for it, you will be given more time to assimilate it. In reality there is no time as you understand it, and you have all infinity in which to evolve.

If necessary you can continue your present experiences elsewhere, as there is no limit to the vastness of space and the different civilizations that can offer such an opportunity. It will be your choice, and your freedom that is God given will remain with you. We do not expect you to comprehend the extent to which life exists in the Universe, but it embraces every conceivable set of conditions that you could imagine. The constant factor is that All Life Is One and will always remain so, and you will forever move towards a closer relationship with all of its expressions. It is a never-ending journey of discovery that will take you through the many mansions in God’s Kingdom.

When you become able to move through the higher dimensions, the door becomes open wide to the most illustrious experiences and beauty beyond words. As you go higher so the perfection of all you see becomes even more refined, and Heaven becomes a reality that will totally encapsulate you. You will be able to remain at any stage for as long as you like, but will never lose that urge to keep rising up. As you do so you will expand your consciousness even further, and super consciousness will make you into an all-knowing soul.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and feel so privileged to address you, and it is heartening to see you responding to the Light and finding that love within that knows no bounds. It is changing your world and all life upon it, and cleansing away the old that has served its purpose. New Man, and the new Earth are quickly emerging from the ashes of the past, and that which has no further place in your lives will disappear. Your vision of the new Earth helps manifest it amongst you, and your focus is required upon all that will bring balance and harmony to it.

I assure you that much is happening that is drawing matters to a close, and the Light is putting so much pressure upon the dark that it cannot sustain its power to effect you much longer. All is coming to a sudden conclusion that will allow our entry onto the scene, and from thereon it will be one way forward. All that has been promised to uplift you will come into your lives, and you will be well prepared for the end-times. Whatever you do enfold with your love, and there is not much more we could ask of you. I leave you with the blessings and love from all of your friends that wait to come to Earth, and eager to celebrate our coming together.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

" a divine timetable is in effect"

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy
and the Galactic Federation


10 Ben, 6 Pax, 3 Manik

Selamat Jarin! We return, full of information about what is to happen around you. As we speak, many incredible events are ready to manifest. The most important of these are those specified by a series of legal documents, known to you as NESARA. This legislation involves mainly America; however, its broad implications affect the world at large. These documents delineate the means for changing the current US administration and replacing it with a caretaker regime dedicated to restoring the organic Constitution and those rights specified in the Bill of Rights. In addition, these documents declare peace and change the current direction of US foreign policy. Finally, these documents forgive bank-created debt and establish a new and more secure banking and currency system. This last aspect has been expanded by our Earth allies to include the entire globe. The present banking and currency system is to be scrapped and replaced by one that better serves a world free of debt and the inflationary cycles imposed by the present banking and currency system.
All this is in place and awaiting the formality of the announcements, which declare its legality and implementation. In fact, implementation has already been partially begun through a series of banking edicts dispatched by the Federal Reserve governors to their district banks over the past two years. Also, the fledgling Treasury Banks are in the process right now of absorbing these banks and need only the final set of announcements to complete the procedure. The same is occurring throughout the world, as various strategic and overt operations are setting up the depositories for the gold necessary to back the new currency system. Further, secret conferences in the US, Europe, Africa, and the Americas are outlining a system for annulling the vast national debts of nearly 200 countries. In a world swimming in an ocean of debt and endemic corruption, safeguards must be introduced which secure both debt-forgiveness and the expansion of democracy and the republican way of life. A crucial concomitant to this is the promotion of universal harmony and cooperation.

These developments have been going on covertly since the end of World War II. Since way back the illuminoids were split into many factions and were kept together only by the outside influence of the Anunnaki. This constant control ensured that this planetary ruling stratum operated seemingly as a unit. But behind the façade a great deal of conflict was brewing. These minions of the Anunnaki, like their distant predecessors, were essentially divided into two main camps: The first were ideologically aligned with their masters and regarded humanity as a means to an end. The second were more open to the ideas of the Agarthans with their belief in freedom and the principles of galactic society. This second group knew about the desires of St. Germaine and the intent behind his World Trust, set up in the early 18th century. This group worked secretly with another group organized by the Sirians and their allies, which, in the 1990s, was to become the core of what we call our Earth allies. Arrayed against them was a very powerful consortium that was gaining strength during the latter years of the cold war.

The present time is set to see the results of all these secret conferences and movements of money and resources, coupled now with the will to actually put it all into effect. Bear in mind that the Ascended Masters long ago started what is now happening. Our Earth allies could not have come together this way without the brilliant groundwork, which enables them to surmount the myriad obstacles in their way. You are watching a huge and complex jigsaw puzzle form. This shape is now being permitted and championed by this first contact fleet. We are putting the final pieces into play and thereby challenging the dark cabal, which does not want this to happen. For a while Heaven somewhat tied our hands by limiting what we could do. This was done to permit our Earth allies and us to learn more about each other and to form a tighter bond. Now these limits are dispelling, allowing the present intensified, joint focus upon the remaining obstacles.

This boost to the allies' confidence has brought them one step away from victory. Here, they pause as they wait for the darkside to crumble and sink into the swamp of its tunnel vision. This gives many darkside fence sitters the opportunity to join the other side, which further proves to our Earth allies that their victory is close. What remains is to climb the last and steepest hill, and here the allies face a test of faith. Sometimes it appears to them that victory is a mirage in a desert and that the shimmering oasis they see on the horizon is always just out of reach no matter how far they travel; and this is the reason for the recent slowdown in the progress of the endgame. Yet this illusion of theirs can be pierced. Our task is to show our Earth allies that the oasis is real and that a certain set of actions can get them there. Showing them these precise steps is what we are presently doing.

This brings us to you, both the disheartened and the unwavering among you. We know full well that being patient and supportive of a movement that you so dearly want to see succeed quickly is not easy. Frustration is understandable as you anxiously watch these wicked ones run your economic potential into the ground! It truly takes prodigious amounts of fortitude to hold steady when every fiber of your being longs for a swift end to the insanity. We could not be more with you on this. But we can also see clearly what is happening and how close your scary world is to morphing into something better. Time, as always, is the key factor. Some powerful dark cabalists remain in the way and are making demands that require our full attention. Once we resolve this impediment and some other dark concoctions, the way should finally be clear.

Completing this stage of first contact remains our prime intention and our true joy. Once done, the dark ones can no longer pose a threat and our mass landing can proceed unhindered. In this world you are prosperous and the difficulties you face today have morphed into great joys. Whenever your present challenges threaten to overwhelm you, remember that you are not alone. Heaven and we are enveloping you with blessings and are working hard to transform the distressing state of your world into something much better. Remember, too, that a divine timetable is in effect, which decrees that the reign of this reality is at an end. It is ready to be transformed into the realm that you long ago promised yourselves for these end times. This is the same realm in which we are all to reunite in one glorious, righteous celebration!

Right now a series of overlapping events is bringing your reality to a crossroads. The old is about to be altered and miracles never before believed possible are to be performed. All this is the sign of divine decree; but a global, rising insanity is the immediate precursor to this. The way that your world "does business" is facing extinction, and your realm is quickly readying to flip into something new and exciting! We are charting this "something new," first as neutral observers and lately as active participants in this amazing process. Again we ask that you draw on your resources of big-heartedness and know totally that your prize is almost upon you. We know this is not easy since we feel your challenges through the eyes of our on-planet personnel. We know the hardships that make up your lives. Nevertheless, be in no doubt that this huge infringement on your lives is the final madness, which the dark can ever again inflict on you!

Today, we continued our discussion about what is happening around you. Our Earth allies and we are in the midst of the final actions, which are to topple the dark and enable the rest of the first-contact scenario to proceed. Remember that you are watching the lead-in to the most stupendous events in your history unfold before you. Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Majon! Selamat Kasitaram! (Sirian for Rejoice! and Be Blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy!)

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Monday, May 26, 2008

"You are not alone in your fight for a different Earth"

Ker-On through Mike Quinsey

Greetings Dear Ones, how we love your tenacity in the face of all the difficulties you encounter. There is so much going on that could distract you from your journey into the Light, but you have not allowed it to remove your focus from your goal. Consequently we see the Light growing so rapidly, that it is at last overcoming the power of the dark to reap havoc amongst you. What you will gradually notice is changes in Human behavior, with a lessening of the uncontrolled emotions and the resultant harm that it causes. There is a distinct upliftment that is also bringing out the love in people, and together in moves that are about to change the society you live in.

Clearly not everyone is responding to the Light in the same way, but be assured there is not one soul that is unaffected by it. It cannot fail to bring upliftment to Earth, and it will ensure a certain state of readiness for the greater changes that are so near to manifesting. There is so much awareness now than at any previous time, of the way in which you are used to support the agenda of the Illuminati. You are not only breaking away from their hold, but weakening their ability to further their plans. They are facing your opposition to their way of working that would have eventually enslaved you.

You are not alone in your fight for a different Earth to what you now have, and our presence is accelerating the day when the very threats to your existence are removed. What a change around will occur in a relatively short time, from upheaval and discontent to an orderly and peaceful life. We know that people are ready to move on and tire of the old ways, and that they yearn for the freedom that only comes with peace. Be assured that it is not far away, but naturally there will be work to do beforehand. All shall be explained in good time, and our objective will be to keep you well informed of our plans. We are to work together, and we know you will put yourselves wholeheartedly into it.

Although it may seem that Mother Earth is becoming more active than usual, it is not fact doing much out of the ordinary. However, physical changes are unavoidable and all part of the cleansing that is in hand. Do not allow events to make you fearful, as against the numbers of the whole population the adverse effects will only be minimal. As you are seeing at present, major occurrences that cause injury, death and homelessness are bringing countries together, They are learning that working together overcomes the barriers that have been placed between them through fear, and often solely for political reasons. Left to their own devices people are much more friendly than is imagined, and ready to see the common bonds between each other.

Would it not seem natural that having a common Source and sharing the same planet, that you would feel a mutual friendship to all other fellow travelers. You have allowed divisions to come between you believing that you are separate from each other. Dear Ones we tell you often that you are One, and the sooner you understand that there is an immutable link between you all, the quicker the obstacles will be set aside.

We of the Galactic Federation come out of our love for all of you, seeing no difference in one to another. We see beautiful souls fulfilling their roles upon Earth, and seeking their purpose in life. Many and varied are the paths you are taking yet all eventually lead you to the Light. We come not to prevent you from experiencing the life you have planned, but to offer help should you need assistance. Our overall presence is to ensure completion of the cycle with Ascension, and we jointly working together with you to that end. Because events on Earth are reaching a critical stage, we must stay tight-lipped but can assure you victory is within our reach.

Our position is as one that oversees what is happening on Earth, and it is our duty to lead you out of duality and onto the path of Ascension. That has been our brief ever since the cycle commenced, and we have been with for all of that time. Orthodox views and opinion often hamper people’s search for the truth, and before the end of the cycle your true history will be revealed. It will help release a number of false beliefs, not least of all about your God and the Creator. Religion has set apart many groups of people, and often set them against each other. Once the truth is known, you will see that you have a lot more in common in your beliefs than you may have imagined.

Since we are your future selves you will understand why we are so close to you at this time. We wish to quickly bring you up to our level of being, and your destiny is to be one with us as Galactic Beings. Meantime we stand by for the command that will signal the start of our First Contact with you, where we can openly declare our presence and arrive upon Earth. It will be the precursor of many rapid appearances all over the world, that will serve our desire to introduce our peaceful mission to you.

Using our ability to remain undetected, we are more frequently on Earth than you suspect. We monitor activities that are taking place, and those of your military are of particular interest. When the right time comes we shall bring about a cease-fire to all wars, with a view to dismantling the war machine for once and for all. Peace loving people have no need for weaponry, and as a member of the Galactic Federation you receive our full protection.

Our ships are being moved nearer to Earth in anticipation of our call to action. Massive Motherships carry all that is essential to complete our tasks, and thousands upon thousands of personnel each dedicated to specialist tasks concerning the cleansing and re-building of Earth. We see that you realize the chaos that is occurring threatens to completely pull the world down, and that our help is essential if you are to recover from it. Our mission is also to reform those industries and establishments that are necessary for a smooth running society. All shall be on a new footing always with a priority towards the real needs of the people.

I am Ker-On from Venus, bringing its loving vibration with me that I share with you all, and ask you to remember that love is the key to all that you do.

Thank you Ker-On
Mike Quinsey.

Friday, May 23, 2008

"Levels where Unconditional Love abounds"

St.Germain through Mike Quinsey

By and large, Man works from the conscious mind, which has been programmed through eons of time to perceive life in a certain way. A matrix is created that forms the reality in which he lives, and the manner as to how he reacts to it. Now with the upliftment of mankind and a heightening of your consciousness, it is necessary to be more open and ready to move into a new perspective. This will enable you to appreciate a more expanded view of life, and lift your mind onto a new level of understanding. This will see you being able to centre yourself, and become less reliant on the interpretation of others. Even now, many people are in denial of what they see happening before their very eyes, because they are unable to think for themselves.

In the midst of the far-reaching changes is the first real sign of what is to come. It is a withdrawal from the old paradigm that set you in ways that no longer serve your purpose. You are linking with the new levels of consciousness that bring knowledge and understanding of the true purpose of life. Duality is the experience of many lifetimes, that makes you face the darkness that Man has brought to this Earth, and it is Man who must now participate in its cleansing. As you know, you are not in fact alone in this venture and are fully supported by the Galactic Federation and The White Brotherhood. Each has specific responsibilities towards you all, and the successful completion of the Ascension of both Man and the Earth.

You have come a very long way since the time this cycle commenced. When it started you were aware that it was your last opportunity to overcome the dark forces, and knew that your task would be very difficult. To your credit you have risen above the negative energies, and have brought much Light to Earth that has assisted its upliftment. Changes have therefore become inevitable, and either you move into the Light or remain in the darkness of yesteryear. Everything has to do with attraction, and your thoughts and desires create your pathway ahead. If you wish to break out of the old reality, it is necessary to create the new one around you. Your thoughts are powerful tools, and used in the correct manner will elevate you to a higher level.

If you link in with us and our thought streams, we can in turn help you on the way. We will surround you with our love and protection. We will guide you to higher levels of understanding, and place the truth before you. From there, it is up to you to grasp the opportunity to open up to the Light. It will bring much peace and contentment into your life, and no longer will you be pulled this way and that. You set your path and progress at a speed that suits you. There is no pressure on you to do other than what is acceptable to you. You can place around yourself a protective energy that allows you to walk unscathed through the negativity that abounds on Earth. As you detach from the old energies, they lose their ability to hold you back. The fight has been well fought, and the dark are in retreat and their future is sealed.

Heaven such as you refer to is a real place, generally any level that is above Earth and in the Light. There is no specific dimension but stories of life after death are centered around what many of you call Nirvana, the land of beauty, harmony and love. A level that replicates everything on Earth, but in a way that does not carry the ugliness or decay you see around you. Lands that shine out and are in continual Light where the darkness is shut out. You can in effect travel back in time, to see those souls who continue their experiences in the familiar surroundings that they left behind. For you personally there is the creation by thought of your idea of beauty, and a homestead that awaits your arrival. However, even these levels of Light will pale into insignificance compared with the Golden Age that you are about to enter.

How can your mind grasp levels of perfection and beauty that have no words to really describe them, or convey to you the power of the energy that surrounds you to give a feeling of Oneness? To be free of all worries and earthly concerns and find all of your needs at your fingertips. Levels where Unconditional Love abounds, and every soul is linked into this energy with each other. It is exactly what awaits those who have aspired to ascend, and perhaps more than any other dream you have, this is your Heaven.

I St. Germain, and the Masters together with other great Beings of Light are able to move into higher levels where energies become even more refined and are of astounding beauty. These levels move into Infinity, and even to our understanding have no conceivable end, except that there is the Source of All That Is. You were never meant to stay in the lower dimensions forever as they are not your true home, and simply serve your need for experience of the dark as part of your spiritual evolution. Service to others is a most natural desire that comes with growth and understanding of your true selves as Beings of Light. On Earth much of what you do is for gain, and of course some of it is necessary for your survival. You do however have a culture that invites you to make as much wealth as you can, and many consider that to be their goal.

Very soon there will no rich or poor in that context, as the wealth of the world is to be shared in a fair and equitable way. It will help remove that element of competition that unfairly denies another of their entitlement. Sharing will become commonplace, and quickly bring people together in a common purpose for the good of all. Materialism has run its course, and with its end will disappear all the inequality that has caused so many divisions upon Earth. These are steps that will prepare the way for your Ascension, and you shall soon see Love on Earth bring about a great revolution, where Man takes on his true responsibility for each other.

The separateness that has divided Man will cease, and he will realize that he is his Brothers keeper. You only have to look around the world to see what occurs when there is a lack of caring, and much of it is perpetrated by your leaders who should be setting a better example. Conditions on Earth are deteriorating fast, but waiting in the wings are the remedies and means to reverse the trend. Have faith; it is all about to permanently change, and love will descend upon Earth and bring about a great upliftment. You will be freed forever from the shackles of darkness that have kept you down for so long.

Thank you St. Germain.
Mike Quinsey.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

"you are meant to be the Guardians of the Earth"

Atmos through Mike Quinsey

Take your time to understand what is going on in the world at present, and place it all under the heading of change. The way must be prepared for the new to come in, and it is quite a feat to bring the changes together so that they inflict as little harm as possible. I talk not specifically of human involvement, although that is of major concern but the effect upon your business community and employment of the masses. There will be days and weeks of uncertainty, as the old world falls into the abyss of transmutation never to return again in that form. Meanwhile the new paradigm gradually emerges, and will be recognized for its ability to deal with any crisis that arises. The planning that has gone before is your assurance that the new path for Man, will be quickly established.

Using your terminology, we shall say that the rot has set in, and no amount of shifting and changing will save the old regime and its ways. The whole structure is crumbling, and the remedy is beyond the power of Man to overcome it. Vast changes are required with some degree of urgency, and they are receiving our attention. We closely follow them and are allowed to limit the damage that they do. These were always going to be volatile times, but are held in check to minimize their effect. Weather changes are to be expected as your Sun takes control of the Solar System. However, these are also in part due to the interference of Man, with weather control and its manipulation, together with the changes to the topography through deforestation.

What you have been experiencing are the results of Man’s progress without sufficient spiritual application and understanding, placing his own judgement above that of the Laws of God. You cannot ignore your responsibility to all other forms of life, and you are meant to be the Guardians of the Earth, that has been in your care. Look around you and be honest, can you really be proud of what you see. These are strong words and not directed at everyone, as it is a paradox that the lower you slip into the dark, the more Light is brought to bear upon you. How far will you go before you rise up against what you see, because these are your last chances to do so before the cycle ends?

We know that many of you take matters very seriously, and are setting a shining example that others can follow. The challenge is there to take a stand against the failures of the past, and make a start on the road to new horizons. The goal is harmony and balance in all things, and the creation of a new environment that will lead the way into the New Age. We are here to give of our help, but restricted until we can come openly amongst you. Then we shall go roaring ahead and renew and repair the damage that has brought the Earth to her knees, as our goal is for complete restoration.

For all we have said it is you who are the most important Beings, and it is within your capability to rise up above any crisis or beat any challenge that is presented to you. You are Light Beings of the highest order, and can surmount whatever obstacles are placed on your path. You have been doing it ever since you started this cycle, with a subconscious drive that has urged you ever onwards without realizing your goal. One experience after another has led you to this present time, and now you stand poised for the greatest one ever, your Ascension. It is no mean feat seeing the depths to which you have plunged; yet your Light has shone through.

Thank goodness that you are unaware of your many lives, as it is not without reason that you have been veiled from them. To carry those memories would distract you from your present path. Having gone from one extreme to another, you have gathered a wealth of experience that will serve you well in these trying times. The end is in sight, and opens up into a new beginning of unimaginable splendor and beauty as you move into the Golden Age. Physicality as you have understood it will have been overtaken by crystalline wonders, and magnificent Light that will be the very essence of everything that exists.

It may all seem a dream, but it will come true as you take a quantum leap into the future. It is the past that will become as a dream that will be soon forgotten, but the souls who have experienced it will forever remember their link to each other. No one will be but a thought away from their loved ones, and able to share their love, happiness and joy forever. As you are already discovering, the power of thought is capable of changing anything and everything. It is growing within you and requires a responsible approach to life, as you can do as much harm as good if it is used unwisely. As time goes on, you will continue to rise up into the realms of Light, becoming more purified until you are Pure Light. It is a natural progression back to Source, which is the driving force that ever urges you ever onwards.

Think of what lies ahead, and the short time that you will remain in duality. Every tear and heartache will have been well worthwhile to be here at such a momentous occasion, and one that is unique where Ascension is concerned. You are privileged to be taking part in such a process that allows for your upliftment as a fully conscious Being. It is not a reward in the strictest sense of the meaning, but nevertheless is something you have earnt through hard work and dedication. We shall open your eyes to your true selves, and you will know of your greatness.

I am Atmos a Sirian, and we have many of our own working with you. We are linked in quite a special way, from earlier contacts with you that you go far back into the mists of time. Like many other civilizations we have come close to you in the past, and it is our duty to see that you rise up and complete this cycle in a victorious manner. It will be thus completed as the ending has already been written. We look at you and see who you really are, and our love goes out to you without reservation. We Are All One in Love and Light in this great experience, and we look forward to greeting you as the newest members of the Galactic Federation.

Thank you Atmos.
Mike Quinsey.

"Now the final chapters are being written"

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy
and the Galactic Federation


3 Cimi, 19 Moan, 3 Manik

Greetings, dear Hearts! We return with more to discuss. The coming events are designed by us to transition you effortlessly into first contact and beyond. The purpose is to let the darksiders slip into oblivion, using their own greed and implacable arrogance as the prime instruments of their demise. These agencies of destruction are operating in full-throttle mode. We are advising our Earth allies to proceed undaunted and to allow us to clear the way for their victory. This plan of campaign is resulting in many highly pleasing advantages even as we speak. What we are doing, quite simply, is pushing the inevitable outcome of the divine plan forward at a quicker pace. This is being done with the full approval of Heaven. The aim is to bring this reality to the point of transition and then allow the natural factors, which can then come on line, to pull you successfully over the obstacles that currently block you from the finish line. This helps us as well because it brings us closer to the time for carrying out first contact. We just want to get on with it and put the time immediately before us to better use than simply maintaining our present holding pattern.
Our recently expanded operation allows our on-planet personnel a more active role: They can intercede on our behalf in a number of key positions in both government and private sectors. This allows us to increase the means by which we gather intelligence and to promote our positions in the highly complex milieu that is your global society. This is pushing you forward and over the barriers that have so far stymied you. The dark cabal knows, down to the smallest detail, how this reality of yours is ordered. But now this intimate understanding is yielding a swiftly diminishing advantage. As the new reality seeps through the widening cracks and crevices of the old one, we are growing stronger due to the changes that this process generates. The dark ones sense this, but their mounting panic in no way inclines them to change their stripes. Indeed, their panic mode merely speeds up the pace of their various, unscrupulous plots. We are satisfied with these developments and intend to push the dark ones aside as soon as divinely possible.

The difference between what we desire to manifest and what Heaven wishes can often be something of a "sticky wicket" for us. Nevertheless, the process of coming to mutual "understandings" is truly blessed. Yet we still prefer to finish this aspect of our journey together sooner rather than later. The individuals who run the various darkside establishments are focused on surviving the current difficulties; they are doing quite unmentionable things to stay ahead of our Earth allies. Their constant, outrageous behavior is the reason why we were finally permitted to step in. Although this is much more acceptable to us, it does come with some divinely orchestrated rules. These rules allow us deeper into your affairs but still compel us to be somewhat discreet in how we go about this. We have expanded our oversight of your world's various space programs and deepened our infiltration of the groups that control your governments and critical private organizations. This allows us to verify and double-check our growing intelligence work and to move into areas previously unavailable to us.

We are more deeply involved with our Earth allies than ever. Many of our Earth-based teams form part of the groups that are rooting out the cabalists who use dark magic to create horrible spells, which keep the current dire situation going. This secret rooting-out activity is in addition to our open presence within the decision-making bodies of our Earth allies. We have brought our ships into position to help the various missions of those working hard to oust the US regime from power. As you can see, we are determined to go as far as we can within the allowances set by Heaven. Our mission is now to manifest the conditions that allow your prosperity to be delivered and a new American governance to come into effect. Thus the final push is on! The dark cabal realizes more than ever the extent of our commitment to you. We will not stop until our successful mass landings have takes place.

While this is happening Mother Earth has likewise stepped up the pace of her physical transformation, and so the number of weather anomalies has dramatically risen. The growing instability in your atmosphere is partly produced by many diabolical experiments being secretly carried out by government-sponsored projects. These projects are compelling us to intervene on the side of Mother Earth in order to limit the effects of these actions. She has been equally affected by projects, which attempt to use her natural changes as a future weapon. All this is being closely monitored and we intervene physically whenever these operations get out of hand. Mother Earth is beginning to seal many of her tectonic plate seams from the bottom up and this can boosts the probability of major earthquakes. It also increases the possibility for a whole range of unforeseeable things to happen.

A number of earthquakes and volcanic episodes have already been intensified by the secret projects mentioned above. We have therefore moved in to shut down some of these operations. We have also asked the Earth's councils of Elohim to direct us in the most effective way to oversee her current transformational processes, and we have been given a series of steps that we are presently implementing. Your sacred, living home has as much right as you to transform herself. Nonetheless, we reserve the right to discover and put forth a means for both her transformation and yours to be done simultaneously. As a heavenly appointed referee we use our full capabilities to ensure that what is divinely planned comes to pass without a hitch. This is just another aspect of this first contact mission.

This first contact mission has never had a dull moment! Our scientists have learnt much about how your society works, and we have done much in concert with Heaven to move you to where you are now. Now the final chapters are being written to complete this lengthy volume on limited consciousness. Admittedly the activities that are advancing you toward your much-anticipated liberation are very largely happening in secret. Equally, most of what we are doing must also remain hidden for now; but we fully intend to make a full disclosure to you right after the mass landings are completed. We greatly look forward to our first direct interactions with you. These encounters are just the start of a most wondrous relationship with you. All these current preparations are to throw open the gates for your return to being fully conscious citizens of this galaxy.

Your role is to continue to draw on your resources of patience and benevolence, and to feel the wonder of what is happening. Our Earth allies are close to announcing many marvelous things. The rule of the dark on your world is near its end, which means that our formal meeting is getting closer each day. The operations, which we cannot as yet tell you about, are speeding ever more quickly through their final stages, and are getting to the point where we can all rejoice and celebrate the fruits of our labors. And what a grand and bountiful harvest it will be! All that is left to do is truly workable. We thank you for looking beyond your many and growing frustrations; your ongoing, heartfelt support means much to us and has contributed mightily to our joint endeavors. Together, We are indeed Victorious!

Today, we continued our discussion of those activities that are bringing your long journey through darkness to an end. You are very close to the announcements that formally mark the beginning of a new period in your history. We welcome these events and are more than ready to carry out our first contact with you! Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Majon! Selamat Kasitaram! (Sirian for Rejoice! and Be Blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy!)

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Monday, May 19, 2008

" The first series of actions will address the needs of the poorest countries"

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey


In a period of time when so much is happening upon Earth, we emphasize the need to be vigilant and see beyond the immediate effects. As we have informed you for so long, changes on the Earth are both inevitable and necessary to once again restore it to a pristine condition. Over the last century the land and seas have been badly polluted, and without being reversed it would lead to a complete breakdown of the food chain, and the continuity of life. Already some species of animals have disappeared, and many more are under threat. In recent times it has become more serious, with the dangerous fall out from nuclear weapons.

The deteriorating conditions on Earth are such, that without our coming and use of advanced technology to reduce its effect, your planet would not be in readiness for Ascension. Also left to her own devices, Mother Earth would need to be far more volatile to reverse them. We as always keep an eye on what is happening, but can only get to full grips with the problems by openly coming to you. For many years we have warned successive Governments of the dangers of nuclear fall out and radiation, but little notice has been taken. As a source of energy it is unnecessary with so many other means now at your disposal. Free energy that is clean and in unlimited supply can at a stroke solve your problems, but is withheld to allow the oil companies to continue profiting at your expense.

Our advice is intended to be helpful and we do not condemn your way of progress. That has been your choice in accordance with your freedom to experience whatever you desire. The problem is that you have not been allowed to move on, and benefit from the many new technologies given to you over quite a number of years. Now it must change so that you can quickly halt the slide into chaos, which the dark use as an opportunity to further their own agenda. The negative energies that abound upon Earth are creating problems all around, and in these conditions Man will be unable to restore law and order, and find the world peace that has been absent for hundreds of years.

With our coming and plan for the restoration of Earth, the changes will quickly alleviate the present conditions. The first series of actions will address the needs of the poorest countries, and in general terms we look to ensure that the homeless and hungry and lifted out of their misery. In the long term we shall set up institutions that will handle political and financial concerns in a correct manner. The result will be Governments that truly and honestly represent their people, and banking systems that operate a fair policy. We have informed you for some time that the benefits of NESARA have incorporated into our plans, and they will ensure that poverty and debt become a thing of the past.

You can take full credit for the turnaround in your fortunes, as it was not so long ago that you looked unlikely to pass beyond the Millennium. The mass consciousness upon Earth has grown remarkably fast, by absorbing the Light that streams to you from many sources beyond it. It has been responsible for bringing hope and a new dawn where the dark forces no longer have any influence. Their power is already diminishing and their cherished dream of world control is fading away. They refuse to acknowledgement defeat, and still try to stay in power by any means whatsoever. That you have had two consecutive false presidential elections is in itself proof of their instability. The truth of all their actions and crimes against Humanity will ultimately be revealed, and those responsible will not escape justice. There are far greater powers than those on Earth, and they will have to make their way back to the Light from a very lowly position.

The Laws of Karma are exact and applicable to everyone, and your deeds cannot be hidden away. It is you who answer for them and in the Light only the truth can be given, there is no place for lies or placing blame elsewhere. God’s love exceeds all bounds and is given to all equally, and no soul is denied the opportunity to return to the Light. There is no such thing as eternal damnation, and that is the belief of Man who lacks the truth and spiritual understanding. Love pervades everything, and is the force that brings you infinite life and you are immortal. Your time on Earth that now draws to a close has been your freewill choice, and what you have learnt from the experiences will carry you further along the road to a Higher Consciousness.

Those of you who volunteered to come to Earth, came from the higher dimensions and desired the experience of separation from God. Your challenge was to rise up again and find your true Godself, whilst gaining experience of duality. It will add another facet to your understanding that will serve you well in the future. You have made many attempts to rise up out of the dark, and for periods of time have had some success. However, this cycle will be the first one that will see its completion with a victory over the dark forces. Hitherto, they have pulled Man down, and destruction and chaos has destroyed earlier civilizations.

This time you are assured that the cycle of duality is ending with your success, and never again will you have to endure the challenges that have assailed you. You may return to the lower dimensions by choice as they exist elsewhere, but not for Karmic reasons. Pat yourself on the back, because you have risen up in spite of the most severe testing and found your Light within. The truth of your journey will be part of ours and the Masters enlightenment of the masses, as your history can in no way reveal it all to you. Much of it has been concealed and deliberately hidden from you to keep you in the dark. All credit to you for overcoming the odds and now emerging as true Lighted Beings, you are truly the Christed Ones.

I am SaluSa from Sirius and pleased to have these opportunities to enlighten you. We salute your patience and understanding of these last days on Earth, and we are so near to you and will soon be standing alongside you.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.

Friday, May 16, 2008

"Concentrate on the greater movement that is creating the conditions for a new Earth"

Ag-agria through Mike Quinsey

We have a constant check on the rapidly growing consciousness upon Earth. It is delightful to witness what is taking place, as the Light creates a new paradigm that will carry you safely forward to the completion of the present cycle. It is greatly satisfying to us and other Higher Beings who have worked tirelessly to bring you out of the darkness of duality. We are not forgetting all of you who have also taken up the challenge to be our allies upon Earth. It is a wonderful example of what can be achieved when a firm objective is in sight. It is true that the end-times have always been planned to provide you the opportunity to ascend, but there has been an element of chance as to which way Humanity would turn. You have more than fulfilled your desires to bring about change, and they gradually manifest to provide you a richly deserved success.

Many of you who are relatively new to the idea of Ascension, have joined the Lightworkers with a sincere and dedicated intention to prepare yourself for it. However, you wonder how you will feel if you are being successful, as often it is difficult to know what to expect. There are truly many changes taking place, and it is firstly within your bodies that you will feel them. People are experiencing many symptoms as their cells change, and often fatigue that comes on at virtually any time of the day. There is also a feeling of expansion where the consciousness is concerned, which will at times seem to extend well outside of your body. There will also be a heightened intuition and an ability to just ”know” what is about to occur. It will serve you well in present times of much activity, and help you to know where to place your trust.

The positive work that is taking place all over the world gets little recognition, and your controlled media focuses on matters that are intended to keep you in a continual state of fear. You can now see through the tactics used, and no longer can you be fooled by the inevitable rhetoric of your governmental representatives. Instead you have the ability to recognize the truth and know who is trustworthy. It is by no means easy to keep your feet firmly on the ground, when so much is taking occurring on a daily basis. Concentrate on the greater movement that is creating the conditions for a new Earth to manifest, along with your upliftment.

Completion will come regardless of any attempts of the dark to stall the process, which is already far advanced. It waits only for that divine moment when a number of well prepared events will propel you into a period of cleansing and renewal. We are major players to ensure you take a quantum leap forward and speedily reap the benefit from it. There may be personal disappointments and upheaval, but in the build up to the final preparations many changes are needed. Trust is essential, and we can assure you that all will work out satisfactorily in the end. Where you experience lack, there will eventually come abundance. Also guidance will come through many sources, so that you are in no doubt as to what is taking place in the interests of the whole.

Changes will be dramatic and follow on each other quite quickly, as speed is of the essence. We of the Galactic Federation will have total control over the changes, so that they are co-ordinated and completed as planned. They are only a short time away from becoming your reality, and it is as well that your focus remains upon them. Short of taking part in series of landings, we cannot do a lot more to convince the skeptical amongst you who still deny our presence. We are appearing to you much more frequently, and pleasantly surprised at the response we are receiving. With a little thought you can immediately see the benefits of our advanced technologies, and equally as important our pure intent to help you out of love for Humanity, and not for our own aggrandizement. We are not alien to you or bringing you a different creed. Our God is also yours, and we have great respect and understanding of the Creator Source from which we all have our beginning.

We come for your upliftment so that you may join us and move into the higher dimensions. There is absolutely nothing to fear, it will be a grand event of immense happiness and joy. Your soul has looked to find some way out of duality, and we have come in answer to your desires to lift up out of it. You have sensed that it is time to move on, and there is no reason whatsoever to remain in your present dimension. You may do so by choice, but that is a decision that you alone will make. We come to offer you the means to complete this cycle and cut the links that bind you to Earth. You will not lose anything as a result of the changes, but gain immensely in ways that are not yet apparent. It is about Self, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with taking steps to elevate yourself beyond your present level of existence.

As you move further into the Light, you will find a new strength within and a knowing that is beyond words. Your consciousness will be expanding at a faster rate than any previous time, and you will find peace and contentment by being able to detach yourself from the often chaotic happenings around you. It is possible to control anger or any other negative traits that assail human beings. Part of your learning upon Earth was to experience emotions, and understand that they are within your control. You tend to believe that they rule you, but that only occurs when you allow it to be so. You are often as children and your actions are quite spontaneous, however, self-control is a quality you will need to nurture. You natural state is one of an all-loving Being that can express yourself on an unconditional basis. It is easy to give out that which is in abundance, and the more you do so, the more will come to you. The fountain of love is inexhaustible and its energy is the glue that holds everything together.

I am Ag-agria from Sirius, and very soon I shall be one of many walking amongst you, and it will be a wonderful time of consolidation between our civilizations. We will come together once more, and reveal the mysteries of life that surround your past and will open your future. We are but one of many civilizations that wait to openly meet you, and all are dedicated to the Love and Light having reached that pinnacle that you are about to climb.

Thank you Ag-agria.
Mike Quinsey.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

"The remaining months of this year are vital to your future"

Diane through Mike Quinsey


My Dear Ones there are stories circulating amongst you that are producing a wave of fear that could engulf the Earth if it remains unchecked or unchallenged. It revolves around Planet X that is referred to “as coming” towards your Solar System, and is going to cause untold death and destruction. Its arrival is viewed as imminent, and certain countries are alleged to have already started preparations in their defense. A picture is being painted of a Star Wars scenario, which is being encouraged by the dark forces. Can you not see that this is the last bold attempt being made, to undo all of the good work carried out by the Lightworkers? There are forces at work that seek to prevent your ongoing journey to Ascension.

I would ask you, do you really think that we would stand by and allow the path decreed for the end times to be assailed or changed by threats against the people of Earth? We of the Galactic Federation are your protectors, and have been your galactic parents ensuring that you become the Cosmic Beings that are your true destiny. Although we have defined lines of help that limit what would be seen as “interference” in your self determination and freedom of choice, we have responsibility for the greater plan of this Universe. Even if the threat of Planet X were real, it would have been prevented from entering this Solar System. There is the Creator’s Plan for the completion of your journey in duality, and it cannot be changed or usurped by any member of the dark forces.

Let us put your minds at rest, and inform you that Planet X is already in your Solar System, and the reason it has been allowed is because it no longer poses any threat to you or planet Earth. The Annunaki have had a history of presenting themselves as Gods, and leading man into the darkness by playing upon his lower vibrations. That period subsequently led to hundreds of years of conflict right up to the latter part of the last century. However, they were shown how they could help you out of your descent into total destruction, and at the same time settle some of the karmic debts they owed you. After all, the cycle of duality is destined to end by 2012, and with or without their help it would have been achieved. Now they wait hidden away in a location behind the Sun, to return to Earth at an appropriate time to atone for their actions and undo the harm they caused. Let it be said that the vibration upon Earth attracted them in the first place, and they fulfilled Man’s search for the Gods that gave their favors to those who supported them, and cause their “enemies” to be smitten.

There is no longer a need for a violent end time as imagined by those who believe in Armageddon, and whilst it was possible before the end of the last century, that time has passed. The Light has awakened the consciousness of great numbers of you, so much so that you have changed the end time reality. The Supreme God of this Universe does not take sides, and loves each and every one of his/her souls without any judgement whatsoever. You can now lay aside those biblical stories that tell of the false Gods, who have pitted Man against Man. It is also time to leave behind those prophesies that were relevant until Man rose up into the higher consciousness, out of the darkness to create the opportunities that now lead to Ascension.

You may wonder how it is that so many realities exist side by side, and it is because Man has created them with such great energies that they have become powerful thought forms in their own right. You attach yourself to one by choice, and for you it becomes your reality. The dark feed those that serve their purpose, by continuing to play upon your fears. However, you are entering a new era on the path of Light breaking your ties with the past. Now you are clearing your karma and experiencing the great cleansing of Earth, as all preparations are being made that will enable your upliftment, never to return to this cycle of duality.

Times are rapidly changing but people are still sensitive to the negative energies, but they must not be allowed to take you away from the new path of Light you have created. The dark are in their death throes, and are lashing out to create chaos and fear as a last attempt to divert your attention from your goal. You are being subjected to fear laden predictions, and it is essential more than ever before that you stay focused on the Light. Trust your intuition, and know that your guides come near to you at this important time, and will impress you with the truth if you so allow them. The remaining months of this year are vital to your future, and should herald the first major changes that will ensure your victory over the dark forces. We do not believe for one moment that you will succumb to the attempts being made to entrap you, ones that lead you into believing the lies and misinformation that are meant to take your attention away from the pathway of Light. However, the energies of fear are disrupting and upsetting, that if you are not focused they can open you up so that you are susceptible to them.

There is a battle between the dark and Light, but you have the advantage of being able to deflect the lower energies by firmly staying in your Love and Light. It is the most powerful force in the Universe, and your help is needed to send it out to those who falter and in their uncertainty become lost in the whirlpool of mixed emotions. Fear as we have often informed you is the weapon of the dark, and they feed upon it to still try and advance their plans for total control of Earth. It will fail and is collapsing, taking its leaders with it and very soon the truth will become more widely known as to how you have been manipulated and used to fulfill their ambitions.

The Earth is beginning to “shake” out the negative energies as it reforms its body, and it is unavoidably necessary. However, we unbeknown to you lessen the effect to keep damage and loss of life to a minimum. Suddenly the more emphatic changes will quieten down, and with First Contact coming near we will be able to interact with you all the more. If necessary we shall temporarily move you to safe areas until the more physical changes are completed. Do not however worry about the souls that are passing on, as they will be treated with great love and tenderness to quickly release the experience of their trauma. They will have no regrets as they learn that they were part of their life contracts. You are immortal and have infinite life, and have spent hundreds of lives on your Earth. In the future you will not have need to experience death such as you understand it now, and you will move from one life to another with complete ease and in full consciousness.

I am Diane of Sirius and open my arms to bring you into our Light and Love, and have spoken to you on behalf of the Galactic Federation and the Spiritual Councils that oversee your evolution. They determine your path, so as to ensure its completion in accord with the greater plan of the Creator. Ride through the next few months with your eyes focused on the outcome, as out of the apparent chaos will come opportunities to leave the old behind, and bring the new into being. Believe in your highest concepts, and become that great Being of Light you really are and always have been and you will be contributing to the upliftment of Earth.

There is nothing to fear, and your evolutionary path is opening up for you. Soon the dark will be forced to give up its hold upon you, and then you shall see the Light in all its glory. This period of confusion will quickly pass, to allow a great coming together of the people of Earth in complete unity and purpose. You have strived long for this time, and now you will see the final acts played out as the dark forces are removed, and their influence no longer able to harm you. The energy of Love now pervades the Earth, and you are those who will ensure it is safely grounded. We are with you all of the way, and our help is at your call and beckoning. We Are All One for Evermore.

Thank you Diane
Mike Quinsey.

" In the solar system the electrogravitic field of the Sun is also changing."

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

9 Cauac, 12 Moan, 3 Manik

Selamat Jarin! We return to continue our conversations with you. As we noted in our last message, much progress is being made since we took on our expanded responsibilities. Everywhere, we see our Earth allies moving forward with added vigor and renewed passion for the tasks at hand, the most pressing being the legal due process removal of the illegal US regime. Those who run this travesty are using every means possible to remain financially afloat. This includes unilaterally seizing any sizeable financial transaction that they can lay their hands on. This scurrilous behavior has heightened the resolve of our allies to be rid of them. The cabal's answer has been to further squeeze the monetary stability of the dollar and this is having a big effect. The dollar and its creator, the US Federal Reserve, are near bankruptcy, and the old monetary system set in place by the Bretton Woods Agreements is rapidly crumbling. This disintegration fuels the global mortgage crisis and indirectly feeds the massive speculator's market in all commodities, but chiefly oil.
This mess is leading to stressed economies and food shortages all over the world. The resolution to all this begins with ridding the world of the US regime; its supercilious and unreal positions on many matters are quickly pushing your world toward ruin. To accomplish this removal we have cleared the way for a number of long-delayed, legal preliminaries to be achieved. With this done many groups within the government and their civilian friends can create the means for the necessary forced resignations from high office. In the same vein action is being taken which prepares the way to replace this government with a true de jure one. This caretaker regime will be in power for no more than nine months, during which time the true constitution will be revealed and the judicial system changed from Admiralty to Common Law. Many beneficial programs agreed to among the Earth allies will then be put into effect. These include global debt forgiveness, the resolution of the energy crisis, and the means to cleanse Mother Earth of the massive pollution dumped upon her by humanity.

These programs revolve around the delivery of what you know as the prosperity programs. Difficulties in this regard are still extant. Peeling away the onion-layers of dark conspirators continues, and we are determined to finish up this job quickly and assist our Earth allies in dismantling this dark infestation within the current US regime. It has literally spread itself throughout the government like scummy, disease-ridden floodwater. Our job is to mop up and disinfect the mess. Then we can rebuild, and do away with all that is beyond redemption. The resulting infrastructure can then be turned over to a fairly elected, new administration. Our role is to use our abilities to assist, advise, and nurture the policies of the temporary caretaker regime and, thereafter, the newly elected administration. We shall do this in a way that empowers our Earth allies while still reserving the right to be more assertive when necessary. In this we are presented with a very short window of time. This window is stipulated by Heaven and decreed by the divine plan.

This time crunch requires an agenda of determined action and this we have put into play. Each one of these thrusts is to propel you out of the many dilemmas you now face. We fully understand the nature of the endgame now playing out across the world: Two major groups are striving to see where the new reality puts them. Our role is to sort this out according to the decrees of Heaven; in other words, to ensure that the Light and her allies on your world triumph. This duty gives us a special license, which we fully intend to honor. What we have described is only the barest outline of what is really going on. This is unavoidable at this time. As you know this operation exists on many levels. First contact, as it pertains to the Earth plane, involves a spiritual as well as a physical cleansing. This means that a lot of what is going on is largely invisible to you. Nevertheless, the transformation of your reality requires that a wholly new foundation be set up to support what will rapidly become the new norm.

Creating the proper environment for massive change within the given timeframe is our priority, which is why we have refocused our energies into a more direct degree of involvement, as mentioned in our last message. Several liaison groups with vast experience in the diplomatic, cultural, and social nuances of your planet are now in place on the surface and embedded in many critical locations. Their function is to move your world in the direction it badly needs to go. Our responsibility is to get results, which solve the disagreements presently slowing up progress. This new policy is intended to give you the edge needed to break through the logjams thrown up by the dark cabal. These developments and their positive knock-on effects in other areas can only hasten the advent of first contact. Completing this mission successfully is why we are here in the first place. Remember that Together, We are indeed Victorious!

While we move toward first contact Heaven is continuing to prepare you for being fully conscious. The major activity during the immediate period is the activation process along your spine and back. This can make your upper-back muscles and shoulders feel a bit sore. This reaction might linger for days or, in rare cases, up to a month. The changes in your chakra system include the relocation of many of the older, more complex functions to different chakras. When the new ones begin to manifest, this soreness can occur near the location of the new chakras. A good way to quicken this process is to see a healer and/or body worker. Their expertise can help to ease your discomfort and allow you to go through this transformation with a minimum of pain.

Mother Earth is going through much the same changes as you. The difference is that she is reorganizing the majority of the major nodes that exist on her surface. Currently these are largely inactive and are re-energizing now for the first time in many millennia. As you are aware, this process of reactivation has led to a rash of volcanism and quakes on land and seabed. These formerly inactive nodes are beginning to recharge the interconnected regions around them, and this surge of energy destabilizes the neighboring fault lines and the normal magma circuits just below the Earth's surface. This new electromagnetic flow can increase the pressure in old magma pathways and begin to forge new ones. It can also cause more movement in the fault zones nearest to the newly activated node.

In the solar system the electrogravitic field of the Sun, which holds the solar system together, is also changing and is a portent of the vast transformation that your new reality is to undergo. It is the reason why all sorts of oddities are increasingly to be seen throughout the solar system: The strange behavior of the great colored spots on Jupiter and the puzzling data collected by your scientists concerning Saturn's rings point to the fact that the solar system is preparing for something. This "something" is the addition to the system of former planets long destroyed and the relocation of various moons to their original sister worlds. Our scientists are quite involved in these preparations. We are watching your new reality being birthed and are seeing how it is affected by what is happening within you. Something wonderful and divine is getting ready to be born!

Today, we talked about our desire to make full use of the permission granted to us by Heaven to move you to the next stage on your path to full consciousness. This also moves us closer to the event of first contact and all that that implies! We now take our leave. Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Majon! Selamat Kasitaram! (Sirian for Rejoice! and Be Blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy ! )


Monday, May 12, 2008

"you will for example find increasing numbers of stories relating to the changing consciousness within the animal kingdom"

Atmos through Mike Quinsey


The physical happenings in your world naturally receive more attention than the ongoing growth of your consciousness. They tend to deflect your attention away from the great movement of Lightworkers who are continuing to bring even more Light to Earth. Everything is affected, and you will for example find increasing numbers of stories relating to the changing consciousness within the animal kingdom. This is fulfilling the prophecy that “the Lion shall lay down with the Lamb” and gradually even more remarkable stories will surface. It is providing you with the truth that the Light is bringing about changes that are inevitable and cannot be halted.

Everything contains consciousness, and to differing degrees will change as it is lifted up into the higher vibrations. However, that which has no structure that allows for such changes will disappear, and eventually only that which has a place in the new Earth will remain. It is all part of the inevitable changes that are carrying you forward to Ascension. It is the cleansing that leaves no stone unturned, and ensures completion of this cycle as decreed. You are facing a quantum leap forward that shall remove the power of the dark, and will emphasize the incoming Light.

Already changes are being considered that will hasten your advancement, but just for the time being the opposition defiantly stands in the way. Those who stand to lose their power are reluctant to make way for those who are clearly in tune with the new vibrations. Peace must come to Earth very soon, and the American people who desire a new form of government must give the lead. Your rights must be restored, and from this platform the laws reviewed and revised accordingly. You will give others a lead showing how change can be successfully achieved, and they will follow suit.

Man’s consciousness is like a simmering forest fire, and will suddenly break out everywhere to start a new peaceful revolution for change. The old ways are now seen to be self destructive, and no longer serve the people of the Earth. Your souls cry out for change, and the plans for bringing it into fruition are well advanced. With many of you there is undoubtedly a strong feeling of the undercurrents of change, but few really understand its true meaning. Your focus needs to be on your highest vision of the future Earth, that is descending even now as you look for signs of its emergence. Nothing will prevent its full manifestation in accordance with the plan for the end times.

We must remind you that what you are experiencing is an event of universal proportions, and it will go ahead regardless of what happens on Earth. Fortunately you are awakening to the task of lifting yourselves up, and as it continues to gather pace your future is assured. You are coming out of a prolonged period of darkness, and the light is revealing all that no longer serves your highest desires. It is largely up to you to reject that which is of the old, and has no place in the emerging new society that seeks the Light. There has never been a better time to lift yourselves up, and place your consciousness firmly within it.

Meantime, we are seeing the results of our joint efforts to create the conditions that will allow your last cabal to be removed. It is the key to the next stage in your evolution that will see dramatic changes take place. We of the Galactic Federation are very much involved in the affairs of Earth, and we guide our allies so as to ensure your success. You are on the verge of a great victory that will place you firmly on the road to Ascension, and see the rapid cleansing of Earth. In actual fact, we have always contained the damaging effects that Man has brought about; otherwise your present conditions would have been far worse.

The dark have such a myopic view of life that they destroy the very structures that support the Earth. They plan to escape its demise that would otherwise have already occurred but for our actions. However, there is no way out for the denizens of the darkness as we are aware of their plans. You are blessed with the love of your Creator, and your upliftment is to be the closing glory as this cycle closes. Your move into the higher realms is already taking place, and those who have dedicated themselves to this process are experiencing changes both within and without.

Your loved ones that have left the Earth wait for the changes that will also affect them. Ascension is an option open to every soul within your Universe, and it is a free choice that many will have made already. When karmic responsibilities have been completed, many of you will find a great weight lifted from your shoulders. You will suddenly feel free, and become aware of the Light that draws you into the higher vibrations. A sudden expansion of consciousness can take place, and the path forward suddenly becomes clear.

You have many unseen souls working for you, and unless you deny the Light and allow yourself to be pulled down into the dark, you have every opportunity to expand your consciousness to a new level of understanding. The aim of the Higher Councils is to see as many souls as possible moving into the higher frequencies of Light. Angelic Beings are appointed to accompany you on your journey, and as soon as you turn to the Light you are inviting them to work more closely with you. They will guide and protect you, and in your quiet moments of meditation if you will listen carefully, they will place their thoughts within your mind. You call it intuition, and very often it is prompted by outer influences such as your Guides.

I am Atmos from Sirius, and we are linked with Dear Ones that are known to us often from eons of time ago. We never desert our own and keep a link with them as their guides and protectors. In the Galactic Federation are many member civilizations that have a strong link with you, and very soon you will be introduced to them. That time approaches when the final barriers to our open visitations will have been removed, and we look forward to joyful celebrations. The peace that has eluded you will come to Earth, and a great sigh of relief will quickly turn into a wonderful happiness that will lift everyone up. It is manifesting now, and will soon become your new reality.

Thank you Atmos.
Mike Quinsey.

Friday, May 09, 2008

"You are also experiencing bodily changes that are taking you to a level where you have immunity against disease."

SaLuSa though Mike Quinsey


We of the Galactic Federation have promised you that we will increase our activities in your skies, and we have done so. For over 50 years we have gradually made ourselves visible to you, although for various reasons it has suited us to remain largely invisible to the prying eyes of your military. You must realize by now that your Government has amassed thousands upon thousands of documents covering sightings of our craft. Now their cover up has become futile, as there is so much evidence to support the reality of our presence. We can unequivocally report that we have never engaged in any form of action against you that could have been viewed as dangerous or harmful. Where we have been in close proximity to your aircraft, spacecraft or installations, matters have been under our total control.

Because we can accurately project what your dark forces are planning, we are always ahead of them in the cat and mouse game that is played out. Our hands are tied as to what action we can take in response to attacks against us, and we would not become offensive. Our way is one of peaceful negotiation and avoidance of outright conflict. However, we do have the right to self-defense, and where our craft have been chased or threatened we have often taken evasive action. That is not difficult given the acceleration and speed we can generate in a split second. Often our sudden disappearance is simply because we have become invisible to your eyes, and we also disappear off your radar screens.

However, with the presence of the Greys and their craft, and also those of your own military it is not always possible for you to be certain as to which ones you are viewing. The general yardstick is that the larger the craft are the more certain they are to be ours. Our Motherships can be enormous, as much as a hundred miles long or more, but normally these are stationed well outside of your Earth’s atmosphere. When they need to release their scoutcraft they advance nearer to you and they appear immediately within it. Our various craft are designed to meet a number of requirements including inter stellar travel. We are known throughout your Universe, as are the Ashtar Command who serve in a similar manner to ourselves. It may sound an impossible task to monitor such an enormous area, but the technology of our craft and our instantaneous communications are incredibly advanced. As individuals we are also adepts at “mind to mind” contact and distance is no obstacle.

As you experience your personal changes, you too will begin to realize that you are developing psychic skills. You have only to look at the large numbers of you that can now contact us by going into an altered state of consciousness. You are also experiencing bodily changes that are taking you to a level where you have immunity against disease. You are rising up into the higher vibrations, and also throwing off the limitations imposed upon you by centuries of mind control. You are rapidly awakening to your true potential and nothing will now stop your march forward. Many of you are in thought and deed becoming more like us, and we represent the ideal that you are reaching up to in readiness for Ascension.

Believe in your power of thought to mould a new reality, and focus on all that is wholesome and pure. You are Light Beings of such immense potential, and have far more influence on the end times than you can imagine. You are energizing a quantum leap forward, that will release you forever from the clutches of the dark propel you into your future. It is a grand time to be on Earth, and you can rightfully feel excited and invigorated by the prospect of change. You are cutting your ties with all that is of the old and no longer serves your purpose. You are finding your own kind as you are drawn together, and a separation from the lower vibrations is inevitable and to be desired. In reality your natural home is in the higher vibrations, and you have only dropped into the darkness as part of a grand experiment. It is all but over and the opportunity is there for you to lift up out of it.

You are for the time being still human but you should start to think of yourself on a galactic level, as you will gain your freedom to travel the highways and byways of your Galaxy. You are becoming responsible citizens and members of the Federation of Planets, and that is only given to those who have totally moved into the Light. There is order and responsibility in the higher realms, and love and consideration for others is a prerequisite for any soul that aims for these levels. Simply set your sights upon it, and immense help will be given to you. Indeed, it is already taking place and the higher you rise up; the closer we can come to you.

We have no religion, but as individuals recognize our Godself within. We serve the Light by bringing you out of your darkness, into the full recognition of who you really are and encourage you to become one with your Higher Self. All you need to know is within, but we will show you the path that is opening up that will carry you to Ascension. You far from lose any part of your individuality by such a process, and instead become so much greater as One with the Universal Consciousness. We acknowledge and revere the Creator as the Source Of All That Is, and work to bring Light to all souls everywhere.

You too can join us, and in any event for many of you it will be a reunion with those you can rightly call your family in every meaning of the word. The Earth has shown you beauty to counterbalance the dark, but it has been but a glimpse of the higher realms. Allow your imagination to take you there, and not only think of the fantastic colors, shapes and sounds, but live them and bring them into your life now. Release all thoughts of pain and the drudgery of life in duality, and couple them with happiness and joy, and you will have some idea of what the future holds for you.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and we really do look a lot like you, and are not alone in this respect. The human form is common within your Universe with many variations, and all are connected to the Source. To call them alien is not quite correct, and you will find that they are similar to your higher vibration of love. Life abounds everywhere and much is unseen by your eyes. Be ready for your upliftment and your welcome into the family of the Stars.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey,