Friday, March 31, 2006

Diane - "The few can lift the many, and the Light is growing very quickly and its effect touches each and every one of you"

Through Mike Quinsey
Diane 31-March-06

In the beginning there was the word, one that brought all into existence. A sound that rippled outwards and created Light in the unmanifest. A Light that was the energy and building blocks for all that was to be, is now, and will be forever. Now Light is being used again to bring about another change that is so important to you, but is far reaching in its effect. Can you imagine the powerful Beings that carry out the Creator’s bidding, and all work together in complete harmony. Your part in Ascension is as essential as any others, and you are instrumental in bringing Light to Earth. You are rising up together as the Higher Beings reach down to you.

Your new found role is not one you would have dreamt of so very long ago. You had no idea that you had the potential to be such powerful Beings. However, here you are with your rapidly awakening consciousness, and the realization that you are returning to the higher realms where you belong. Your home is not on Earth, but it has served you well, and along with Mother Earth you will leave this cycle behind. You are yet to raise your consciousness sufficiently to fully realize your true place in the Cosmos. You will eventually stand alongside the Angels and the Christed One’s having achieved superconsciousness.

As you walk the path to your goal, try to see that you are reclaiming that which was already yours. It is your destiny to return to the higher realms, and all of your concerns and worries can be put aside. Each step further you take, so will the experiences of the past start to fade away as you enter the wonder and beauty of the dimensions that exist in total harmony. You intentionally chose to forget your illustrious past, so that you could fully experience duality. Now you learn of the promise made eons of time ago, that you should return in full glory and Light.

We know that what we tell you about requires much faith on your part, but we find that most of you can intuitively accept what you have been told. It should come naturally to you, as we simply remind you of who you were before you came down through the vibrations. Many are now so confident of their own ability, that they have learnt how to become totally focused and prevent the negative energies from having any effect upon them. It is a matter of being centered at all times, and if you feel under threat place a bubble of light around yourself for protection. In this way, the negative energies will be unable to affect you.

As we often mention, it is fear that opens you up and breaks up your auric protection. Practice being centered and imagine your protective bubble of white or violet light enclosing you. You will find that the next time there is negativity around you it will literally bounce off you. This is the perfect way to respond to someone who is argumentative or is threatening, and by not being drawn into their energies you actually help diffuse the situation. With practice you can control what happens around you, and bring a measure of peace where you find it is needed.

When you have mastered the art of being centered, you will also find more people being attracted to you. They will “feel” the harmonious energies that you give out and want to be in your company. Young children are most natural when it comes to feeling your peace, and you will undoubtedly become quite popular with them. Being centered and at One with everything else is Love in action, and will greatly affect everything that is touched by your auric energies. How many of you can recall going to a meeting, where like kinds have come together perhaps to carry out healing or meditation. Can you remember the beautiful atmosphere that was created, and how it was so calming and peaceful. Imagine what it will be like when thousands upon thousands of people are able to create the same energies upon Earth. This is indeed beginning to happen, and not so far away there will be a sudden burst of these energies that will carry you forward.

Dear Ones, we have given you something to aim for that will raise your vibrations. The beauty of being in control of yourself is how much better it makes you feel. The bonus is that it also helps make others feel good around you. You will know that it is the way to be, and you will also find it leads to a new perception of what is happening around you. You realize you have the power to quietly make a difference, and it is very satisfying to work in love and peace. People often ask what they can do to help mankind and there are many ways to do it. Not everyone desires or can indeed serve others in an active way, but you can always spread Love and Light.

When you can successfully live your life in peace and harmony, you begin to realize that you can be in your reality and unaffected by others. You unavoidably touch them as you go through life, but you do not have to be pulled into their stream of energies. You can still enjoy life and have your moments of laughter and fun, but the difference is that you know what is unworthy of you. You will have a confidence that will ensure that comments against you will have no affect whatsoever. It can quickly become a way of life that becomes easy for you to maintain.

I am Diane of The Galactic Federation as are many of Michael’s contacts. Our role is part of a great mission that has been going on for many years to help prepare you for the end times. We see your potential and it is applicable to everyone, even if some choose not to accept the opportunity being presented for Ascension. The few can lift the many, and the Light is growing very quickly and its effect touches each and every one of you. The higher the vibration the more the Light increases exponentially, and it is now magnificent to see it glowing around your Earth. Our Love and Light is meeting with yours and soon we will come amongst you and lift you up even further.

Thank you Diane.

Mike Quinsey.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Ag-agria - "Nothing is without purpose, and all has first existed in the mind of The Creator"

Through Mike Quinsey
30 March 06

Consciousness is very much an individual perception as to what you think it is. Some feel it is simply the working of the mind, and have never considered that everything that exists has it to a greater or lesser degree. It is a matter of having a level that is consistent with your role in life, and enabling your blueprint to energize itself and manifest in the physical dimension. A blade of grass grows according to its pattern held in its original seed. These are small but nevertheless wonderful creations that reflect the perfection contained in the original thought.

Human Beings are so much more complex with a number of bodies that work in unison with each other. The original blueprint allows for perfection, but the nature of your experiences requires that some are genetically altered for the purpose of your continuing evolution. As you are aware, they carry forward into the subsequent generations and are therefore a factor when a new incarnation is chosen. The reasons are unimportant, but if you elected to experience disability in some form, you would enter a body that would give you that condition. I must hasten to add, that you and your Guides choose the circumstances in which you incarnate, and it is not thrust upon you unless you agree.

You might ask why anyone would wish to experience anything that may have a limiting affect on their life. It is through Karma or by design when your lives follow a certain pattern of development. Let us consider a positive application, where someone has been in a family where another member has lost the use of one arm. Sharing that experience and seeing the problems may have had such a marked effect upon you, that out of compassion and a yearning to help you decided to do something about it. It is possible that to fully understand the problems and needs of the disabled, that out of love for them you decided to experience them yourself in a future life. This tells you that you should not judge people as you see them, as you do not know the Karmic reasons that are involved. There is certainly no degree of punishment, although you may of your own volition carry a less than perfect body or mind to atone for past actions.

There are of course many reasons outside of an individual’s control that may affect them during their lives. You only have to think of the adverse affects of pollution in the sea, air and ground to realize that you are continually under threat of illness. Forms of radiation both natural and manmade also assault your body, and you will have read of the serious and debilitating affect of using depleted uranium in the Middle East conflict. Your body is a wonder of creation, but it cannot do anything but react to the outside influences. It has an inbuilt defensive mechanism, and daily it satisfactorily deals with thousands of germs that come at you from all directions. It will endeavor to heal itself, but sometimes the attack upon it is too powerful.

Your bodily consciousness reacts quite naturally to all situations, and if you have raised your vibrations you have a greater chance of avoiding illness. For example it also learns from experience, which is why you often only get diseases once. Your body provides you with immunity once it has developed the cure. Your blood cells are like an army that patrols your body and fights off attacks upon it, and all of this occurs without your awareness apart perhaps from a feeling of being unwell. Your tiniest cells have a consciousness, so much so that they “talk” to each other to maintain the efficiency of your body.

If you talk positively to your body it will respond, and it will help you recover from illness. When your body talks to you, do you take any notice, and I wonder how many times you get warnings about something you doing that is harming you, and you still ignore it. You are now beginning to understand that water has a consciousness, and how easily it responds to outer influences. Water is vital to your body, and has its own curative powers. These can be enhanced through the use of color and crystals, electrical charges and sound. The world of consciousness is one you have much to learn about, and that knowledge will be fully given to you in the near future.

As your understanding of consciousness increases, you will realize how interdependent you are on each other. It will also help explain how you arrive at a mass consciousness, and how it affects the whole. Now see that as you have been raising your own vibrations, effectively you are raising every ones at the same time. Think in terms of Light and understand how it creates the opportunities for Ascension. You raise your vibrations, and by laws of Attraction you draw even more to yourself and so the Light continues to grow. When it reaches critical mass there will be a lifting up, and you shall find yourselves in the new expression of Mankind and Earth.

The Universe is alive and has a consciousness of its own, and in the order of creation can be seen to have intelligence behind it. Nothing is without purpose, and all has first existed in the mind of The Creator. You are beginning to grasp this concept, and with it you are able to see your own existence in this context. All is One as we often tell you, and the more you learn about the consciousness that exists all around you, the more you come closer to understanding your own creation, and place in it.

I am Ag-agria of The Galactic Federation and endeavor to direct your thoughts into areas that you would do well to contemplate. Awareness of what is happening around you is the first step towards mastering it. You have much more control and input into how things work out than you realize. Try to purposefully acknowledge the consciousness of other life forms, and see how it interacts with you. I smile as I say it, but if you want big apples in your orchard this year talk to the trees. I understand you cannot be arrested for doing it. Better still love your trees, tell them how you feel about them. Even better still, talk to Humans and show Love to them, it works wonders.

Thank you Ag-agria.

Mike Quinsey

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

"Science and its core philosophy need to discard the primacy of matter and recognize that matter is the child of Spirit"

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
12 Ik, 5 Mac, 1 Caban 28 March 2006

Selamat Jarin! We once again take up our discussion with you on more topics of interest. One of the more interesting is consciousness and your physical body. Many on your world believe that consciousness is anchored in the brain. While your mind is truly prodigious in its abilities, the primary source of your genius, in truth, lies first in your genes, and then your heart. But the pivot to comprehending this is your eternal source-your Soul. This special, infinite collection of Spirit is gifted by the Creator with unique wisdoms. Among them is the ability to discern the real nature of the Universe and the means to manifest the decrees of the divine plan. This potential is invested in the eternal Light and Love that is the real you. This is realized in your genes (the body's greatest Light receptor) and in your heart (your body's greatest accumulator of Love). These divine energies then interact with your spiritual and physical essences to create who you truly are in each of your many lifetimes. From this base and with the help of your physical and emotional essences, you daily encounter and assess your world.

This assessment is often colored by the fundamental beliefs acculturated in you by your family and friends. As you grow in consciousness, due to the ascension process, you begin to question these fundamental assumptions and search for viable alternatives. This journey leads you down a path toward a new reality and is often aided by new spurts of Light and Love energy. As your genes activate and become more accustomed to this energy, you become more willing to accept the Love energies accompanying this increasing influx of Light. Frequently, the wisdom growing within you is severely challenged by your peer groups and various familial support groups. This can often lead to conflict and, on occasion, to physical health crises. This is why your pathway to enlightenment is littered with key incidents that have shaped your journey. Nevertheless, the new energies, characterized by strengthening intuition, allowed you to move forward and accept what Spirit has given you. This acceptance encourages your voyage of learning the lessons of divine Light.

As you develop your divine potential, you discover how to meld the wisdom gleaned from the philosophies of the East with the spiritual teachings of the West. This dichotomy blends into a special brew that anchors your journey into the multitudinous worlds of consciousness. In this exploration, you are not alone: strange new data is emerging from the frontiers of subatomic physics and cosmology, and the cutting edge of scientific research is engaging a majority of your fellows either openly or secretly. In these studies, consciousness is surfacing as a factor beyond its accepted role in the physical self. We who are already fully conscious can vouch for this. Your sorties in pursuit of the strange and unknown is to be applauded. This movement has compelled your science to acknowledge the role of Spirit and so begin a new area of scientific endeavor. Remember, true science mirrors the realm of the divine. Science and its core philosophy need to discard the primacy of matter and recognize that matter is the child of Spirit. Thus, the many anomalies in your current beliefs can be satisfactorily corrected.

Consciousness is deeply rooted in Spirit and wonderfully nourished by the deeds of her physical counterparts. This give-and-take is the divine cycle. When you move into a full awareness of this, the joy of enlightenment soon follows. As Buddha, Jeshua, and others achieved enlightenment, they discovered how this process functions, and the eternal joy they felt soon permeated their spiritual and physical essences. What you are doing is leading to this same moment of sacred awareness. This time in your life is the precursor to this divine moment. As you permit these special energies to augment your own, your reality likewise transforms. This amalgam of energies is altering the RNA/DNA in your genes which, in turn, is opening and lightening your heart! You are becoming more aware of how to transform this world and of the power you possess to forge a new reality. It is this new reality that can sustain you as you mutate back into your fully conscious selves.

The reality of a fully conscious society is quite different from the one you now inhabit. Yet, these differences merely express the potential inherent in your current realm; when positive intent reaches a particular threshold, magic can appear in your world, capable of literally moving mountains! You are at this point right now. Your positive desires are enveloping your globe and affecting how your realm operates. Because of this growing intent, much is happening on a micro level that is leading to a macro-level event of immense proportions. It is often hard for you to see how applied consciousness can operate to effect change. The global anti-war movement of the 1960s and 1970s is a prime example of this. A similar event is now taking place. The dark old guard of your world is being limited by the growth of conscious intent. This intent is permitting much to change for the better.

As this consciousness grows, the cover-up of our existence becomes increasingly tedious to maintain. Ultimately, this growth in consciousness combined with the fact of our existence is to become the twin pillars of your success. Hence, the event of an open first contact on a massive scale is the final throw weight that cinches your victory. This connection is strengthening with each passing day. We want to ensure that we arrive openly in your skies at the right divine moment. We can tell you that this moment daily draws closer. Those in the dark cabal are worried about the way you are growing beyond their control. Yet, their arrogance is still openly apparent to all. Added to this is the great apocalypse that these denizens of the dark intensely desire to bring about. This, we can promise you, is being thwarted on every conceivable front.

The implications of first contact for your future are quite clear to us. In the past, we secretly nurtured your growth toward the Light. This phase is now being superseded by the present requirement for first contact. This need to act as the primary guardians of your consciousness development is taken very seriously by us. We deftly comprehend how sinister are the subtle actions of the dark. These secret rulers of your world maintain layers of global networks designed to restrict you to your darkest emotions and keep you in ignorance of the positive energies that engulf you. We are meeting this challenge with your continued assistance. Consciousness is a process that, once begun, is nearly impossible to divert. And hence, the many tools of the dark are crumbling. This is most encouraging and is yet another sign of your inevitable victory!

This relationship between consciousness and first contact is one of the mainstays of our operations. Normally, your current level of consciousness argued against beginning this mission at this time. But your importance in the scheme of things impelled us to alter our procedures. This mission is dedicated to your success. Innumerable things have been done to move you along in the past few years. Presently, our task is to assess your levels of growing consciousness and provide plans for our fleet to support this growth. So, we set up teams to monitor you medically and support units to ensure success to those working to oust your darkest rulers from power. This latter operation is close to happening. The focus of this message is to further your understanding of consciousness and to tell you of our resolve to give you the victory you deserve as swiftly as possible.

Today, we continued our discussion of consciousness, specifically its natural relationship to first contact. Remember that we are a team, operating within your reality to help you achieve your coming success. First contact is destined to be the watershed moment in your history when your road back to full consciousness is unquestionably secured! We now take our leave. Blessings, dear Ones! Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Majon! Selamat Kasijaram! (Sirian for Rejoice! and Be Blessed in Love and Joy!)

Atmos - "When the truth comes out, your Governments would have so much explaining to do as to why they have kept you in the dark for so long"

Through Mike Quinsey 29 March 06

How we wish we could reach the minds of those who are closed to our presence and our craft. It seems odd to us that with so much evidence to support our existence, that there should be any doubts about it. Part of this is almost certainly due to the official denials that are put out, although at times they treat you as simpletons. They come out with their outrageous ideas to explain us and craft away.

We see also that there are so many different beliefs as to your origin, and whether you should be beholden to some greater Deity. There are also those who are professional in their understanding of the sciences, and having accepted the current curricula they find it difficult to break out of rigid thinking. Astronomers seem to be the most likely to have a myopic view of what they see in the heavens. Again there is the set way of thinking that is maintained by their peers, and is difficult to question. Finally there are souls who do have limitations of intelligence, and the subject of extraterrestrial Beings is too much for their comprehension.

When the truth comes out, your Governments would have so much explaining to do as to why they have kept you in the dark for so long. It is easier for them to deny our existence, and then they are not faced with a whole barrage of awkward questions. They can conveniently hide behind our sightings of which they are totally aware, whilst they carry out their own testing of craft based on information gained from back engineering. Incidents due to their actions can be conveniently denied by them, and I am for example thinking of their involvement in some of the cattle mutilations. You have been hoodwinked and fooled by the very people who hold ample evidence of our existence.

What is to be done when those who have evidence of the cover up, are under threat not to disclose what they know? We will say that the truth waits to come out, and those who believe in us will have those beliefs vindicated before very long. It is not our way to prove our existence to the detriment of those who would be shocked and upset, but we cannot wait much longer. There is a time line that requires the Earth and the people of it to take a great step forward, and in doing so they will learn beyond doubt of our existence. It is known as First Contact and it has been planned for eons of time, it signals the end of an era that you know as the cycle of duality.

At any time we could easily convince you of our presence in your reality, but our approach has been one of careful attention to the reaction it has caused. After many years of gentle persuasion by allowing sightings of our craft, there is now recognition of our place in your lives. Many of you have had your personal experiences, which have helped others to understand much more about us. Others not fortunate to have had such proof, have nevertheless found a different way to us through the many channeled messages and books about us. For any who seek proof about us, there is now so much evidence that can be found and no longer denied.

Seekers of truth will have already found many accounts of our visitations to your Earth in historical times. There were occasions in the distant past when we openly walked amongst you, and that will happen again before we travel together for the final part of your journey. Bear in mind that many of you have subconscious memories of meeting us in the past, and these enable you to feel comfortable at the idea of our coming. We come in peace and love, and view you as members of the same family and the same God. We come not to favor one against the other, but will treat all equally as one of our tasks is to bring you together again.

We come to show you a new way that embodies a great technological revolution, that will advance you way beyond the stage you would otherwise have reached. We also come to reveal the truth about your journey through duality, and how it cut you off from knowing your real self. You will learn from our experiences, and knowledge will be freely given to advance your understanding. One of the most important aspects is that you know of the Oneness of all Creation, and leave behind your petty differences and arguments. Much of your understanding of God is incorrect, and upon learning the Truth it will set you free from the conflicts and wars that have taken place in God’s name. There is but One God that some call the Father, and it matters not which name is used. The God of this Universe carries the energies of The Creator, in which you all have your existence.

I am Atmos of The Galactic Federation, a body of civilizations that acknowledge the One God. They provide membership for those who have relinquished the ways of the dark, and walk in the Light of Love. You will only have to board our ships to experience the higher energies that create a wonderful peace everywhere. You will be able to relax and enjoy all of the comforts you desire, and it will be quite noticeable to you that we are Beings of Light. We wish to see you reach a new level as soon as possible, and we shall do much to that end. There are years of wonderment and absolute joy ahead, and we shall all know what is expected of us and work as one great group of enlightened souls.

Thank you Atmos.

Mike Quinsey.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

St Germain - "NESARA is the keystone to the imminent changes, restoring those rights established by the Constitution"

Through Mike Quinsey 28-March-06

After a few years of receiving intense channeling from many different sources, you now have a good understanding of what is in store for the end times. Much is repetitive and presented in various formats so as to give every opportunity to absorb the facts. Of course, there is also a matter of keeping abreast with changes that occur, such as for example the timing of NESARA. I would like to say that many of you took this to heart and helped make it known.

NESARA is the keystone to the imminent changes, restoring those rights established by the Constitution, rights which are intended to be the basis of a new paradigm for all people. Genuine attempts were made to set up the conditions for the announcement to go ahead, and many times that was almost achieved. Some of you do not understand why we did not force it through, but hopefully you now realize that it is not our way of working. We had to allow the dark to oppose it, as we do with all situations that involve these confrontations of the light and Dark. Even in what you may perceive as failure, there are lessons that are being learnt, and the dark are brought into the open for all to see.

As we often point out, the final period of this cycle is allowing the manifestation of the energies that you have planted upon Earth for eons of time. Both the dark and Light have tried to command the center stage, and they have progressed to the final act. Because of the great growth of Light, the dark have found it increasingly difficult to maintain their original agenda. Behind the scenes they are desperately trying to hold onto their power which is slipping away. They know the game is up, and their hidden activities and covert operations are now coming to light. The Light by its very nature cannot be extinguished, and even if its progress has hardly been noticeable it has nevertheless continued to grow.

The reason we persist with our messages, it is to re-awaken you to your real selves and the truth. Each act of the dark is one that must bring either acceptance or rejection from you. In the past you have allowed people to guide you who have taken you away from your true path. In your lack of understanding you have also been led into the abyss. It was intended to keep you there, and you have been misguided with many platitudes and falsehoods to keep you in the dark.

Light has also had a plan that was in place at the beginning of this cycle, and it was carefully orchestrated so that you would be given every opportunity to see the Light in time to challenge the dark in the end times. You are in that time now and in spite of the influence and powerful backing through the Illuminati, they cannot achieve their goal. It does not take much imagination to understand their sheer panic at the thought of losing their power and ill gotten gains. It has been their greed that has resulted in the inequalities of life, along with their deliberate actions to de-populate and control the world.

NESARA is still vital to establishing a fair society, and enables a return to one where justice and sovereignty are restored. A fair distribution of wealth will take place, and part of this will be recovered from those who have manipulated the money markets and plundered the Earth. Your need for money will not be as essential as it is now, as sharing will become the normal way of life. The basic essentials to live a healthy life and protected existence will eventually be supplied free, and no one shall be left in need of them.

In your hearts you have desired fairness in the distribution of wealth, and caring and well being for all. This has provided the impetus for what is now taking place as it has brought immense light to Earth. You see now how life is affected by the ways of the dark and their minions, who have no love in their hearts except for themselves. Oppose their ways where you can and do not let them dictate to you any more. Their time is up, and soon they will have played their last card – the game is over.

Meantime push ahead with your own agenda of Light, and know that you are helping create the new Earth. Let me remind you, that it is first the thought that is followed by action, it happens this way and that is Universal Law. Everything is at a critical point where just anything can happen, and many actions are possible. However, regardless of how it progresses from now on, do not waver from your path or intentions. The dark sink lower into the mire of their own creation, and there is no way back for them until this cycle has finished. I talk not of their success but opportunities to turn once more to the Light, and this is the prerogative of every soul.

NESARA is a name for a law that embodies a return to your Constitutional rights. The name is not important but the benefits are and these will come a soon as it is practical, and will open up the way for all of the other changes that come with First Contact. They are part of the same intention to restore everything upon Earth, and it will happen regardless of any attempt to prevent it. Far more is happening than you imagine, but for the time being we prefer that you focus on your part to bring all into being. The Heavens are alive with action dedicated to bring the changes out very soon, and then you can all breathe a sigh of relief. A new way of living that allows freedom and the removal of fear will soon become quite natural to you.

I am St. Germain, and you know by now that I lead the plan for your Earth and Humanity. I too have worked a long time to help you reach this point, and success is assured with the backing of the Spiritual Hierarchy. A wonderful time beckons, and you shall rest and recover from this marathon that is called duality. Life will become a splendid experience when you are freed from the shackles of the dark, and they no longer have any influence over you. Their place is elsewhere and they will no longer be able to interfere in your lives. Feel the energy in these words of encouragement, and carry the Light as your sword of protection, and know you can call upon the Archangels who will walk in love with you.

Thank you St. Germain.

Mike Quinsey.

Monday, March 27, 2006

SaLuSa - "You have yet to learn of the full extent of corrupt and dishonest practices that have become a way of life in politics"

Through Mike Quinsey 27-March-06

Take each day as it comes, as you never know quite what may come along, but by the same token be prepared for the unexpected. Be confident of your ability to cope with what is thrown at you but do not be caught unawares. Particularly when you are on the path of Light, as when you are relaxed and sure of yourself you are likely to be vulnerable. I talk of actions by others that bring an instantaneous response, that sometimes catches you in an unguarded moment. It can bring an angry reaction to the surface before you have time to think.

These are times when there is much taking place that is appalling. There are also events being revealed in the truth of their happening, and it is revealing a side of Humanity that is offensive to your sense of right and wrong. The Iraq war is an example of how far into the dark a civilization can fall. It reveals how just below the surface is a layer of consciousness that creates its own version of Hell. The taking of life is an abortion that is totally against the Laws of the Universe. Until that lesson is learnt so you will continue to find yourselves acting out of anger, revenge and hatred.

On the positive side, there is a growing clamor and demand for the end of war for all time. Until you achieve that aim, it will keep coming back to you in many different ways. See that violence and retribution have become a way of life, even down to your own thoughts. These reflect back out those negative energies, and so the cycle continues without abatement. Dear Ones, how much longer will it be before you say enough is enough, oh yes some of you have as you have seen the futility of war. Can you see how hatred is born out of oppression experienced when your country is occupied by foreign troops. Your leaders call those who oppose them terrorists, and in trying to quell their reactions have no regard for the loss of innocent lives.

As a civilization how will you lift up into the Light if you disregard the Laws of the Universe? The collective actions of you all determine where you are in your evolution, and if you want to take that great leap forward a clearing out must commence. For too long you have accepted that there is a need for armed forces, and if they were only for defensive purposes it would be acceptable. As you are beginning to understand, most wars are contrived and there is no necessity for them in the first place. They are simply the means to further the agenda of the dark forces, that work towards global domination by setting up a world government.

Much of what I mention is becoming known to you, and you have yet to learn of the full extent of corrupt and dishonest practices that have become a way of life in politics. Their tentacles have worked their way into many aspects of your everyday life, and your rights are being rapidly eroded. More controls than ever are placed on your movement and freedom of expression, and it is vitally important that they are opposed. There will always be souls who will take the initiative, and you should give them as much support as possible. You have representatives in Government, and every effort must be made to get them to honor their responsibilities to you.

As the Light continues to pour onto Earth, so it enlightens people and they find their consciousness rising. They may not be aware of what is taking place, but their dark side weakens and it becomes easier to turn to the Light. You also have the total consciousness of the Human Race which is rising up, and there has never been a better time to bring the problems on Earth into the Light. It is much like washing your dirty linen, but with sufficient effort it can be restored to what it was.

You have heard many times that victory over the dark is yours. However, it still requires every effort on your part to reach that point that has become much nearer. Take action where you see the dark, but do so in a way that does not evoke an uncontrollable response of emotions. The dark will use any excuse to be heavy handed, and their delight is to crush opposition and produce more fear. Oppose them using the tools of the Light, with sensible reasoning and love for the good of all.

Meantime, we work as always to give you a back up, but we do rely on your initiatives to bring matters into the public arena. Until recently the dark were able to hide their heinous deeds, but you are now in an age where the truth is destined to be revealed. The full extent of the way in which you have been oppressed and used will not come out until after First Contact. Your whole history will have to be re-written, and then you will understand why you have been unable to find true and lasting peace.

Until you turn to the Light you will not uplift yourselves, but for every person who can it becomes that much stronger and all benefit accordingly. These are times of dramatic changes, and it is truly astonishing to see how much you have achieved in such a short time. You have come to recognize the power within by acknowledging your Higher Self. Through the use of self control you have seen much more clearly what is happening around you, and as a result have made valuable contributions to the needed changes.

When you have been informed that what you live now in is not your true reality, bear in mind that you left that behind to drop down into the lower vibrations. It was never intended that you should remain in duality, and the reason for our presence and all of the action we take is to return you to your higher status. You voluntarily accepted your mission, and now it is approaching its end we can become more open in our contact with you. We too are part of the Creator’s Plan, and your success and victory is equally important to us. We rise up together in the vibrations of Love, and in great joy and glory shall continue our adventure elsewhere.

I am SaLuSa of The Galactic Federation, and I am also One with All. We all acknowledge the Source from which we have all had the same beginning, and to which we one day will return. Meantime, we ask you to keep calm and spread your peace far and wide. The Middle East is the key to your future, and will benefit from all of the Love and Light you can send to it. Think not of who is right or wrong, give unconditional love, and you will be doing the greatest service you can for everyone.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

St Germain - "You are surrounded by the Forces of Light who are doing all they can to ease you into the new energies"

Through Mike Quinsey 25-March-06

You have all heard of the expression that “you cannot take it with you”, and whatever persuasion you are in your spiritual beliefs you will know this is true. No matter what wealth you acquire, not a single coin or note will leave with you when you pass over. However, what you do take are memories of the possessions that you have had on Earth. Depending on what level of existence you find yourself in, will determine to what degree you have the ability to create those objects again. This is also applicable to a dwelling place that has been prepared for you in advance, and you will most certainly have had a choice in its design. Very often it will be a model of what you have just left behind, but it does not necessarily have to be identical.

It is likely that you have helped to create your home prior to passing over, and this will have taken place during those times you are out of the body whilst asleep. Obviously this is when your physical body rests during its night sleep period. Very few of you have memory of your “nightly activities” and at best you may have only a vague idea. As you go through life, you begin to set in place a train of thought that decides your favorite and most desirable wishes where possessions are concerned. How often have you said that if you could afford it you would have specific items for your enjoyment, and the desire stays with you. Providing you pass over into the Summer Land you will find that those desires have most likely manifested. If not, you add them to your home through your power of thought.

See how even at a slightly higher level you have increased powers, and just imagine how much more will be possible when you lift up at Ascension. Have you ever had a prized possession that has been lost or broken, because I tell you it still exists in the higher dimensions. Every painting or sculpture, every building or gardens have first been visualized in someone’s mind, and still remain in the energy of the original thought. However, in the higher dimensions it can manifest in its perfection as originally envisaged, which is not always possible to achieve on Earth.

We often inform you that in Spirit there are no rewards and no punishment. You simply find yourself at the level you have progressed to through your evolution, and that is the deciding factor where your abilities to continue creating are concerned. There are other levels both above and below the Summer Land, and if you find yourself much lower, so accordingly your creative abilities will be much less. Can you see how the Laws that operate where like is attracted to like are so fair and just. You cannot complain if you find yourself at the level you have created through your own thoughts, actions and desires.

Now, what I tell you about is known to many of you, but others may find it conflicts with their religious beliefs. I simply ask them to consider whether it sounds feasible and has the mark of God upon it. In the higher levels, you would expect to find the fairness and justice that you seek upon Earth, and it does exist. On Earth there is so much greed and manipulation that a person’s status is no indication of their spirituality. It is unnecessary to be poor to show your commitment to spirit, but many prefer not to indulge themselves in more than they need. Some who have had position and power, and have abused it will get something of a shock to find that they no longer command such a position when they arrive on the other side. Ego and pride have no place there, as everyone is seen for exactly what they are.

Those of you who are preparing to move on with the advent of Ascension, will progress to a much higher dimension than those I have described. There you will feel like Gods as your creative power will be so much greater. We sometimes speak of Ascension as a “reward” but in essence it is still a level that you worked towards to attain it, and it is well deserved. Those of you who have worked towards your spiritual evolution, to take this wonderful opportunity to move into the higher realms deserve every credit for your achievements. For others who may have found the going too difficult there are no recriminations, but every help is on hand to enable success in the next cycle of opportunity.

It is unfortunate that many people have held themselves back by preferring to follow the example of other people’s beliefs. Having said that it is their choice and it is honored because of their freewill. Each of you will have had many chances to follow a path leading you to the truth, and it requires individual thinking and a breakaway from strict orthodox teachings. If the pattern of your thinking is so set that you cannot accept different possibilities, do not be concerned as in time you will find a pressing need to move on. All of the time new ideas are being thrust upon you, and at first they may not make any impression. However, all experiences impinge upon your consciousness and will be a factor in the future decisions you make.

I am St. Germain and wish for you all the beauty, joy and happiness that will be found through Ascension. Your journey has been long and arduous, and every encouragement is given to you so that you are aware of this great leap forward that rapidly approaches. As I have said previously it is never too late to turn to the Light, and many a conversion has occurred in an instance of pure revelation. The energies that are beamed to Earth are continuing to lift you up, and are beginning to awaken more to the truth. Go with the flow, and you will have no problem with integrating them into your own vibrations. You are surrounded by the Forces of Light who are doing all they can to ease you into the new energies, and you are bathed in their Love for Mankind.

Thank you St. Germain.

Mike Quinsey.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Ker-On - "It requires an outgoing outlook to move beyond the intellectual reasoning that is often used to explain your existence"

Through Mike Quinsey 24.03.06

Each week brings you a bit nearer to the signs that will tell you the changes are close to manifestation. People, who are not even aware of the various channels and their reference to the speeding up of time, are feeling how much it has changed. Through a number of messages you have found confirmation that this is to be the year that everything takes off. The greatest sign of what is happening is your growth in consciousness, and as it is expanding so you are waking up to the truth.

There is an awakening on many levels, and most importantly as to the way your lives have been manipulated for eons of time. Secondly, an understanding is growing of the order and creation around you that is revealing the hand of great intelligence. The more that is revealed of the Laws of the Universe, you see that it is functioning perfectly to the higher laws that hold everything in its place. It requires an outgoing outlook to move beyond the intellectual reasoning that is often used to explain your existence.

Intelligence is not necessarily a useful tool when it comes to matters of the Spirit, and all to which it appertains. It is encoded into your genes, and like many skills is part of your psyche and make up according to your life plan. You may have arranged to be an academic, and excel in a subject that has given you pleasure many times before. On the other hand you may have elected to have a quieter life, away from the busy world of professionals. Either way, a life is purposefully planned as another step forward for your evolution.

Present day Astrology is not the science it was in bygone years, when it was used to map out peoples lives. It showed windows of opportunity of which the Ancients were aware, and they often took full advantage of them. You will find the symbolism of ancient times filled with representations of the Sun and Moon, and other planets which were given godly status. They knew the specific energies that they carried and what affect they had upon them. Many people who consider themselves intelligent, cannot allow for their ancestors to have had a better understanding than you purport to have today. This partly comes about through your distorted view of history, and your idea that they were back ward and primitive.

In actual fact, your ancestors were in some matters well ahead of your present understanding. Some Archaeologists and Historians pass over proof of this fact, and the evidence is either denied or omitted from their records. Humans are very much entrenched in the idea that they are very intelligent, and have little or nothing to learn from the past. However, in the present time when the secrets of the past are being revealed you will see otherwise. You are beginning to understand that much knowledge and wisdom lies in ancient history.

There is still much dispute about great edifices such as the Sphinx, and the Great Pyramid complex. In spite of the obvious flaws in historical dating, there is an insistence on the part of the establishment that it only goes back some 4000 years. In reality it goes back so much further, and you have evidence that it is around 10,000 years old. When Archaeologists find their “intelligence” being challenged they find it hard to accept a different version to their long held beliefs. In Egypt they prefer to believe their historical accounts to bolster their own image, and do not want to give credit to a race that occupied is country in great antiquity.

Intelligence supported by ego is the most difficult to budge, but you are in times when the truth must come out. No longer will it be left to the few to lead the many, and it is important that Humanity learns of its wonderful history. Civilizations have come and gone for eons of time, some of which are unknown to you. They are all part of your evolution and have brought you to where you are today. Now you are at the end times, and the experiences you have had through hundreds of lives are responsible for your present level of understanding.

The factor in your lives that is most difficult to measure is that of spiritual progression. It really has nothing to do with intelligence, and even today you can find tribes that have had little contact with modern man that are very spiritually aware. They have learnt much from being close to nature and observing the way it functions. They also listen for intuitive guidance and have survived as a result. Spiritual understanding is open to each and every one of you, but some of course just do not believe in Spirit, or see the necessity of it in their lives. I make no judgement of these Dear Ones, but merely point out how it is. As with everyone else, it is their freewill choice to live their life as they wish.

After First Contact has taken place the mistakes and deliberate falsifications of your history will be revealed. Many will be momentarily shocked to find their long held beliefs are flawed. It will be a time of many revelations across the whole spectrum of knowledge, and none greater or possibly more important to you than Religion. The truth will help bring the various Churches together, as without help they will continue to divide people and cause dissension. They have served their purpose and kept the idea of God alive, but there is much that is professed to be the word of God that is Man’s. The truth will be presented in such a way that it cannot be ignored or disputed, and the returning Masters will have a leading role in it.

I am Ker-On of Venus, and in the higher realms whilst we still continue to learn, our understanding is such that we can build on a base that is already proven. We are aware of the Supreme Creator and the Gods that carry out his/her commands. We accept the knowledge that comes through our spiritual perception, and the many discourses that we have with higher Beings and the many Councils to which they belong. There is unison and agreement in our spiritual beliefs, and to use your expression, we follow the Will of the Father although this would be more correctly expressed as the Will of the Father/Mother. We have long accepted that Love and Light is all there is, ever expanding in its multitude of expressions through the many dimensions that exist way into infinity. Let the Love and Light into your life and acknowledge that it is your indestructible link to everything else, the very essence of The Creator.

Thank you Ker-On.

Mike Quinsey.

Bellringer - "Patrick Fitzgerald, Colin Powell and others arrived at the U.S. White House at 10:00 a.m. EST on March 15, 2006 with arrest warrants"

National Economic Security and Reformation Act update - March, 23, 2006

Contrary to popular media coverage the potential for change to goodness is ever increasing. Truth is breaking out all over! Though given little exposure by the lying media, worldwide peace marches and demonstrations continue to create positive energy for change. The majority of the people in the U.S. now question the validity of the Iraqi War, and an even greater number question the sanity of their village idiot cloned fake president.

Indeed, Washington, D.C. is in chaos. There is no viable Congress nor Presidential Cabinet at this time. The controlled media has done a very good job of presenting the charades, of “business as usual” at home and abroad. That simply is not true.

For safety the U.S. Military has taken to the air in Iraq, and are quietly moving their troops out of the country. At home the U.S. economy is teetering on the brink of collapse. Unemployment is increasing exponentially as corporate fraud is striping corporations of their assets in preparation of the pending change to corporate non-profit status after NESARA. Credit buying, the printing of ever more money and selling of U.S. assets abroad are temporarily keeping the U.S. economy afloat, but all is not as it seems.

The plan of the One World Order to crash the U.S. and world economy has not been realized due to Divine Intervention. G.W. Bush’s plans to create another national disaster such as his terrorist attack of 9-ll-1 by “nuking” California last week or of a major U.S. city last month have all been stopped by the Forces of Light. His plans of creating a national disaster allowing him to declare martial law and become “King of the Hill” forever, shall never be fulfilled.

I say this because of what I believe to be true. I believe that on March 1, 2006 the U.S. went on the gold standard to stop impending economic disaster. I believe the U.S. Stock Market is being held at a high level in preparation for the public announcement of NESARA and change to a gold/silver certificate currency. The little people are not to be hurt in the “changing of the guard”. I believe this change to a gold standard was needed to prevent any negative impact from the Iranian Oil Bourse, and I believe that Bush’s Black Ops attack against Iran recently was stopped by the Star People to prevent any further war, as decreed by Creator God Aton.

I, also, believe that officials of the Court of International Justice, the World Court, the United Nations, the U.S. Military, Provost Marshals, Patrick Fitzgerald, Colin Powell and others arrived at the U.S. White House at 10:00 a.m. EST on March 15, 2006 with arrest warrants in hand for Bush and Cheney, and that they were told that unless they resigned immediately, they would be arrested on the spot. I believe they resigned, immediately! I, also, believe they are to be arrested after the NESARA public announcement to make compliance with the U.S. Constitution for their removal much less complicated.

I believe the Queen of England has returned to the Light after some traumatic personal contacts with Princess Diana, whom she had ordered killed to prevent a compromising alliance with the Arab world through Diana’s then fiancée,Dodi Fayed. Clones of Diana and Dodi died in the planned auto crash. The real Diana and Dodi were picked up by the Star People. They are married, have two children, and are living in Tibet.

I believe the Queen of England, Queen Elizabeth, came to the U.S. around March 14, 2006 to specifically arrange for the delivery of the bank packets that had been delayed by various actions of G.W. Bush and Co. I believe that when all was in order the Queen left by airplane for England, that enroute she received the message by telephone that the deliveries of the bank packets had again been stopped, that she turned around and returned to the U.S. by 3:15 p.m. EST, that the only person who had access to the telephones in her office was former Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, that she had ordered the deliveries of the bank packets to be stopped, that O’Connor was shown to be a double agent and that she has now been removed from Earth Shan.

I believe that by 4 p.m. on March 14, 2006 Queen Elizabeth again signed off on the packet deliveries and that UPS, DHL and Fed. Ex. personnel must answer only to her. Her control by-passes all chances of the Darkside to go to the World Court or to play other tricks to stop NESARA. I believe that George Bush Senior has been working continuously to upset NESARA and stop any funds from reaching the people.

I believe that certain executives and supervisors of these delivery companies are now gone from our planet because of their refusal to cooperate with the delivery of these bank packets. I believe that as late as March 22, 2006 George Bush, Sr. was using threats and blackmail against drivers of these three delivery systems to prevent them from doing their appointed tasks, that some of them have been removed from Earth Shan, that actual deliveries of bank packets were carried out at gun point the afternoon of March 22, 2006 and that this is on-going at this time.

I believe that only a certain quota of Farm Claims as per the original agreement will be delivered to provide the collateral under the authority and control of the people for the gold banking system prior to the NESARA announcement. I believe the prosperity programs will be handled after the NESARA announcement, to provide greater security and efficiency in delivery of the bank packets. I, also, believe that the NESARA announcement is pending the reaching the quota delivery of the Farm Claims. This means the public announcement of NESARA could be as early as March 23, 2006 or at any time thereafter.

I know that we have greater Divine Intervention with the NESARA Mission then we have ever had before. On Sunday, March 19, 2006 Creator God Aton told Anne and me, “The Forces of Light have now decided that it is definitely time to intervene in this whole thing”. Then on Wednesday, March 22, 2006 Creator God Aton told us, “Never before has a planet been in such a state as Earth Shan. I have decreed that now is the time for the NESARA announcement, for now the will of Creator God is in the forefront. Heaven has been asked, and Heaven shall respond!”

I know the end of the Darkness on our planet is near. Many are confused about the money scheme of the Dove. The Dove is out in “left field” and causing much confusion. The gold collateral for the new gold banking system has been in the depository banks for many years along with the gold and silver certificate currency. My wife and I were witnesses to this process happening in Minnesota in the spring of 1994. Both gold bullion and gold and silver coin and gold and silver certificate currency were placed in the U.S. depository banks nationwide at that time, and has remained there ever since.

We are swiftly reaching the end of the dance with Darkness. Our world is truly waiting for the sunrise! Rejoice, my friends, for it is here! Again, I say, rejoice!

Patrick H. Bellringer

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Jon Rappoport - "Yes, they weren't just lying about the political framework. They were lying about the whole deal, about THE WAY TO LIVE"

MARCH 22, 2006. If you go to Google and type in "Charlie Sheen," the first several pages of entries (at the moment) give you nothing---except celeb stuff. Which is unusual, since the prisonplanet story on Sheen's 9/11 views is all over the Net.

If you type in "Charlie Sheen, 9/11," you get the goods.

Alex Jones interviewed Sheen, and the actor gave out some very specific quotes about the forensics of the mass murder and how it was not really possible to believe the official scenario.

Try to find the story in the mainstream. So far, I see nothing.

Prisonplanet also offers some follow-up on its efforts to quiz major-media reporters about why the Sheen story is not running.

The reason for the silence, of course, is clear. Sheen was specific. He didn't talk about his feelings. He had obviously read a number of alt. reports on 9/11 and had thought about them. So if a mainstream source runs a story about the Jones-Sheen interview, it'll be hard to avoid calling attention to at least a few of Sheen's precise points of evidence.

And evidence that runs counter to the government scenario is the last thing the press wants to air.

Therefore, as far the mainstream press is concerned (so far), the Sheen interview never happened. It doesn't exist. It's an unconfirmed rumor.

Perhaps Sheen is a figment of the collective imagination. Perhaps his hit comedy on CBS stars another actor who looks just like him.

Think about it. One of TV's biggest current actors says the government is lying about the most significant political happening in 43 years.

Is that news?

Is that news RIGHT AWAY?

Another point: if the major networks or papers do a significant story about the Sheen interview, other celebs who know the score may be emboldened to speak out. That could start a cascade.

It's all right to say we shouldn't be in Iraq, but it's not okay to say that the pretext for the war (9/11) was not only mass murder but a phony ruse.


There the line is drawn. You can't expose a staged event of this magnitude. Not in the mainstream press. Public confidence in, and passivity about, the government would collapse. The whole game would be over.

Such exposure would turn the media-meaning of the word conspiracy on its head. All the look-down-their-nose scoffing at conspiracy buffs would wither on the vine in three seconds.

Psychologically and economically and politically, the entire media machine is built on the premise that the rules of argument, so to speak, about any major issue are confined within certain walls, certain spaces.

You have your left-right differences. You have your liberals and conservatives. You have your adminstration supporters and critics. You have your Democrats and Republicans.

You can play a ping pong game back and forth, but exploding those walls is forbidden.

I won't bother to list names, but even in the alt. press there are people who absolutely, on principle, refuse to consider evidence that would overturn and smash these precious walls. Aside from the obvious reasons why not, there is the matter of the destruction of consensus reality.

Outside THOSE gates, everything is up for grabs. If people begin to think in THAT territory, who knows what might happen?

I live in that territory. I should know. If you live there, you know, too.

Taking down walls that circumscribe political debate is just the beginning of what a person will begin to explore in that strange new world.

There is one common thread. When you go past the walls, you feel power.

And if you shift your focus from the political for a few minutes, you realize that this power of yours extends in all directions and dimensions.

Yes, they weren't just lying about the political framework. They were lying about the whole deal, about THE WAY TO LIVE.

If YOUR power is greater than you previously considered, then THEIR power is less than they claimed.

And now we get down to it. The blanket of hypnosis/narcosis...and the figure rises from his bed and throws off that blanket and stands up and starts to exit from the labyrinth.

This is where the threads of diverse life-force meet and flow into the same river of the sun. The maze disintegrates. The documents and pundits that support the maze reach flash-point and implode.

All the careful systems (behold the religion of systems) that form the foundations of the maze and the walls are shown to be of no value.

This, on so many different fronts, is the revolution that is proceeding. It will allow no work stoppage. It will go on. Anyone can join. All he has to do is declare himself himself.

Far more important than what brand of reality you choose is: you are, indeed, inventing it. First, the Truth opens the gate. Then you walk through it.


Ag-agria - "There are so many people here seeking to find their pathway, but have entered a dead end in their life and see no way out"

Through Mike Quinsey 23-March-06

Dear Ones, how intense matters are becoming upon Earth. You feel the build up of energies both Light and dark, and there is an interplay between them. The good news is that the Light is becoming all powerful, and it is something the dark have no answer to unless they can distract your attention away from it. As you know, the Illuminati have infiltrated politics, big business, the media and many organizations that influence your lives. Your difficulty is finding the truth, and many still have no idea how much they are led astray from their true path.

The ruses to take your attention away from what is really going on are often fabricated, and you are led to be believe you have a reliance upon others for your very existence. Whilst T.V. and Sports of various kinds can be relaxing, they can also become compulsive viewing. Your minds are being taken over to the extent that many have acquiesced their responsibilities to others. Not all have succumbed to the hypnotic attraction of being entertained whilst they sit back, but relaxation and enjoyment are a necessary release from the daily pressures. It is however a matter of degree, and for some it has become a way of life that has precluded all other interests.

It is never too late to follow pursuits that open your mind. Turn that box off at times, and search for information that will bring another level of satisfaction. It is important that you begin to seek your own truth, as without some recognition of why you are here, when will you start to uplift yourselves? You cannot rely entirely on others, but acknowledge those sources that you find acceptable that are not part of the system. This applies to much of your daily news, which is adulterated to send out the message that furthers the aims of the Illuminati. You have been pulled into a false belief system that has existed for eons of time, and now becomes more widespread as attempts are made to achieve global domination.

You know we have told you that you are well on the path to Ascension, but how many more of you could break away from the controls and restrictions being imposed upon you. You can if you can take stock of where you are in this lifetime, and look for the purpose of your life. Many see no point in being here, and they normally have no idea of such a process as incarnation. However, everyone has a really good reason for being here at such a special time, and many more who reside in dimensions just above Earth would like such an opportunity. There are so many people here seeking to find their pathway, but have entered a dead end in their life and see no way out.

Lightworkers make themselves known, and try to instill some measure of understanding so that a soul may stir and seek answers. There are so many pointers along the path of human experience that should indicate a greater intelligence behind all life. That in itself should convey purpose and planning in the way it is all created, and continues to evolve as Man experiences all before him. Names are not important, but the realization that there is Godlike entity behind All That Is, would be the first important step to recognition of a purposeful existence.

You must all at times come across people who do not believe in God. However it is certain that there is a deep subconscious yearning to find the truth. It is a most natural and obvious state of mind, arising from times past when you all knew of and acknowledged a Godly presence. It is just that is has become clouded and veiled by other experiences, from which most people are now arising. You have plumbed the depths, and some take longer to reawaken to their real selves. People talk amongst themselves, and those who have begun to lift into the Light can serve a great purpose by lifting others up too. Some will still resist help, but they will be unable to blame others if they will not move on. That is their prerogative and certainly no pressure should be applied on them to change.

This particular time is one where so much help is being given to enlighten people. Many sources of information have opened up, and the truth can be found more easily now than a mere 100 years ago. So many advanced Beings have come to Earth with a special dispensation to help others rise up. Although the dark have tried to prevent their success, the seeds of Light have been sown all over the world. Once planted, they grow until today we see wonderful grid of Light encircling the Earth, and glowing out into the ethers. The Light cannot now be affected by the dark energies, and it is indeed the reverse as an increasing transformation takes place.

However, we still have the wish to bring as many of you as possible into the Light, and we shall not cease our activities to this end. It is the desire to understand the purpose of life that can trigger off a new way of thinking, and it will draw those to you who can offer help. This includes your own Guides, will at all times respect your freewill choice. There will be other times in the future that will offer a similar opportunity to find the truth, but what a wonderful chance beckons now if you can take it.

I am Ag-agria, and I can tell you that we offer ourselves to all of you, there is no choosing on our part. We will try to uplift every one regardless and all shall have the same opportunity to do so. However, there is ultimately a time when the paths shall separate, and those prepared for Ascension shall leave for the higher dimensions. It is a natural development and occurs at the end of each cycle, and has taken place many times. The Creator’s Plan is for all to be lifted up by a continual progression through the dimensions, that finally returns you to that still point of No Time, the Central Sun of this Universe. The journey is one of love, and of experiencing the beauty and joy that exists in the greater perfection of each successive dimension.

Thank you Ag-agria.

Mike Quinsey.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

"The crescendo of bells symbolizing your great victory is ready to peal forth!"

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
5 Men, 18 Ceh, 1 Caban 03.21.2006

Selamat Jarin! We return once again, dear Hearts! Around you is a reality that is transforming rapidly into something wonderful! It is changing subtly on a number of levels. In recent reports, we discussed how these changes are affecting your entire local reality and her many "compadres." This process is being reflected throughout this galaxy as the dark followers of Anchara (the dark lord) adjust to these same changes in their former homelands. The cessation of a galactic war and the animosities that accompanied this long period of strife has brought new opportunities for change. These various dark empires, which were unused to the degree of freedom offered them by the Light, see your world as a fitting example of what they are currently doing. Hence, you are being watched closely by a large number of newly formed star-nations and star leagues. These many groups form the vast ever-changing fleets that ring the outer regions of your solar system. It is their sincerest wish that you quickly succeed in your tasks and permit this first contact to be summarily completed.

As you move toward your inevitable destiny, our fleet can observe how the time-space continuum that envelops your world is transforming. Each year, about 30 minutes of time is shaved off. At present, your day is actually just under 16 hours. This time change is not noticeable since your reality adjusts quickly to these changes. For example, your clocks and calendars function as before. Nevertheless, this modification has quickened your seasons causing odd changes in your weather and climate. Added to this are the environmental changes induced by worldwide pollution. These factors are joining forces with the ongoing reality shift that you are currently going through. In short, your world's reality is being acted upon by a number of immense global indicators. Many of the Earth's changes and even some of your most intense political and economic difficulties are partially due to the coalescing of these important factors. Our duty is to report this to you and prepare you for what lies ahead. Thus, you need to see Mother Earth and the Universe she is part of as a living, interconnected and highly conscious entity.

When you view the Universe from this mindset, you start to see things that were hitherto obscured. Change, as previously noted, can be subtle and quite contextual. An automatic process based on your past perceptions filters your understanding of your environment. Thus, many current observations may not make sense to your mind at first; they are altered by past belief systems into the verisimilitude of the commonplace. The solution is to constantly question all you see and hear. The Universe is reflecting back different images that are often blocked by old notions of what is real. One example is looking at "stars" in the night sky that behave in a strange way; your mind tells you that the odd light patterns and apparent movements are caused by distortions in the Earth's atmosphere. If you spend enough time with this, you can see that this is not the case. Likewise, weird sounds and unaccountable feelings of uneasiness can signal that something is amiss in your reality. These are positive portents that your reality is indeed changing.

What we are getting at is that your reality renders up her indicators when you are truly ready to see and hear them. This mode comes from showing your dedication and commitment to the Universe to perceive and accept her as a living presence. When this divine moment arrives, you begin to view the Universe in a more holistic way. Next, you can see consciousness behind every action. You live in a constant state of learning in which the "awe of the new" never leaves you. As a "child of Creation," you embody a never-ending learning mode. Even though you planned many parts of your life in detail before you were born, there are, nevertheless, opportunities in life for learning about new things and discovering more about how this wondrous Creation operates. You have come to Mother Earth in order to learn, and add your personal touch to this marvelous concoction-your living reality. In turn, this reality has many vital points of wisdom to share with you.

Your reality is as much a part of you as you are of her. All living Beings are immersed in a great unity that ultimately becomes the Creator. Your greatest prophets and seers have expressed this truth. This living Universe is composed of a divine Light ordered by Love. Indeed, the mathematics we use is based upon the transintegral properties of all things. This calculus uses consciousness as its base and not the natural material distortions of physicality. One of our purposes is to teach you the principles of our science of consciousness and how to quantify her properties. Then, the many anomalies present in your observations can be easily accounted for. As you begin to integrate the various aspects of this science with your own, you can see how the process called enlightenment operates. You can begin to successfully quantify "miracles" and learn how the gracious acts of Creation relate to the divine plan.

Consciousness is Life! Divine consciousness expresses herself in the multitudinous living forms that are a part of physicality. Physicality is just one aspect of these forms' manifestation; the endless dimensions and realities of the spiritual realms are yet another. Heaven and physicality are part of this greater whole called Creation. When you begin to find the wondrous connections between them, you can fully perceive Creation and behold the way the sacral has moved and manifested all life. Then you can intuitively and with great measure observe the innate beauty found here. This beauty brings incredible joy to one's Soul and shows you the greatness that lives within us. Your task is to absorb this beauty and apply it to your life mission. Our task is to guide you by showing you the path that can lead to your enlightenment.

The Creator has lovingly given us the means to apply our consciousness and, by so doing, to unfold Creation. This task is part and parcel of an even grander assignment. That is, to use each life divinely granted us to gain enough wisdom to enable us to affect the way Creation continues to reveal herself to the Universe. These tasks define each of our lifetimes. As you rise in consciousness, the connections you have with each of your lifetimes grows in intensity. As this connection is further realized, it increases your abilities to bring forth the materializing of the divine plan. Likewise, as you become more empowered, you start to see how each life forges the great Heaven-birthed Life streams and leads you back to the triune Godhead. Indeed, enlightenment produces an unbelievable feeling of oneness, expressed by the ever-rising bliss that becomes You!

This transformation into a fully conscious Being is a great joy that awaits you. We come to make this transformation possible and to prevent the dark from succeeding in any possible sabotage. The coming moments in your history are when the ridiculous can collide with the sublime and, in so doing, produce a new reality for your global society. This new reality moves you beyond the realm of your present planetary state and permits you to become galactic. In this mode of Being, you can swiftly achieve all that we have discussed with you today. Look upon your future with joy and know in your hearts that the new reality you seek is close at hand. Those on your world who seek to thwart you are now learning the futility of their dark ways. The crescendo of bells symbolizing your great victory is ready to peal forth!

Today, we talked about consciousness. We told you about how this reality is inevitably changing. We asked you to continue to become more aware of how to perceive these subtle changes. We further ask you to apply your growing wisdom to allow your great abilities to manifest the new You! Remember, Together, We are indeed Victorious! We now take our leave. Blessings, dear Ones! Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Majon! Selamat Kasijaram! (Sirian for Rejoice! and Be Blessed in Love and Joy!)

Diane - " Fortunately you are becoming more discerning, and see through the lies and manipulation of the news through the Illuminati’s mouthpieces"

Through Mike Quinsey 03.22.06.

Is there a race against time, we would say no as that is only a perception you have because of the actions taking place on Earth. In your own lives there seems to be a never ending rush to get things done and insufficient time. You also sense the changes taking place, and sometimes you become impatient at what you see as delay. Many are tired of the old ways of living, and see a wonderful opportunity presenting itself to replace them with those that are peaceful and fulfilling. You now realize it is possible, and also that the old is now breaking up. However, it is not a simple matter to push forward with the new, and it must manifest at the right time and cannot be rushed.

The fact that so many of you are now aware of what the plan is helps immensely in its manifestation. Your thoughts and desire for what we have promised you will help to bring it much closer. You are playing your part in creating the ideal conditions for the next step which will be of major importance. We credit you with doing your part, and without any obvious help from us you are moving events on to their inevitable conclusion. Of course we have a great input into what is occurring, and we can co-ordinate your actions so that the result is more meaningful. You have only to look back a few years to see how much progress you have made. Much has been achieved, because of the fact that your efforts are coming from millions of individuals throughout the world. You are a force to be reckoned with, and although the dark use all measures against you to hold onto control, they are losing that battle.

Some of you are part of large groups that are very active, and they cover various aspects that are necessary to see the changes through. Not all are concerned with the work of the higher realms, and many are grass roots organizations that are dedicated to political change. The beauty of your success is that progress is being made on several fronts, and it is now quite impossible to stem the tide of change. There may not seem to be a pattern in the movements taking place, but we can monitor what is happening and ensure that with our backing the maximum advantage is gained to ensure success.

Sometimes people despair and do feel that time is running out, but this impression is due to the speeding up of time. This itself is a sure sign for you that unstoppable changes are well underway. Some are defined as changes that originate from the higher realms, where others are earth based and prompted by the Lightworkers or simply those who are of good intent. We can assure you that the plans for this time were in place eons of time ago, and you have been carefully guided to this most important time in your lives. For at least the last century there has been a careful selection process as to who would incarnate upon Earth, with the purpose of speeding up your evolution. It has also ensured that not only would the right people be on Earth, but that they would also be in the right place.

You will understand that both the dark and Light are allowed to have a plan, and where the dark have the Illuminati the Light has a multitude of Lightworkers spread across your globe. There are obviously leaders on both sides, and the Light has to work every bit as secretly as the dark. This is why we cannot reveal to you the full extent of our plans, but suffice to know that Ascension is the goal and nothing or no one upon Earth can prevent its manifestation. You sometimes worry that the dark are preventing our progress, but be assured that we can handle their attempts to block our efforts. At best they create minor delays, but we have so many options that we no longer see them as a realistic threat to our plan.

Look at our resources and see how the Illuminati compare, it is a contest that is so one sided we brush off their attempts to cause trouble. They still have large influence through their financial and political power, but even that is now being curtailed. As we have told you many times, the dark rely on fear as their main weapon, and this is what you must resist falling for as often it is without substance. Fortunately you are becoming more discerning, and see through the lies and manipulation of the news through the Illuminati’s mouthpieces. You have your own way of getting at the real truth, but beware of those who appear genuine but deliberately give out false information. Stick to sources that have proved reliable, and ignore anything that appears dubious.

The only race against time is the darks attempts to continue with their futile efforts to prevent the inevitable. They know they can no longer wield the power that they had to achieve their own plan for global domination. It is falling apart, but they still dream of finding some way to prevent the Light from growing any further. They have already lost this battle, and all it remains is to close off their avenues of command and remove those who stand in the way of change. Be assured that we see the final pieces falling into place, and soon the signal will be given for that action to go ahead. You may not see us around, but know that our influence and guidance is with everyone who is part of our plans to make this a momentous year.

Look beyond us, and see the Heavenly forces that amass for the great occasion that is about to unfold. Know that your future is guided by great Beings of Light that oversee your evolution, and these go right back to the Godhead. Knowing this, can you really doubt that there could be any outcome for you but complete success? Leave your worries behind you, and continue to focus on Ascension and everything else will fall into place. You are not just an isolated form of life that is without purpose, your evolution is meticulously planned at every stage. Using your freedom of choice has decreed which path you have taken, but nevertheless it will always have taken you to Ascension. That was the Creators Plan and still is, and soon you shall see beyond doubt that this is so as the major changes commence. All is carried out in great love, for you are indeed revered for your contribution to the Light.

I am Diane of The Galactic Federation and feel the intensity of your emotions. Be calm and allow matters to follow their course, as the mould has been set. Focus on your vision of the new reality and you will be helping to manifest it. Leave the plan to work itself out and you shall see the most glorious finale to your time in duality. It is soon to end and that is good cause to celebrate, and we shall be there with you for such a wonderful occasion.

Thank you Diane.

Mike Quinsey.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Atmos - "As time progresses and you absorb more of the incoming energies, there will in any event be a gradual change in your body"

Through Mike Quinsey 21-March-06

Each day is another opportunity to enlighten yourselves, and spread the Light a little further. A smile, a kind word, or loving thought that can lift you and others up. In giving, your reward is to see the response in another person, and the younger they are it is more spontaneous. See how young babies look you straight in the eye, and when you smile at them look at how their faces light up. See the old soul peering out of those young eyes and so happy to find love upon Earth. It is not just their parents who adore them, and isn’t it likely that we all recognize the innocence of a newly born baby. There is a genuine exchange of love, and many of the new arrivals are far more perceptive than ever before. They see you as you really are and some see more than you are aware, and note how they will stare intently at you.

Perhaps none of you really grow up, except that you become more guarded and hide your feelings. Sometimes parental upbringing sets the stage where you are taught to contain them. In recent times, much has been made of hugging those who are close to you, but many feel embarrassed to be so outgoing. Yet, contact is so important, and a loving expression does so much to bring people together. However, in times where all actions such as touching are looked upon as likely to have an ulterior motive, there is a guarded approach to exhibiting such feelings.

When we have visited you on Earth, or you come to our ships we greet you in love and we know it is received as a sign of friendship. There is an almost instant trust established, and you can feel the intensity of our energies. We also treat you as we would our colleagues, and that means we show you respect and consideration. Immediately some of you will think of abductions, and the way of the Grey’s which is totally different. I talk of members of The Galactic Federation who are dedicated to bringing peace and love to all quarters of the Universe. The Grey’s that are based upon Earth are not typical of their type who came from Zeta Reticula, and they have little or no feelings of dealing with human emotions.

You are in some ways correct to be careful in whom you accept, but be assured that ET’s coming to you from any of the higher realms will not harm you. Far from it, they will be very careful that you should know they come in love. You will find yourselves becoming quickly at ease in their presence, and they have the ability to settle any feelings of fear you may have. It matters not how many lives you have had or who you are, there is not a single person amongst you that does not seek to be loved or accepted. Even those who seem to be lacking love, are still able to appreciate it within their own family circles. It is a most natural desire, that comes from still having subconscious memories of times when you have been surrounded by loving Beings.

There is personal love and Universal Love, and it is the latter that is uplifting your planet and the life forms upon it. Bear in mind that everything reacts to the energy of love, and that everything that has been created contains this essence. To a greater or lesser degree you can encourage growth or stunt it, through the degree of love that you put out. Perhaps this is best illustrated by the known results of talking and loving your plants. It also affects animals, who can return that love to you in a way that sometimes exceeds the capabilities of humans.

Love is such a powerful energy that it has to be handled with care, and sometimes it can drive people to distraction. It can change your personality, but what it will do is release you from constraints and allow you to freely express yourself. Equally the lack of love, or difficulty to show it can have an adverse effect upon you and illness can develop. You body reflects your state of mind, and when you are able to practice Universal Love you create such a peaceful energy around yourselves it is lifted up. The healthiest condition arises from the harmonizing and balancing affect of Universal Love, as it brings your chakras into alignment so that all functions perfectly. Of course there are other factors such as how you look after yourself where diet and exercise are concerned. However, it is not unusual for those who have progressed that far in their understanding to have also adopted a sensible life style.

As time progresses and you absorb more of the incoming energies, there will in any event be a gradual change in your body. You will find that you no longer need the coarse foods or drinks that carry a lower vibration. You will become more refined, and it is true to say that your input will naturally become less. Already some of you find you have become light eaters, and draw more satisfaction from natural foodstuffs. Bear in mind that you absorb the energies from food, and that these are more plentiful in fresh food. In time you will not rely on your present type of food for your nourishment or energy requirements. Neither will you desire such food, as the lighter body you will have be of a higher vibration and able to absorb most of its energy from the air around you.

We know many of you love your food, but that dependence on it will pass quite naturally. Anything you can do come away from the heavy food such as meats will prepare you for what is to come. Just now some of you need them, but overall they are not good for your body. When animals are prepared as food, it carries their vibration, and this enters your body. At a time when many aspire to lift up their vibrations it is not conducive to those aims. If you find it difficult to handle, on balance try to eat the white meat rather than the red. You will find that your health and general feeling of well being will be better for it.

I am Atmos of The Galactic Federation and I am grateful to have these opportunities to address you. For so long you have walked in the dark, and it is now time to take the path to full consciousness. On the way you will learn much about yourselves, and how you can take on more responsibility. However, you first need to throw off many misconceptions about yourselves, and we are here to help you regain a true understanding. You are already on the path of transformation and even if you are not totally aware of it, you will be finding changes occurring within you. All of it is an indication to you that the end times have arrived, and you are being gradually prepared for Ascension. When we arrive on Earth we can come closer together in this work, and it will be a memorable time for all concerned.

Thank you Atmos.

Mike Quinsey

Monday, March 20, 2006

St Germain - "Now you are beginning to learn of your true beginning, and your Angelic reality from which you agreed to “fall”

Through Mike Quinsey 20-March-06

A lot is spoken about your levels of consciousness, and I would like to look at how that applies to you all. It is a combination of different levels of awareness that represent your totality whilst upon Earth. In the beginning you were an aspect of The Creator with all of the knowing and attributes that you would expect. You had no awareness outside of the Godhead, and existed in the Now and all that ever was, Is and will be. The Creator desired to experience outside of itself, and you were breathed out to be part of a great adventure and opportunity to create for yourself. Eventually, you became responsible for your own creations and became God’s in your own right.

You had no concept of time such as you know now, and enjoyed playing at being God’s. Your creations were imbued with an aspect of your consciousness, and also became free to experience within the great harmony and love surrounding the Godhead. After incalculable time, The Creator decided to give you absolute freewill to create, and desired to know of your experiences outside of the Godhead. Gradually you began to immerse yourself in your own powers, and desired to have total control over your creations. You wished to become as the Creator, and it was decided to allow you totally free expression. As the great Angelic Beings you were, you vied with each other to glorify in your creations.

As you became more self centered, so you forgot your origin and you gradually moved further away from the Godhead. Some became ego centered and moved into vibrations that took them even further away. They believed that they were no longer bound by The Creator’s Laws and tried to establish themselves independently. The more that they forgot their beginnings; the more they became immersed in the lower vibrations. The Creator allowed them to continue with their own expression, and eventually they became known as the Fallen Angels. They were allowed to continue tempting each other to create more and more, and the ability to create in perfection became lost.

The Father/Mother Creator saw that from the descent of the Angels, the experiences were provided from which much could be understood about freewill creation. The descent into physical matter followed and there came a time when all memory of their illustrious beginnings was forgotten. Your present Universe was created, and it was for the purpose of experiencing duality which you are now familiar. The Creator was always with you as a loving deity and gave you the freedom to follow a path of your choice. While you were dropping lower into the heavy physical vibrations, you were accompanied by many souls charged with looking after you and guiding your footsteps. You accepted duality as your testing ground knowing that whatever happened to you, one day you would awaken to your true self.

By the very nature of what duality is it has required that you experience the dark and the Light. This you have done for eons of time, and you have traveled the path that has led you to this present period. Now you are beginning to learn of your true beginning, and your Angelic reality from which you agreed to “fall”. In fact that term has become synonymous with the Devil/Satan which is your own creation to personify evil. Even that has the wrong connotation as there is in reality no such thing, only Light and the Absence of Light. Understand that you agreed to experience both so that you could take these experiences back to the Godhead with you. The Creator gave you laws to follow, but in no way were they in the form of punishment. That has become Man’s way, and The Creator has nothing but Love for his creations.

We know it is a difficult concept to accept that The Creator even loves those that would seemingly work against The Creators Will. It is something that you need to bring into your consciousness. This is particularly important at a time when you are seeing the final outworking of the clearing of your creations. Some souls have to take the side of the dark, and as incomprehensible as it may seem to you, they also immerse themselves in such roles to further their own evolution. They are able to clear Karma by helping you to see the depth to which Man has dropped. They reflect what you yourselves have created, and together you are now about to rise up like the Phoenix out of the ashes of the past.

Perhaps you can now understand why we emphasize the need to be forgiving and non judgmental. As hard as it is to accept, you have all been party to the experiences of Earth, but that is why you came in the first place. Had you not been veiled from your true selves, you could not have descended into matter. Furthermore, you would not have had such an array of experiences, that have made you the wonderful Beings that you have become whilst upon Earth.

You are looked upon as great Beings, because you were prepared to move out of the comfort of the higher realms to become “disconnected” from your Source. You are revered for making sacrifices in the interests of other souls, who are yet to follow on and benefit from your experiences. You are loved beyond measure because you maintained your faith in The Creator. Through Ascension you are returning to the fully conscious Beings you originally were that you know as Angels. You may not believe it, but you are far greater than you give yourselves credit for, and that is only because you have become immersed in darkness for so long. As you grow in Light so you will be able to accept your true status, and the coming changes that will guide you along the path to fulfilment.

I am St. Germain, and in one way to be seen as just another soul like you. We are One, and we all have the same potential to rise up, and in reality none are superior to another but just at different levels of expression and experience. When I return with the Masters we shall salute you and bow before you, as you are truly the Gods that we often tell you about. Feel good about yourselves, and why not as you can now do so without becoming egocentric. Know who you are, and as you enter this final phase it will all become so much easier for you. Can you not feel the Love we have for you, as you should be able to as it enfolds you every step of the way. Walk in Love and give of it freely, it is the greatest service you can give.

Thank you St. Germain.

Mike Quinsey.