Friday, December 29, 2006

SaLuSa - "The path of the dark and the Light is clearly defined, and it is a one sided contest as the Light will always prove superior"

Through Mike Quinsey

Dear Ones I am SaLuSa, and looking back at this year it has to be one that in general terms has been very satisfactory. Although the threat of terrorist action has been a possibility, it has not occurred to the degree that you have been led to expect. Bird Flu has not proved to be anywhere near endemic proportions as previously suggested, and has tended to affect only those who are closely associated with their breeding and personal use. Relatively speaking, the Earth itself has been quiet, and the many minor occurrences that have taken place could be considered as quite normal.

All told the year has passed without any real trauma, natural or otherwise. Without some change of direction, the outlook is however still grim as the dark forces try to escalate confrontation in the Middle East. You will have noticed that peace talks are rarely if ever on the agenda, and the war machine marches on under the guidance of the Illuminati. Over many years their plan has led to their presence in most countries, and whether as friend or foe their intention is still one of seeking global dominance. For some time their attention has been taken by the South American countries that have spurned their advances. This has caused a delay to their plan, and they plot ways in which to overcome democratically elected leaders.

In the area of weapons development the U.S. spends astronomical amounts of money, particularly on advanced Space weapons. This takes place to the background of a falling dollar and the possibility of devaluation. The dark have no real concern about the future of the people, except that through allowing or creating chaos they promote fear and tighten their grip upon them. The World and its resources are seen as a target for complete control and domination, by an un-elected government that fails to truly represent its people.

The picture creates one of despots and criminals taking over the world, but wait because you the people have your own champions who are ready to come forward. You also have the Galactic Forces and many highly evolved Beings with you, working purely in your interests and commands of the Creator. The Creator’s plan is the only one that will be fulfilled, and the others are already collapsing. The path of the dark and the Light is clearly defined, and it is a one sided contest as the Light will always prove superior.

The greatest change has occurred amongst the people who have become enlightened, and now have a greater understanding of the battle that is taking place. Instead of being held down, many have broken out of the shackles of ages past that have denied them their freedom and sovereignty. They now have a realization of their power to determine their own future. No one can take away your growing consciousness and determination to take it back. Your mass consciousness continues to grow at an accelerated pace, and it is awakening Humanity to its true purpose.

The beauty of your rapid awakening is that you are creating a powerful energy that must manifest itself and fulfill its destiny. It is you the people that are lighting up the path ahead, and many are being drawn to it. There may be momentary pauses brought about by the activities of the dark, but we are working with you to ensure there is no lasting effect. We do much to prevent the dark from creating too many problems, and can nullify their ability to do so. From way out in Space, out of harms way we continue to monitor all events on Earth. If necessary, we come very close to alleviate the problems arising from the use of advanced electronic technology. Our concerns also arise where the animal kingdoms are concerned both on land and at sea, as they are being destroyed without any thought for their right to existence.

Our association with you will become stronger, and soon we will find it possible to make more contacts with you. We do not put anyone at risk, but the time is approaching for a much more open contact with you. One way has already started and working successfully, and that covers the growing number of contacts who are able to receive our messages. This is an important area of communication, and it is essential that more people know of our intentions for the advancement of Humanity.

You have been held back for far too long, and now we make ourselves more known to you but in a way that shows our respect for your sovereignty. We see you as One with us, and our association with you will be based on this understanding. We are your mentors and protectors, and have been with you for millennia of time. In the course of your history you have had encounters with other extraterrestrials, but many simply visit Earth for exploration purposes with no other intent.

The Greys are not as some believe attempting to take over the people or the Earth itself. They come out of self-interest to promote a program that will ensure their own survival. It is unfortunate that their activities promote much fear amongst you, but it may be some consolation for you to know that their actions are monitored. They do not have a free hand to do just as they wish. Almost every contact they make with people of Earth is pre-arranged and therefore permissible, although most of them are unaware of this fact.

You have a lot to learn about the great Cosmos that teams with life. However, it will not be much longer before it will be open to you for your exploration. Beforehand you will be educated so as to understand the Laws of Contact, as you cannot interfere with the evolution of others. You will find that once you have achieved a certain level of understanding and a higher consciousness, you will be welcomed to visit other civilizations. The crudity, disregard and inconsideration that Man presently shows for other life forms are unacceptable elsewhere. Can you now see why you have been quarantined upon Earth, and have so far been prevented from traveling into Space?

My friends, great changes are coming as you put on your cloak of Light and become the Christed Ones that are lifting off Earth. Your achievements are astonishing in such a short time, and we accompany you with great love and admiration for your success. Victory over the dark will soon become yours.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

"Your world needs to transition from the present dark and limited-consciousness reality to a new one"

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
13 Cib, 14 Mol, 2 Ik
26 December, 2006

Selamat Bakir! We come before you once again with more to discuss. The process to bring you your promised prosperity progresses well. Our Earth allies are fully engaged in procedures that must be completed according to guidelines set forth in special documents. These papers guarantee that, once these tasks are completed, your freedom is duly assured. Hence, it is vital that all goes as planned. The dark cabal is at its wit's end and knows that its demise is close at hand. Our part is to remain as the overall guide and adviser on these matters. A number of pivotal legal and political issues are presently being handled, but as these are of a highly sensitive nature, we can say no more at present. However, we can report that a great financial crisis hangs over your world if these matters are not properly directed to their most desirable conclusion. The urgency of these endeavors has somewhat delayed the deliveries long promised you; nevertheless, it is essential that you be centered and ready to go forward with your own plans once these remaining conditions are amply remedied.

Our own operations concerning first contact are likewise going forward as planned. It is necessary to garner the support of your major governments in order to ensure that all goes smoothly. Our arrival is to be massive and of global proportions. We wish to have assurances that any possible governmental or military difficulties have been quite resolved. This requirement can avoid unnecessary embarrassment and provides the means for spreading our message as quickly and directly as possible. At the same time, we are keeping our back-up options open and viable. Your world needs to transition from the present dark and limited-consciousness reality to a new one. This shift is presupposed by Heaven and hence, we have the required dispensations to intervene if necessary. Our desire is to affect the primary scenario agreed to by all responsible parties. We mention the dispensation to intervene merely to assure you of our dedication to the completing of this first contact mission with you as soon as divinely possible.

We look upon the efforts of our Earth allies as part of a means to free you from the fears and wants of limited consciousness. All societies pass through a transitional phase that can actually be quite perilous. Our duty is to move you safely through this period and allow the playing out of whatever lessons need to be imparted. This is what we are currently doing. And it has necessitated our permitting various things to occur that we would rather have kept from you. Yet, you needed these particular events to be registered on your consciousness for future reference. This done, we are now preparing to usher you into the next stage of your rising awareness. Each stage permits a greater number of people to awaken from their amnesia and become aware of what is truly happening on this world. This progressive education project is preparing your population for what lies ahead. After all, you are nearly at a point where many massive revelations concerning your most deeply held perceptions are to be proclaimed. These declarations are to end the many lies and innuendos that have long held you in check.

The raising of consciousness is a difficult task for the unwary: It requires moving beyond many beliefs held with deep conviction and supposedly historically based. This can be painful and often leads to conflict. To minimize these pitfalls we have enlisted your Ascended Masters to be mediators in possible conflict situations. Their mission is to smooth over these rough patches and permit your populace to grow toward the Truth which has been long hidden or twisted by your former overlords, the Anunnaki. We expect this situation to flower once the proclamations concerning your true history are made after the formal first contact begins. Remember that such a shift in consciousness normally takes place over a much longer period than this. The reason for this foreshortened time span is that the dark overstayed their welcome and must now be dealt with more rapidly. This requirement makes this first contact unique and promises an equally unique conclusion.

Because of these circumstances, we studied a variety of mission options and their respective outcomes. This exercise permitted us to choose the ones most conducive to your success and to guide you toward them. Around a hundred years ago, you began to move toward the petrochemical solution to your energy needs. On most worlds, the dangers of this path are discovered and acted upon before a global disaster threatens that world's existence. In your case, not only did this understanding elude you, but also you actively discouraged reasonable alternatives and allowed your corporate cabals to run roughshod over you. Now, a danger point is fast approaching. Mother Earth does not welcome this and we have had to directly intervene. As a result of what is to occur, you are to be moved away from this looming cataclysm. Your penchant for disaster is to be reversed by the events surrounding first contact.

An expansion in consciousness often requires qualified supervision and can quickly become quite intricate. As mentioned above, one of the challenges is allowing distasteful events to occur as part of the learning process. Each stage has its bumps and aberrations. Moreover, large sections of the global population remain "asleep," and it is your task as an overseer to awaken them in the right divine order. This volatile mix of operations means that the flow of the procedure can become quite turbulent. This adds to the confusion as well as the joy of those who must adjust the flow. Our Galactic Federation counselors and psychic physicians are finding these "jobs" quite interesting. Many of you are indulging in errors of belief that are illogical and often absurd and need to receive intimations on how to adjust them.

The mass psychological profile we are compiling on you is quite riveting to us. We are learning so much about how limited consciousness humans react to the call of change and to the situations thrown up by that change. Our studies help us comprehend the limitations blocking your mental and emotional abilities and how this potential is affected by your environment. The data we compiled was of considerable use in assisting the many former star nations of the Anchara Alliance to adapt to the new rules and conditions that come with membership in the Galactic Federation. These studies also made it possible to formulate a new methodology to evaluate each of you. This maximizes our ability to be of assistance to you during your upcoming mental, emotional, and physical metamorphoses.

First contact is an ongoing operation that is approaching its point of completion. Throughout this time, we have continuously learned about you and your reality. As the moment for our meeting draws near, we want you to know how much we appreciate what you are going though. Those who study you at close quarters by living among you are especially impressed: Just think of what you daily have to tolerate in order to simply live on your world! The variety of obstacles and challenges that you encounter are a true test of your resourcefulness and your ability to adapt creatively to stumbling blocks. This struggle toward full consciousness does not have much longer to go. The time for celebrating the transformation of your reality will be a time of rejoicing for all of us. Remember, Together, We are indeed Victorious!

Today, we have gone over what is happening on your world. The struggles you daily face is coming to an end. Soon, you can welcome our arrival and the start of a new phase of your existence. This new reality is to be filled with prosperity and is to be a time to prepare to become galactic citizens! We now take our leave. Blessings, dear Ones! Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Majon! Selamat Kasitaram! (Sirian for Rejoice and Be Blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy!)

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Ag-agria - "Good news does not serve the interests of the Illuminati, particularly if it places power in the hands of the people"

Through Mike Quinsey

Dear Ones, a beautiful energy has moved across the Earth, carrying with it a message of Love and Peace. One that is a gentle caress that lifts many out of their despair and soothes their brow, an energy that tells of the infinite and eternal love of the Creator. You have drawn it to you, and in spreading it about you are enabling others to share it.

The prospect of a New Year of heightened vibrations is not only realistic, but also part of the plan to lift Man even higher than previously. You are the main actors as it plays itself out, and as it progresses so the opportunity for greater achievements exists. The energies being sent to Earth are increasing all of the time, and are in line with your ability to contain them.

Your media focus on the disruptive happenings across the world, and while some of it is newsworthy most of it is intended to evoke fear. If peace had taken hold many years ago, you would not today face the chaos that exists. A different path would have been created, and in this time the people would have been well advanced and prepared for Ascension. In some ways it is perhaps fortunate that Lightworkers do not seek publicity, as it is best that they work quietly away without drawing attention to their activities. There is certainly little mention of their achievements in the general Press and Television Channels that are heavily and deliberately controlled.

Good news does not serve the interests of the Illuminati, particularly if it places power in the hands of the people. Consequently you see for example how the use of natural medicine and treatments are attacked, in favor of drug therapies and treatment. Control and power over you are the weapons of the dark, and they will curtail your freedom of choice where possible. It also means that relatively cheap natural remedies are kept down, whilst expensive drugs are forced upon you. So it goes on as more laws and regulations are designed to make you more dependent and answerable to the authorities.

Your release from the oppressive regulations and unjust laws will come with the change of Government, and a reappraisal of all legislation from over the last few hundred years. Not only that, the Constitution will be restored so as to give you back your full freedom and sovereignty. It is our experience that people who enjoy freedom are happy, and more likely to become model citizens in a fair and just society. Much of your criminality arises from resentment and dissatisfaction at the lack of abundance, and the grossly unfair distribution of wealth.

I mention the problems which gravely concern many people all over the world. However, these will be addressed with some urgency once we can freely move amongst you. We shall remove all that was birthed in the minds of the Dark Ones. Humanity will be treated with equality and according to its needs, Greed and avarice will not be tolerated, and we believe that people have the ability to change once the fairness of the new ways is understood. There will be no reason for envy or resentment where other people are concerned.

The changes to your society and the framework in which you live will commence this year. It has already started from within and when we come to some extent you will have laid down a working hypothesis. What you will have started we shall finish, and it will be in answer to your pleas for release from the tyrannical rule of the Illuminati. Your pleas have never gone unheeded, but the Light has to generate its own answers before we can respond. Now your desire for a peaceful co-existence is greatly apparent, and we shall help manifest those conditions that will achieve it for you.

At present you have one foot in this world and one foot in the next, ready to take the next ones that will leave the old behind. Many of you are aware of the changes occurring within yourself, and they can reveal themselves in a way that moves your consciousness more into the Now. It can be confusing, as in a time when you seek more clarity in your thinking it can seem that you are losing touch with reality. Forgetfulness is one sign of it and for a while it will remain so, until you get used to living with an expanded consciousness.

Your development is speeding forward at an unprecedented rate, and will continue to do so. Using your intuition will become more the guiding tool than reasoned thinking. Remember, that your Higher Self holds all the answers, and you will in time merge again with this aspect of yourself. A certain indication of your progress, will be when others notice how you are becoming detached from the material world. It will cause divisions amongst other people who are not separating in this manner. The 3D vibration will have less and less appeal, except for those who still find comfort within it.

Many have already identified 2007 as the year of completion, and it will see great advancement and achievements for those on the path to Ascension. The energies of many dimensional outpourings are having their affect on so many of you, who are ready to make a quantum leap forward. It is increasing your vibration rapidly, and you will need to be aware of what is happening to keep a level head. It is an unusual time when two separate paths are approaching their zenith, but one is going forward and the other one backwards. Both however are heading for completion, and then a New Age can begin.

See how the Divine Plan is immaculate in its conception and completion, allowing for personal choice and advancement. The Higher Beings gracefully accompany souls on either path, as no judgement is made which would be against the edict of God that you have full freedom of choice. Your different paths will eventually lead you onwards until you come fully into the Light.

I am Ag-agria from Sirius and of the Galactic Federation, waiting with eagerness to meet you. At last, we will then be able venture forward as One in allegiance to the Creator, and many others will follow in our steps. Dear Ones, Love and Light illuminates your way forward as always, and will ever be.

Thank you Ag-agria.

Mike Quinsey.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Atmos - "On behalf of the Galactic Federation I send you all our wishes and salutations for a joyful and happy time"

Dear Friends,

It’s been quite a year with the promise of much that has not yet materialised, but for all that makes the prospect of 2007 a wonderfully exciting time. Whatever way you celebrate Christmas I hope it will delight you and give much happiness to everyone. I will be back with my next message on Wednesday 27th December. My thanks and love to everyone who distributes my messages - Mike Quinsey

Through Mike Quinsey

What is it that is magical about moving into a new year, I suggest it is because as the old one is left behind it seems that all of the problems stay with it. This is of course obviously untrue, but through your power of thought you cease to put your energy into that which was, and instead into what will be. It means that your expectations are carried forward with a strong impetus that will hasten their manifestation.

Already your expectations for 2007 are extremely high, and you are to be applauded for maintaining a positive outlook. After what have seemed to be a number of disappointments in 2006, I believe there is an understanding that much flexibility has to be exercised where the anticipated changes are concerned. Events are continually being moved forward to their ultimate conclusion, and this is no mean task given the difficulties that are placed across our path.

Unfortunately, we cannot divulge our plans beyond a general outline, as the forces opposed to us are liable to stop at nothing to delay them. Nevertheless, you have sufficient knowledge of the goals that have been set to understand what is happening. As time proceeds, we will find ourselves in the position of being able to fully enlighten you. However, you already know that we are guarded against doing so before the last cabal has been removed.

Because we are working for the Light we are always going to be in a position to dictate what happens, but we must allow karma to be played out. It sometimes cuts across our plans, but we are able to minimise the outcome. This is particularly important where Mother Earth is concerned, otherwise she would re-act in her own way and that could be extremely damaging to life and limb. The idea that Mother Earth has a consciousness is a strange concept to many of you. Perhaps it will be more understood by remembering that all creations have a consciousness, down to the simple cell.

There is so much knowledge that we will impart to you when we can at last openly meet you. It helps of course if your understanding is opened up ready to receive the greater knowledge. It is imperative that you wake up from the long sleep, and this period in your evolution presents you with a marvellous opportunity to do so. These cycles will repeat themselves for those who cannot or will not raise their consciousness. However, what a wonderful year lies ahead, when many teachers and enlightened souls will rise up to carry you forward.

It does not matter that even where the enlightened groups are concerned, that there is not a common agreement over every aspect. You will find that whatever way they see events manifesting, they will all eventually arrive at the same destination. There will in any event be a great coming together as the path to Ascension unfolds. There is no place for anything other than the truth which will progressively come out as time passes.

It is the reasons for seeing yourself as separate to each other that need to be eliminated. Acceptance that you are all One having come from the same source is the first step, but that is qualified by pointing out that you have taken on outer coverings of physical matter that label you as a human species. Furthermore, you have the five major root races, and they simply give you various means of experience. Your Oneness is not affected in the slightest way, although many only understand the physical differences that are apparent in the various races. Now not even distance can keep you apart, and the mysteries of life and traditions in other countries have been revealed.

It must also be said that it is of no real importance that so many Gods abound in religious teachings. Again, in time these will be seen as expressions of the same energies that will be identified and commonly understood. There is in reality no need for the mysteries to surround the truth of your Beingness, or the existence of the higher realms. You will be able to fully comprehend the truth when it is unequivocally placed before you. This cleansing of your beliefs will clearly explain the facts of your source and evolution.

Many great events are waiting an opportunity to manifest, and we excitedly look forward to bringing these about. Then you will have no doubt where your future lies, and life on Earth will become an opportunity to express yourself in ways that give you complete satisfaction. All contributions will be positive and beneficial to everyone. No longer will Mother Earth be neglected or abused, and her place in your lives will be appreciated and fully understood. You will in fact work together, and harmony and balance in all things will be the order of the day.

Overseeing all of your activities will be the Galactic Federation and many other Beings from the higher dimensions. A release of your natural love for each other will also become evident, as old differences are overcome. The vibration of Earth and its people will rapidly rise as a result, and in a year or two you will look back at this period and realise how much you have changed. The outlook promises great advancement for everyone, and the past will gradually no longer have any hold on you. You will be on the path as enlightened Beings, and have long released your remaining fears and doubts as to who you really are and where you came from.

I am Atmos of the Galactic Federation, and we see so many likely events coming to pass very soon. They will be essential to the final cleansing and we are happy to say that all is proceeding very well. Leave the dark to fall into their own traps, as their path is also defined for their future.

On behalf of the Galactic Federation I send you all our wishes and salutations for a joyful and happy time. May it carry you forward with great happiness and the achievement of all that is dear to your heart.

Thank you Atmos.

Mike Quinsey

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Diane - "Stay calm and know that you are creating the most powerful energies of Love that the dark cannot destroy"

Through Mike Quinsey

Take time to appraise your personal position within the mighty changes that are about to take place. What you envision now for yourself will manifest in the course of the coming period. It will be one of much concern to everyone, but remember that we have helped to orchestrate the events. We use the momentum created by the dark forces, but put it to our use and for our intended results. What will first appear as a series of calamities, is simply to clear the way for the first outward appearances of many new ideas that will transform your planet.

Many of you are already strategically placed in positions where you can be of great influence, and can carry the responsibility of manifesting the changes. At the right time you will be given the opportunity to serve the Light, as your capabilities to do so are already known to us. From your present position you should be able to intuitively perceive the role that you could play. We suggest that you seek inner guidance as to how your abilities and experience can be used. In your heart you have a vision of how you would apply yourself given the chance, find that impetus to make it your reality and it will surely be given to you.

The time for action is approaching very quickly, and in giving energy to your vision you are helping it to come into being. The greatest call from the people is one for world peace, and it is being answered by the Higher Beings who oversee the path that is mapped out for you and Mother Earth. We in response play our part that is allowed in accordance with Universal Law. Not even the dark with all of their disruptive plans and intent to prevent your eventual Ascension, can stop the final victory for the Light. For this you can take immense credit, as you have refused to succumb to their oppressive and overbearing authority.

We come as representatives of the Creator, and we see you as one great civilization that have been deliberately fragmented and separated by the actions of those who have been used by the dark. There is no judgement on our part, and we will address all of the issues accordingly. We favor no one over another, and we encourage you to offer the hand of love and friendship to your fellow travelers. If it is refused then allow that choice to be honored, as not everyone will decide to put their differences aside. For too long the emphasis has been put on segregation, and the placing of barriers between people.

Unlike a century ago, people can by and large move freely around the world. This has resulted in permanent moves that have led to the multi-cultured societies that you now live in. In was inevitable that it would lead to such changes and it has taken time, but led to a greater understanding of each other. It has shown that in essence you all desire of the same things out of life. Given the opportunity, most of you would even now accept the differences in others that have hitherto caused you to keep apart.

Your natural inclination and desire is to be at one with others. It is regrettable that it often only surfaces when you are faced with disaster, yet it shows that inwardly you can act out of love that has the power to overcome your differences. Do not forget that it is Man who has set out the parameters that have divided people. It has been founded on the false premise that the differences between you should be maintained rather than loosened. Religion has often been used to establish such rigid beliefs that have strengthened such dictates. Fortunately the hold of those who implant these ideas is also coming to an end.

More than ever before you now seek your answers within, and prefer to be guided by your Higher Self. This is bringing you together at a level that the dark find difficult to infiltrate, as you are protected by the your belief in Self. You are experiencing the ways of one who has found inner peace, and it is re-molding the world you live in. Your word becomes one that is regarded with respect, as you practice the teaching of your wisdom. It is through this that much soul growth is achieved, and others take note of it.

Now you are all at the point of choice and soon the decision will have to be made as to which path you wish to follow. For some there is confusion as they are not yet aware of what is happening and its purpose. Help them to see through the chaos of a world in upheaval, and understand that the cleansing is a necessary step to allow the forming of a new Earth. Fear is still the energy that fuels the dark, but many of you are now enlightened Beings who do not fall for the rhetoric and false pronouncements they make. You can take away their power by transmuting the dark energies before they can do much harm. Remember also that in a practical way we assist you by implementing the greater plan.

The energies of change are clearly affecting people, and they do not necessarily know why it is so. However, they do feel that Humanity has been heading in the wrong direction, and instinctively know that it is going backwards rather than forwards. The right to freedom and sovereignty is something that is inherent in you, and its denial is causing a great awakening to occur. It only needs your new leaders to emerge and replace the present ones, and this energy will soon be directed in a way that will carry you forward in leaps and bounds. This part of the plan is very much in our hands, and is your assurance of success.

Our message to you is to ask that you pour out your Light and Love where you perceive that the darkness is strongest. Do not limit your vision, as you are mighty powerful Beings. It only requires a small number of you with the same focus to bring changes about. The Middle East should still be the main focal point, as the people are crying out for release from the tyrants that rule, and those who occupy the lands of others. Peace is not impossible, but there has to be leadership and direction that is not influenced by political demands. The time for playing power politics is nearly over.

I am Diane from the Galactic Federation and we fully understood your problems, and from a higher standpoint seek to guide you with our loving assessment. We come regularly so that you will know of our presence, and continuing work to achieve the fulfillment of the Creator’s Plan. Failure is not something we contemplate, for we already see that you have succeeded in bringing peace back to Earth. You are being driven by a knowingness of what should be, that comes from your subconsciousness. You have always had an inner understanding of what should be your rightful place in the Cosmos. You were meant to return to the state of being free souls, and the yokes that have held you down are soon to be released.

A period of celebration is starting in those countries that remember the coming of Christ. It is an energy that will carry into the New Year, and we see it uplifting so many who are seeking that illusive peace. It will continue to grow and find an even greater impetus as the inevitable changes start to manifest. Stay calm and know that you are creating the most powerful energies of Love that the dark cannot destroy. You are the new leaders for change, and you are being most successful.

Thank you Diane.

Mike Quinsey

"In this new environment, it becomes possible to scrutinize and then recharter the world's major corporations and to produce a new economic system"

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
5 Lamat, 6 Mol, 2 Ik
19 December, 2006

Selamat Jarin! We come again, dear Ones! Much is happening on your world that is positive! Secretly, the Great War between the dark ones and our Earth allies is reaching a critical stage. The final rounds of this struggle are being played out even as we speak. Many millennia ago, as the Anunnaki started to enforce their strict covenant with their Earth-bound minions, a bright Light of hope descended from the Heavens and deposited itself in the reaches of the former continent of Lemuria. Here in the Pacific, legends and myths grew of humanity's deliverance in a far-off future time. These were duly transmitted around the globe and, behold, the time for this deliverance now beckons. We arrive with this message to inform you of this and to educate you about what is covertly happening upon your blessed orb. For far too long you have scratched out a living, barely knowing why this was your fate. Now this is to end, and your reality transformed by a massive abundance and the beginning of new governance across your world. The way was set by a divine intervention by the holy ones of Heaven!

According to the decrees of Lord Surea, the time came in this present era to bring forth a new way. Part of this sacred way is to be a shower of wealth upon your world. This wealth is to end suffering and despair, and bring happiness and fulfillment to all. To do this, a great holy force was unleashed whose purpose is to transform this reality. Applying this sacred edict, our Earth allies began a formal program many decades ago to free you from the dark yoke imposed by the Anunnaki and their many minions. This resolved into a financial and monetary war centered on the ways the dark multiplies its wealth. The idea was to expose these practices to more open scrutiny while simultaneously using these methods to disempower them. Steadily these maneuvers gained momentum as the dark moved more of its wealth from the Americas into the Far East. These transfers were initially carried out in hopes that they would expand the dark's inner circle of power. Preventing a possible coup from inside America or even Europe was seen as vital by the Anunnaki and their minions' power councils.

Following the end of WWII, a new financial and monetary system was put into place. Upon this rock was laid the present post-war world. Those who opposed this unjust system worked hard to forge an alternative. This was founded upon the resurgence of Europe and the restoration of a modern traditional distribution of regional power around the planet. In the past two decades, this alternative began to manifest. Then, the post-war system started in the 1940s needed to be reviewed. This opening was the moment that those desiring drastic change had long awaited. A new system was to be discussed and then implemented by those in power. This process began in the early 1990s but was soon waylaid by the Anunnaki's change of direction. The ensuing struggle between the varying factions was aided by a series of legal maneuvers that laid bare the gross illegitimacy of the entire US government. The great rock upon which the entire post-war world is based was rapidly crumbling. Chaos was everywhere. The world was in need of a wholly new reality.

Meantime, the Light was calmly moving forward with your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual makeover. Mother Earth, likewise, was in the midst of her own transformation. Added to this were our arrival and our first contact mission. Amid this upheaval, your reality churns on, pretending that nothing is amiss. And nothing could be further from the Truth! Everywhere, the chaos and despair brought on by the inadequacies of this post-war structure are glaringly evident. This brings us to the monumental financial war presently being waged. This secret war has brought many aspects of the financial world to a near standstill, creating a multitude of difficulties, which are passed off as fallout from the global "war on terror." In fact, these problems are produced by the increasing panic of the dark and their power-hungry cohorts. They see their grip slipping inexorably away from them and there appears to be nothing that can be done to stop it.

The dark's trepidation is the first sign of a strategy that is just beginning to bear fruit; namely, the loosening of their stranglehold on the planet's financial transactions. This involves terminating and returning to the US Treasury the power of the Federal Reserve. Concurrent with this is the removal of the present US regime and the upending of many likeminded allies. This is being done by releasing the first ripples of the abundance funds followed by the means to topple the Federal Reserve along with its string of cronies in the banking world. This provides a legal opening to bring down the present US regime and install a vastly different financial reality. In this new environment, it becomes possible to scrutinize and then recharter the world's major corporations and to produce a new economic system. It is high time that you were able to realize fully your "pursuit of happiness."

This rapidly approaching world is built around two intrinsic concepts: first, the need to end your struggle for survival, which can permit you all to pursue your inner Joy! Second, to return you to your natural responsibilities as guardians of Mother Earth and of the integrity of your society and governments. This future holds great promise as well as great responsibilities. Our role in fulfilling first contact is to be your advisers, confidants, and teachers. We welcome this opportunity and intend to help you better comprehend what is expected of you by Heaven. Mother Earth plans to accelerate her changes once you reach the point of your own destined metamorphoses. The post-first-contact world is something you can now barely imagine: a world where strife and want simply vanish! And yet even this is merely the beginning of what lies ahead for you.

Ahead of you is the entire length and breadth of physical Creation. Remember, you are special. And it is for this reason that you need to seriously prepare yourselves for this coming world. You must be ready to handle successfully and to safeguard huge sums of money. Those so chosen have the daunting responsibility of distributing this abundance among their fellows and putting it to work for the greater good. Setting up a new system to monitor government is also your responsibility. Do not take this lightly! Much is expected of you. This includes the now desperate need to redress the damage you have perpetrated upon Mother Earth and to incorporate new technologies to rehabilitate endangered ecosystems. Above all, you need to ensure the everyone benefits fully from the prosperity handed to you by Heaven.

This new world is the steppingstone to your readmission into the vastness of the universe. You and your prodigy are to traverse this great expanse and use your wisdom to assist in the unfolding of Creation. This sacred task is something that we have just begun as well, and we look forward to adding your wisdom to ours. As you carry out this divine mission, you are to explore the incredible power and beauty of the galaxies of this universe, which are like a living tapestry magnificently woven by the Creator. You are to understand how the science of consciousness truly operates, and finally to comprehend that these wonders and the energy that produces them are found within you, and indeed within every conscious aspect of the Creator's grand plan! Remember, dear Ones, Together We are indeed Victorious!

Today, we added another chapter to your understanding. We sincerely ask you to prepare yourselves for the grand changes that are ready to manifest. This requires an inner serenity and a firm centeredness, which we have described to you in many past messages. Be in your Joy, and be ready to accept the great responsibilities that are shortly to be handed to you. Blessings, dear Ones! Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Majon! Selamat Kasitaram! (Sirian for Rejoice! and Be Blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy!)

Monday, December 18, 2006

St Germain - "The Creator has envisioned the perfection in which life can evolve, and you and every other soul are experiencing it as made manifest"

Through Mike Quinsey

There is an enormous amount of merging taking place that involves the new energies that are being directed to Earth. They affect individuals and the Earth itself, and this is indeed the intention as part of the plans for upliftment. Even where there is no knowledge of them or intent to take them in, they will nevertheless still raise the level of consciousness. To what extent depends on whether an individual wishes it to so happen. If you find yourself acting in harmony with them, they will become an essential part of your consciousness that will carry you forward.

You have in fact been merging with the new energies for quite a long time, and as you have already experienced there are people on Earth who foresee such events and make them known. It will always benefit you to prepare for such occasions and enables a smooth transition of the energies. With your developing higher levels of consciousness, it is now possible for you to actively participate and have the awareness of exactly how they impinge upon you. You will certainly notice the subtle changes within yourself, and they strengthen your ability to remain firmly and calmly in your own space.

Another benefit is your ability to place a strong protective light barrier around yourself. You will as a result become less affected by the negative energies around you. You link with others who become One with your level of consciousness, and this is the Law of Attraction at work. In fact, many of you will unknowingly become part of a group consciousness. Through this growth you become a prime bearer of the Light, whilst still remaining as ever a individual part of the whole.

As you are beginning to understand, you cannot rise above the level of your vibrations except that you increase them first. It then becomes an automatic attraction that allows you to enter higher and higher dimensions. Your destiny as souls who seek to take this opportunity for Ascension, is to venture into the Fifth Dimension. Already you walk between the Third and Fourth Dimension, as energies do not have a clearly marked line that divides them. You move in and out of them depending on your level of consciousness.

You will also find that with the expansion of your consciousness, you are more able to keep in tune with your Higher Self. This has the benefit of allowing the higher guidance to help you along your path, and your perception will also be very much enhanced. In reality everything you need to know is already within, and if you carefully listen to those promptings, sometimes referred to as your intuition you will need little outside help. Remember that each soul has a personal life plan, even so they may be aiming to reach the same goals. What seems to work for one is not necessarily going to work for others.

Finding your path is what you are engaged in at present, although many of you already have a clear vision and understanding of it. In that event do not be diverted from it by others who have a different one to follow, no matter how attractive it may appear. The fact is that all compliment each other and are equally important. Humans have a tendency to jump from one thing to another, chasing after the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Settle into that which is in harmony with your vibrations and you will find what you seek.

The Universe is a living force that is continually changing, but subject to the result of incoming energies from the Central Sun. It is also subject to all manner of changes brought about by the way in which they are used. It results in a continual ebbing and flowing that affects the whole. The Earth although a small speck amongst the millions of planets involved, also has its own input that contributes to the overall effect. The Earth is a microcosm of the macrocosm albeit at the lower end of the scale of vibrations.

The Creator has envisioned the perfection in which life can evolve, and you and every other soul are experiencing it as made manifest. In serving the Creator, those of the highest vibrations who are the Light Beings of expansive consciousness that hold the power of creation, have carried out the Creator’s bidding. Consequently at their level all is in absolute perfection, and only loses that perfection as the vibration is lowered through the various dimensions. Yet, as you rise up you would be forgiven for thinking that you had already found the highest levels.

The magnificence of the Creator’s vision is beyond mortal words, and in your finite lives is beyond your comprehension. What awaits you with the birth of the Golden Age is your first glimpse of the dimensions of Light. Held together by the glue of the Universe that is God’s Consciousness. All is in the energy of Light and Love; there is no other. As you ascend so that which has no place in the higher vibrations must be transmuted, and the higher you go the more refining takes place.

So we come back to you on Earth, lifting your heads up out of the sands of time and beginning to see once more the beauty and harmony that beckons. Suddenly earthly matters will seem of little consequence, as your thoughts dwell in the higher dimensions. In so doing you are helping manifest those very thoughts, and the new Earth is slowly being imprinted over the old one. When the optimum level of vibration is reached, in the twinkling of an eye it will be manifest, and the old one shall be gone from your sight. You are therefore the co-creators of Ascension, and have far exceeded our expectations in your ability to use your creative powers in this way.

Now a most wonderful year is about to start, and before long it will truly be said of you that you are indeed not just Gods in the making, but have commenced the manifestation of your true Self. In time you will merge more closely to your Higher Self until you become as One. The remaining years will present you with the chance to freely express your highest concepts, in the fullest expression of yourself.

I am St. Germain coming to you in the joy of your success, and awakening to the truth. Let Love be your guide to the goal that is now within your grasp.

Thank you St. Germain

Mike Quinsey.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Ker-On - "Do not allow doubt to creep into your thinking, as there is only one result possible and that is victory for the Light"

Through Mike Quinsey

Your whole Universe is involved in a massive upliftment, and yet your little blue planet that is called Earth is the main point of attention. The reason is that without help you would be unable to achieve the degree of changes necessary for completion. Furthermore you are a group of souls that are dearly loved and cherished for the great challenge you accepted. It is not every day that severe limitations and loss of consciousness are graciously experienced in the name of Love for the Creator.

It has been a long time since you first agreed to drop into the lower vibrations. It is fortunate that your memory has been veiled from full recall of this time, as the tasks you faced would have seemed much more difficult. Yet at no time have you toiled by yourselves, and you have been accompanied every step of the way by many great Beings from the higher lighted realms. This link will remain, and in the future you will have full knowledge and understanding of the place of the Spiritual Hierarchy. They will forever be your mentors and guides as you climb the great ladder of growth in love and enlightenment.

For millennia of time you have gradually been awakened as to your true nature, as you are souls of immense power with the ability to give of your Unconditional Love. Reaching this level is of extreme importance, and absolutely necessary if you are to ascend. The hardest place to try and practice it is where you are now, as at every turn there are distractions and emotional situations that can pull you down. However, you are encouraged to believe in yourselves, as you will find it gets progressively easier as you learn how to go into that center of Self where complete peace and calmness reside.

We view your attempts at upliftment with much satisfaction, as so many of you are becoming successful. It is so important in this last period before Ascension, and where some of you have led the way others are ready to follow. By your example you have shown what is possible, and that makes it so much easier for them. For each of you it is a personal journey that makes you unique, and an essential part of the whole. We journey with you and ensure that we are there for your help, and also to keep a balance between the dark and Light. Yet at the same time the Lighted Ones are distancing themselves from the dark Ones, as they tread firmly on the Path of Light.

All of this has been enacted before, and you are not really new to it. However, there is as distinct difference this time as the cycle will end with your Ascension as a physical Being. Albeit that the changes will mean that in essence you will ascend as quite different in composition to what you are now. Matter of a lower vibration cannot exist in the higher dimensions, which is why you are already in the process of drawing the higher vibrations to yourself. To this end we work with you, and providing you are able to apply yourself to the task you will certainly succeed.

It was only a few days ago that you were enlightened as to the high energies beamed to Earth on what you know as 12.12. If you care to reflect on how you now feel, many of you will register a distant change that reveals itself as a greater inner calmness that is sustainable. You will be no longer respond to the negativity around you as you might have done previously. Instead you will find a new strength that enables you to be a powerful center of peace. What you are achieving is to the benefit of everyone, making it easier for others to follow. As a result the mass consciousness has been lifted up, and not only will it be maintained, but will continue to increase exponentially.

There have been pointers along your paths where the opportunity to lift up your vibrations has been given to you. On each occasion they will have become more powerful and continue to do so. The net result is that you are the Wayshowers who are by example showing what is possible. Nothing is more natural to you than returning to the path of Light. It is your true state of being that you were prepared to leave behind to experience duality.

As growing Beings of Light it becomes much easier for you to understand the motives and agenda behind the actions of the dark. You will have broken away from their devious ways of mind control and manipulation. They can no longer exert the degree of control needed to make you subservient to them. Consequently, the more you who can break away from their grasp the less power they can exert. Their power base is breaking up, and you will find that eventually it will implode and be the very cause of their destruction.

What you see now is the collapse of the dark empire on Earth. Once their leaders are unable to exert their authority and control, they will lose their sense of direction and the moment will soon arise to remove them. Already many dear souls are groomed to take their place. The Galactic Federation and other forces of Light have certainly not been idle, but well prepared for the dramatic changes that will occur. We will accompany your new leaders all of the way, and they know they have our constant attention and protection. We have not come thus far to experience failure.

Everything is finely balanced and we shall ensure that it is kept that way. Outwardly it may still appear that the dark are winning, but this is an illusion created by them. They are losing their power very quickly, and there will be no way back. We are looking to those souls who are leading our allies to act at our prompting, as very soon a series of events will present the opportunities for your advancement. Many have come to Earth at this time to lead the way, and they are fully awakening to their assignment.

I am Ker-On from Venus, and I see that there is a wonderful Light emanating from Earth that tells us all is proceeding well. Do not allow doubt to creep into your thinking, as there is only one result possible and that is victory for the Light. Enjoy your end of year celebrations, and take your peace and love into the wonderful New Year and help make it very special.

Thank you Ker-On.

Mike Quinsey

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Ag-agria - "Have no fear! We are more than a match for the grandiose plans of your Illuminati"

Through Mike Quinsey

Greetings to you from your family of the stars, soon to be re-united in the truth of our Oneness. The time of our re-union approaches and we are excited to know that Humanity is in part already prepared. It makes our task much easier now that your consciousness has been lifted up, and you will be happier living in the knowingness of the truth. It is your natural desire to know about your true past, and not the often vague and deliberately misleading history presented to you.

It is important that you keep an open mind as to the revelations of your past, and when your connections to us are revealed. For many it will be a shock to their system and they will fear the consequences. However one of our prime objectives has been to conduct ourselves in a peaceful way that reflects our benign true nature.

Those who have followed our exploits will know that all of our actions including contacts with you have been conducted peacefully and in no way threatening. In the back of some peoples minds will be stories that they have heard of abductions. These are not of our doing, but largely credited to the rebel group of Greys, and occasionally your own military. The advanced technologies that they have gleaned from the Greys, and the results of back engineering have enabled them to develop their own craft. They move under the cloak of secrecy and their activities can be mistakenly attributed to us.

Our own covert actions will show that far from posing any threat, we have monitored your progress for millennia of time. The purpose has been to ensure your safety and interference from visiting alien Beings. It is also to maintain a certain degree of control over your military developments, so that your evolution proceeds in accordance with the Creator’s plan.

We are aware that attempts have been made to discredit us, but we have shown our ability to overcome them. Even now the dark have a plan to stage a confrontation that will put you in fear of us. It is simply a stalling operation and one to create opportunities to take their weapons of mass destruction into space. Have no fear! We are more than a match for the grandiose plans of your Illuminati. Our response is to prevent confrontation, but we reserve the right to reply and defend ourselves if provoked or attacked. Bear in mind we have no designs on taking over the Earth, it is your home and you are its guardians.

However, you do not have anyone on Earth who can represent you whilst the last cabal is the ruling world power. We are your voice and behind you, and we have already made it clear to your governments that we will not tolerate interference with the plan for the upliftment of Humanity. It is your divine right and the path that you chose long ago, and we intend that you shall see it through to the planned end. Absolutely nothing can postpone the end of this cycle other than a divine decree, and we are appointed as your protectors and guides for this purpose. Once we reach the position of being able to come openly to Earth, we can than fill in the gaps in your history and eliminate the lies and deceit that have held you in bondage to various powerful groups.

You have been so mislead about your own place in the Universe, and you have been kept in the dark through the forcing of false Gods upon you. Your religious teachings are a mix of truth and falsehoods that have their roots in periods of time that are less than 4000 years old. Consequently no one religion can claim as they do, to be the only one to have the complete truth. It is therefore wise to prepare yourselves for revelations that will permanently change your understanding. You will not be spoken down to and the truth will be given with full compassion for those who may be in shock, but we shall do it with full proof that will be irrevocable.

As a result of our contact with you over the last century, many channels have been opened up. We have gently brought you down from your unenlightened positions, to ones of illumination through our peaceful and often powerful messages. It has made a considerable difference, and softened the hardened attitude of those who have hitherto been unable to accept us. We are not devils or demons or connected with an anti-Christ, indeed we come from the higher levels of evolution of the Light and Love which we carry for all living life forms.

We are Christed Beings from many quarters of your Universe, having well passed the stage of evolution you are in at present. Many of you are also on the verge of becoming Christed Beings. This is the great gift from the Creator that is for each of you to take to yourselves should you so desire. Now you will understand why we are coming so close to you, as it is part of our brief to ensure that your path remains open for Ascension. The dark forces are allowed to challenge your decision, but your resolve and determination will carry you through. Your Light will prove to be far too strong to be affected by the negative energies. Indeed, it often has the opposite result as you deflect or transmute them.

I am Ag-agria one of many that will soon come to Earth, and close to Michael as one of his Guides from the Sirian group. We are your family from Space, and like any other member we lovingly guide you knowing you perhaps better than you know yourself. It matters not to us what you have chosen to experience as it is all part of your evolution, and we see you in your perfection as absolutely equal to us. We have no sense of superiority and have long given up any ideas of egotism. We are Beings of Light that serve others and have a particular interest in helping you, as after all you are our Brothers and Sisters from eons of time ago.

There is not long to go before we can celebrate our victory together. Until then we send our love to protect you, and give you the strength to gloriously rise up to conquer the remaining challenges.

Thank you Ag-agria.

Mike Quinsey

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

"These texts fully explain your extraterrestrial origin and tell the saga of how your divine ancestors reached and populated Mother Earth"

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
11 Imix, 19 Yaxk'in, 2 Ik
12 December, 2006

Greetings! We return with many things to discuss with you! As you know, our Earth allies are busy finishing up final details. These include mainly outstanding paperwork but also a few last matters that require their full attention. It seems that your reality can transform only after huge amounts of piddling details are properly dealt with! Therefore, bear with us, keep your wits about you, and focus on envisioning your impending victory. The dark cabal understands how to stave off its looming defeat, and yet both sides of this face-off know what the inevitable outcome will be. It is important to remember that an immense amount of work has gone into manifesting an end product that is to release you from the wretched slavery that the dark fully intended to impose on you. Now they are being forced to recognize that a new course, which guarantees your freedom, sovereignty, and abundance, is shortly to be unleashed by us. This new reality requires you to be prepared for things that are very unfamiliar to you. And yet they come to you from Heaven.

Our recent activities in support of this cause have been in the main to observe and advise when necessary. The rapport developing between our Earth allies and us is most encouraging and has allowed the uneasiness that marked our initial encounters to fully evaporate. This new era of cooperation permits us to plan a program that includes our participation in the policies that are to be carried out once the present US regime is removed. What we now know is that first contact is to be a simple yet dramatic moment. Global official announcements are to swiftly end a decades-old cover-up and provide you with a framework that will allow you to accept our pre-first-contact broadcasts. Thereafter, the initial flyovers of your major cities and other preliminary events can be carried out without misinformed speculation about who and what we are. This is essential for alleviating any potential negativity during our actual mass-landing maneuvers. We intend to carry out this massive proceeding as smoothly and perfectly as divinely possible.

The magnitude and extent of these worldwide landings requires the full cooperation of your major governments. In the beginning, we believed our use of advanced technology to affect a first contact with the people of this planet made governmental cooperation unnecessary. Since then, we discovered just how important to you, from a mass psychological viewpoint, governmental approval actually is. Your former overloads, the Anunnaki, wielded the ploy of governmental authority to great effect. Today, you are deeply in thrall to this control devise. Government is meant to be a divine instrument reflecting the collective will. Safeguarding your sacred unalienable sovereignty and your divine rights confers upon any government its legitimacy, not the other way around! Usurping powers not originally given to them, government took upon itself the role of nurturing the interests of the wealthy and powerful at the expense of you the people. Out of this back-to-front arrangement arose the UFO cover-up of the late 1940s. Both our Earth allies and we are equally set on putting an end to this silliness and to restoring the proper structure and purpose of your global governments.

Completing first contact is both a simple and a complex task. The unique aspects of this mission taught us much about you as a people and about the very nature of limited consciousness. Your abrupt separation from your spiritual selves left you susceptible to wide varieties of manipulation. This process of management was first applied by the Anunnaki who then, over millennia, taught it to their on-planet chosen ones. This Earth-bound group learnt quickly how to use their Masters' methods to take control of the many societies set up by the Anunnaki around the world. Discord and war were two essential components of this format for control, as the Anunnaki had learnt the hard way during the first post-Atlantean civilizations that a too-prolonged period of harmony created rebellion against their rule. So now our task is to help you release this divisive programming and return you to your naturally peace-loving natures.

The challenge here is the multiple religions and philosophies that the Anunnaki use to manipulate you. In their hands, these became instruments that fostered regional hatred and stoked perpetual wars and strife. This toxic situation persists today. Now, however, rising consciousness is allowing many to perceive the obvious insanity of this. Among these are our Earth allies. Besides this, they are also aware of the secret histories buried long ago by the Anunnaki. What survived was a series of revealing and enlightening documents available exclusively to the elite and their faithful allies. The children of this power elite who read these texts and learned the rituals associated with them began to hunger for a new world where these could be made public. This knowledge ends all speculation about Creation and your true origins. These texts also enumerate your true inherent powers and fully describe who you really are.

It is this knowledge that we intend to make public. Hidden away in many places of power is the incontrovertible proof of your true identity. These texts fully explain your extraterrestrial origin and tell the saga of how your divine ancestors reached and populated Mother Earth. They further detail your past histories and your glorious destiny. The dark ones dread the power of these revelations and buried this knowledge deep, under stringent lock and key. One of the signs of full acceptance into the higher levels of the dark's secret hierarchy is the revealing of this arcana. Rumors of these texts and their unique subject matter were circulated by the dark to make their initiates feel special, thus reinforcing loyalty to their depraved crusade. Once you are informed of these basics, you can more readily accept what we need to tell you.

The ring of truth can help you to accept things that now may seem preposterous to you. Your planet is a living entity whom your present global society has continuously raped. Technology and its destructive applications have been used to bring this globe to a point of near extinction. Our Earth allies are aware of this. They are also aware of the huge varieties of secret technology that can quickly bring this unconscionable plunder to an end. They also understand how we fit into this bigger picture. The prime consideration is the interconnectivity of all life everywhere. It is essential that you graduate to a new series of perceptions about yourselves and the universe you share with us, your spiritual and space families. This acceptance paves the way for the completion of your return to full consciousness and the fulfillment of your divine heritage.

Thus, first contact becomes a great watershed in your consciousness history. Your world is preparing to leap into the new reality we try to prepare you for in our messages. She is now primed for a new vision, one which puts to flight the outworn notions fed to you by the Anunnaki and their minions. This new vision can only take root in you once the old ways are swept aside by the unveiling of the truths long kept hidden from you. This is a core ingredient of our mission. Recounting your true history, backed up by the proof provided by those ancient documents, is to birth a wholly new system of understanding that can become the underpinnings of a new global society. Then, healing Mother Earth and spreading abundance to all can at last set Earth's humanity free!

Today, we pursued our discussion of your true history and the way it ties into what is now covertly happening in global terms. You are nearing the point where many things can now take place which are to free you and allow a new reality to take hold. Indeed, this is both the best and the worst of times! Blessings, dear Ones! Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Majon! Selamat Kasitaram! (Sirian for Rejoice! and Be Blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy!)

Monday, December 11, 2006

St Germain - "You have God given abilities, and they are coming out from behind the veil as you begin to understand your true Self"

Through Mike Quinsey

People sometimes wonder at a time when the earthly vibrations are increasing, why there is so much discord upon Earth. Why when there are so many enlightened souls upon it, that their presence does not seem to have any noticeable effect. I willtell you that this situation is not through the design or intention of those in charge of your progress, but is quite natural. The Light works quietly and magically transforms the dark energies without drawing attention to itself, but nevertheless relentlessly marches onwards and continues to become firmly established upon Earth.

For millennia of time, the level of a souls vibration has determined which dimension they go to after each lifetime. Those who have developed a reasonable vibration of Light, would find themselves in or near the dimension often referred to as the Summerland and also Nirvana. The name defines exactly what it is like, and it is from where spiritual contact is often made resulting in much knowledge being conveyed to you about these levels. Beautiful ones that are akin to those that exist above them, but not quite so refined. Nevertheless, they are idyllic and extremely pleasant where there are none of the chores or worries of Earth.

What exists in the Summerland is a creation of Man’s, inasmuch that it reflects known or subconscious desires of a higher nature. Their expression in the higher realms is to a degree of perfection that you would rarely experience upon Earth, where you have obvious difficulties in creating what you have in mind. Artistic work such as painting or sculpture would be such examples, where the artist cannot always find the means to illustrate exactly what is envisaged in the mind.

Close to the Summerland are levels of lower vibrations, and as they drop so does the possible degree of manifestation. Collectively they are also known as the Astral Regions, and the lower you go the more they can aptly be described as ones where there is a gradual loss of light. It is where colors are not as vivid, and the souls have less ability to create for their needs. In the absolute lowest regions there is virtually a complete loss of light, and darkness prevails. Yet regardless of what level souls exist in, it would to them seem to have some degree of normality. They would be blinded by greater levels of light such as would be found in the higher dimensions, and are therefore more at ease with vibrations consistent with their own development.

Some teachings or religions promise an afterlife similar to the Summerland, with rewards and everlasting pleasure. However, they fail to understand that it is you alone who through your actions, deeds and thoughts, determine the level you go to. Many of you will already be aware of the Astral Dimensions, and upon your transition you will automatically be drawn into them. By the Law of Attraction you will find yourself at the correct level, therefore one in which you will feel comfortable. In fact, regardless of any personal desires for something different, you can but go to the correct one.

I am now coming to the point of this lesson, and it is to tell you that now we are at the end-times of this cycle a different scenario is being created. The lower Astral regions have opened up, and over the last 50 years or so have gradually been emptied of their occupants. They have incarnated upon Earth for the last time, to have the experience of standing alongside those who have raised their light vibrations. They may not consciously be aware of absorbing the light, but it will have a marked affect upon them and help their own evolution. It also presents an intended challenge to those who have left the lower levels behind and now exist in the Light, testing their resolve to continue rising above the negative energies.

The Astral Regions will continue to serve those now passing over, but will not be carried forward with the new Earth into the higher dimensions. There will be no further need for them, although they will continue to exist around the new 3D Earth. It has been created to enable non-ascending souls to continue their experiences, and the cycle of rebirth will commence yet again.

What you now see around you is a constant battle between the Light and dark, as it escalates to levels not experienced for thousands of years. The dark ones are unable to appreciably raise their vibrations, and sometimes as a way of expressing their frustration they cause mayhem and destruction. They are not helped by condemnation and punishment, but instead love and understanding. For those who are at the receiving end it is a salutary lesson in self-control. Better still, it will promote their understanding and tolerance for those who have lost their way.

You have God given abilities, and they are coming out from behind the veil as you begin to understand your true Self. You all have latent powers to reclaim, which will come to you as you increase your vibrations. Healing and psychic powers are beginning to return and they should be developed and not ignored. These are quite natural attributes that will become commonplace to those on the path to Ascension.

The lessons of duality are meant to give you experience of both sides, and for certain over millennia of time you have touched both the heights and depths in the course of your many lifetimes. Recognize that all souls including those of the dark, have every right to take a physical incarnation when it will best benefit their evolution. Currently all people are plotting their own path even if they are unaware of it, and in this present period it is creating a natural division between the two realities.

Knowledge is a valuable asset and it will help you go forward with a firmer focus on your goal. There is no need to get too involved with the antics of those who create discord and destroy what is the foundation of your societies. The dark souls who struggle to find their Light, will be helped by your compassion and love for them. Never forget that when this cycle commenced all of you were exalted Beings, graciously and bravely accepting the challenge presented to you by Duality. Each one of you were initiated in the presence of Heavenly Beings, who avowed to ensure your full return to the Light.

It is time to ride on the crest of the waves of higher vibrations coming to Earth. Never have you had such opportunities as now exist, take them and ignite your passion and determination to rise above all that does not serve your purpose. Heavenly Beings continue to watch over you, and many personally accompany you through these last vital experiences to ensure your success. As you have been told many times, you are never alone in your experiences and are constantly given the attention that such courageous and beautiful souls deserve.

I am St.Germain, and seeing everything in the Now, I see your successful progress through the remaining years of this cycle. The year 2007 beckons and will be one of great cleansing and immense changes. It will also see many of you having your personal proof of the intense Light being sent to Earth. Prepare yourselves for a measure of upliftment, that will leave you in no doubt as to the power of the incoming energies. You are in for pleasant surprises, and the satisfaction of seeing your grand work for the Light come to fruition. We of the higher dimensions bless you all, and our love continues to go with you on your never-ending journey into the Light.

Thank you St.Germain.

Mike Quinsey

Friday, December 08, 2006

Atmos - "We are your brothers and sisters as much as anyone on Earth, and we remind you that you also originally came from other planets"

Through Mike Quinsey

Greetings from the realms that oversee your progress, from where we can report that it brings us much satisfaction. At last there are signs that are apparent to you that should satisfy your yearning for positive indications of real progress. Politically speaking, many major governments are coming under increasing pressure to respond in a more open way to people’s calls for a new approach to world problems.

The situations that exist on Earth will continue to call for a new leadership, and until it comes into being progress will be unavoidably slow. The power brokers are very reluctant to give way to new ideas, and certainly refrain from acts that go against their agenda. However, they cannot keep the status quo for much longer, and are struggling against a tide of opinion that will yet force their hand. Our allies are focussed on their parts in this grand unfolding of the next stages of your evolution. Nothing will break their will and loyalty to the forces of Light.

Almost on a daily basis more people are awakening to the driving energies that abound upon Earth. Even without realizing that there is an impetus behind them, they find an upliftment and a clearer understanding of what is occurring. Taking your consciousness as a whole it has grown very quickly in such a short time, and will continue to do so at even faster rates. You are soon going to see an up-swelling of public opinion, that will permanently alter the course of mankind.

The cabal behind the war in the Middle East try to put on a brave face, but no amount of words will any longer fool people. The prospect of further years of death and destruction is seen as totally unpalatable, and the call for talks that lead to a peaceful solution will become a deafening roar in their ears. You will succeed in changing the course of the world because you have created the energy for change, and it must manifest in some way that allows its outworking. Universal Law will no longer be violated for anyone, and any attempt to do so will be met by the Forces of Light.

Two events are going to prove to be capstones for change, one is the fast approaching festive season and the second the time of Easter celebrations. Each will heighten the desire of people for world peace, and each will provide another opportunity to direct Man onto another path. To that end we also give you further strength, and a multitude of Higher Beings come closer to you than ever before. Together we are a force that cannot be deflected or stopped from creating the new Earth.

As always, it is you who have set the direction in which the Earth has gone. Now you will see that people power is more than a match for the puppets of the Illuminati. We of the Galactic Federation have placed constrictions upon your leaders and the military, and they too are becoming aware that higher forces than theirs are at work. All we ask is for your continued support and unwavering determination to see this period through, without any capitulation to the dark. Victory will be for all Humanity, and never again will you be called upon to experience the challenges of duality.

The lessons being learnt are many, but first and foremost is one that allows you to understand the power of thought. Many have doubted that creation is greatly affected by such simple things as your thoughts, but as time speeds up you are beginning to see the evidence of it before your very eyes. Secondly is the power of love and particularly compassion, which have been awakened in many people through the recent events upon Earth.

The wars and natural occurrences such as the tsunamis have left their mark upon you, but your response to these has shown your natural desire to help others when in need. All differences are being put aside, and there is a beautiful coming together of like souls who desire to bring back Love and Light to Earth. The Human Race is acknowledging its Oneness, and in so doing is drawing down even greater energies that give further power to you.

There are so many Dear Ones who await our arrival, who are already consciously aware of what is needed to overcome the lack that is evident upon Earth. We as promised will provide the means to bring back abundance for you, and new financial dictates will ensure a fairer distribution of wealth. For too long it has been in the hands of a small minority, and their greed has denied many others the chance to progress. Equality will be established in many different ways, but firstly the basic needs of Man will be provided.

Life can be enjoyable, but not if you have to slave and save simply to have a meager existence. The help we have to offer will not only address these age long problems, but introduce the changes in a very short period of time. Time is in fact of the essence, as Mother Earth patiently awaits her chance to fully transform the Earth. You as fledging souls about to rise up, need a clear path to follow and an assurance of your success. Know that whatever one you have chosen, before long you will be fully acquainted with the tasks that lay ahead.

Now you patiently wait for great changes that will manifest over the next 6 months, during which time we shall expect to have made our first open contact. Yes, events are that near to happening and the net is closing around the dark and their minions. The lighted path is set out before you, and you can no longer be prevented from following it. Divine dictates give us the authority to intervene if necessary in the affairs of the Earth, and indeed we have already responded to them.

Presently your most important gain is one of knowing that a nuclear war will not be permitted. There are those who given the excuse whether real or manufactured, would again plunge you into the horrors of such happenings. The Creator has empowered those who oversee the progress of Mankind to ensure your safe journey out of this cycle, and so it shall be.

I am Atmos from Sirius like many who have an affinity to you of Earth. Your true history when clearly revealed will show you of your links to us, and indeed other Beings that will come in the course of time. We are your brothers and sisters as much as anyone on Earth, and we remind you that you also originally came from other planets. We are you in a future dimension, which is why we hasten to uplift you as soon as possible to our levels.

In the future some of you will join us again, as the explorers of the mighty kingdoms that stretch into infinity. The many realms of Creation will astound you in their beauty presently beyond your imagination. Never ending creation offers experiences that will carry you forward in ecstatic joy. Lift your thoughts up to what can be in your next stage of experience, and you will detach more quickly from the pull of the existing Earth.

I finish my message and leave you with the good wishes of my fellow travelers, with much love and gratitude for your acceptance of the challenges of duality. You will bring much needed experience with you, that in the future will serve you and others well.

Thank you Atmos.

Mike Quinsey

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Ker-On - "Take those steps forward that will put you first and foremost in charge of your life"

Through Mike Quinsey

If there is one area in your development that presents a continual problem, it is that of tolerance. Clearly, one who is able to live their life in unconditional love has no such problems, but the majority of you find it difficult not to fall back to ways that are commonplace in humans. Criticism is a facet of judgement that is very prevalent in your societies, and it abounds around you particularly through the media. Lack of tolerance is symptomatic of cultures that are based on greed and selfishness, and where supposed failure of any kind is considered as some deficiency or fault on the part of the person concerned. It is also encouraged through focusing on the differences between people, particularly where religious beliefs are concerned.

There is probably not a “normal” day that passes by where you do not find yourself allowing intolerance, even if it is only a thought in your mind. Come the time when you can hold yourself in check, you can then be assured that you are uplifting to a level where you are able to withhold judgement of another. In times such as you are in now with so much upheaval and chaos about you, it is so important.

It is understandable that so much of what is happening is negative in nature, as the dark forces are determined to play their hand to the last. This gives rise to much consternation and condemnation, and it seems the right response in the circumstances. Your position should be one of neutrality where you can understand the events happening around you, without creating more negativity through your own reactions. Be aware of what is taking place and use it to send out positive thoughts that can help transmute the dark energies.

It is possible for you to reach state of personal control where you can be centered in your own positive energy, and nothing exterior to them can have any effect. In fact, many of you already have this capability and through this level of self-control, you are helping others around you to follow your example. This degree of development comes naturally with your gradual upliftment, and is a sign of the wonderful progress you are making. The ultimate is to be in total control of your thoughts and actions.

Start to think about the way you respond to situations, and do it when you are faced with making a possible reaction that would not be in your highest interest. Taking a second or two to check what you are about to do or say, should be sufficient to enable you to pull back. You will in fact feel much better for being able to exert such control over your feelings, and you will find that carrying a calm and peaceful energy with you is conducive to good health. If you slip up and express negative criticism or make a judgement, notice how it feels uncomfortable and alien to your body. More extreme emotions such as anger, even in its milder form as irritability bring changes to your body that causes poisonous toxins to be produced. You will know from experience that it takes quite a while to recover as they can make you feel quite ill for a time.

Dear Friends, we know that humans by nature do not always readily accept sound advice, but you are on a path of development that requires of you a different approach to life than you have been used to previously. In raising your vibrations you will in any event develop a sensitivity to negative energies, yet at the same time you will be arming yourself with the Light that is the going to repel it. Light that you can also use to protect yourself by consciously placing it around you, or can be sent out to help diffuse a situation of a personal or even universal nature.

The power of the Light is beyond your complete understanding, but as you rise up through the various dimensions you will not only begin to grasp its significance but use it for your own creations. However, it is possible even now to direct Light anywhere you desire, but it will become more potent and successful if you can apply yourself to it in a concentrated way. This also requires a degree of faith, as Lightworkers cannot necessarily see the result of their work. However, on a one to one basis where Light is used for healing, there is often a result that brings useful confirmation.

Let me put it to you yet another way as Light is Love, and you all know of the “feel good factor” that it can bring. Consider times when you are projecting your love to a loved one, be they adults, children or pets. Is there not an immediate response that is shown in the eyes, and recognized in body language? Each day of your life you consciously send loving thoughts to someone, and it is often to people you do not know and by way of compassion. There are many expressions of love, and when you can arrive at the understanding that it has no boundaries you are becoming a true co-creator with God. It is the power of love that makes the wheels of the Universe turn, and each and every one of you has an input.

Remember that you have many unseen travelers with you on your journey through life. If you find that you are about to be involved in a negative situation, call upon them for protection and guidance and they will be immediately by your side. You have Angels of immense power around you, and it is just as likely that they have already saved you from dire consequences. It is one thing for your life contract to be carried out, but sometimes everyone else has to stand aside in acceptance of it. However, there are times when acting with your freewill choice, you may endanger your life or others and your Angels will be able to act. Often humans talk of what is a called coincidence, and how certain events enabled them to avoid a catastrophic experience. Shall I say that you cannot normally leave this dimension before your allotted time is up.

Life is very complex, and at this most important time it is essential that you take charge of it. You are not at the mercy of events over which you have no control. You do not have to be the victim of circumstances, but can set out your own path. Your intuitive guidance will tell you what you should do, and this can come from your Higher Self or one of your many Guides. Invite help if you need it, and remember that you are the one who has ultimate control of the way your life works out.

I am Ker-On from Venus, and enfold you in the beautiful energies of my home planet. All of us who are members of the Galactic Federation are ascended Beings, and as such whenever we approach you, our higher energies naturally touch you, and you can feel their gentle power to bring peace and calmness. We are at a level that you are soon to join us on, and will have achieved it through your evolution. This will be a return to your true self and a more realistic reflection of your Godself.

Take those steps forward that will put you first and foremost in charge of your life. You do not have to be tossed around like a rudderless ship at sea. Direct your life with the intention of following the path you have designated for yourself. Hopefully, regardless of how you see the final period of this cycle working out, your goal is one of ascension and you will prepare yourself for it.

Certainly you have great help for the taking, and the loving support of many souls who urge you ever onwards. Go about your day with full confidence, and give freely of your love, and your coffers will be refilled to overflowing.

Thank you Ker-On.

Mike Quinsey