Friday, November 30, 2007

"The Federations and Councils of Light constantly appraise the situation upon Earth, and your victory over the dark is assured"

St Germain through Mike Quinsey

As we approach the end of the year, we can look back to the beginning and see that you have progressed in leaps and bounds. It has reached the point where the importance is no longer necessarily with the dark forces, although their actions still impinge upon you. The Light is continuing to grow at a fast pace and has opened the path to completion of this cycle. The new energies are bringing in changes that indicate the dominance gained by the Light. The dark are becoming held back, and prevented from escalating their plans to try and recoup lost ground. They are almost in frenzy, at the thought of defeat at the last moment when global dominance appeared within their grasp.

Those of you who follow reliable sources of information, are finding a consensus of opinion that leaves you in no doubt that the Light now leads the way. So many activities are reaching the point where they must bring about their intended results. All in all, the Light has encompassed the whole Earth, and those areas of darkness are breaking up and no longer carry the power to keep you in their clutches. The outlook has never been more encouraging, and even those who have little understanding of what is taking place are awakening to the truth. Their interpretation may not be accurate, but nevertheless they feel the positive changes within themselves.

These are times when it is best not to be too rigid in your thinking, and instead be open to events as they occur. Many have expectations that align with their religious upbringing, and expect them to be fulfilled accordingly. Be more flexible and ready to move your focus upon what is actually happening, rather than trying to make it fit your beliefs. After all, the Light and Love will find you regardless of how you see yourself. There is no exception, and every soul can partake of it if they allow it to come in. These are times when you can link with the Light more easily than any previous one, and once you do so it will continue to increase at a faster rate.

The Light is breaking down people’s resistance to it, and touching the inner Being and bringing it to the fore. Their Higher Self is emerging and causing them to look at themselves in a new way, and beyond the fight for day-to-day existence. Suddenly they are aware of a greater meaning to their life, and realize that it has a purpose that is not being fulfilled. It means a change of heart and seeing others in a new light. The sense of Oneness is beginning to bloom amongst you, and with it comes the caring for others. For so long you have lived in societies where you have been encouraged to succeed by all means possible. Now the awareness of your duty and responsibility for all others, is beginning to alter the manner in which you view them.

The Light is bringing people together, and they will experience changes that will return Mankind’s freedom to determine his own future. Hitherto, you have accepted the imposition of the ways of the few, who have led you upon a dark path whilst asserting that they are doing what is best for you. See how distorted your understanding has been, but you are no longer hoodwinked by the actions of those who have held you in bondage for so long. In duality there was bound to be a fight between the dark and Light for your souls. It has taken place since time immemorial with periods of dominance by both energies. However those conflicts are all but over, and the end times will open up a path for everyone that declares their intent to leave duality behind.

For eons of time the Light has tried to transmute the dark energies, but Man has attracted more of them to Earth and failed to see that his true Self is of the Light. It gladdens our hearts to see that it has all changed for the good, and at last so many souls are emerging from their self imposed darkness. You are sampling the peace and harmony that comes from discovering your true Self. Acknowledging the wonderful feeling of being in charge of your destiny, and realizing that you are impregnable in the Light. You can mingle amongst any group and hold fast to it, and without saying a word your presence is felt. The Light is the subtle yet powerful energy that penetrates the dark and transmutes it. Once you are aware of it, you can literally work miracles.

I am St. Germain, and I oversee your progress standing at the helm of the great army of Lighted souls. We are invincible and accompanied by Lord Michael and his Angelic Forces, who work incessantly for the Heavenly Father. They wield great power and it is used to protect you on this final stage of your journey to Ascension. Beyond our remit are even greater Beings that also beam their energies to Earth, and as a result a wonderful Light is enshrouding you all. If you ever experience personal doubt, just remember how the Army of Light is assembled around your planet and is slowly permeating everywhere on Earth with it.

The Federations and Councils of Light constantly appraise the situation upon Earth, and your victory over the dark is assured. The Creator has declared that the cycle shall end accordingly and so be it. You are approaching a New Year that shall see events take off with such rapidity, that you will be elated at the outcome. You will understand that there will be no going back to the old ways, and the path to Ascension will soon become crystal clear. It is intended that each and everyone shall know what is taking place, so that they may make their choice to join it or seek another path according to their desires.

No one need feel left out of what is going to happen, and following First Contact steps will be taken to enlighten you as to what is taking place. You will eventually be in no doubt as to the manner in which the Heavenly process will occur. This will be the time of the Light and Love giving you the opportunity to return once more to the higher realms. It will be a great gathering of Beings of Light from all over your Universe and beyond. They come to assist you and Mother Earth, to achieve a wonderful upliftment that will give you the opportunity to move into the next phase of your evolution.

When you get immersed in your problems, take time to see in your minds eye the beauty and peace that is immediately ahead of you. It has been a long cycle of duality involving many lives, but all have brought you to this unique occasion when Ascension in your higher physical body is possible.

Thank you St. Germain.

Mike Quinsey

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

"Bear in mind that a natural process for global change is underway, and the first fruits of this strategy are nearly ready to manifest"

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
10 Batz, 4 Yaxk'in, 3 Manik
27 November, 2007

Selamat Jarin! We come again at the start of this holiday season to greet you and give you some fine news! As you know, a long, drawn-out showdown is being played out by our Earth allies and your last dark cabal. This scenario is starting to reach its expected finale. Thus, it is not inconceivable that your prosperity funds can pay out before Christmas. This operation then legally ousts the US regime from power, begins a series of important announcements about the end of your global society's debt crisis, and ushers in a new era of worldwide peace and prosperity. These broadcasts will talk about the new banking system and new currency, and introduce a whole range of much-to-be-welcomed new technologies. These events set the stage, after a few months, for our existence to be proclaimed by the new governments. We look forward to a very preliminary interaction with you before the actual first-contact landings take place. During the interregnum, you are to be given the time to make a good accounting of yourselves and set up the conditions needed for our arrival.

As we look at your global conditions we see proliferating crises on all fronts feeding a mounting global chaos. This societal disintegration fuels the danger of a new arms race that would leave the cold war in the dust! These situations are unacceptable to our Earth allies and, especially, to us. We are fully aware of the grotesque plots that your last dark cabal has in the pipeline. This cabal's corporate allies have spread a veritable ocean of money around the world to foment what you see on your nightly newscasts and read in your morning papers. Their intention is to coalesce new ominous alliances whose sole purpose is to stoke the fear and manipulation that has kept the dark in power for many millennia. But as you can begin to see, this plan is crumbling around them as many forces, fully dedicated to peace and global cooperation, come together in a concerted opposition to these unholy maneuvers. These cries for peace and spiritual wholeness have not gone unanswered by Heaven or by us. This groundswell yearning for peace is the foundation for what is shortly to occur.

Everywhere on your globe, some form of misery, hate, or violence is exacting its toll on Earth's humanity. On top of that a constant assault on Mother Earth by the dark's minions continues. Your society is bleeding and calling out in unison for heavenly relief, and the dangers posed by the last vestiges of the nuclear age also weigh heavily upon our Earth allies. They know that what they are accomplishing must, on the one hand, fly under the radar of the dark's stratagems, and on the other, also assure us of the cabal's ultimate demise. This daring game plan is allowing the energy build-up that will backfire on the dark! Bear in mind that a natural process for global change is underway, and the first fruits of this strategy are nearly ready to manifest. We want you to know the gist of what is happening so you can know what to expect, in general terms. Dealing with these groups of miscreants is quite challenging: you need to play to their egos and to their strongly held belief in their omnipotence. This conceit often leads them, unwittingly, to let some small thing manifest--useful to us--which they believe will serve their power base: a sort of mini Trojan horse.

While this face-off plays itself out, we have examined with our Earth allies the continuing plunder of your planet. The constant raping of Mother Earth has your home world in a very bad way. Happily, the rise in consciousness among you has created groups of humans around the world who are dedicated to using their healing energies to aid the planet. This is graciously accepted by her and we want you to know how much this is appreciated. Mother Earth fully understands your predicaments and wants you to know that her suffering, and yours, is nearly over. This period is merely a giant hiccup in your history. Soon you are to welcome in the grand changes promised to you. Your world is arriving at a point where a much-needed shift in the timeline is to happen. This shift permits you to acknowledge our existence and to prepare yourselves for first contact and full consciousness. This peaceful route to the stars is your only true destiny!

Our Earth allies have told us that they need a period of a few months before the mass landings in which to ready you for our arrival. The immensity of what we represent needs to be eased into your consciousness. Accordingly, we came up with a plan to gently increase our exposure to you. We are to start a series of uncloaked daytime flybys, at a time and place that would be announced by your governments. Concurrently, a sequence of formal hearings in a number of major countries will transform the UFO cover-up into an IFO disclosure. The feeling is that this time period, along with the unveiling of now-hidden technologies, will be enough to ease the present potential for panic. The aim is to transform people's fear into healthy curiosity about us and excited anticipation for our arrival. We agree that this proposal makes sense, and in the near future we can give you more details about how this is to be done.

The growing cooperation between our Earth allies and the first contact mission is quite encouraging. We are now witnessing this period of mounting planetary discord actually starts to transform into one of cooperation and harmony. As we stated above, the finale of this seemingly interminable process is approaching, and with it the succession of broadcasts that will take you into the interregnum. The first ones will impart essential and, for many people, "unthinkable" truths via the mainstream media. Then, a great deal of inquiry, analysis, and examination by various pundits is to follow. The airwaves and the Internet are expected to be choked with opinions about what is happening. Here, let the actions of our Earth allies speak for themselves. What is about to happen is unprecedented! And previous experience and conventional wisdom are unlikely to be applicable!

This coming period in your history is to be the watershed that ends 13 millennia of confusion and futility. Across the planet a still largely unknown force is gathering momentum. At the same time our first contact mission is getting ready to enter the next and most exciting part of this complex operation. It is always satisfying to see what you are doing reach a point where success is assured. The fact that we have moved to the very brink of victory is a sure sign that the decrees of Heaven are having the desired effect. Your dark cabal is not yet defeated, but the means to do so is reaching critical mass. We ask that you keep your focus and let the timings of the divine plan reveal their efficacy. A great transformation of your life is almost upon you, and it is important that you just let it play out as the Divine so wishes.

Understanding how the Divine works is often confusing and frustrating to the impatient. Being confident and willing to accept the way of Heaven is something you grow into as you learn to center yourself and tune in to the energies of Creation. This is a skill that most of you lost through no fault of your own. On top of that, this reality of yours is bent upon keeping you off-center and focused on short-term gratification. However, you are reacquiring your ancient skills as your grow in awareness by absorbing the wisdom gleaned from your current path to enlightenment. Our task is merely to remind you, when necessary, of the great potential that you are opening up, not only for yourself but also for all humanity. Therefore, be in joy, be patient, and focus on your most heart-felt goals. Remember, Together, We are indeed Victorious!

Today, we reviewed the progress being made in some of our joint undertakings and we rejoice at what is drawing closer for you and for us. Be confident in your victory and gracious in your triumphs. Never forget that the little spark of divine Love and Light is in all of us! We now retire. Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Majon! Selamat Kasitaram! (Sirian for Rejoice! and Be Blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy!)


"To gain experience is exactly why you are here, and there is no purpose in being hard on yourself for going astray"

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey

We find that the people of Earth are generally of great faith in the future, sensing that there are enormous changes now in the process of taking place. Couple that with patience and endurance, and you will find a path that is going to fulfill your expectations. There is a feeling in the air of the new energies that are permeating your atmosphere. Many are linked into the grids that carry the Light around Earth, and that is penetrating those areas where the dark are most dominant. Over eons of time such areas have attracted those who are themselves of the lower energies.

The dark cannot draw you into their ways unless you respond to them, and where you have done so it is because you have a natural inclination towards those energies. You bring these potentials with you when you incarnate upon Earth, and your challenge is to overcome them. It is part of Karmic cleansing in preparation for your upliftment into the higher realms. Sometimes you are clear of them except for some lingering and partial attraction. In these circumstances, it will be more of a test to determine whether you will succumb to such temptations.

If life were without its temptations and challenges there would be little growth taking place. There is no shame in having plumbed the depths and risen up again. In fact, you are to be applauded for your determination to overcome the weaknesses of lower Self, and see that evolution is the coming of the master of such situations. A Master you shall be, and your creative powers will return. Earth is a fiery place where emotions sometimes run rampant, and your test is to remain cool, calm and collected in such circumstances.

Certainly there are times immediately ahead where the truth will bring out the worst reactions in some people. They presently have little understanding about the true reality of Earth, and are cocooned in their own beliefs that do not extend to spiritual understanding. Many are in a state of denial about their true selves, and look for material satisfaction without feeding their Spirit. Matters will change in the near future, as the truth of Mankind regarding his Higher Self and source within the Creator will be made clear. It can still be rejected, but that will exclude such souls from taking part in the Ascension.

The different levels of existence are no different to the type of grading you get in your schools. Earth is a great classroom and clearly there are a multitude of different levels of understanding within it. What is happening now is a natural form of selection, that tends to draw people of a like kind together. See how evolution proceeds without interference from us or any other sources, except of course those on Earth. Deviating from the true path is your choice, and in its own way presents no problems providing you find your way back again. To gain experience is exactly why you are here, and there is no purpose in being hard on yourself for going astray. Learn the lesson that is presented to you, and try to ensure that you do not repeat your errors.

It is far better to have experienced whatever attracts you, and know whether it has a place in your search for the truth and upliftment. Many punish themselves unnecessarily believing that they have to serve a penance. All actions, thoughts and words are seen for what they are when you leave your earthly life. It is then that you can decide whether you owe it to yourself and others to have further experiences. Ones that will put it all into context and enable you to have an understanding of the result of your actions. The dire after life that is often depicted for you, is by no means representative of what truly takes place. The fires of Hell are in your mind and only exist if you make it your reality, and the more darkness you attract to yourself the more you are creating the lower levels as your home.

You can do a lot whilst on Earth to ensure you go straight into the realms of Light after your life expires. It is in the living of all that aligns with the Light, and trying to create the perfect life upon Earth. That is almost impossible for you at your present stage of evolution, but living with the intention of doing so will drive you forward as far as you can possibly reach. As you can see, all of the effort is worthwhile and you lay down the foundations for your next life. No effort is wasted and even if you end on a low point, there has to be a gain in it for you. Each life is a continuation of the last one, and it is therefore wise to see each one as an investment in your future.

With Ascension beckoning your efforts need to be in the right direction, and allowing for the old you to quietly slip away will enhance your preparations for it. By your actions you will set out a path in front of you, and if for you that is Ascension then try your best to live it now. Treat all as equals because you see the soul within, and know that you are linked together. Give of your love without fear or favor knowing that it is the Light that exceeds all expectations. See the positive where negativity rules and allow for others to experience in their own way, giving a helping hand when they wish to lift themselves up.

What we ask you to do is exactly what we do for you, and we have nothing but love in our hearts for each and everyone. We know the problems that you face, and understand your reasons for straying from the path of Light. We see you for what you really are, and also the great Beings that you are becoming. Your future is with us as your Star Brothers and Sisters, and we welcome you back into the Galactic Brotherhood of Light. All of this is too much for some of you to comprehend, but as we connect with you again and are able to openly contact you that will all change. We are nearer than ever to you, and we see our pathway opening up as the debris of the negative forces is being swept away. We are completely together in the ending of this cycle, and we too are destined to uplift with you. Ascension is a cosmic process that involves your complete Solar System, and we are here to ensure its smooth and successful completion.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius a member of the Galactic Federation, and we figure quite prominently where the Earth is concerned. We are here to ensure your safe transition from duality into the Light, and we look forward to working with you all in harmony and peace.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey

Monday, November 26, 2007

"Freedom unlike anything that you have experienced for eons of time will bring a new sense of purpose into your lives"

Graphic work: Anita Kroon of Volendam (Netherlands)

Ker-On through Mike Quinsey

For those of you who are awakening to the changes, and understand the shift in your reality it is a most intriguing time. You live and plan for your day to day existence, yet at the same time you are withdrawing from your earthly life and beginning to live in the Now. You no longer have a future on Earth as the cycle draws to its natural conclusion, and the breaking down of what you have been used to is a sign that the changes are well advanced. At the same time you are lifting up into the new energies, as they fulfill the vision of the new Earth and bring it into manifestation.

Your future is unfolding as the higher energies cause what is of the old vibration to disintegrate. It is the removal of all that no longer vibrates in harmony with the new energies. That also includes every individual soul, as the cleansing is not limited to Earth alone. The problem of those who do not desire to change has been addressed many times, and freewill will allow them to move on to an appropriate level elsewhere. As you will realize, you cannot take any material possessions with you, and it is wise not to put too much importance on them. Once Ascension has taken place all your needs will be covered by your new powers of creation. You will want for absolutely nothing, and as a Being of Light you will have no need for possessions as such.

The new ascended Earth will be your home and appear familiar, as it will still bear a resemblance to the old one. However, the old structures will have gone, and the new ones will be of crystalline nature that holds and reflects the light. All signs and evidence of destruction will have disappeared, and everything will permanently shine out in its illustrious range of colors. All will be pleasing to the eye as shapes and sizes will blend perfectly with each other, unlike your present earthly assortment. There will be no disintegration or failure of any creation, as all is created through the power of Light and if need be could last forever.

It is the letting go of the old Earth that will hasten the arrival of the new one. You are the pivot for all of that is taking place, as you allow the changes to occur naturally. It can be chaotic particularly where the physical Earth changes are concerned, and many souls will choose to leave it behind. Each time there is a major upheaval and destruction that involves loss of life, please bear in mind that it would have been part of their plan. When your time has come and life can no longer offer you anything else, it is a welcome relief.

We know that some of you worry about the manner in which people leave, because it often involves pain and hardship. I would like to put your mind at rest, as you should be aware that each soul passing over is met with great love and compassion. Any trauma connected with it, is quickly removed through the healing process and the uplifted vibrations that they enter. As a result memories of the passing soon have no relevance, and joy and happiness returns at their release from their earthly commitments. It is often the case that meeting your loved ones that have preceded you is all the upliftment you need.

Those dear Ones that have left the Earth are not in any way disadvantaged when it comes to Ascension, as all realms will be cleared and Humanity will move forward to new locations. The plan is perfect and all move on according to that which is best for them. As we have emphasized before no one else does the choosing, and you will find yourself exactly where you are best able to continue your evolution. You constantly move upwards, and any retrograde step is compensated by another opportunity to make a speedy recovery on your path to enlightenment. Every chance is given so that you can uplift yourself, and many souls have volunteered to be on Earth to give such help.

You will find that when you reach a certain level of understanding your inclination and desire will be to help others. That will never leave you and is a measure of how far you have evolved. Can you imagine how wonderful it is to be in the presence of a multitude of souls, who have so much understanding and love for others that they put them first? Many on Earth aspire to be like it, but you find it difficult in a material existence, as virtually everything is measured by the availability of a means to pay. Clearly not all help is of this nature, and there are different levels on which it takes place. Even a kind word or a smile can work wonders and uplift another person.

You may not be able to do everything you desire to help others, but your vision of a world that is predominantly of this nature is manifesting now. Soon there are to be great changes that will alter the direction of mankind. It will be a time of wonderful revelations, and the opportunity for a new way of living will have arrived. Those who deliberately stand in your way will be removed, and no longer able to dictate the course of your lives. Freedom unlike anything that you have experienced for eons of time will bring a new sense of purpose into your lives. There will be a marvelous coming together of all people with a common bond to bring back love and peace.

We could say that everything you have envisaged is just around the corner, and it is true that time wise you have only a little longer to wait. Although you may not see much evidence of it, it is emerging even now as the old way of living falls to the side. You have set in motion the wheels of change and they are turning faster, and many have noticed that time continues to speed up. You are forever creating your new reality, and now you are on the verge of seeing the result of your desires for a better world than what you are experiencing.

I am Ker-On from Venus and suggest that you let go of the old ways. Concentrate on the new vision of an Earth of beauty and opportunity, one that reflects all that exists in a state of perfection as originally conceived. One where all souls recognize the Light within each other, and the Oneness of All That Is. It is coming very soon and it should give you the strength to rise above the negativity that is all around. You also have our help through the might of the Galactic Federation and its many members. We serve you as our fellow travelers, and we accompany you with our great love for Mankind.

Thank you Ker-on.

Mike Quinsey

Saturday, November 24, 2007

"You can hardly envisage or understand the importance of your tiny planet, but it is the last key that opens the door to Ascension for your Universe"

Diane through Mike Quinsey

Many people have a belief in a human like God, and that makes it difficult for them to conceive or accept the idea of a Creator that is the energy in which you have your very being. The Creator is the body of All That Is, the consciousness of All That Is, and therefore the driving force that motivates and moves All That Is. This is why when you desire to contact the Creator you go within yourself. It is a strange concept that every one of you has a direct line to the Creator, but it is so even if you have not awoken to the truth of it.

In any moment of need or doubt go inside yourself and develop a recognition of what it is like to “talk” to your Creator. It can come to even those who are rejecting the idea, and you have a perfect example amongst your own people in Neale Donald Walsch. His “Communication with God” books reveal that God is able to converse with you in a manner that you will understand. Creator or God, it makes no difference as you will always have that contact whether you acknowledge it or not. In these times where you are assailed by so many threats, it is important that you are aware of the sanctuary of peace within.

Once you are aware of the higher forces and realize that it is possible to contact them, it is like having many friends accompanying you on your journey through life. They have always been there, but many have conditioned themselves by refusing to accept their presence. In acknowledging the help that is around you, it is creating your inner world where you can retreat when necessary. It is more aligned with your true reality, than the illusion you live in that many believe to be their only way of existence. It is the breaking down of if that is now taking place, and it has to be set aside to allow the old to be transmuted. It no longer serves any purpose when you are being uplifted into the higher vibrations.

Many will cling to the old reality out of fear and dislike of change. However, it is inevitable and desirable that you gracefully let go of the old. The new reality is already here simply waiting to manifest, and as you draw more Light to Earth it becomes that much closer to you. It is the coming into the perfection of the original patterning that existed before you dropped down into the lower vibrations. It is the withdrawal of the conflict of duality, that has allowed the dark and the Light to fight for supremacy. An experience that was put in place to test the resolve of people, when faced with a challenge to maintain their Light in the face of darkness.

The truth is that the Light can only be subdued and not extinguished. Now so many have come to recognize their true selves, the upliftment has begun and it will continue regardless of what attempts are made to prevent it. Such enlightened souls are leading the way, and helping lift up others with them. The momentum is such that it will continue unabated, and will gather strength as it does so. It is your lifeline out of the conditions of chaos and confusion, and allows you to see the potential of the Human Race to rise above it.

As we have often told you the Creator has decreed exactly how the end times work out, and we of the Galactic Federation and many other sources of Light are here to ensure that it is so. You can hardly envisage or understand the importance of your tiny planet, but it is the last key that opens the door to Ascension for your Universe. It waits for Earth to transform and return to the higher realms. Once you have reached them many truths will become more comprehensible to you, and you will in any event have become Beings with superconsciousness, and that allows you to know of all the secrets of the Cosmos.

In the near future you will become Gods in your own rights, with unlimited power to create. You will be co-creators with God, and your travels will take you on a journey through the innumerable Galaxy’s that exist. It is not a dream, but a reality that offers you the opportunity to serve others from a high station. You will be fully prepared and confident, and it will be quite a natural experience for you. It is where you were before you came to Earth, and where you were always destined to return. It may seem a long way off at present, but it is a lot nearer than you imagine. It is the quantum leap in your consciousness that propels you into the higher vibrations, and that will take place as part of the Ascension process.

You will forever expand your consciousness and become part of a group consciousness, and that will eventually become one again with the Source. It is a natural progression for all souls wherever they are in the Cosmos. You will always gravitate to the level that you have achieved within Self. It is the Law and ensures harmony and balance in all things. In duality you fight to lift yourselves up out of the darkness, and as you become more aligned with the Light you are leaving it behind. Already many see well beyond their earthly existence, and understand that you will manifest what it is you intend for yourself.

When you realize that all things are possible through the power of thought, there is no reason to limit yourself in any way. It must be of the highest intention and you must be for the good of all. That will not be as difficult as you may consider, as already your level of consciousness is enabling you to comprehend the perfection that can be achieved through correct thought. There will come a time when they will always be pure and untainted, and it will be quite natural to you. There is so much more to Man than you see at present, although it is true to say that many dear souls now aspire to the uplift into the higher vibrations. They have realized that you are living an illusion, and to get out of it you have to break the chains that have held you down.

I am Diane from Sirius where harmony and peace exist, and it is where many of you going. Your true homes are all within the Infinite Light that finds its highest expression in the higher dimensions. We will be so pleased to welcome you back, and help you once again find your true selves of Love and Light.

Thank you Diane,

Mike Quinsey

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

"The ways of your dark ones have reached a point where, regardless of what they do, the results are to be the same: the victory of Light over dark!"

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
3 Kan, 17 Xul, 3 Manik
20 November, 2007

Selamat Jarin! We come before you once again with some more information about events on your world and about the current status of first contact. Everywhere we look major events are close to happening. The plan that has been in effect is slowly but surely moving your last dark cabal toward their fated doom. Our Earth allies continue on target and are preparing to make a series of quite earth-shattering announcements. These will formally unveil those things that we discussed with you in previous messages. The first of the series will address the transfer of power in the US from the present administration to a transitional regime that will last for no more than 8 to 9 months. One of the interregnum's major goals is the elimination of the last vestiges of statute law. This constitutional house-cleaning becomes the legal foundation for convening a number of international conferences that are to begin a full implementation of the new currency and banking laws. These conclaves will also proclaim a host of new and very much needed technological advances.

These technologies were perfected by various secret governmental operations over the last eight decades and are the start of a new scientific paradigm for your world. These devices throw open a door that leads to your future as galactic Beings. They are also an important step in setting the stage for first contact. These unveilings show humanity that its present concepts about physicality are somewhat limited and can thus stimulate open enquiry into the shortfall of these concepts and begin explorations into the nature of reality. This global forum is a fitting prelude to our arrival. First contact is designed by the Divine to be a series of profound revelations, each one a means to both astound and enthuse you. In other words, Heaven desires that you look at things in an adventurous and intuitive way. This can show you the shortcomings of your present philosophical dogmas and reveal the real gems in these beliefs. During this period of readjustment, our arrival can begin to be perceived for what it is: a means to help you sort it all out.

The aim of this intermediate phase is to move you forward by revealing to you your big-hearted passion and untapped potential. These preliminary explorations can expand your reality and prepare you to accept our future mentoring. We see this phase developing rapidly as it is crucial that each step in this procedure be done swiftly. Heaven wants you to be capable of taking on the great responsibilities of full consciousness right after your global metamorphosis is completed. Mother Earth and this solar system are too important to the future of this galaxy to be allowed the time to sit back and gradually come to terms with the implications of your destiny. A great many things are currently on hold and awaiting your process of completion, which means that the current events on your world are, in truth, the lull before the storm! But what a storm! The newly re-formed Galactic Federation is looking forward to your fully operational arrival on the scene. Within you is a deep wisdom whose perceptions can give credence to what is to happen to this galaxy and to the tens of thousands of galaxies that surround us.

The significance of the role that awaits you is another reason why first contact is inevitable. The makeup of our fleet is now composed of ships not only from this, but from a whole plethora of far-flung galaxies. These ships' data-banks hold a great deal of knowledge about you, which can resolve any lingering difficulties. The joint resources of these unified fleets are resulting in micro- and macro-level strategies for every possible contingency; therefore, we expect to succeed and be among you quite soon. The ways of your dark ones have reached a point where, regardless of what they do, the results are to be the same: the victory of Light over dark! Thus we know that all that remains now is a sort of divine timing. The strictures of this timing are all that the dark have left of its once immense powers. As the dark slowly fades from your reality, it becomes necessary for our Earth allies to make the actual transitions in a moral and legally meticulous manner. This ambitious undertaking places your global society in a position to accept first contact and its move toward full consciousness.

The predicaments facing your world have got to the point where your presently known technology is quite unequal to the task of resolving some vital survival issues. As one example: Dwindling resources, such as clean water and air, cannot be either equitably or harmoniously apportioned. These escalating areas of contention do not bode well for global survival. A new element in the mix is now essential, and that element is full consciousness. With this in mind, Heaven has taken you on a ride that initially involved less than one percent of your world's population, but this has grown over the last few decades to over 40%. To enlighten these great numbers, a growing body of Light Workers of all ages has been trained and prepared to instruct your global society. Their magic moment comes with the rise of the many new interim governments.

The intention is to use the resources of the newly reformed governments to open up a support system for the world's Light Workers. New technologies and sustained prosperity are important, but the road to full consciousness is more so. First contact is to be a high spiritual moment, and this monumental watershed needs you to prime the pump! At present, you lack the degree of support that you are meant to have. On top of that, you are experiencing the uncomfortable death-twitches of the system put together by the Anunnaki and held together by the last cabal; this old order is now crumbling around you as the plans of our Earth allies begin to take effect. We see you as our future ambassadors to Mother Earth. You are most precious to us! We know what you have had to endure, and rejoice that this time of great hardship is coming to an end as the dark completes its collapse.

The time ahead will see you move, finally, out of the shadows and into the limelight. The resources given to you are to spark a rebirth of your early enthusiasm, which you have seen reduced by time. You awakened to your purpose in this life not merely to build healing centers but to teach by example and by your accumulated knowledge. This purpose for being here fills you with ideas for manifesting your mission. In this milieu the wisdom of the crystal children can join with yours, revealing a lot of new knowledge, including the facts about our previous missions on your behalf. As you learn about what we have done, it is quite logical to speak about your own extraterrestrial origins. This can be followed by the revelation of the large amounts of now-hidden evidence collected in the past few centuries by your sciences and kept concealed by the dark.

The renaissance of your inner Light is to spark the means for our formal mass contact with you. When all the interwoven aspects of this adventure are seen in context, it becomes clear that you are a great people on the verge of great events. These events are to permit Heaven to unfold physicality and manifest the Sixth Creation as the divine plan so decrees. Seen in this light, first contact becomes an essential factor for our joint future. We see it as a great spiritual awakening for you and as a fulfillment of divine prophecy for us. It is this vision that has kept us moving forward to our coming mass first contact with you. Remember that Together, We are indeed Victorious!

Today, we addressed the implications of what is preparing to manifest on your world. We ask you to remain focused and prepared, to the best of your ability, for the astounding things that await you. We are ecstatic about what the Divine is preparing for you and for us! We now retire. Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Majon! Selamat Kasitaram! (Sirian for Rejoice! and Be Blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy!)


"Think of the rewards that await you just by stepping onto the path of Light"

Ela through Mike Quinsey

Dear Ones, from our levels of existence in dimensions that are of a high vibration, it is quite an experience for us to drop down into yours. It is so heavy that we are amazed that you can have a normal life. When compared to ours you carry the burden of being in conflicting energies, that cause you much difficulty. It takes a certain type of soul to be able to stand within their own Light and not be affected by the negativity.

The challenges experienced within duality, are ones that determine your ability to rise up in the face of so many obstacles that cross your path. It is not that this was not foreseen, as the object is to show that you can overcome the dark energies and still find your true self. The cycle of duality is now ending and those of you who have risen above it, are the Wayshowers for others who are still awakening. You are indeed magnificent Beings to have persevered through many lives, and still hold fast to your belief in the Light.

The Earth has many distractions for all of you, and some fall so far back that they have lost their ability to see beyond what is immediately around them. They are cocooned by the lower energies that they have attracted to themselves, and fight to break out. Not everyone looks to the Light as their means to create another reality for themselves. Some are lost and despair that matters will ever be any different. It is not helped by the fear created by the dark forces, and they feed off such people.

However, the battle is not one sided, and the Light is shining out and becoming more intense and will eventually link with all souls. Sometimes it requires a new way of living, such as a new direction in your life that takes you away from the lower influences. Some will not give up what they enjoy even though it only satisfies the lower senses. However, in time it will be realized that there is more to life, and there will undoubtedly be some period of introspection. It often comes later in life when your lifestyle catches up with you, and you question what you have achieved that is worthwhile.

When people look for a new way they often turn to religion, but it calls for a certain type of obedience to their teachings. That is often considered to be restricting and too demanding after a life of free thinking activity. So what do you do, as it seems that there is no easy way to get out of the loop. I would say that the first step is to create those times of peace and quietness around you. Make time to allow yourself to determine what it is you want out of life, and how you are going to achieve it. Then apply yourself in such a way that you take it slowly, and adapt to the changes that you desire. Once you feel the benefit of your endeavors, it will create a platform from which you can launch yourself into greater challenges.

There is so much more satisfaction to be gained by focusing on the Light. It opens up new facets of your life that are rewarding, and your consciousness to greater goals. It will seem quite natural, and your soul will know that your true home is in the Light, and you will find much peace and satisfaction. It is the knowing of yourself as it really is, and listening to the voice within which is your guiding Light. Life will take on a new look and a purpose of direction that is rewarding. This is the value in using your freewill to experience as you wish, and not be beholden to anyone else.

Guidance from the higher realms is always there, but you do have to be prepared to listen and take note of what you are intuitively hearing. There is no gain trying to run before you can walk, but many awakening souls have immediately started out on a new journey. They have found the inspiration to change direction and put all of their energy into it. It is finding your purpose in life that will power your intentions to make something out of it. From a Karmic point of view there are of course other factors that play a part in your destiny. However, once you are prepared to be guided that will come into play.

The ultimate goal is to find the path that will lead you back to the Light. Having been immersed in the dark energies for so long, it is not easy to break out and realize that you are not at the mercy of them. Yet, the Light is forever there within you seeking to link with other streams of Light that are perpetually flowing around you. You attract what you desire, and it is necessary to be your own Master where it is concerned. You may be like a cork bobbing up and down in the ocean of life, but you can bring direction and purpose into it.

Think of the rewards that await you just by stepping onto the path of Light. The cycle of duality is about to end, and it is up to you as to whether you join it. Of your own choice, you can leave duality behind and set your sights on uplifting into the Golden Age. Intention is the key, and once you make that commitment so much help immediately comes to you. We who have gone before you know that you are subconsciously aware that your true home is within the Light. Therefore the idea of moving out of duality should be an easy one to accept. If you could just glimpse what lays ahead you would have no hesitation in making changes in your life. It starts with Self and as you become more in line with your Godself, so you will find it becomes so much easier.

It is no secret that Love is Light and is the wholesome energy that streams out from the Creator. All is held within its embrace and would not exist without it. Love is your greatest asset, and there is not one person who cannot find it within their hearts. Love Self and love all others, because you are a part of the whole that is God. Love unconditionally and seek nothing in return, and all will come to you. The Laws of Attraction determine what comes to you, so it is up to you how you progress in your life. If others seem to get in your way, accept it as a cleansing of past connections and bless them as they go on their way.

I am Ela and come from Arcturus, a great orb of Light in your skies. Our love is constantly beamed to you, and we directly approach many souls who are our messengers. We are also members of the Galactic Federation, and in time you shall see us along with the many civilizations that it comprises. We are here to fulfill the Creator’s plan and are Ascended Masters. We are coming closer, and our energies are slowly becoming One with yours.

Thank you Ela.

Mike Quinsey

Monday, November 19, 2007

"An Open Letter to the American People"


The USA Today ad is complete - will be in print November 21st

The full page ad commissioned by Lawrence Lepard is complete and is set to appear in USA Today on Wednesday November 21st with a right hand placement in the first section- NEWS.

The word is that USA Today was willing to do this ad because it was a grassroots effort, amazing.

The concept for the ad was originally developed by "max" here at and tailored based on Lawrence's wishes from hundreds of comments from forum members in an open source ad development methodology.

Lawrence passes on his thanks for everyone who provided input but please hold your critical comments in this thread as it will do no good.

This is an amazing American story, please share it.

A PDF of the ad is available now and free for anyone to use. If you use this ad with changes be sure to remove Lawrence's and Linda's name.

The PDF is here (someone please rehost this):

Backup copy of ad:

Join with others in your state to become a delegate with Ron Paul Friends USA! Texas supporters PM me here.
My voting checklist for Texas Senate District 7 - Registered: done; GOP party registration: NA; Precinct origination: in progress.

"Light attracts Light and we can register the changes that are occurring, and can confirm that they are increasing very rapidly"

Ag-agria through Mike Quinsey

Dear Ones how well you are doing in coping with the changes that are taking place. Although the outcome is not clear to you there is a belief that all will be concluded in victory over the dark forces. That is something to contemplate in view of the continuing threats from them, and comforting to know that there is a limit as to how far they can go. There is if needed an ultimate date by which the changes must have commenced, so although you do not know precisely when it is, you can nevertheless be assured that the New Year promises some remarkable developments.

It is clear that matters cannot remain as they are, and before long there has to be a victor between the Light and dark. Already there is so much pressure upon the dark that they are unable to move further forward. This causes them to fly into all directions at once, seeking an outlet for their anger over their failure to achieve their goals. We see they are weakening on the political front, and if they lose further support they cannot carry their plans further forward. It is apparent to so many people that they have the power to make a substantial difference, and at last people power is seen to be working. The right people are emerging as the front-runners in your polls, and this a credit to all concerned in promoting their policies.

Clearly people are now being asked some serious questions, and it is a matter of whether you want more of the same soul destroying policies, that have reduced America to a shadow of its earlier greatness, or want a restoration of the Constitution and all that implies. We are greatly impressed by the sudden emergence of many people who are standing up for the truth and in their own Light. It makes us realize that our faith in you has not been misplaced, and we anticipated that you were not prepared to lay down and allow yourselves to be trampled upon. Your awakening has touched upon the realization you hold the power because you embrace the Light, and you make it work for you.

We tell you time and time again how powerful you are, and now you are beginning to see the absolute proof before you. Whatever happens your power of thought cannot be taken from you, and as long as you continue to apply it for the good of all it will bring results. There is of course unending help from us and the many Higher Beings that follow your actions. Light attracts Light and we can register the changes that are occurring, and can confirm that they are increasing very rapidly. Millions of small soul lights have started to come together, and now beacons of Light are present all over the Earth. These in turn grow even faster and they draw more and more people to them.

There is no limit to how far you can go when working with the Light; as when all else has disappeared it is all that remains. Many ask what can I do to help, and we would say simply recognize your ability to bring the Light to Earth. Find those quiet moments of mind to meditate and consciously seek the Light. Mentally see it being drawn to Earth and entering the Light grids, and ask that it be used “for the good of all”. It will be attracted to those areas that are in need such as the Middle East, and bring a much needed release from the influences of the dark.

Fear and depression cause people to act differently from normal, and are fuelling the never-ending supply of volunteers as suicide bombers. When your future looks bleak and hopeless, it is easier to sacrifice your life for what you see as a worthy cause. We do not condone this type of warfare, but understand the conditions that lead to it taking place. The apathy on both sides means that the Middle East war is heading for a meltdown, and cannot be sustained. Most far reaching is the lack of morale amongst the troops who realize that they cannot win this war. Mutiny is not a word that is mentioned, but even those in high places are seeking ways to end it.

Do not give one iota of your energy in falling for the fear raising tactics of the dark. Everything they do is overplayed and calculated to keep you subservient to their will. Devote your attention to the actions of those who present themselves as your prospective representatives, who can be recognized as being inspired by the Light. In this respect your future lies in your own hands, although be aware that we support all of those who are honest, truthful and work from the heart. For those of you who sense a calling to help the Light, bide your time as many will be called into action after the major changes.

Meantime we closely monitor all events occurring on Earth, and consequently can reasonably predict future events. They are reaching a crescendo, and it will be an extremely interesting time to see exactly how the dark will fall. It will eventually be far reaching, and those who have broken their oaths to stand by the people will find themselves removed. Such appointments cannot be taken lightly, and it is paramount that those who represent you are working for the Light and do not ignore their responsibilities. Decadence is a disease that spreads like wildfire, and only the strong and dedicated can resist it.

Can you imagine the remorse that people will feel when they realize that they have let you down, and not least of all themselves. The shame of having the truth of your misdeeds paraded before others is soul destroying. However, all have the opportunity to change the course of their lives and can still contribute to the remainder of this cycle. The Love and forgiveness that will be expressed will motivate some people to start anew, and they can make amends in this way. We do not condemn those who have gone astray, and nothing is more heartening than a soul who has recognized their Light within.

I am Ag-agria of the Galactic Federation, and ask that you see all other souls as having the same potential as you to come into the Light. Do not be too critical of those who have gone astray, as very few of you have stood entirely within the Light through your many lifetimes. The forces of Light and dark have been necessary to allow the cycle of duality, and now it is time for completion and to uplift you fully into the Light. For all that happens there is a great energy of love carrying you ever onwards, and it has always been with you, and will be so for all eternity.

Thank you Ag-agria.

Mike Quinsey

Friday, November 16, 2007

"Their plan has faltered and their secrets are coming out, and although they blatantly try to pursue it they are failing to hold on to their power"

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey

The atmosphere is electric as the energies are growing in intensity, and something eventually has to give and it will not be the Light. It is eternal and endless, and only limited by your ability to bring it to Earth thus ensuring a continual flow. The result is inevitable and all will be lifted up into the higher dimensions. Go with the flow and be changed, or divert to another path that is your choice. Some feel that they have been thrust into situations against their freewill. However, that is not so as whatever you encounter that has any bearing on your life, is planned for your experience and agreed upon by you.

Many have arrived on Earth specifically to have an input at this time, and have spent much of their earlier years in preparation. The Light is not idle while the dark launch their battle to gain supremacy. We know fully well who is destined to stand up for the Light and what their role is to be. Our part is to accompany such souls and give our protection to them, and with their commitment comes ours and together we are a formidable force.

We have no limitations as to which level we can advance those working for the Light, it can be spiritual guidance or inspirational where scientific or other professional help is needed. There is so much more going on than you realize, and as you know by now we work quietly and efficiently without drawing attention to ourselves. When we want to be noticed such as the increasing evidence of our presence in your skies, it is also carefully planned so as to avoid confrontation as that is not our way.

We know exactly what is taking place and also what is planned, and little or nothing will take us by surprise as we will be ready for any outcome. Some matters are beyond our authority to intervene but we stand in readiness when we are called upon by the Lords of Karma, and the Councils that oversee the affairs of Man and Earth. We now see the opportunity arising that will signal great changes, and once the dark lose their positions of power their complete collapse will soon follow. From that point onwards we will be able to prevent the dark from mounting a final attempt to cause massive destruction, with the anger and frustration they will try to vent upon the people.

Time is ever speeding up, and where it seems to have taken an eternity to reach the present position it will soon rapidly move into the next phase. Knowing that we are with you should ease any concern you feel, as we shall ensure that matters do not get out of hand. We see you standing up for your rights and that is necessary if you are not to become completely subdued. However, we ask for both caution and perseverance so that your efforts are controlled and not too hasty. Remember that the dark are masters at creating chaos, and will seize upon any opportunity to use your actions against you.

As ever, keep the object of your endeavors in your sight, and do not be distracted from your intent to bring reason and good sense back into your society. You are being driven onwards by each action of the dark forces, and finding ways to respond that prevent them over powering you. You are more than equal to the task because you have the Light on your side. It will give strength when you need it, and ensure that you are empowered to follow through with your plans to unseat the dark leaders. Our allies have been working towards this goal for many years, and the fruits of their work are bringing the final acts into being.

There are still many souls who have not yet awoken to the truth to what is going on around them. However, the Light will continue to grow and it is tugging at their heartstrings, so that they can stand aside from what they see outwardly. When they become detached from their mind programming, they will better understand what is really taking place. Little is really what it seems, and is contrived to give the dark total domination over you. Their plan has faltered and their secrets are coming out, and although they blatantly try to pursue it they are failing to hold on to their power.

After all that has been said we can assure you that your future is safe in our hands. You cannot yet know how much more disastrous matters could have been without our help. Our presence is to ensure that Ascension takes place, and that this cycle is concluded as planned. We are caring for you and Mother Earth who have become weighted down by the abuse suffered. That will stop and our efforts will be directed towards restoring everything to its original pristine condition, when it was truly the Garden of Eden.

You now know that we are here for your well-being, and our increased presence in your skies is our way of assuring you that you are not alone in your fight for freedom and peace. You have learnt much about us from various sources, and this in spite of attempts to deny our existence. The calls for an official recognition of our craft and us is growing in intensity, and the pressure will force those who are reluctant to agree to such an admission to address this issue. By bringing the subject more into the open, it will allow free discussion without the usual ridicule that has accompanied it previously.

Truth is presently a rare commodity on Earth, but once we arrive a new attitude and approach will emerge to clear away the cobwebs of deceit and lies that have prevailed. The Light acting as a cleansing energy is sweeping away the pockets of darkness, and allowing the truth to enter. Follow your intuition when in doubt as you will be seeing and hearing of matters that will both shock and astonish you. It is difficult sometimes to admit that you have been tricked into believing that you had to give up your rights, to those who are revealed as working for the dark. They have broken your trust in their words and actions, but never again shall they hold this power over you.

I am SaLuSa of the Galactic Federation that is spiritually motivated by the love of all life. We carry out the Creator’s dictates where you and Earth are concerned, and we cannot fail in our task to lift you up again to levels where you really belong. Do not falter now your goal is in sight, and draw the intense love that goes with you that is continually sent to you from the higher realms. It is your strength and protection for all time.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

"In the course of this pursuit, they came across some of our fleet personnel who were assigned to live on your world to observe you at first hand"

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
9 Caban, 10 Xul, 3 Manik
13 November, 2007

Selamat Balik! We come again, dear Ones, with more to discuss with you. As you well know by now, your last dark cabal remains intent on doing all it can to maintain the status quo, and against these odds our Earth allies, too, continue to unfold our joint game plan. Much is happening behind the chaos that is presented for public consumption on your national nightly news casts. The rising turmoil in many parts of your world is a smoke-and-mirrors act that hides the fact that these obdurate ones are rapidly losing control of things. The time thus approaches, equally rapidly, when their legal drubbing from power can finally take place! Our plans are wholly geared toward this goal, but remember that our ruse here is to make these malefactors believe that their stratagems can indeed keep them in power. This means that we can act openly only once the breaking point in this confrontation is reached. Then it becomes possible to use our growing worldwide leverage to bring their 13-millennia-long span of power to a timely and just conclusion.

As we keep reiterating, absolute secrecy concerning these operations is paramount. The degree of stealth required is often daunting because so much has to be carried out that simultaneously must appear on the surface to be accomplishing the opposite. This sleight of hand is the only currently known way to succeed when dealing with this cabal. It maneuvers in such a way as to make its true dark intentions appear in public to have a worthy goal. These duplicitous machinations were standard operating procedure for this cabal's former dark off-world masters, and a proven technique for keeping control of the masses. This is why our Anunnaki consultants can advise us with some accuracy on how to anticipate the treacherous moves of this cabal; in fact, we can clearly see our advisors' former dark philosophy mirrored in this cabals' current beliefs. This opportunity to observe how the dark operates in your realm is not only most enlightening, it also allows us to sense how this current scenario is to be played out. It also shows us just how far you have come as a people and just how close you are to your deliverance from the dark ones.

The first wave of your liberation is to break you free from the series of global institutions that were created by the rise of the modern nation state. These states were set up under an extension of Roman, or statute, law, which evolved from the legitimacy of the Holy Roman Empire and the "divine rule" of the Papacy. By the time of the late Renaissance, this form of legality was the keystone for the creation of nations on your globe. This instituted the strict codes of Lex Romana (Roman Law) as the prima facie law of all states, and it was only the rise of a democratic philosophy of law in the 16th and 17th centuries that gave humanity a way out of this Anunnaki-made predicament. The solution grew out of the equal status that "common law" was accorded with the Lex Romana, yet the covert contention between these two concepts continues to this day. What your global liberators want is to banish the lingering miasma of the Lex Romana from the liberties and personal sovereignty of humanity. This starts a process of deliverance which will end nearly 130 centuries of distortions, fabrications, and manipulation by the dark.

The process of realigning the legal foundation of national sovereignty permits humanity to take on its own personal sovereignty and to enlarge the premise for its liberation from the global legal system that has long considered humanity to be mere chattel. Achieving this goal brings you closer to the formal declaration of our presence and to the release of much technology long hidden from you. These substantial advances can reform your worldwide society and prepare you to learn about your true origins and history, and about the many ancient civilizations whose existence has long been denied by the orthodoxy of your archeological and related sciences. This vast amount of knowledge is only the beginning of what we intend to share with you. Here it is important to note that the return of your personal sovereignty and the large numbers of public disclosures about many things are an essential part of the foundation needed for first contact. The process set up by the Divine is like the waves of an incoming tide which peak with the event of first contact.

Your return to full consciousness lies at the heart of what we are divinely instructed to do. We have watched you for millennia and have been limited in our interactions with you by the edicts of Heaven. These divine decrees told us how far to go in assisting you and what was possible at any given time. Heaven's recent clarion-call to move forward with a first contact mission altered our responsibilities toward you. Suddenly, our efforts to expand our interactions with you developed into a full-blown first contact mission. At first, the mission was somewhat reined in by what Heaven was doing to ready you for this incredible experience. Now, however, the brakes are off, and we are moving forward on all fronts to set the stage for our arrival. This brought us into contact with a select number of you from all levels of your global societies. We call these our Earth allies.

These groups of Earth humans are dedicated to saving your planet from the line- up of ever-worsening predicaments planned with avarice and cold-blooded ambition by your dark cabals, especially during the last 400 years. The Earth humanitarians regard first contact as a means to accelerate the many cures needed to transform a fragmented global population into a collective ready to accept the profound challenges posed by a sudden rise in global consciousness. These noble aims put them in stark opposition to the way this planet is being run and require outstanding resolve in order to effect transformation on such a scale of all the core perceptions of humanity--a truly monumental task! Faced with such odds, they came quickly to regard our assistance as a most welcome addition to the course they had decided to pursue.

Decades ago, our Earth allies had put together plans to begin a general prosperity and debt forgiveness program for humanity. Being in many cases the children of one of the more caring of the illuminoid groups, these wealthy and powerful individuals decided to work secretly to transform global society. In the course of this pursuit, they came across some of our fleet personnel who were assigned to live on your world to observe you at first hand. These early meetings in the immediate post-WW II era established a system of contact between us and eventually led to an informal manifesto between what we now call our Earth allies and us. We asked our on-planet liaisons to keep up this interaction and to counsel them on certain matters. By the late 1980s, a good rapport was in effect. Then in the early 1990s, we informed them of the divinely decreed first contact mission.

The present circumstances arise out of our history with each other. A harmonious working relationship now exists that is leading your world toward a day of triumph over the dark. The particulars of our plans must stay secret for now, but know that we are pleased with what is happening. As always, these things have a great deal of divine timing in them, and we constantly defer to this component in our talks with both your governments and with our on-planet friends. It is our heartfelt intention to greet you all shortly and celebrate our joint victory. At that time, we can finally reveal who these courageous individuals are, and the identity of some of them is bound to surprise you! We are most grateful for what they are doing and for what they have pledged to do in the near future. Remember, Together, We are indeed Victorious!

Today, we continued to discuss the events that are preparing to spring upon your world. We thank all of you for your ever-gracious support of our Earth allies and of this first contact mission. It is not easy to hold the Light and Love for an event that has taken a good deal of time to get ready. And we close by thanking you again for your wonderful, generous support. Know in your Heart of Hearts that the perpetual Supply and infinite Abundance of Heaven are indeed Yours! Selamat Majon! Selamat Kasitaram! (Sirian for Rejoice! and Be Blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy!)

"Life is a great opera where all play their part, and when the curtain comes down you will all take a bow"

Atmos through Mike Quinsey

Time is on your side as all proceeds satisfactorily, with our assurance that the Light is victorious. It cannot be any other way, as the dark cannot sustain itself. As you withdraw the energies that have fed them, so their ability to influence you is weakening. You can now see the game plan and to be forewarned is to be forearmed, and the deceit that abounds is no longer able to obscure the truth. The trust that you had in your leaders has long been broken, and now you look for those who can take their place. Already souls that have long awaited their opportunity to come forward, have stepped into the affray. Their Light is attracting growing support, and as each day passes it grows even stronger.

The days of the dark are numbered, and soon they and their minions will be removed from their positions of power. By their actions they are providing the evidence that mounts against them. Each time they fail to achieve their aims, so their plans become more outrageous as they try to cling to their objective of gaining world power. That is not to be and they refuse to admit that it is a lost cause, and they know that changes for the good are taking place. They seek to stall them, and try to prevent their goal to lift people up and enable them to see beyond the present chaos. The course is irrevocably set for your freedom and restoration of your rights. They will set the standard for the rest of the world, as religious and political differences are put aside.

In these present days, Man more than ever is accepting that he cannot be separated from the Oneness of the Human Race. In this realization lies your salvation, as there will be a great coming together as the barriers are broken down. You are finding that your aspirations are no different to any others, and all seek peace and contentment. It comes from knowing that allowance must be made for tradition and cultural differences, and freedom of choice is paramount.

For eons of time the dark have concentrated on the differences between races, and that built up a resistance to others on that basis. Now you have multi-racial societies and those barriers have been broken down. Inter-marriage has also played its part, and now it is only those with a bias against people other than of their own color, who refuse to change their views. Those who have grown in their spiritual understanding, easily accept the Oneness of Humanity. They see beyond the outer appearance and accept that all has come from the same Source of All That Is.

Your new and enlightened understanding of Man and his place in the Cosmos, is important to our coming as you will find we are humanlike in appearance. You will learn that like you we have also walked the spiritual path and in that we are no different. However, in time you will also meet evolved Beings that are less humanlike, but again have come from the Source as you have. We cannot come if it evokes fear amongst you, and your dark leaders are aware of this and will play upon it to set you against us. You must guard against it, although we firmly believe that so many have become enlightened to the truth of our peaceful existence, it will be to no avail.

On the contrary you will find that our association with you over eons of time, has been one of co-operation and assistance. Our work is not to be confused with the activities of the group you call Greys, who have been responsible for abductions and cattle mutilation. In reality they are not evil as you might term it, but are here by agreement with your Government. They largely keep themselves out of your sight, and work for the survival of their own race. The influence behind those of the dark, is off world and is prevented from interfering directly with Earth.

We often remind you of how special you are, and that also applies to Mother Earth who has carried you with her since this planet was prepared for your occupation. Not one of you is here by chance, and the affairs of life throughout the Universe are orderly and planned. Freewill operates within the plan for Man as it does elsewhere, but nothing can alter the greater plan orchestrated by the Creator. Life is a great opera where all play their part, and when the curtain comes down you will all take a bow. Your true reality is not on Earth at all it is in the realms of Light.

When the time shortly comes when we can directly address you, we shall enlighten you to many truths about yourself. You are children of the Cosmos, and Earth has been your temporary home to allow you to experience duality. Now that cycle is closing and it is only natural that you shall return to your true home. We know that many will be confused and find it difficult to comprehend. However, we shall gently introduce you to your history, and fully explain where your future lies. Life is infinite and a whole series of experiences that never cease. We can assure you that once you gain an understanding of the truth of your reality, you will gladly move into the higher realms and have no reason to look back.

As you move into the higher dimensions, you will take the positives out of your earthly experiences that have made you into a more evolved soul. You will have lifted your selves into dimensions of Light, that reflect the perfection of creation in every way. The struggles that are part of your every day existence upon Earth will disappear, and instead life will be idyllic and full of happiness and joy. Love will abound and this energy permeates all that is and holds it together.

I am Atmos of the Galactic Federation, and my home is Sirius and some of you have been allowed to visit it. Usually that is because you are also one of our Brothers or Sisters, but in the future as ascended Beings such visits will be open to all of you. As an evolved Being you will be allowed to travel wherever you desire, as it is known you will respect and acknowledge the sanctity and divinity of other souls. Take pride in your birthright to walk amongst us, We Are All One and thus it shall remain.

Thank you Atmos.

Mike Quinsey

Monday, November 12, 2007

"A magical time approaches when a celebration will travel across the Earth, as you realize that you have been released from the influence of the dark"

St Germain through Mike Quinsey

We consistently tell you that you have great power of thought, and that you are great Beings. We do so because we wish to emphasize these facts about you, and to be fully aware of them. Much of the progress you are making is down to your ability to mold your own future within the framework we have given you. We refer to the end times known by many as the time of Ascension that is tied in with the Winter Solstice of 2012.

It is important for your understanding, that everyone realizes that they have the power to manifest their vision of the future. It then becomes a collective energy that connects with those of a like vibration, as a massive thought form. At present there is sufficient energy of Light to ensure that it is victorious, and it is causing opposition to it by the dark to fall away. Not completely, but sufficient to allow the changes you seek to come into being.

Bear in mind that we greatly influence those who are aligned with the Light, but in no measure do we force it upon people. We help direct your efforts into suitable channels, so that the plan for Man unfolds as intended by the higher forces of Light. We stand alongside each soul that supports and assists the goals that are laid out before you, and together we wield the power of the Light for the good of all. Also know that many of you have entered this time specifically to work with the Light, and it is a key factor in your life plan.

Behind everything that we do is Love and Light, beaming out from those on high who are great Beings who hold the Universe in their hands. Earth is a special planet that houses the souls who have undertaken to clear the dark energies that have caused havoc upon it, as a wonderful service to all other life forms. Dear Ones, this is why you are so much greater than you can possibly imagine. You have plumbed the depths of darkness, yet arisen again to find your Light within. Now with all of your experience you can lift yourselves up to even higher levels, allowing for the coming and completion of this cycle through Ascension.

Because you are so successful, you are striding ahead and preparing the stage for the final thrust of the Light. You will take a great leap forward as the dark are removed from their power base, and no longer able to interfere with the end times. A magical time approaches when a celebration will travel across the Earth, as you realize that you have been released from the influence of the dark. How joyful that time will be when your freedom is fully returned, and you will be able to forge ahead and create a new Earth.

More people than ever are finding the ability to detach themselves from the negative energies. In consequence, the dark are finding it
impossible to exercise total control over you. Their attempts to rescue their plan for global domination have not yet ceased, but as
they cast caution to the wind so their intent becomes more obvious. This is their undoing as no longer will the majority be fooled, and
there is unavoidable confrontation as a result. Threats will abound and action taken to try and destabilize the groups that are
rising up against them, but it will be to no avail.

You are winning a battle that will change the direction of this Universe, one that is watched by so many civilizations who know that the outcome is also important to them. You are the last bastion of the dark energies and it is imperative that the Light comes out supreme. We would say the battle has already been won by the Light, although you cannot yet see that outcome upon Earth. The dark have the same measure of freewill as you do, and they represent the unknown factor that dictates the present course of Humanity. However, you have found out how to oppose them without raising a finger, and the Light you direct towards them is breaking down their power base.

Every single person that has recognized their divinity and has brought their Light to the fore, has contributed to the changes that you now see manifesting. This has allowed even more Light Beings from the higher realms to assist you as you attract more Light to yourselves. It is a time for individual change, and most advantageous for moving into the Light, to such a degree that you can leave the dark behind. Living in the Light is your protection, and your calmness and peace is the proof of your success. You are unassailable if you so wish, providing you keep your aura of Light around you and do not open it up to lesser influences.

You are Master’s who are awakening to your understanding of life and its purpose. You are re-claiming your status as fully developed Beings of Light, and before this cycle closes shall have returned to that level. Believe what you hear about your greatness, as you have come into duality from much higher levels where you lived in the splendor and wonders of perfect creation. You also understood the truth about yourself, and that shall again be restored. There is much excitement in the heavens, as it is apparent that you are so near to achieving success in directing your lives onto a new path.

It is the energy of love that abounds all around you, and fills the Universe with the building blocks of all that exists. The Creator is that Source of Life, and continues to create from the desire to experience through you. All is therefore a part of the Creator and has infinite life as it is continually breathed in and out. Your life is sacred, yet you can choose to change your path by creating your own reality. That is the Creator’s gift to you, and why your choice is honored so that you can experience as you wish.

I am St. Germain, and can tell you that this present period is one of many that will conclude this year with many opportunities to receive more Light. Portals are opening, and the Light Grid of Earth is increasing in power and size. It is speeding up the process of Ascension, and also the changes of a physical nature that will effect the composition of all matter. It is moving into the higher vibrations and becoming more of the Light. Many of you are already experiencing such changes, and recognize them for what they are. They will continue for the remainder of this cycle, until you are once more a God in your own right in readiness to take your place in the dimensions of Light.

Thank you St. Germain.

Mike Quinsey

Sunday, November 11, 2007

For Those Who Want To Know


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This website provides a concise, reliable introduction to vital information of which few are aware. We specialize in providing fact-filled news articles and concise summaries of major cover-ups which impact our lives and world. All information is taken from the most reliable sources available and can be verified using the links provided. Sources are always noted, with links direct to the information source provided when possible. The team presents this information as an opportunity for you to educate yourself and others, and to inspire us to strengthen democracy and to work together for the good of all.

Did you know that:

  • Twenty leading journalists, including winners of several Emmys and a Pulitzer, have described being prevented by corporate media ownership from reporting riveting stories on major cover-ups.
  • BBC News has exposed plans of the U.S. military to "provide maximum control" of the Internet, as detailed in a declassified secret Pentagon document signed by the U.S. Secretary of Defense in 2003.
  • A CBS News report quotes former U.S. Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, "According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions." That's $8,000 for every man, woman and child in America.
  • Government documents released through the Freedom of Information Act show that the top Pentagon generals once approved plans to foment terrorism in major U.S. cities and even kill innocent Americans.
  • Multiple, reliable sources show that you may be eating genetically modified food every day which scientific experiments have repeatedly demonstrated can cause sickness and even death in lab animals.
  • Detroit's leading newspaper reported that the 1908 Ford Model T boasted a fuel economy of 25 miles per gallon. Yet almost 100 years later, the EPA average mileage for all cars is under 21 mpg.
  • A highly decorated US General wrote a book titled War is a Racket, which clearly depicts how he was manipulated and how most wars are waged largely to keep the coffers of the big corporations filled.
  • The former chief of a prestigious medical journal has revealed that the total profits of the ten drug companies in the Fortune 500 were more than the profits of the other 490 businesses combined.
  • London Times reported that several 9/11 hijackers listed in the 9/11 Commission Report are alive. "Five of the alleged hijackers have emerged, alive, innocent and astonished to see their names and photographs appearing on satellite television. The hijackers were using stolen identities." See also BBC report on this.
  • More than 50 senior government officials and 100 professors have publicly expressed significant criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report. Many even allege government complicity in the 9/11 attacks.
  • For more highly revealing media articles hidden in plain sight with links for verification, click here.

If the facts presented here were reported in headline news where they belong, concerned citizens would be astounded and demand to know more. This has not happened, which is why we felt compelled to create this website. The verifiable information presented here may at first disturb you. It may even change the way you look at the world. Yet we invite you to see this as a powerful opportunity for building a brighter future. By sharing this vital information with your friends and colleagues, you can play a key role in restoring a true democracy of the people, by the people, and for the people.

We encourage you to be skeptical in exploring this information. Some of what you read may at first seem quite unbelievable. Yet we also encourage you to keep an open mind and do a little research using the links to the reliable sources provided and determine for yourself whether there is truth to the information provided. And as some of the material can be difficult to digest, we invite you to explore this website at a pace that is appropriate for you. If you find yourself feeling upset or overwhelmed, consider taking a break and possibly enjoying some of the excellent inspirational articles and resources provided at the top and in the left column of every page to keep things in perspective. We also encourage you to open to divine guidance as you explore this material.

Many people don't want to know about the major cover-ups going on in our world. Feeling relatively secure and content in their personal lives, they choose to avoid matters which might disturb their contentment. Yet as long as we choose complacency over awareness, these major cover-ups will continue. In fact, they will likely grow in magnitude until people are finally forced to open their eyes and deal with the consequences. The sooner each of us decides that we do want to know, and that we are willing to invite others to open their eyes, the more easily we will be able to build a world that supports the good of all of us.

If you find yourself slipping into fear or anger with this material, remember that we now have an opportunity to do something about it. The Internet and email are remarkable tools for use both in our personal lives and in the world. The fact that you are reading this now is an excellent example of that. Simply by sending this information to your friends and colleagues, you can make a difference. Using this link, you can also easily contact your political and media representatives. By emailing this vital information and posting it widely on the Internet, we can quickly and easily spread this important news around the globe. We have already reached over two million readers, but we need your help to reach many millions more.

We are convinced that once a critical mass of people are aware of this powerful information, the media will be forced to report these major cover-ups in news headlines where they belong. Once these verifiable facts reach the headlines, concerned citizens around the world will stand up and demand that we all work together to find a better way. If each of us makes a commitment to spread this information and to present it as a powerful opportunity to strengthen democracy, we can and will build a brighter future for all of us.

The team is a group of dedicated researchers from around the globe. We compile and summarize important, verifiable facts and information being hidden from the public. We are deeply committed to building a brighter future for us, for our children, and for our world.

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