Wednesday, October 25, 2006

"America is a great vision whose vitality is being drained by the pillaging of a powerful elite acting hand-in-glove with their multinational cohorts"

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
1 Eb, 10 Tzec, 2 Ik
24 October, 2006

Selamat Bakir! (Welcome!) We return, dear Hearts, with more to say about the global goings-on. As you know, our Earth allies continue to work assiduously toward a most successful conclusion. Their final projects include a number of events whose purpose is to ensure that the abundance "goodies" and all that comes with them accomplish their intended goals. As you also know, these disbursements experienced some delays but these are now in the latter stages of being resolved. What is imperative is the trouncing from power of the current US regime. In its stead, a proper procedure to restore the American Constitution and re-establish common law is to be put in place. This transitional governance will have a very full schedule and is to last around eight months in order to make sure that a new and fairly elected government has the tools to maintain the myriad reforms that are to be announced during this time. This means that a new set of rules is to be implemented in the months following the regime change. Also, a comprehensive review of all personnel now involved in the present US political and legal systems is to be carried out.

These reviewing procedures along with the restored American constitutional system are to be the crux of a process that is to actively engage the American citizenry. The present crisis in American governance is due in large part to the abandonment of those participatory principles that long were the hallmark of early American governance. The prevalence of town-hall-style meetings on important issues dwindled in the face of the post-industrialized society developed over the last century. Now the moment has come to reinstate these traditions and to guarantee that the doctrines behind them again become a living, central component of American democracy. Those involved in the present countercoup firmly support this view. America is a great vision whose vitality is being drained by the pillaging of a powerful elite acting hand-in-glove with their multinational cohorts. The transitional regime's first task is to end this iniquity and explain that the sudden new direction is a restoration of the original tenets of American democracy, which were so eloquently articulated in The American Declaration of Independence.

The direct involvement of the people in the operation of government first requires the successful spread of economic prosperity. Banishing the present survival-mode lifestyle will allow everyone the opportunity to call for and attend meetings to debate issues of concern. These assemblies will also fully explain, explore, and adjudicate any and all potential ordinances of local and national implication. An understanding of the true big picture will at all times be kept in mind. Participatory democracy is essential to the development of the greater good while simultaneously ensuring the protection of each person's unalienable rights. In this way, the citizenry are an ever-vigilant watchdog committee, monitoring all components of government to make sure that those they elect enact their true interests into law. Also, a more direct interaction between legislatures and constituents is to be ordained initially by the interim regime. To quote one of your axioms: The cost of effective democracy is eternal vigilance by the citizenry.

This increased degree of participation is a prelude to understanding the basic principles of galactic society, which is founded upon local actions positively affecting the larger whole. This ongoing interaction between the local and the larger whole of society is pivotal to the success of galactic society. The challenge here is to act locally and think globally. A galactic society fully recognizes the interdependence of its parts and, more to the point, the way in which this fundamental linkage creates a motivation to solve any problem it encounters quickly and effectively. This "life pulse" of society gets its strength from the desire of the people to be involved in the governance of their society. In fact, a legislature of the whole and of the many parts is always in session. In this way, the sovereignty and the inherent rights of each citizen are carefully respected. These rights are nurtured by an enculturation process each goes through from child- to adulthood. The same process can flower in a prosperity-based, highly participatory democracy.

You will be surprised to see how quickly it becomes second nature for all to want to solve any and all problems that come up. Working together produces a knowing of the way different cultures are linked together by common interest. It is this desire to sustain one another while working for the common good that is one of the basic principles of democracy. "Unity from diversity" is the first stage in learning about and sharing each other's common bonds, the most obvious of which is that you are all residents of a fragile living entity called Mother Earth. It is your respect for her ecosystem and your sincere intent to work together in harmony toward the common good that enables her to sustain you. Looking about you now, this vision may seem an absurdly optimistic view of any likely future, but as you begin to work together, nurtured by an abundant realm geared to a genuine drive for global cooperation, the sky will be no limit for you!

One of the aims of first contact is to assist you in harnessing these potentials for the greater good. However, spreading global abundance without the immediate removal from power of those who seek to perpetuate the old dark ways would indeed be fruitless! Our desire and that of our Earth allies is to carry out the vital steps that will deliver you from the burdensome yoke of the old guard, and to do this rapidly. It is speed that will put you into a new reality in which the posturing of tin-pot dictators and the psychotic schemes of the power-grabbers are relegated to the history books. Then at last you will experience leaders who are truly "on the same page" as the electorate. We look forward to guiding you toward this vision and helping you set up new doctrines for your world's leaders. The time comes to put an end to mayhem and to begin legitimate spiritual reform!

Your world has suffered for nearly 13 millennia under the harsh rule of the dark ones. These miscreants poisoned your minds with the fear and dread needed to usurp your natural powers of creation. In this distorted reality, you bought into a self-image of limitation and forgot about your unbounded natures given to you by the Creator. Now your task is to reverse this nonsense and, through spiritual growth, to reclaim your heritage and transform your world. The present differences in culture and belief systems are facets of an underlying oneness that unites you all. Our role is to help you perceive this and to act as a catalyst for the birth of your new reality. Seen in this context, first contact becomes a step in a dance that is to swirl you onwards and upwards into new concepts and visions of yourself and your place in the universe.

This transformation is taking place on many levels at once. The most gripping aspect for you so far seems to be the pending legal ouster of the present US regime. But for us it is the accelerating shift in your spiritual awareness. The most significant developments in history go unnoticed at the start; then over time they gather the momentum needed to reveal their importance. We see this syndrome in operation on your world today. Most of you regard the surface events in your reality as valid hints of what is to come. We, however, take the ebb and flow of consciousness shifts to be the true watersheds of any age. Today, on your world, a consciousness shift of vast proportions is happening. This one fact alone guarantees that a blessed and wholly new world is inevitable and, moreover, that it is just around the corner. Together, We are indeed Victorious!

Today, we again reviewed the events of your day. We ask you to bear in mind that they are mere window-dressings for change. A deep transformation is upon you, which is to bring in a glorious new reality, and we ask you to stand firm within this viewpoint. As you do this, you will see and know in your innermost Being that a new day is dawning around you. We now take our leave. Blessings, dear Ones! Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Majon! Selamat Kasitaram! (Sirian for Rejoice! and Be Blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy!)

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Atmos - "The time for plain speaking has arrived, and this is why your dark leaders do everything in their power to prevent it"

Through Mike Quinsey

Let there be no doubt that you have entered a period of time that is already an indication of the changes that are beginning to manifest. Disruption and uncertainty will exist for some time yet, but the underlying benefits will result in firm decisions being made about your future. This applies to activities both "on and off" Earth, and the next focal point will revolve around the result of the mid-term election in November. These will highlight many of the important issues facing people worldwide, and will set the stage for what is likely to happen over the next few months.

Always, we look for ways to assist you but as we have informed you many times, we cannot be involved to the extent that it could be construed as outright interference. Inasmuch as the Illuminati guide and direct the dark, we are allowed to work with the Light, but direct intervention can only occur with authority from the Lords of Karma who oversee the affairs of Earth. The plan for the end-times is thus protected, and will come to fruition in good time regardless of how often it deviates from the path. This is why we continually urge you keep in mind the broader picture, and see beyond the attempts of the dark to confuse you.

A week ago many of you were participating in a wonderful opportunity to give further strength to the Light, through the creative power that you hold within. You used the energies playing upon Earth wisely, and as a result the thoughtforms for love and peace were greatly enhanced. This will help speed up the changes that will finally create conditions leading to full open contact with your Space Brothers and Sisters. First, the dark must be removed which will then enable us to officially take part in our initial meetings with the new representatives. They will reflect the new found purpose and direction of humanity, who will finally take the steps that will put behind them all of the difficulties and ramifications of living in duality.

Our help will ensure that the changes are speedy, but even so it will call for your appreciation of the size of the vast tasks that are to be carried out. You will be astounded at the nature of the superb futuristic technology that will be used. Many ideas are emerging within your scientific communities that touch upon the technology our equipment uses, and this will make it easier for you to work with us. The ideas are implanted within certain people with the capacity not only to grasp them, but also develop their feasibility for practical use. We have prepared you in many ways for this fantastic period that is about to break upon you.

Spiritually, you have been guided towards the truth for many centuries. Now you find yourselves surrounded by many souls that have come to Earth especially to help you find fulfilment. Many have come to you from afar even other galaxies, enabling those who seek the higher truths to find them. Never have you been given such assistance, and combined with the
uplifting incoming energies there is every opportunity for each seeker to progress. Many of you already feel the benefits within Self, and it can be recognised as one of lightness that carries with it a peaceful contentment that deflects the negative energies. As such, you are part way to achieving total control over your emotions which is most important in such volatile times.

In the present circumstances wherever you are, your best contribution to create peaceful vibrations around you is to live in the Now. Live your highest concept of the truth, and do not be afraid to speak that truth. The time for plain speaking has arrived, and this is why your dark leaders do everything in their power to prevent it. The Draconian laws that would suppress free speech cannot possibly stop the growing awareness among people, that is allowing the truth to spread very quickly. The consciousness of humanity is continuing to open up, and as the vibration increases it awakens even more people who are being drawn into the harmony being created.

The U.S. Government is preparing diabolical weapons for their Star Wars program, with the intention of controlling all of the space around your Earth. They intend to do so to the exclusion of every other country also including The Galactic Federation but this audacious plan is doomed to failure, as we have been appointed to protect you. You have already been given member status of The Galactic Federation, and until you can adequately protect yourselves we shall do this for you. Have no doubt that if your Government were allowed to go ahead, such weaponry would also be turned against the people of Earth. Bear in mind however that even as
defenders of your freedom, we would in no way initiate or provoke an attack.

There has been no change in our overall plan where you are concerned. Timing is always subject to events that can potentially change almost on a day-to-day basis. Our options are still open, always leading to the conclusion that shall fulfil the Creator's plan for Humanity. We say no more so as not to expose our allies to unnecessary risks, as the dark will stop at nothing in their attempts to fulfil their hidden agenda. We can circumvent much that is planned, as we know of their intentions and will not allow matters to get out of hand.

The Bush Administration has no intention of leaving their bases in Iraq, but circumstances are forcing their hand. Public opinion is fast reaching a point where it can no longer be ignored, and they may consider leaving only to establish them elsewhere in the Middle East. Your military chiefs are also reluctant to continue supporting a lost cause, and their influence may yet play a big part in bringing about beneficial changes. In Congress many are unhappy at general developments, but the power of the Illuminati within politics has created fear amongst them, and they are subjected to threats if they dare express themselves.

I am Atmos of The Galactic Federation, and like many of Michael's contacts come from Sirius. I am also one of his Guides, and prepare him for a slightly different role following First Contact. This applies to many of you, and some are already sensing that they too are linked with us. We have fond memories of our association with you over millennia of time. We know you well, and when we finally meet you shall see how much we are like you, particularly in our appearance.

The critical period for changes is here, and there should be much activity from this point onwards. Great energies have been set in motion, and as the Light grows stronger so it transmutes the dark energies and their ability to extend their grip upon you. Indeed, they are losing their hold over people in spite of their overbearing arrogance and belief that they are
still invincible. The in fighting amongst them will also be a factor in the final break up. History will show you that the tyrants and dictators are never able to indefinitely maintain their power over people. It may have taken time before the fall took place, but it is as inevitable as night
follows day.

I come to assure you that all goes forward as desired, and whatever happens momentarily keep your focus always on the ultimate victory that shall be yours. The future will reveal all that has been hidden from you for so long, and already the veils are being lifted to reveal the truth. A concerted attempt is being made to bring official recognition of our existence, and this will precede our final contact with you. For too long you have been denied your right to receive us, and know how we are very much connected with your evolution.

We are your true Brothers and Sisters from Space, and will joyfully look forward to openly meeting you once again. Yes, we have had contact with you all through your history, and some ancient stories still tell of such times. Greet us in your hearts and know we will bring love and blessings to you all, and many we consider to be our own.

Thank you Atmos.

Mike Quinsey

AMERICA: Freedom To Fascism - Aaron Russo Interview

AMERICA: Freedom To Fascism
Aaron Russo Interview

Video Interview Freedom to Fascism

Movie on DVD and viewing in theatres:

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

"It is clearly essential to start with the ousting of the rogue US regime and to reset the American government from the top down"

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
7 Chicchan, 3 Tzec, 2 Ik
17 October 2006

Selamat Jarin! We send you greetings of Love and Light! The time is fast approaching for a great change to your reality. Everywhere, the secret workings of our Earth allies are starting to coalesce. The different programs on banking and financial reform, global debt forgiveness, and enormous political change are reaching the point where they begin to intersect. This most welcome moment means that a series of profound events are nearing manifestation. Having these things in sight means that you need to prepare for the actual carrying-out of these events. It also indicates the need on your part to begin to envision the short-term implications for your reality. First on the agenda is the distribution of the various abundance programs to their recipients. Scattered across the globe, most of the selected beneficiaries of a vast wealth are largely unprepared for the huge responsibilities that are about to be thrust upon them. This wealth is not a gift: It is accompanied by a set of instructions to help them assist their communities by improving the health, wealth, and general overall happiness of its constituents.

Then there is the far-reaching matter of debt forgiveness and currency reform. Since the end of WWII, international and personal debt has skyrocketed. The result is that many nations created in the last sixty years are now deeply in debt to a number of international organizations and multinational corporations. Equally dysfunctional is the soaring personal debt especially in developed nations. This growing mountain of debt threatens international stability and increases the potential for global chaos and, ultimately, war. This ubiquitous condition of debt requires a drastic solution. The key to this lies in the very nature of the current banking and financial system, which is founded upon the "discounting," or rapid multiplication, of money. This money is not tied to any real value of wealth, but to the calculations of the bankers themselves. This produces a constant inflationary spiral that restricts true market value and prevents the type of economic growth your increasing populations need in order to become truly prosperous. Thus, the current system of global finance and its accompanying indebtedness needs redressing.

Debt forgiveness is to be tied to a program to end the inflationary nature of the present global currency system. Currencies are to be based upon true value as determined initially by a great increase in the world's supply of gold and silver. Extensive monetary deflation is then expected to follow. The dire effects of this are to be mitigated by the huge prosperity given to a select few whose instructions will specify the redistribution of most of this gifted wealth to the general public. Likewise, debt forgiveness for the many third world nations will be conditional on the immediate improvement of the lot of the given nation's citizenry. The purpose is to forge a temporary bridge between the present reality and the future conditions in which money is no longer a true indicator of value. Creativity and ideas, and one's ability to express them, are to become the index of one's worth. Your innate ability to work in harmony with each other and to contribute to the general welfare is to become predominant. This modus operandi needs to be developed in order to prepare yourselves for living in a galactic society.

Next comes the removal of the dark cabal's stranglehold on your world. The depth and extent of the political and governmental reform required is truly colossal. Chaos and strife rule every part of your globe. Using the US government as a base, the dark cabal has reached into every corner with its special brand of fear and hatred while also amping these up to unprecedented levels. Another anxiety is the apparent purposeful lack of will to in any way alleviate global discord. Overt endemic corruption adds to the proliferation of difficulties that seems to have overtaken the world in recent years. It is clearly essential to start with the ousting of the rogue US regime and to reset the American government from the top down. The true American Constitution is to be restored and America set firmly back on its common law roots. This means that the corruption and power mongering of the present US system is to be purged. In its place is to arise a new nation dedicated to the values that gave birth to it some 230 years ago.

This renewed world, released from the multiplicity of forces that produces her constant strife and misery, can rapidly move toward the Light. This upturn leads naturally to first contact and a return to full consciousness. It also promises the restoration of your former happier relationship with Mother Earth. These vital restorations are most important to us, for they signal that your world has moved out of her limitations and has joyfully taken on her new responsibilities. This journey of yours is just reaching this watershed. And this is why we have chosen to inform you today of the events now nearing completion. As ever, it is vital that you look at the larger picture in which it is clear that this change is now at a point where it is unstoppable. Nevertheless, a crucial component is you: Remember that you are part of a vast collective that has come to Mother Earth to experience both the dilemmas posed by the dark and the present period of transition.

Moreover, you came expressly to return this beautiful realm to the purview of the Light. It is this grand act alone that most of this galaxy currently wants to be a direct participant in; yet only a comparative few were chosen. You are the special spiritual Beings selected for this divine task by Heaven. Never lose sight of this awesome fact. Earth is now the special showcase of this galaxy. Talented individuals from many sentient species who occupy places of honor throughout the length and breadth of this galaxy are carefully watching your every move. A large star fleet, largely hidden from most of you, is your vast rooting party. We all want you to succeed, and to achieve a well-earned victory! To this end, we have detailed swelling numbers of observers to watch you up close and to report on your progress. Their reports continue to be most positive.

The same positive reports can likewise be given of our Earth allies. Their heroism and resolute due diligence to this great task cannot be overstated. Working with them has been both educational and eye opening. Your ways of doing things helped us to better accommodate the various necessities for making the former Anchara Alliance a full partner in the Galactic Federation of Light. Because of your input, we were able to set up and swiftly integrate 10 new Galactic Federation Councils into the Galactic Federation. These star nations are now watching you and gaining the strength to keep their new course gleaned from your efforts to throw off your ever-weakening dark masters. As you can see, much of this part of physicality and all of Heaven are behind you! We ask you to let go of your fear and frustration and to trust in what is so close to happening.

Your world is transforming in many as-yet-unseen ways. This amazing series of transformations to your global society is just below the surface. This movement has changed much in the last six years. We can remember how distraught its members were at the apparent setback of 9/11. We worked in practical and supportive ways to revitalize them and set them off once again on their journey to remake your world. Now, this operation has reached beyond its pre-9/11 pinnacle, and we stand again on the very brink of triumph! The remainder of this path is quite short; nevertheless, it must be trod with vigilance and with right due order. Know that much is happening and that what is to occur is close to surfacing. For this reason, and despite the fact that the exact timing of these events must be secret to keep it out of the ears of the dark, it is important for you to remain prepared.

Today, we talked about developments on your world. We intend for you to be as informed as is possible in the circumstances. It is crucial for you to remain ready on a day-by-day basis with a plan of action. Remember that it is Together that We are indeed Victorious! We now take our leave. Blessings, dear Ones! Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Majon! Selamat Kasitaram! (Sirian for Rejoice! and Be Blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy!)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Ker-On - "There must come a point when it is realized that this dimension is not your true reality"

Through Mike Quinsey

Like an express train hurtling towards its destination, Humanity is Ascension bound and great forces are impelling its unswerving progress. No one but you as individuals have chosen their place aboard, and you have done so through the evolution of your spiritual understanding. To some, the growth in their consciousness seems stifled by the fascination and pull of the 3rd dimension. It simply means that they have not resolved the issues of living in the lower vibrations, and progressing beyond them.

There must come a point when it is realized that this dimension is not your true reality. It comes with the understanding that it has been created by Man, and that there is much more that can be aspired to that will replace the duality you experience. The original blueprint was
conceived by those Beings empowered to co-create with the Creator, and it was once a true reflection of the higher realms.

It remained so until Humanity desired to exert their own Will to create independently. As such they gradually became lesser creations than those originally conceived, and accordingly the vibrations were also lowered. Creation as envisaged in its perfection no longer became possible, and the individual power of instant creation was eventually lost.

However, all thought is followed by energy and the mass consciousness took over. With little realization of the consequence of using thoughts without regard to the outcome, an ever-decreasing vibration resulted. It led to the low point that has featured for the last century that has seen Man forget his soul connection to each other. Worse, Man has denied the Creator of All That Is, worshipping false Gods and idols of his own creation.

Now the truth is beginning to surface, and as you look around you see the obscenity of war and the lack of compassion of those that have orchestrated such events. However, there is a conscious awakening among many that Man is his Brothers Keeper, and that peace and harmony are the requisites needed to lift the vibration up again. The love and caring that will carry people forward, and enable the dark to be left behind is beginning to flourish. Small groups have been laying the foundations of recovery, upon which even greater developments will find a foothold.

Never at any time in your current cycle have you experienced such a pronounced change in your consciousness. There is a new energy that grows by the day, and will soon change the Earth and everyone upon it. It challenges any pre-conceptions that you may have had as it reveals all that is not in harmony with it. If you cannot respond it will be unsettling for you as it seeks to uplift the energies. It is all part of an ongoing plan to ensure that the end-times will see as many souls as possible step onto the higher pathway.

Go with the flow is excellent advice, and try not to have too many pre-conceived ideas as to how this period will transform, beyond the knowledge that it is pre-ordained. This is a waiting period for which all preparations have been carefully planned and carried out. It is manifesting now, and your own upliftment may give you a clue as to its power to change that which is no longer able to be carried forward. Where there is presently turmoil or even chaos realize that there is also change, and it is part of the necessary cleansing that is affecting the whole planet.

If you reflect upon the fact that you have been traveling through the lower vibrations for many centuries, you might consider that by comparison in this recent period you have been going forward in leaps and bounds. It may seem that events are slow in unwinding but that is not really true. It largely arises from your being unable to see the whole picture. Be trusting and know that there are great Beings from all over the Galaxy that have come to assist in your Ascension and that of Earth. Faith is all that is required to protect you from the assault by the dark upon your senses. They try to cast doubt where you have trust, and fear where you are able stand in your Light and Love.

Dear Ones, we know how much you have suffered and the sacrifices you have made in the interests of experiencing duality. It may at times sound like a game but it is a serious exploration on your part of the lower realms, so that you may serve others in the light of your experience. Each and every one of you with absolutely no exceptions, have excelled yourselves by playing out every conceivable drama between the dark and Light.

Be understanding and compassionate of those who you see opposing the Light, as they too have a future path that will lift them up. You are not your physical body, but a Being of wondrous Light and before very long you will rise up again and see each other in the majesty of your true selves. Do not deny your connection with the Creator, and acknowledge your Godself within. It is not egotistical or blasphemous to do so, as you will be allowing your consciousness to open up once again to the truth of your source.

At the soul level you are made in God's image, and your natural way of being is one of unlimited Love and Light. Because it is so, you should find it natural to move into this energy. Try to bring this concept to the forefront of your mind. Apply it to daily matters and your interpretation of world events, so that you can stay centered within your Light. It will help you through what will be a coming testing period, when you will need to be in full control of your emotions.

I am Ker-On a Venusian and member of the Galactic Federation, and confirm that matters are coming together that will finally release you from duality. The next few months are showing several possible opportunities for events to be concluded. Know that we are with you to ensure your victory, and no matter what fearful utterances are made do not succumb to provocation. You have never been in a stronger position than now, and your Light will see you through. Our love and blessings go with you at all times.

Thank you Ker-On.

Mike Quinsey

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

"The present American regime and its phony ally "the war against terrorism" has attempted to slow down this new global momentum"

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation.
13 Etznab, 16 Tzotz, 2 Ik
10 October, 2006

Selamat Bakir! We come before you again, dear Hearts! Much is happening as certain destined events continue to percolate and move closer each day to overt manifestation! While it is easy for us to predict such things, it is much harder for casual observers to persuade themselves of what to us is obvious. Surrounding you is a reality that works very hard at preserving itself. The doubletalk spouted every day by your major leaders is indicative of just how shaky the true situation really is. The world economy is hovering precariously between a colossal global depression and the throes of a tyranny of unprecedented proportions. Both of these prospects have been postponed by the good works of Heaven and the brave actions of those men and women who put body and soul on the line to back up these "Heaven-sent" initiatives. This graciousness, to us, is a sign of what lies ahead. Although it is often simpler in your society to go along with the prevailing perception of gloom rather than embracing a vision of glorious renewal, now is the time to let go of negative habits of thought and reach out for the light of reason.

The objective faculty of reason clearly indicates that at a vast transformation is replacing the deepest underpinnings of your society with a much-enhanced foundation. Its influence can be seen in the rising moral tide that is sweeping across your planet. These rising expectations are silently moving mountains, leading the world closer to solutions for conflict, starvation, depravity, and the plethora of deadly sins that constitutes the legacy of the old ways. Above all, this rising morality is increasing personal and collective awareness, thus assisting more and more individuals and groups to come forward and demand change. Yet, this is merely a public manifestation of a more profound surge toward a new paradigm. Bear in mind that drastic change usually starts slowly, beginning on a local level. The global information networks powering such change are a phenomenon of recent history. These information-driven networks are propelling critical pathways for change, linking every corner of the globe. This type of change is greatly accelerating a method that, in the past, would have taken centuries to complete.

This method, in fact, is an imitation of what has worked before in other places: Small loan banks for the poor and indigent have arisen in most parts of the third world. Small cooperatives that aid the disadvantaged have likewise sprung up globally and are linking up with like-minded organizations in the developed world. In effect, a new economy is forming, based on principles of green power and true people-power. This people-centric approach is demonstrating to communities in the developed world a humane alternative to the mainstream blueprint for organizing an economy and its attendant components. Again, this is barely ever mentioned in your media. Another overlooked initiative is the move to make global corporations more accountable and to create more "green" and hospitable working conditions where they operate. Across the planet, challenges to the "norm" are breaking out. Many futurists consider this gentle transformation process to be the growing wave of the near future. These changes are accelerating, and shrinking the time period within which most futurists expect them to become commonplace.

This more ecologically acceptable and humane approach to organizing society is affecting the political environment as well. The inability of government to represent its citizens is provoking protests and elective movements that are alarming the old guard. Politics is being moved toward supporting new concepts that are more conducive to the people-centric model touched on above. In fact, this model, in a more detailed form, is the basis for the program set up by our Earth allies. The new reality requires a transition during which these programs are bought to the fore, and the disadvantaged and needy can prosper and soar. The present American regime and its phony ally "the war against terrorism" has attempted to slow down this new global momentum. On one level they have succeeded: by staunching the flow of many former financial resources; on another, they failed: by being unable to head off the "small is beautiful" economic concept that is revivifying the third and developed worlds.

What you see happening now is the last stand of the old order and its wealthy cronies, and the latter are desperate. They sense just how deeply entrenched the elements for a new global paradigm have become. Their response, predictably, is to fall back on a tried-and-true diversionary tactic of the old paradigm: war! This option was put into effect after their global intelligence systems had successfully captured control of worldwide, shadowy, terrorist networks after a decades-long campaign. Thereupon, a heinous attack on a major symbol of the developed world was devised and carried out with near clockwork precision and blamed on the new bogeyman. But this plan was limited by a factor that was covertly supporting the new paradigm: us! The resulting state of affairs, which at first seemed so promising to the old guard, is now rapidly eroding only five years after its cock-sure inception. This is why we remain confident that the overt events we all long for are close.

First contact plays a supporting, albeit vital, role in this overall operation. The natural process of change unfolding on your planet is part of the great consciousness shift that you are all undergoing. This massive transformation requires a fundamental change in how your society works, and is to happen relatively swiftly. This is a divine reordering, and it specifies a series of preset priorities, one of which is the aforementioned change-from-the-bottom-up. These micro-reforms are more than they at first appear to be; they are activating the intent at the very base of global economic society. Once set up, these changes become the bedrock upon which a more sweeping and deep-rooted revolution can be practically based. A happy concomitant of this divine prerequisite is that, because of their localized scale, these first steps are mostly ignored by the powerful.

As these novel approaches seep into the developed world, they birth movements in local communities across Europe, Asia, and the Americas. These, in turn, are starting to affect their counterpart political systems. The presently small-to-medium-sized movements are only just the start of a veritable surge in exploring new financial, economic, and political concepts. What is to jumpstart these new concepts is the quiet revolution of our Earth allies. We cite these grassroots' stirrings for a purpose; you need to know the true dynamic potential of your local and global societies. It is this factor, lying just below the surface and hence largely ignored, that is so vital to your future. Everywhere, major differences are being made in the lives of Earth's often forgotten citizens. These stirrings are readying your world to accept the changes to be brought by first contact.

First contact is thus a major part of what is currently happening on many levels on your planet. It is impossible to prevent the inevitable from occurring. All that can happen is a series of strategic delays. Yet, these delays can also be used to gauge change, and that is what is happening here. In fact, the tyrannical reaction of the old guard to your changing world has been a blessing in so far as this has forced the endemic corruption and mismanagement of their mode of governance to surface. It makes it very clear that change is now certain. It also explains our present modus operandi to let things play out as divinely planned. The moment when these diverse components gel and dramatically "flip" your world is getting close. Remember that Together, We are indeed Victorious!

Today, we have furthered our discussion of the trends that are making rapid change on your world inevitably. The grassroots' mobilization we touched on is only one of many factors preparing your world for a quiet revolution and first contact. We now take our leave. Blessings, dear Ones! Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Majon! Selamat Kasitaram! (Sirian for Rejoice! and Be Blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy!)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Diane - "Your dark forces are close to such a collapse, and we would ask you to be alert and you will sense when it is about to happen"

Through Mike Quinsey
10 October 2006

The times you are in at present are a far cry from those more spiritual periods in your past, when many of you were aware of the truth. Cycles have always allowed for both the dark and Light to hold a prominent and leading position. You will however find that neither can hold it indefinitely, and each is allowed to challenge the other. Without that allowance there would be little spiritual growth, whereas even in your present experience you have grown whilst they have been in opposition to each other.

The result is that every opportunity is given for spiritual understanding and enlightenment. Clearly there must ultimately be a point reached where one has to concede to the other. That time is rapidly approaching and although it may not be apparent to many of you, the Light is embracing more people than ever before and they are responding to it. This in turn brings even more Light to bear upon those enmeshed with the dark forces, and they are finding themselves unable to maintain their position.

It is both fortuitous and ironic that those who choose to create chaos for others, are now themselves under so much pressure that they are losing their hold. When an edifice starts to crumble, at first it is very slight and hardly noticeable. However, in the course of time cracks
appear elsewhere and suddenly with little warning it completely collapses. Your dark forces are close to such a collapse, and we would ask you to be alert and you will sense when it is about to happen. We have often given you clear indications that the changes would come quickly, so allow for our depth of knowledge to be able to advise you as to what is happening on Earth.

We have been instrumental in stopping an escalation of the Middle East War much to the chagrin of those who have planned it. We are the invisible forces that serve the Light, and often there is no outer indication of our activities. This is very disconcerting for the dark that are sometimes at their wits end in knowing how to deal with us. Of course you frequently see our craft in your skies, and it serves a dual purpose by letting you know of our benign presence, and also signals to the dark that we can come and go with impunity.

We are very active dealing with conditions on Earth that threaten your very existence. Have no fear, as we are used to holding the balance for you. If we were authorized to do so, we would dearly love to bring the dark forces to heel, but what has been put into being must also be
cleared with your participation and not just simply ours alone.

The greater meaning to life is one of experiencing that which adds to your spiritual growth. Even as an outsider learning of other peoples problems, you are expanding your understanding about it. You subconsciously "sort" out what goes into it, and from it you are continually shifting your position. You will only need to look back some 20 years or so, and if you are a seeker of the truth you will surely recognize that you have changed.

Keeping an open mind and being prepared to question your present day understanding, is the key to ensuring that you continue to evolve. Do not necessarily be influenced by others regardless of what position they hold. Be prepared to weigh up what is presented to you, and intuitively take that which adds to your knowledge. Your truth may be following a different course to someone else's, so do not feel that you are a lesser Being if you cannot fully accept their teaching. It is so important that you take responsibility for your own beliefs and understanding, and realize that you all unique.

There is but the one Truth, and finding it seems to cause many of you so much soul searching. Take one step at the time, and all will eventually fall into place. Deep within, each of you hold the truth and you are constantly revealing it to yourself. Over eons of time you have simply lost touch with your Higher Selves, as the dark vibration has often reduced your glorious Light to just a flicker. However, know that your Light is indestructible and is your assurance of infinite life.

One day soon you shall clearly understand the journey through duality, and when you do so none of the heartache and sadness that you experienced will remain. It will all eventually seem as a mere moment in time, and that you have never really left the higher dimensions at all. In them your whole demeanor will be different to the way you view things at present. There is no place for negative vibrations, and indeed you cannot go forward with them. This is why you are presently spending much of your time dealing with karmic responsibilities.

As a background to what is happening the great forces of Light are amassed all around you, and will play their part in ensuring that the Creator's plan for these end times is fulfilled. How can anyone doubt that the Light will be successful when such powerful Beings hold your future in their hands. It just seems at times that the dark have a free hand to do what they like, and this may indeed be how they view their actions. Be assured that it is not the case, and there are many limitations placed upon them.

This period of intense and dramatic happenings all over your world is the last attempt of the dark forces to take control. They will not succeed and as they overreach themselves in desperation, they will lay down the very opportunities that will present the Light with their
chance to remove them. Little can move forward whilst the Illuminati and their minions hold positions of power. This is why their removal is of vital importance, and why the plans that will follow on are fully ready. Once the initial changes have taken place you will find matters
speeding ahead.

The Lightworkers and all of those in anyway actively connected with the coming period, are accompanied by many Guides who surround you with love. They inspire you to forge ahead, and most importantly fulfill your life plans and your commitment to bringing Light to Earth. For many this lifetime is the culmination of many previous ones that have prepared you precisely for this most important time. Ascension is your goal and failure is not an option for those who have prepared to travel the full path to success. Be assured that if you have aspired to ascend at the completion of this cycle, you will do so. Once that decision has been made, you are effectively already there. Remember that Ascension takes place on many levels, and it is not just your solar system that is involved, but also your Universe.

You will have noticed that the Earth is relatively quiet at present, but again this is largely due to our presence and efforts to dampen down the likelihood of a major incident. To some extent you are also instrumental in shaping the outcome, as your collective consciousness provides an energy that can trigger events. With so much negativity upon Earth the balance is very fine between the dark and Light. To your credit, the Light is expanding and it will continue to do so, thus guaranteeing your victory.

I am Diane of the Galactic Federation, and wish you to know that we are ready to reveal ourselves, once the correct and agreed approach has been made to those who considered to be worthy of their appointment to positions of leadership. Once they are in place, we know that we will receive the authorization needed to go ahead with a multitude of changes. These will ensure that the promises made to you will be kept, and we shall fully cooperate together in the knowledge of the Creator's plan for you all.

Dear Ones, I assure you we are in full realization of your predicaments, but be patient in the knowing that your destiny is a pathway amongst the stars which are your true home. The Earth has served you well and your appreciation of what Mother Earth has done for you, will be shown by your willingness to ensure that the Earth is fully restored so that she may ascend with you. There really is a Universal Love that enfolds you, which we hold in our hearts for you all. Go about your work with the assurance of ones who know your lighted path is beckoning to you now, and that the portal is opening to the marvels, happiness and joy of the
Golden Age.

Thank you Diane.
Mike Quinsey.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

St Germain - "In the Creator's eyes all are equal, and held in Love that seeks only to restore you to the Source Of All That Is"

Through Mike Quinsey

You are living in the most momentous times that you will have experienced in this cycle of duality. Oh yes, there has been drama and tremendous events in the past. However, you are now on the way out of it, and your success is assured in spite of the present low point reached because of the actions of the dark. A pathway has been opened that is your lighted way to a wonderful conclusion to this period, and the promise of your return to the higher realms.

We who are part of the Great White Brotherhood give help to the extent permitted, but it is you who are instrumental in setting the pace of events, and we encourage your full participation. We have not protected and guided you over eons of time, to see our efforts fall to the covert actions of the last cabal.

The time of truth is upon you, and you will notice that hidden truths are now being uncovered. For too long you have been deceived by those who have usurped it for their own ends to hold power over you. Nevertheless, those who became enlightened carried the torch of Light through these perilous times, often at risk of their own lives. Many a masterful person has come to Earth to create an opening for the Light so that it may be grounded for future generations. Often these Holy Beings have not been recognised or sought recognition, but have carried out their tasks to perfection in the name of the highest God.

Your history is full of the brave exploits and deeds of people that have understood their divine purpose whilst upon Earth. They are called and wait for their time to come forward, when heavenly forces accompany them on their journey. One such person with whom most of you are familiar is Joan of Arc, and her life story is sufficiently recent to be correctly recounted. In your own way all Lightworkers are on a mission, having contracted to serve the higher forces. You are in such numbers that your presence causes a great influx of Light, through your powers of attraction.

Understand that you already know the outcome of this cycle, and subconsciously you hold that knowledge and it carries you forward through the toughest times. It would be easy to say that you have nothing to worry about, as these are nevertheless volatile times. However, your Light is your assurance of a destiny that ends with the dissolution of matter, as you presently know it. All is changing to the higher vibration except that which chooses to remain in its present form, and shall necessarily be removed.

Where then shall that of the dark be placed, and the answer is of course in a dimension appropriate to its vibration? It cannot therefore remain much longer upon Earth, and you will see the commencement of its break up very soon. Is it not surprising that those forces that seek the destruction of all else eventually turn in upon themselves? Dear Ones, there are Universal Laws that cover the Light and dark, and only one force will ever remain supreme. The Light is of the outward manifestation of the Love force that permeates everything, and to which it owes its very existence.

The Creator has provided for all possible circumstances likely to be experienced in the Cycle of Duality. The Creator intended that in the giving of freewill you would be allowed to experience exactly as you desired. However, your Light was to be held regardless of how veiled it became, with the provision that one day you would fully return to the Light. In this knowing you will understand how important it is to try and see the Light in every soul you meet. In the Creator's eyes all are equal, and held in Love that seeks only to restore you to the Source Of All That Is.
Presently, many are stepping forward to join forces with those who lead the legions of Light upon Earth. It gathers pace and speedily takes you forward to the point of no return. Once the new Light grids are fully empowered, the new will manifest upon Earth and entrances opened up to the higher dimensions. The wheels are in motion and the great plan for Earth is opening, and those of the Light are being gathered in for the final glory and lifting up.

In your humanness you struggle sometimes to grasp the immense importance of the time you are in, and I tell you that it is an event that draws many other Beings to Earth. In a free and open society you would already know the truth that is about to unfold, but there will soon be changes and revelations will abound. Where once was there was secrecy the truth shall come out, and much will be revealed following the declaration of world peace. Be assured that the majority of people require only to be allowed to live their lives peacefully. It is only the dark that foments conflict and chaos and set one against the other.

Let that which is a remnant of the past fade away to be replaced by all that is new and sits within your present visions of the New Age. It will happen because it is divinely decreed to be so, and is a natural progression as you firmly step on the path to Ascension. What you have now is unreal and simply a manifestation of that created to hold you subservient to those in power. You are sovereign Beings who shall soon claim back your heritage, and once again walk in the Light that carries truth and freedom with it.

Let go of the old and allow for the interim period of changes that will abound upon Earth. We allow for a gradual opening up of all that is new, as we wish you to ease yourselves into it quite naturally. Be prepared for monumental changes that will take you onwards in leaps and bounds. All plans are in readiness, and we have all travelled together along a very hard road. It will suddenly open up into glorious beauty, that tells of greater enlightenment and advancement into the highest dimensions.

I stand by you together with the mighty forces of Heaven, that have unleashed their energies to enfold you all. To provide the strength and power to illuminate your pathway, so that you may clearly see what you have to do. To lift you above all distractions and obstructions, intended to deflect you from your true path. Above all, be true to Self and allow your Light to shine out.

Thank you St. Germain.
Mike Quinsey

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

"The last part of this hitherto secret drive is to happen abruptly and without advanced public notice"

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
6 Batz, 9 Tzotz, 2 Ik
3 October 2006

Selamat Bakir! (Welcome!) We return, dear Hearts, with more to discuss with you! As you know, much is secretly afoot on your world. Everywhere, this clandestine conflict has reached a point close to overt manifestation. This impending break-through is impelling the dark to create situations designed to prevent this from happening, or at least delay it. This soap opera is taking longer to reach its destined denouement than we would wish, but it is proceeding well at its own special pace. And it is in light of these circumstances that we ask for your patience in these matters. These present events are part and parcel of the great consciousness shift planned so long ago by Heaven. This is why this operation is bound to succeed. What we do not yet know is its exact outcome. These details have been left up to you, according to the various life contracts that you brought into this physical plane at birth. It is these vast interlocking possibilities that are to determine the precise timings of these events. Yet know that they are assured and that our role is simply to intervene beneficially in these matters when so divinely permitted.

While this cat-and-mouse game flows toward its conclusion, Mother Earth moves inexorably toward her own destination in time. As you know, the solar system is in the midst of huge changes, the most consequential of which is, of course, the shift in solar system consciousness. This movement to full consciousness is to transform the present "solarscape." To begin with, the return of Earth to a two-moon system is critical. Many astronomers are noticing anomalous changes in the Moon's surface features. These are the beginnings of a procedure to restore the Moon to its former glory and prepare him for his reinstatement as one of the primary moons of Bellona, the outermost of the Sun's four water planets. This huge water world is to re-form once again and take over the various orbits of the mini-worlds that presently make up the Asteroid Belt. In addition, the orbits of Neptune and Uranus need to be adjusted. Many of the smaller moons of those worlds are detritus left over from the massive explosion that blew Bellona to smithereens some 900,000 years ago. The resultant shock waves left these outer planets in chaos.

Pluto is another example of the disruptions that plague the outer planets. This frozen world is actually a former moon of Neptune, wrenched free by the explosion, which suddenly formed the great Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter. It is important, here, to understand the extent of the sudden, wholesale disruption to the solar system's life-giving fields as a result of this colossal artificial event, perpetrated by the galactic wars of that period. These distortions are now being redressed by Galactic Federation of Light planetary engineers working closely with the Elohim. Returning your solar system to its state of balance of 900,000 years ago is pivotal to enabling the entire process of change to go forth as required by the divine plan. Thus, the oddities presently puzzling your astronomers are part of the undertaking to return your reality to its former points of balance. This "balance" is an intrinsic component in linking your reality to ours. It makes possible your destined role as an integral aspect of the vast multiple-star system of Sirius. Ultimately, it is this wondrous future that has brought us to your shores!

This grand reunion with us on both the physical and spiritual planes sits at the very core of what you are now going through. You have to remember that we Sirians occupy a very special place in your hidden history. It is we, along with the assigned legions of Heaven, who have carefully observed the dire workings of the Anunnaki and their celestial "friends." These evil personages are ending their nearly 13-millennia dominance of your world. Their ravaging of your societies and their plundering of Mother Earth's resources are to be remedied by the Light. All that is currently taking place on your planet is part of this return to the balanced state of your former reality. First contact, and all that that entails, is also all part of this divine procedure. Humanity is to take these last steps toward balance by dint of its own weight and wisdom and finish off what Heaven has so brilliantly begun. It is this responsibility we are to be caretakers of. We very much look forward to these next steps of our divine mission!

This changing-of-the-guard, so to speak, brought our Earth allies into existence long ago. The occupants of these much-heralded positions are working all out to resolve those issues that are pivotal to the overall objectives. We ask you again to remain patient. It is no simple task to redirect the ways of global governance and to reestablish a fair financial system so closely interwoven into the affairs of many different nations. We applaud what has been achieved at great personal cost to life, limb and to many private fortunes. This great work is close to success. Again, we ask you to listen to your inner knowing and to ignore the rumors constantly paraded before you as facts. The last part of this hitherto secret drive is to happen abruptly and without advanced public notice. Awareness of this one fact alone can bolster your intuitive knowing and help you to see through the gobs of disinformation that can so easily swamp your inner voice.

The path of Truth is not easily trod in your world. The mainstream media and the underground realm of the Internet are strewn with stories that are either propaganda and half-truths garbed as fact, or well-researched, well-intentioned articles trying to make sense of a world in chaos. The trick is to learn to trust your inner voice. It is there to help you discover what is valid as you sift through this incredible barrage of conflicting information. As you probably know from personal experience, this quiet voice is easily drowned out. The strident ways of your world tend to take center stage for most of you, and it is difficult but nonetheless essential to withdraw from the maelstrom so that you can again hear what your voice is trying to tell you. This attention also strengthens it, so that it can confidently guide you to what is real and help you identify what is not.

Until this ability is strong, we caution you to be wary about what you hear. Truth is rarely easy to spot. Amongst the continuous bombardment of falsehoods and obfuscating "spin," the most outrageous fibs can take on a degree of veracity. Thus your task of discernment is not a black and white affair. Many select pieces of information must be judiciously coiled together into yarn, which is then, in turn, woven into a whole tapestry. This usable database can then be used as a criterion for sorting out your bewildering environment. It is small wonder that so many are "turned off" and feel unable to figure out what is truly happening. This is of course deliberate on the part of the dark. It is one of its most successful strategies for controlling a society and keeping you apathetic, confused by the news of the day, and thus, "in the dark." Your civic duty is not to succumb to this ploy and to begin to separate the grains of truth from the chafe of misinformation.

As your ability for discernment grows, you can "read between the lines" of these messages and the truth of these missives will become clear. Once this light of discovery goes off in your head, you become confident and knowledgeable enough to pass these truths on to others in a clear, easily assimilated and comprehensive manner. Your air of confidence will allow you to be a natural teacher of your experience in developing your intuition and collating information gathered in this way. At this point, you are a bright Light that is no longer easily manipulated by the dark. Your task is then to find others of like mind and to form networks that, as they multiply and spread, are to become the basis for change and the bedrock of our mission once first contact begins.

Today, we have looked again at what is happening on your world. We ask you to understand that, despite the complexity and challenges, all is transpiring as planned. The important thing for you is to look within, and use your growing awareness to rediscover your inner voice. This is essential to becoming a meaningful contributor to the cause of change and to building your new reality. We now take our leave. Blessings, dear Ones! Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Majon! Selamat Kasitaram! (Sirian for Rejoice! and Be Blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy!)