Monday, October 31, 2011

the 11.11 gateway

Gabriel through Shanta Gabriel

Dear Ones,

From the beginning of time there have been clear moments when the Portals of Awakening open for individuals to advance. The 11:11:11 Gateway is a collective, high-vibrational portal opening to assist the evolution of consciousness on the earth at this time.

Stepping through the gateway in a figurative sense, allows you to move into your most Evolved Self, in oneness with All That Is. We will offer suggestions and visualizations so your imagination can help you to create a beautiful scenario to empower this Light-filled ritual. You have been coded within for this awakening moment. It is another step in the evolution of consciousness, one with great power and support. The Archangels stand at the gateway to hold you in strength and courage.

Since digital clocks have come into widespread usage, the image of 11:11 has become more familiar. The representation behind the symbol is less widely known. 11 has long been the number of the Angelic Realms offering assistance to those on the Earth. When the 11s are seen together the 11:11 becomes a gateway symbolizing Heaven coming to Earth, just as the peaks of a great mountain reaches from the earth to the sky.

The most important significance of the 11:11 is its availability as a Gateway to higher consciousness, a moment in time where the Angels of Light can take your offered prayers and good intentions to assist their manifestation on the Earth. Whenever the 11:11 presents itself, it acts as a daily reminder to take that one minute to hold your dreams in your heart, acknowledge the support available from the Angelic Realms, and have the courage to affirm your willingness to move into new dimensions of Love. Gathering momentum throughout these past 20 years, a new level of Union with your Angelic Self is available at this time that offers a wondrous moment of ascending liberation from old patterns.

The new opportunities available beyond the 11:11:11 Gateway are greater awareness and the deeper truth of your choices and possibilities. The choice of many will be opting for the old way, and yet those who are attracted to this time of Grace, can avail themselves of the opportunity to soar, greatly empowered by the Angelic Realms. This act in harmony with Divine Light will accelerate the evolution of consciousness.

Percolation and Perturbation

It is a time of percolation and perturbation. The energy of new perceptions of reality percolates through the energy centers within your body. Perturbation occurs as these new perceptions hit the coding in the imaginal system of your body in ways that stir you to change, like the metamorphosis of the caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly.

The Universe will stop at nothing to get your attention and encourage you to fulfill your Soul’s destiny. Perturbation is uncomfortable in its various demonstrations, making you feel very agitated. But know that all such catalysts are designed by your soul to bring you into a new level of evolution. Because the support of the Angelic Realms is so available, this portal in time offers you a more graceful transition so you can see more clearly the world you are choosing to create on Earth and assist its evolution.

The 11:11:11 Gateway to the 5th Dimensional shifting of the Ages allows a harmonious flow of Divine Love into your being. This can impact the amygdala in the temporal lobe of your brain in ways that calm this flight or fight center and cause it to resume the dimensions of your original blueprint. Over the years this fear center has been over-stimulated by the pressures, beliefs and electronics of this age. Much of what is called “information” is designed to increase the flow of fear energy to this center of the brain causing it to increase in size. The resulting surge of imbalances, such as panic disorders, PTSD and more serious psychiatric conditions has become obviously rampant.

The flow of Divine Love through each person can create an expansion in perception, as though the veils have parted so that new clarity dawns. This increase in clarity incites a sense of liberation and the freedom of spiritual expression within your being. Prayers for the Earth to receive a positive benefit from this moment in time will be of great benefit. The release of pressure from the 11:11 Gateway is similar to the beginnings of a horse race when the horses are being held within the gate. As the gates are flung open, raw power surges forward and instincts take over. The rawness of this power requires careful training and guidance, so that it moves in directions that allow the goals to be reached and the reaping of rewards. Your prayers assist this process.

The rewards from this time that we speak of are the prevalent desires of a heart seeking Oneness, Peace and Harmony within your being. Access to these exalted states exist beyond the Gateway. The Archangels stand present holding the forces of Light as pillars at the gate. You can claim this empowerment of Divine Love to use within your own life.

The Intention of the 11:11:11 Empowerment

The greater intention for this 11:11:11 empowerment has always been to ground Divine Energy into the depths of the Earth so that planetary evolution will prevail. As millions of awakened people access the Divine Light through the Gateways, Unity consciousness is the resulting force pervading the hearts of all humanity. Never doubt the miracle of Spontaneous Evolution as a creative possibility for the fifth dimensional shift on this planet. Asking for miracles at this time is very appropriate.

The entwined spiral of the DNA is a strong image for this gateway experience. As the strands of the double helix intertwine in the subtle body, they connect the upper chakras in the energy sheath above the crown. Spiraling down they connect the crown chakra through the core of the body to the base chakra. They continue from the base of your spine below the earth and connect to the energy sheath beneath the earth lighting up the twelve chakras of the subtle body.

The image of the Double Helix of DNA strands acts as an allegory for the Glyph of Awakened Consciousness – as above, so below, this glyph represents Embodied Divinity upon an Earth that has become sacred. There is also a deep connection to the flow of Kundalini spiritual energy as it winds through the energy centers of the body. This subtle linking involves the two centers below your base chakra and the three above your crown for the 12 Chakras of subtle energy that are coming into completion with the 12:12. When you use this image, you are linking your Most Divine Spiritual Self with your human self, connected to the Earth through the core of your being.

Union with the Self

The 11:11 Gateway opens the way to this union within the self. You can use the image of the double helix to remind you of your linkup from Heaven to Earth. The Archangels stand ready to welcome you into the new creative power of exalted awareness. Retraining and guiding the fearful thoughts that plague your days are only a prayer away. Each prayer raises your frequency of energy and could be the one that unleashes the critical mass for Spontaneous Evolution on the planet. Imagine that your prayer is the turning point – the key that fits the doorway to Oneness.

Divine Presence, All That is, and the Archangels of Light:

As I prepare to be guided through this 11:11:11 portal of time, I ask that the Light of Divine Love clear any disharmony within my energy field. I willingly let go of the burdens of old beliefs so I may stand tall and move freely through the gateways to Unity Consciousness.

Within the spaciousness of my cleared energy field I ask that it be filled with the power of Divine Love, Harmony and Peace. I ask to receive and radiate the strength and courage to embody this Divine Light and ground the presence of Love, Peace and Healing into the Earth and assist its evolution.

I join with the Angelic forces and the millions of those who work in the Light of God, as we are led through the 11:11 Gateway. I know that as one is lifted up, all are uplifted. I allow new patterns of exalted Light energy to engage my human structure in the completion of Oneness ~ Union within my being with the Divine. I dance through the Light-filled gateways feeling your guidance and knowing that loving awareness of new possibilities in my life is being provided in every moment, with every heartbeat. I awaken in your Light and embrace the Divine Gifts being offered to me now with supreme gratitude. You are giving me the Divine Connection to greater life and I gratefully receive this. I am honored to anchor this Light into the Earth as the presence of Nature awaits my awareness.

Hold me with Love and guide me as I step through this gateway into 5th Dimensional awareness so I may use your Divine Love to bring greater Life, Peace and Joy through my being and be a blessing for the Earth.

For this and all your blessings, I say Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

So be it, Be it so. Amen

The new levels of 5th Dimensional awareness that are available beyond this gateway can impact all aspects of your being. You are being offered a supported and liberating path through these exalted portals to new territory for your Soul’s growth on Earth. The 11:11:11 Gateway is a supreme moment of time, yet the Divine Light causing evolution within you during this moment, is a gift from a Timeless Reality that is in harmony with All of Life.

And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel
For Archangel Gabriel
Copyright: October 19, 2011

Source :

" present life is just but one of many "

SaLuSa through MIke Quinsey

Disclosure as such is important to us but not as much as the subsequent developments, and the dark Ones try by any means to block the announcement as it spells the end of their covert activities. It is also the beginning of a closer relationship between us, that will see a great coming together in the Brotherhood of Light. We are therefore pressing our allies to commence Disclosure as soon as possible, but if necessary we will make it happen. We have long referred to the divine date for it, and that looms near so any delay will be short lived.

It is not that you will be unprepared for Ascension, as it has been happening for a very long time. Also once we can openly communicate with you, we will make the details clearly known to you. As it stands, those of you who have elected to ascend have diligently followed the advice that has been given. You have found your own path, and many already live their lives as one who walks in the Light. There are different ideas as to the way in which the end-times play out, but that is accepted as it is your choice as to where your journey takes you. Bear in mind that the 21.12.12 is a major upliftment, yet only the beginning of another cycle of experience. However, it is for your civilization the opportunity to leave duality, and not continue re-incarnating in the lower dimension.

You may have fond memories of the Earth, but do not forgot that the majority of you will be ascending with her to enjoy the beauty and harmony of the higher dimensions. You will not have any regrets for leaving the present Earth, and in fact you will feel quite privileged to have shared her journey. You will have moved from the unreal to the Creator's expression of what life should really be like. Duality was given to you to experience exactly as you wished, and you had total freewill. Now, you are stepping into the heavenly realms where the Creator's Laws are manifest, and powers of creation are given to you. By then you will have become Cosmic Beings without any limitation whatsoever. However, the Laws of the Universe still apply but at your higher level of achievement and understanding, you would not do anything that would go against them.

After living through the depths of darkness, and the continuing erosion of your rights it was to be expected that you would turn against those who imposed it upon you. Because so many of you turned to the Light and sought freedom from your oppressors, it allowed the Brotherhood of Light to authorize our presence in your lives. With help you have risen up quite rapidly, and by so doing have lifted the consciousness levels to a new height. The effect has helped your fellow travelers to also awaken, and the impetus is such that nothing will stop it going to its natural conclusion. That is of course what you have been working towards for a long time, and our presence is your guarantee of completion.

Knowing that your present life is just but one of many that will continue ad infinitum, you will realize that it is all for your experience as you grow in consciousness. It will gradually expand so that eventually it could embrace a whole planet, and way into you future some of you may chose to experience being a planetary logos. This may give you an idea as to what a great being you have in Mother Earth, who like you is still growing in consciousness. It is why you are ascending together, and if you think about it, it is truly an astonishing fact. Who would otherwise think that the Earth is a fully conscious Being. That is why you are asked to acknowledge what she has done for you out of her love for humankind. She feels your love and receives your prayers, and is re-assured by them as she goes ahead with the cleansing of the planet.

The more you understand the truth about yourselves and your purpose for being here, the easier it will become to accept the changes that are taking place. We would say, go with the flow knowing that all will work out well regardless of how it appears now. Just think of how little time remains before Ascension, and enjoy the thoughts of how exciting it is to be part of it. It is why you incarnated for this particular time, and you were fully aware of what your experiences would involve. Think again of the wise souls that have joined you in recent years, bringing a higher level of consciousness that is necessary to ensure the upliftment continues. You call them Indigo children, Starseeds and other names that identify them as the special ones, that bring you much needed knowledge. They left the comfort and harmony of the higher dimensions, to serve you at a time when their presence is needed.

Treat all as you Brothers and Sisters and give of your love as freely as you can. If you can do that and see the Light within them, you will be helping uplift them as every soul responds to the love vibration. When you can do this, you have truly reached a new level of Christ Consciousness that will hold good for the future. Simply do your best and you can do no more, and no caring soul will fault you for the occasions when you cannot maintain such levels. It will become easier as you progress towards the higher dimensions, and eventually take your place within them.

The truth will come with the revelations that we shall bring you, but prepare to be astonished at how much you have been misled. Much will seem incredible and hard to accept because you have been mind controlled for so long. However accept as much as you can, and anything left undecided will still find place in your heart at the appropriate time. Most revelations will make good sense, and explain some of the mysteries that have been deliberately put before you to keep you under control. The last thing the dark Ones want, is for you to become independent of them.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and the more I understand about you, the more I appreciate how resilient you are and how duality has toughened you to life's ups and downs. No wonder other civilizations will look up to you and seek your help. You have left the comfort and joy of being in the of the higher dimensions, to have a total experience of duality with all of its pain and sorrow to help others. I bow before you and acknowledge the beautiful loving souls that you are, I love you all.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Source :

Sunday, October 30, 2011


What is the 11-11-11 Stargate?

Source :

Archangel Michael explains what we can expect on 11-11-11.

“Beloved family of Light, this is a great moment in the Transformation of Planet Earth and the establishment of the New Earth and the Golden Age of Peace and Love. You have reached the Time Portal, or Stargate, that is called 11/11/11, on the 11th of November 2011. It represents a ‘Cosmic Moment’ of Global Awakening and Unity, and the Moment when the ‘Light Codes’ or ‘Cosmic Codes’ of Renewal are received into the Crystalline grids of the Earth. The Reception of the Codes of Renewal will again accelerate the frequencies of the Earth Hologram, allowing for Reconnection with the Seventh Dimension of Consciousness, as the Planet continues on her Journey into the Divine Heart of Multi-Dimensional Consciousness.

“It is indeed a Moment of Joy and Celebration.” (2)

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles discusses some of the changes happening on that day to the Earth.

“The events of 11-11-11 will be multifaceted and multidimensional, but one of the most significant events involves a quantum shift in Earth’s Crystal Grid System. This is the system that functions within the body of Mother Earth in the same way Humanity’s Chakras, acupuncture meridians, and acupuncture points function in our bodies. The Crystal Grid System is the vehicle through which the Light of God is flowing to increase the energy, vibration, and consciousness of every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of precious Life energy existing on Earth. This is the system through which Earth’s Ascension into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Infinite Light is being victoriously accomplished.” (3)

The Pleiaidian High Council suggest that this stargate will bring important advancements to wayshowers or lightworkers as well. The PHC refer to this event as an “inception.”

“We, like you, can feel the pulsing energies of convergence building around your sphere and we are just so delighted at what each of you, the new earth guardians, are about to experience in yourselves, and witness in each other. …

“The moment that each of you have been waiting for, the moment that we have termed ‘inception’ is approaching. This is heralded by the massive energies precipitated by the opening of the 11:11 stargate portal on 11/11/11. What this means for the way-showers is monumental, for it is this group who will be physically laying the template on earth for all other inhabitants to follow.” (4)

Lauren Gorgo gives added detail on the expected changes to our templates and bio-circuitry:

“Our bio-circuitry is adjusting to incorporate and adapt to the new codes we are already receiving from the upcoming 11:11 stargate portal. The emanations sent forth by the great central sun are encoding our biology with new mandates, new directives.” (5)

The Great Love Wave

SaLuSa calls this massive energy influx “the Love Wave” and says of it:

“There is no doubt that not only time is continuing to speed up, but events important to the necessary changes are also reaching a climax. It bodes well for the immediate period which is highlighted by the Love Wave of 11.11.11. …

“There is a beautiful Light spreading across the Earth that is linking many groups, that are in turn attracting more people. Where some have been unaware of the confrontation between the dark and the Light, there is a stirring within and many are now awakening. That will be helped forward by the powerful surge of energy that 11.11.11 will bring to you all, including Mother Earth.” (6)

On another occasion, he told us that “the Light energies … are ever increasing and bringing calmness to you. They will be growing more powerful by the day, and 11.11.11 will bring about a great leap forward that many will actually experience.” (7)

Through Celia, Archangel Michael said that, as we headed towards 11-11-11, we were “preparing to enter into the first full cycle of Fifth-Dimensional Reality.” He saw these as grand occasions and told us: “Beloved Ones, you are all invited to be present at the Grand Ceremonies of Inauguration of the New Earth Reality on the 11/11/11, the 12/12/12 and the 21/12/12.” (8)

The Impact of the Great Love Wave

SaLuSa told us in late October that, as a result of “the expected energy surge with the coming of 11.11.11 there will definitely be an upliftment, and it remains to be seen how far it goes.” (9) On other occasions, he predicted a “big increase in levels of consciousness” (10) and “a sudden upliftment.” (11) He said that this was important “for the outworking of the final needs to achieve success. It can no longer be delayed and you shall be aware of its commencement.” (12)

The Galactic Federation through Blossom Goodchild also give us a little background on the energetic impact of the energies of 11-11-11. They remind us that these energies are part of periodic packages that are arriving over time for us to assimilate.

“What is to come about in the coming days is a transference of energy that will have you ‘boggled’. You cannot NOT be affected by these ‘waves’ … for they ride on a strength that you will certainly consider to be ‘fruitful’. It shall seem to the physical self of great surges of energy filling the body. It will heighten the senses and can be applied to engage in a deeper form of meditation should the recipient so choose. …

“The energies that are … flowing in shall reside and fluctuate in and around your planet for an exact period of time . The energy is participating in its glory as it assists mankind to rise. When this particular ‘batch’ has infiltrated … then things shall quieten again for a time until it is deemed necessary for the next arrival.” (13)

Lauren Gorgo also reviewed the impact the 11-11-11 energies will have on us.

“Overall, I am hearing that the 11:11 will bring in some robust energies that, depending on where we are on our journey, will either catapult us to freedom or bring us to a new dimension of awareness. In all cases it will be the next level of our personal evolutionary development and this means the biological aspects will need to be addressed…whether we are ascending into an angelic-human or not. Experience has taught us that any energy blast or major portal opening will mean more rest, relaxation and downtime is required. No one looks forward to that but at least we are so beat up by now that its nearly impossible to resist any more. I guess we have that going for us…which is nice.” (14)

SaLuSa predicted that 11-11-11 “might well be the first time that many of you will actually experience a lifting up.”

“It is another reason that your destiny is assured, and illustrates just how much help you are being given. It could be looked upon as the real commencement of Ascension, and as the trigger for many more events planned to carry you forward.” (15)

“It will be the commencement of a new period that will bring more changes in your levels of consciousness. It will continue and put you well on the path to Galactic Consciousness. After all, you are great Beings of Light that are re-claiming your rightful place in the Cosmos. Our task is to see that you do so, and we are about to open up the final pathway to Ascension and beyond.” (16)

Many of us will see our psychic abilities begin to unfold after 11-11-11, SaLuSa says.

“The next key time will be 11.11.11 that can be looked upon as a high point, when some of you will become more psychic and sensitive to the energies around you. For some of you your telepathic abilities will become active, and you will find that you can communicate with both humans and animals.” (17)

In the face of this “great wave of love and joy [that will] sweep over the world,” SaLuSa says, “ barriers between people will quickly come down.” (18) The effect of it on us should help the cause of world peace, he says.

“That elusive world peace should be a lot nearer, and even now few have an appetite to continue the wars that rage at present. Behind that of course is the rising consciousness levels of the people who have stated loud and clear, that enough is enough.” (19)

He tells us that 11-11-11 will prepare us for events that will come fast and thick after this year’s end: “You will start 2012 with an uplifted vibration resulting from 11.11.11, and the changes will come thick and fast thereafter.” (20) From 11-11-11 onward, SaLuSa tells us, “the path should get decidedly easier.” (21)

Help Available

Lauren tells us that these energies may prove a bit challenging to some.

“The Pleiadian High Council would like for us to know that the new human apparatus is well-equipped to handle these changes. However, it may be of benefit for those of who are experiencing great difficulty to embrace the many modalities available to us to assist in easing the transition on our bods, as well as to give a much-needed boost to our emotional and mental well-being.” (22)

She reminds us that help is available to us as we struggle through these changes.

“I am hearing some folks are having trouble assimilating to these new frequencies and for those heavily in the embodiment process, this is just a reminder that we don’t have to suffer thru these changes alone…that help is available should you need it. The PHC say that there are many people here specifically to support us thru these changing times, and that if we don’t utilize these gifts and offerings that we may be robbing ourselves of a great opportunity to not only survive these changes, but to thrive in them. The physical body needs care and nurturing as it is being resurrected into a body of light, but the incoming frequencies do not need to bombard our system in the ways we are accustomed to experiencing them if we open up to the opportunity to be supported.” (23)

As always, lightworkers have a special role to play in events around 11-11-11, as SaLuSa reminds us.

“Events are near to occurring that will immediately attract people’s attention away from the present conditions. They will inject great hope and anticipation of the better times that are soon to be brought about. Lightworkers are very important in this respect as they can help others to understand the goal that lies ahead, bringing answers to the problems that have overwhelmed them. It is therefore important that you spread your knowledge far and wide, as it will uplift those who hitherto had little or no knowledge about it. The feelings of hopelessness need to be replaced by those of hope and certainty in the future.” (24)

To summarize, then, on 11-11-11 we pass through a triple stargate and a great love wave that will be a cosmic moment of global awakening, upliftment, and unity. At that time, the ‘light codes’ or ‘cosmic codes’ of renewal are received into the crystalline grids of the Earth. We can expect to experience massive energies and important changes to our bodies, moods and capacities.

This robust new wave will awaken people, bring new directives to us, and draw us together in our efforts to push back the cabal, free the world, and restore peace. These influxes of energy are designed to arrive in packages, allowing enough time for us to assimilate them. They may challenge some but help is available. Lightworkers will be expected to spread their knowledge far and wide among the ones in this massive influx of energy.


(1) Archangel Michael, “11/11/11: The Second Triple Stargate & The Codes of Renewal,” October 2011, through Celia Fenn, at and SaLuSa, Sept. 28, 2011, at The three important 2011 dates, according to AA Michael, are Oct. 28, Nov. 11, and Dec., 12.

(2) Loc. cit.

(3) Patricia Diane Cota-Robles, “11-11-11: The Cosmic Moment Is NOW!,” at

(4) Pleiadian High Council in “Lauren Gorgo: 11-11-11: Source Code Activation,” at .

(5) Lauren Gorgo in “Lauren Gorgo: 11-11-11,” ibid.

(6) SaLuSa, Sept. 28, 2011.

(7) SaLuSa, Sept. 14, 2011.

(8) Archangel Michael, “Endings and Beginnings: The Sacred Union of Divine Light,” through Celia Fenn, July 25, 2011, at

(9) SaLuSa, Oct. 28, 2011.

(10) SaLuSa, Oct. 24, 2011.

(11) SaLuSa, Aug. 1, 2011.

(12) SaLuSa, Oct. 24, 2011.

(13) Galactic Federation through Blossom Goodchild, Sept. 27, 2011, at

(14) “Lauren Gorgo: 11-11-11,” ibid.

(15) SaLuSa, July 18, 2011.

(16) SaLuSa, Sept. 14, 2011.

(17) SaLuSa, Apr. 15, 2011.

(18) SaLuSa, Jan. 28, 2011.

(19) SaLuSa, July 18, 2011.

(20) SaLuSa, Aug. 3, 2011.

(21) SaLuSa, July 27, 2011.

(22) “Lauren Gorgo: 11-11-11,” ibid.

(23) Ibid.

(24) SaLuSa, Sept. 14, 2011.

Friday, October 28, 2011

" balancing energy "

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey

As you are fond of saying "things are hotting up" and the signs are there for all to see. The old paradigm is breaking up before your very eyes, and those still trying to maintain it are in fear of the consequences. People power is showing up all over the world, and growing stronger all of the time. It is not just a passing phase but one built upon the intent to bring change in, and force out that which no longer serves your needs. It is working because it is carried forward by the immense Light being attracted to Earth. Your time has come Dear Ones, when your visions of the new are rapidly manifesting, and already exist in the higher dimensions. It remains only for the Light levels to rise a little further and nothing can delay or stop the changes. With the expected energy surge with the coming of 11.11.11 there will definitely be an upliftment, and it remains to be seen how far it goes.

What is happening in your world is causing confusion, because it threatens to seriously disrupt peoples lives. Yet those of you who know it is necessary to sweep away the old, are able to be a balancing energy to avoid utter chaos. You are needed more than ever and indeed many of you came to the Earth for that very purpose. Lightworkers all have their own roles to fulfill and should by now be aware as to what they are. Some are simply to be beacons of Light, whilst others are healers, or active for causes that spread the Light. If you have not yet found your vocation, spread love and joy wherever you go and help lift people up. Beyond that be assured that once the plan for your future is revealed, many opportunities to serve will come up.

Time continues to speed up and it is unbelievable to many that you are nearing the close of this year already. That is of course welcome as the next two months are going to be quite exceptional. Something that would not be noticed yet, is because of the higher vibrations the aging process is slowing down. Eventually it will stop, and once you have crystalline cells the whole process can be reversed through the power of thought. The new cells will have a greater degree of consciousness than previously, and re-act to thought more quickly. Already in your Astral levels that souls pass on to after death, they have sufficient power to present themselves to you as they wish to be seen. This is clearly useful when newly arriving souls meet with others who passed over many, many years before them. In this respect when you ascend you are not really going to experience something that is completely new to you.

Many things that you are used to now will no longer apply once you ascend, and perhaps the most far reaching will be where food is concerned. No longer will great tracts of land be used for farming, and at one stage food replicators will be used until you can "think" into being whatever you require. There will be no necessity to rape or violate the Earth for the production of food or for fossil fuels. It will be restored to its original pristine condition and you will become the Guardians of the Earth. Neither will it be a dumping ground for all of your waste, as whatever is not used will be treated or changed to serve other purposes. Pollution will be unheard of as no processes will produce any.

Bit by bit, you are learning about the new Earth, and how it will change your lives. You will realize that your old ways were rather crude, and not helped by the drive for profit. In the future all will have everything they need and money will not come into it. You will all work with one another, for the good of all, and no soul will carry the lower vibrations as they cannot exist in the higher realms. So the mentality and desire to profit by taking from others, will not exist at those levels of consciousness. In your industrial and mechanized age noise is clearly a real problem, leading to illness through stress. That again will not be a problem in the higher dimension, as production where necessary will involve totally different methods that are noiseless. Much will be "thought" into being and sometimes involve groups of people, whose combined power will be so much greater.

Anything that you are called upon to do at this time will be so worthwhile, when you reflect on the wonders that await you in the future. We mainly address those of you who are dedicated to Ascension, but as we have mentioned previously not everyone of a higher vibration desires to ascend. Some of you will be identified by your Space family, and find that you arranged to return with them to your home planet after your Earth journey was completed. Many different civilizations are waiting to benefit from your experiences, such are the magnificent achievements that you have made. Perhaps now you will understand why you are so important them, as not very soul will have entered duality or has necessarily desired to do so. You are indeed extra special souls with so much to offer to others.

As the cycle closes, remember that you have all played out lives on both sides of duality, and they are seen as necessary experiences to enable you to balance both energies. You may have succeeded now, but do not allow your achievement to cloud your mind against the dark Ones. Have compassion, and bear in mind that they are still sparks of the Light and Love, and can fully make their way back to the Light. In fact because they have dropped lower than many other souls, they will in time make great Light Carriers. You cannot know their karma so make allowances for their roles in your present period of history.

Whilst you are not punished for your "sins" you do make reparations so that you fully understand the effect of them on other souls. This can be very deep and heart wrenching, but it is the only way to learn your lessons. You have all to some degree had such experiences, so now you can understand why it is essential you are non-judgmental where other souls are concerned. Do your best to be forgiving if you have been personally hurt, and please do not harbor the energies of hate as they will eat into your body and cause you illness. They will also hold you back from progressing, as you cannot take them with you into the higher dimensions.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and that will be enough lessons for one day, so focus on your Love and Light and all will be well.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

" All of you are sovereign Beings "

SaLuSa though Mike Quinsey

We look at your world and see what a marvelous place it has been, as a means of giving you a playground in which to play your games. You have been allowed to do exactly as you wish, but nevertheless with responsibility for the consequences. Through many lives you have created your future, but for a long time were held in the lower vibrations. Once you became ensnared in them, you found the greatest difficulty in releasing yourselves from them. Yet although you plunged the depths of darkness, somehow you found the Light and lifted yourselves up. It took a long time, but today so many of you are awakening to the truth of your being. The beliefs imposed upon you are no longer able to hold you back, and much progress has been made. Now you are rising up in your consciousness levels very rapidly, and realize the power you have to change your reality.

With your vision of the future firmly attached to the coming Ascension, you have moved onto a new level that promises to release you from the shackles of the past. Many of you are now able to step out of the energies of fear, that have unwittingly tied you to the past and its march towards total control by the dark forces. Hence you now live in a type of yo-yo existence where your senses are continually being stretched one way or the other, as the Light and dark fight for your attention. Since the Light is far more powerful there is only ever going to be one winner, and you who are Lightworkers already know it to be true. You are therefore well beyond the likelihood of being pulled back into the darkness, and in fact your Light is part of a great upliftment that is taking place.

It is belief in your own power that is so important, and when many of you come together with a common purpose it is increased tenfold. It is why the worldwide demonstrations that commenced with those in Wall Street, are destined to become even more powerful. Politicians disregard what the people want at that peril, and they are being forced to respond. The energy that has resulted from the movement for change is not going to go away, and on the contrary is creating a backlash in many different ways. People are now looking at many aspects of their lives, and for the first time seeing how badly they have been treated. All of you are sovereign Beings and waking up to this fact, and now you want to be treated correctly and in accordance with your rights.

Dear Ones, we can say that whether your politicians respond to your pleas or not, we can because you have created the conditions that allow us to come to you. By yourselves the task to put matters right would have been too much for you, and since duality has all but run its course we are allowed to intervene. It is course part of a plan laid down eons of time ago, that is now beginning to manifest. So all progresses well regardless of any apparent problems or delays. Much has been done in the last few years, to bring about the ideal circumstances that will allow for the next phase in the process to commence. We are absolutely ready to go ahead with a number of acts that will signal to you all that the time has arrived for you leap into the New Age, that in turn will lead to the Golden Age, and your Cosmic baptism.

Live day to day as one that knows what the future holds, and fear nothing that happens around you. Most of you by now should be in the right place for the end-times, and it will be where you shall experience the final days of this cycle. The last two months of this year promise to be most exciting, and at last you see the proof that everything is on the move towards Ascension. That is after all the whole point of what is taking place, and nothing else is more important. There is more emphasis upon your preparation for this event, and over the remaining months the focus will be upon ensuring each soul understands what the end-times mean. No one will be without some understanding of the choice that is being offered to them. We want to see as many souls as possible making the upliftment from the third dimension, into the higher ones.

Our service to you is based upon unconditional love, and we carry no judgment where anyone is concerned. We see your true selves as beautiful Beings of Light, and your potential of returning to being the gods that you are. Since we are One how else would you expect us to be, and that is a lesson for you to assimilate and live to your highest concept. When you can do that you also will find that you can accept all souls as your Brothers and Sisters, in the Light of the Creator that is the Consciousness that binds all together. You can be the means of bringing a peaceful balance, when others lose their way and re-act strongly to what is happening around them. Given time that phase will pass, as it will not take long for a general understanding of the uplifting period that follows the chaos.

Keep your eyes and ears open as much is about to take place that should have an impact upon the media. If not, the Internet will undoubtedly pick up anything that is out of the ordinary, and is mostly reliable. However, the same freedom of expression also allows those with disinformation to cast doubts. Fortunately it is usually so far removed from the truth, most of you will see through the attempts to mislead you.

We are watching your Earth very carefully as she begins to rumble, as the cleansing slowly continues. As always we will try to limit the effects upon you, but we cannot stop the process going ahead. We will however continue to take part in the cleansing of your atmosphere, which is something we have done for a very long time. Our responsibility will really get under way when we are free to come and go, without any interference from the dark Ones.

I am SaLuSa form Sirius, and pass on great blessings and love from the members of the Galactic Federation. We want to see you sail through what remains of the cycle of Duality, and we will be there with you to give every assistance. We will not of course be the only ones, as there are many souls from the Spirit World supporting you now. Plus your Angelic Beings that have exceptional powers if they need to use them, who are already protecting you as they have since your birth upon Earth.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.

Source :

Monday, October 24, 2011

" look at another soul and only see the best in them "

SaLuSa though mike Quinsey

The speed at which matters are moving ahead, means that almost on a daily basis there is progress being made towards changes that will be for the betterment of all people. It will take time to manifest but the foundation has now been firmly laid in place. All issues apart form First Contact draw nearer and that gives our allies every opportunity to push for an early outcome. With the expected big increase in levels of consciousness following 11.11.11, the stage will be set for the outworking of the final needs to achieve success. It can no longer be delayed and you shall be aware of its commencement.

The dark Ones are clearly in retreat, but do not go gracefully and would rather have their last attempts to create chaos. However, they will not have that pleasure as we are already aware of their plans. They are no longer entitled to the level of freewill that they have previously enjoyed. It is with joy that we intercede in their actions, and they know that their freedom is soon to be taken from them. Our allies with our help are gradually putting the dark Ones where they can no longer carry out the heinous acts. They are effectively being taken out of your society so that you may proceed unhindered with the work of the Light.

We note that more people than ever are becoming aware of Ascension, and are seriously investigating what it will mean to them. Fortunately there are so many of you that are sufficiently enlightened, that they do not have to go far to find their answers. The fact that there is more than one time line allows them to consider a number of possibilities, and that will enlarge their outlook and understanding. Given time the whole picture will become clear, as we are also involved in making sure you all have a good idea of what is ahead of you. Changes there must be, but in the nature of advancement and progress to place you on the path to Ascension, and beyond. It is all part of your planned evolution, and deep down you know this to be true.

The period you are in now is for some unreal, as they are new to the idea of such far reaching changes. It matters not of which beliefs you hold, as the outcome will be the same, and you will learn more about the Supreme Creator and the Gods. They have also been creators of all you see in your physical existence, and we talk of the beginning of your journey into the lower dimensions. As you are beginning to understand, there have been other Beings in more recent times who have also presented themselves as Gods. In your history they are known as the Annunaki of the planet Nibiru, and responsible for much of the information that is held and used by religious bodies. This is another area that we will clarify, and in so doing it will enable people to come together with common beliefs that reflect the truth.

You do not yet fully realize how much you have been kept in the dark over thousands of years. Your reality has been fabricated by the Illuminati, who have led you to believe that you are so much less than what you really are. Yet to your credit, you have awoken to the Light that has steadily increased to bring you back to the true reality. As you can imagine you have a busy year ahead when the benefits will far out weigh any inconvenience you may experience. At least you have been warned as to what to expect, if by chance you find that you are in areas that will be subject to physical changes.

With all that will be happening please remember that the higher reason is for your spiritual evolution, and learn from your experiences as you go along. After all, you are still following your life plan and may yet have lessons to learn. However, after so many lives in the cycle of Duality, it would not be surprising if you had all but completed them. Ask yourself if you are able to live and work in the Light at all times, and can you look at another soul and only see the best in them. Treating others as your equal and acknowledging the Oneness of All Life. If you can, have no fears as to whether have lifted up your level of consciousness, as it would be quite apparent that you have.

Finding your true self is most satisfying and enables you to live in the midst of the lower vibrations with ease and without being affected by them. Indeed, your very presence has the effect of transmuting such energies. You and thousands upon thousands like you, are giving of yourselves in service in this way. A kind word or just a smile can lift up another person for quite a long time. That is the power you carry often without realizing the potential you have for doing good.

The financial woes continue to look serious in Europe, and those charged with finding a solution are not optimistic that they can find one. At best they can only put off the inevitable collapse that will quickly pass from one country to another, and the to other parts of the world. The answer does of course involve total change to a new system that puts a stop to the misuse of your money, and also safeguards its value. That is all waiting to come out as and when the right opportunity presents itself, and not before. So all we can ask is that you keep the solution in your mind, so as not to be distracted by any other happenings leading up to it.

Dear Ones, we are pleased that after all of this time we can talk of how near events are to happening, that eventually will totally change your lives. Those who have followed the developments for many years, will of course be better prepared for what is about to happen. With Disclosure should come the freedom we seek to start working openly with you, and access to your media to broadcast the facts as to why we are here. May know already, but equally many have little idea as to what is about to change their lives so completely. We must initially be aware as to how well we are received, and be sure we have the majority of you accepting our help for you. Clearly we would much prefer to work openly than at a distance. In any event a lot that we will do will be directly from our craft, as we have no necessity to actually be upon the Earth.

I am SaLuSa form Sirius, and ready to do my part as a member of the Galactic Federation teams that are poised to commence their work. We shall do everything as an act of Love, for you our Brothers and Sisters.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

Source :

Friday, October 21, 2011

" events such as 9/11 are revealed for what they really are "

SaLuSa through MIke Quinsey

The worldwide uprising continues to grow and will result in gains for the people. Not too long ago such demonstrations would have been quickly put down by force if necessary, as governments are scared of situations where you have mobilized yourselves into powerful groups. We have always advocated peaceful demonstrations, as violence begets violence and in such situations you are inevitably the loser. However, we understand that there comes a point when you cannot take anymore, and anger takes over from reasoned thinking. This battle for your future will help to create the energies for change, and not everyone needs to be in the front line, as just by sending out your thoughts of support you are adding to it. This is where the world as a whole has the upper hand if they come together to support a common cause.

The result is that the dark Ones face an impossible task to stop the movement for change from becoming stronger. They cannot handle vast numbers who have such a strong willpower, who will fight to the last until they get their victory. At last the media has been forced to report what is really happening in the world, as even they are moving away from the controls placed upon them. They will have a field day when journalists can report the truth, particularly when events such as 9/11 are revealed for what they really are. The pressure on the US is growing to arrange an independent investigation, and President Obama may yet lead the way. It is only a matter of time before one takes place, and the truth is revealed.

The purpose of revealing the acts of the dark Ones is not to take revenge, as all souls are called to account for their thought and actions to much higher authorities. It is so that you understand how you came to be in the position you found yourselves. You were just short of becoming totally enslaved and controlled by a draconian World Government that was to be put in place. Your rights would have been strictly controlled and curtailed, so that you had little freedom unless you conformed to the new World Order. It has not come about overnight, but has been planned for millennia of time. Slowly and almost unnoticed you have been fooled and misled so that you gave your rights away. There were plenty of warnings, but you were lulled into a false sense of security. You need to understand the reasons so that you fully benefit from the experiences.

Some people wish to hang onto what they are familiar with, and if that be their choice it will be so. We and others lay out before you the benefits of Ascension without trying to force it upon any of you, and at no time will you be able to truthfully say that you did not know. We have no concern about people who decline the opportunity to ascend, and we give of our love to them as we would anyone. Their future is as well assured as anyone else's, and in any event there will come a time when they will join those who have gone ahead. You have all the time you desire to stay in the lower dimensions, and we know that when you have fulfilled your experiences you will look to the higher dimensions for your next ones.

We of the Galactic Federation can say that we have done all this before, and it means we know what we are talking about. Mass Ascension does not come up often, but even so we have helped others achieve it as we do for you now. It is such a wonderful occasion and we look forward to enjoying it every bit as much as you will. You will certainly be pleased that you were privileged to be on Earth for such a wonderful upliftment. The Creator is taking you into the higher realms, prepared already to receive you as the Cosmic Beings you are already becoming. You and your Higher Self shall become as One and travel the Heavens that stretch into Infinity.

Knowing what lies ahead let nothing put you off your path, and let the lower vibrations pass you by as they no longer have any power over you. Let go of links to them that you know cannot travel with you, and refine your energies so that you become a Being of Light. That will be your protection as you enter the Ascension stage and take your place with us. Remember that you have everything to gain, and you will have absolutely no regrets at making your decision to ascend. If you still cannot bring yourself to follow this path have no fear, as your needs have been catered for as well as anyone else's.

Fill your hearts with love and shine your Light where ever you are, and that is all that can be asked of you. You do not yet understand the level of power you hold, but it still does not prevent you from creating. What you give thought to and desire to manifest will at some time do so. That is the Law and you will soon learn to use it wisely. It explains why you are considered responsible for your experiences, because as a mass consciousness the Human Race has decided what its experiences shall be. Now as individuals you decide whether to step on to the path of Ascension.

Whatever way you look at it these are unique times for mankind, after having spent so long in the darkness of ignorance deliberating foisted upon you, the life line is held out for you. Grasp it and do not let go, and hold strongly to your belief that the end of this cycle is just the beginning of a completely new one. It is there already and you have a wonderful opportunity to leave the lower dimensions. It is almost too good to be true, yet the Creator has set the scene for your gradual awakening, and upliftment into those higher dimensions that are like a wonderland of untold beauty and a peace that knows no equal. It is yours Dear Ones and you have truly earnt that gift by your steadfastness to the Love and Light.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and cannot do enough to impress upon you what a fantastic time you are in, one that many souls desired to be part of - but it is you who were chosen knowing that you could lead the way out of the darkness and help others find the Light. You have succeeded and soon the changes you have invited and willed into being, will manifest. We would say, well done and look upon you with great admiration for your remarkable achievements. We love you all for being what you are - Beacons of Light in the midst of the darkness that now recedes in the face of it.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.

Source :

Thursday, October 20, 2011

" a relatively smooth transition "

Dear All,
so sorry, I seem to have missed Mike's message from October 14th ! here it is !!

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey

You may wonder at times why different sources of channeling sometimes come up with their own dates for expected events, and yet do not dispute those that are given by others that are different to theirs. Although there is generally a reluctance to give dates anyway, occasionally circumstances dictate that a firm date can be acknowledged, say such as one that has been divinely given. The reason for this is that there are different time lines that exist for most events, meaning that more than one outcome is possible, so the ultimate "correct" date for you is partly dependent upon your choice. Therefore we would be reluctant to deny someone else's choice, as we could affect the outcome by doing so and that would be deemed interference. So as many dates are being given for almost all important events, we would suggest you focus on the one that satisfies your understanding.

Financial happenings still fill the headlines, and at each turn it seems that matters get worse rather than better. We cannot say that we are surprised, as efforts are directed at keeping the old systems going, rather than approaching the problems from a completely new direction. The underlying reason for the meltdown is understood by some people, but they are not necessarily in a position to influence what happens. The sweeping changes that are required will only happen when it is acknowledged that the old ways are no longer workable. That is something we are assisting our allies to bring about as soon as possible. The amount of co-operation we are getting in the different countries is encouraging, and it will reach a point when there will be a vast majority that will support the necessary changes, and then they will go ahead.

The dark Ones are no longer in any doubt that we mean business, and their defeat is simply a matter of time. The Lighted Ones are patient, and realize that providing the right time is chosen to apply the coup de grace there will be a relatively smooth transition from the old to the new. With the energy and consciousness levels on Earth continually growing, there can be no doubt that the changes are imminent. We could talk of weeks rather than months, and that shows our own confidence in the future. However, we would rather you used your own intuition, as you would be surprised how often it is able to pick up the truth. In some ways the exact dates are not so important, as when an event is close to manifesting you will be aware of it anyway.

At present we busy ourselves in keeping a constant eye on earthly occurrences, whether man-made or natural to ensure nothing gets out of hand. We are in your skies for various reasons, and regularly attend to clearing the Chem.-Trails, and balancing your weather patterns so as to maintain the seasons. In the longer term they will moderate and become more temperate, and once ascended will no longer be a necessary factor for food production. The dimensional changes will eventually be so far reaching that conditions will remain constant. Indeed, in your finer body you will not be subject to the ravages of time, illnesses or any disabling factor. Ascension as you now understand it, is ongoing and is only just beginning with the closing of the cycle of Duality.

As much as we try to convey what the future holds for you, words really fail us at times. To understand the beauty, harmony and balance of the higher dimensions you have to be there, and how can one really describe the way in which the energy caresses you and makes you feel so wonderful. Tiredness is something that you experience on Earth as your physical body becomes drained of its energy, yet in the higher dimensions that never occurs as you are continually drawing from the energies around you. All those earthly problems connected with having a physical body do not exist at all. However, we jump ahead, but all of these changes await you in due course.

For the older people amongst you that are ascending it will mean much more, because as happens when you pass on from death into the Astral Levels, you will quickly be able to "think" yourself into a younger body free of the effect of old age. You can gradually put together a picture of what it will be like to ascend, and perhaps the most useful gain is the ability to "talk" with anyone by telepathy regardless of distance. It is experienced by you at times without your realization, when it seems like your own voice talking to you. Another gadget that will make life so much easier will be a voice translator, enabling you to listen to any language as though it was in your own. Some of our technology is so advanced it is considered by you as only a possibility, because you do not have the knowledge yet to do it for yourself. That is where we will enable you to make a quantum leap forward, and will introduce you to our level of existence.

We keep talking about the exciting times ahead, and considering they will release you from your bondage that has to be so. However, it is not just that as you are replacing one life experience with another that is far superior. It is one that you left behind you eons of time ago, to experience time and space in Duality. You have truly earnt the right to move out of it, and as a civilization have at last succeeded in overcoming the pull of the lower energies. It has taken you a long time, but all that will be forgotten quite quickly as you put it behind you and enjoy your new life.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and would mention that some of our smaller Mothercraft are being positioned a bit closer to Earth, allowing us to reach you with our scout craft more speedily. The need to track your dark Ones and their activities is vital in these closing stages leading to their removal. This way we can prevent them from attempting a major incident to delay the end of their time. We believe that they are sufficiently disempowered to prevent one, but remain vigilant and focused on our responsibilities to you. We have guided you and protected you for many, many years and it is greatly satisfying for us to know that we have helped you reach your goal. We have looked upon you as our family, and never been far away at any time. Soon we will be even closer, until First Contact when we shall truly be amongst you. I leave you with the thought that if you have chosen to ascend, it matters not whether you are on Earth to experience it, you will still do so. Every soul has the choice to make, and before very long all will fully understand its significance.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey

Source :

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

" if any one act is destined to change your future, debt forgiveness will be the one "

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey

Matters move on as the pace of development increases, and will continue do so until the energy for change is manifested for the purposes intended. Your expectations may differ and not all of you can be correct, but in principle all will see acceptable changes that will at least fulfill part of them. Debt is the over riding problem in virtually all countries, and it may yet see the fall of Europe. As it is anticipated it will not come as a shock, but will offer the long sought opportunity to completely re-shape the economy and financial systems. So you know what is likely to occur over a period of some weeks, and can prepare for the outcome.

If you are a Lightworker you will sail through the fall out from the changes because you know no matter how events work out, they will ultimately be for the benefit of all people. There will be a leveling up that allows for individualism, yet puts people into one category where all are treated fairly and equally. As a result there will be no jealousy or judgment of another, as all will be treated according to their needs. As a new society your pleasure will be in seeing that everyone is looked after, and sharing will become quite commonplace. Trust will be taken for granted, as you will be aware that behind the plan for you are spiritually defined reasons based on Light and Love.

For a time you will be like a swimmer treading water, using a lot of energy but going nowhere fast. Then all of a sudden the floodgates will open and everything will take off. So it is case of playing the waiting game until it is your time to get involved. It will give you the opportunity to ensure that you are ready for whatever is asked of you. We will need plenty of helpers when matters start to involve the people of Earth. You all have some kind of talents to offer, and remember that you are here at this momentous time by choice, and we do mean everyone.

We of the Galactic Federation keep our eyes on the dark Ones, because although they are weakening it does not take many to create a disturbance. The chain of command is fragmented, and they are confronted by our allies at every turn. The military are nowhere near as cohesive as they were, and their black operations are more difficult to control. All in all, we are pleased at the progress we have made, particularly as we play the game by the rules. Yet we have no complaints as we have the blessing of the Creator, and know that we are the Light Bearers that carry the Torch of Truth.

All over the world, what you often refer to as the working people are waking up to what has been happening around them, and seeking answers. Their strength lies in their numbers, and they will not go away until they get answers. They may be demonstrating in many different countries, but their energies are becoming as one giving great power to their demands. The peaceful revolution has really begun now, and there are many more people who strengthen it by sending out their thoughts for victory by the Light. As we see it the victory is already yours, so do not falter for one moment with your intent to bring the changes about.

We foresee some turmoil upon Earth in the next few weeks, but in part that will be seasonal although your weather patterns have been interfered with. Even that is controlled by us, but we can only go so far in helping to keep it balanced. There is only a small margin between help and interference, and we act with all care. We abide by the rulings and Laws that cover karmic responsibilities, as it is possible to slip up even with the best of intentions. Have no fear as we are old hands at dealing with the dark Ones, and your needs to achieve Ascension. You keep your eyes on your goal, and we will keep our eyes on you for your protection.

Short of the Creator changing the plan for the end-times, nothing will alter the outcome and that is your assurance of Ascension. Bear in mind that we are talking about the whole Universe and not just your tiny Earth. We know it is hard for you to imagine the magnificence and power of the Creator, and we stand in awe of the incredible changes that are taking place. Even we of the Galactic Federation are but a small part of the action, although it must be said that those on the higher dimensions are able to handle their own Ascension. We are here for you because you need help and guidance, otherwise you might not have achieved success. However, you have come such a long way in comparatively recent times, that you are now a major contributor in maintaining your path to Ascension.

We do not act in the name of destroyers as that it is not our way, but sometimes that which is a gross insult to the plan of the Creator will be removed in that way. It means that matter is returned to its basic components to be used again. In fact nothing can be totally destroyed, but is simply "re-cycled". The same applies to souls that are returned to Source because they refuse to recognize their godself and their link to it. They will be part of the next breathing out, and travel another journey for their evolution. Be assured that very few souls fail to recognize the truth of their origin, or refuse to acknowledge the Light. Every soul has continual help through every life, and much planning goes ensures that their lives are progressively lifting them up. Souls that succumb to the darkness, rarely drop so low as to become completely absorbed into the lower vibrations that they find it difficult to rise up again.

In the midst of everyday chaos, as Lightworkers you are part of the great army that assists in bringing more Light to Earth. If you do nothing else you will be doing much as many of you do at present, to help others who see no immediate future for themselves. Young people in particular are most vulnerable, yet many have come into the world with a greater level of consciousness than earlier generations. They can pick up more easily on the outcome, as they came into life fully prepared for the difficulties of this period. They will probably have more to offer once the changes are advanced, and they are aware of what is needed. You will find that you will be looking towards your young people for the answers, and they will have them.

Meanwhile, we continue with our plan to get the dark Ones out of positions of control, thus allowing the people nominated to take over and take up their place. Eventually the tables will be turned and souls of Light will head governments, and lead where the banking fraternity is concerned. There will be changes from the top down, and it will result in your rights being restored. Prosperity will return through the distribution of funds, and much that you are entitled to but have been denied will be given to you. Debt is created deliberately and that would be your demise, if the Illuminati had their way. That is not to be so, and if any one act is destined to change your future, debt forgiveness will be the one. You are not responsible for it, but presently bear the burden of having to suffer the consequences.

Do not worry about any of the current problems, the answers to all of them are known by us, so they will be but a passing phase. As always keep your eyes firmly on the future that promises to lift you out of your present difficulties, as it draws nearer each day. Think Ascension, and all it represents that is beautiful and re-assuring, and feel the joy that will accompany it.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank all of you who wear your heart on your sleeve and share your Love and Light with all souls - you are truly awakened to the truth.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey.

Source :

Monday, October 17, 2011

" you are aware subconsciously "

SaLuSa through MIke Qinsey

Not a day goes by without further developments being achieved by our allies, and that is hastening the time when some positive moves can be made to bring a stop to the activities of the dark Ones. Already they are being weakened by losing control of their command bases, and we will continue to assist our allies until the threat to you no longer exists. Various teams are responsible for dealing with the different challenges that face you, and be assured all is well and proceeding to plan. Defeat is not a word that the dark Ones contemplate as they considered themselves invincible. However, they are having to face up to the inevitable loss of power and subsequent collapse. We offer them a way out and believe they will accept, when it becomes apparent that they cannot avoid the net that is closing in upon them.

The sudden changes in power are as much down to the countries that have come together to fight the last cabal, and prevent their insidious plans to annihilate most of your civilization. That danger has now passed, and in any event would not have been allowed. You have awakened so much in recent times that you earnt the right to complete this cycle with Ascension. The possibility of any other result has long been overcome, and divine intervention has ensured that you will travel a safe path to the end time. So there is no place for fear as we are soon to take command of the Earth's activities, and you will enjoy the benefits of all that has been promised to you.

People are always moving home, but in this particular time it has more importance attached to it, as you need to be exactly where you need to be for the final run in to Ascension. Most of you are already established where you are at present, and although you may think of moving if it is not in your interests, it will not go ahead. In fact the whole of your life is subject to your life plan, even to where you work and the friends you make. It may seem that you are always in control and exercising your freewill, but you are aware subconsciously of the decisions you need to make to conform to your plan. You will have already made the big decision as to whether you desire to ascend, even if you are not yet positive of your intentions at this time. Freewill is still your final say in the matter, but you would not normally go outside what you had planned. Also your Guides would do their best to impress upon you what is best when making your decision.

Many people will find it strange and possibly difficult to accept that life is so well organized, but bear in mind that it is necessary if it is to be beneficial. After all, the object of your experiences is to advance your evolution, so that you can raise your vibrations and leave duality. Many, many of you have done so and are already well on the way to Ascension. It makes getting through this present period a lot easier, as it means you can be on the Earth but not of it. You can maintain a calmness around you without any fear whatsoever, and wherever you go spread the Light. Your presence and thousands upon thousands like you, are paving the way for many others to follow. You are so important in the scheme of things, and will be more so once the announcements are made acknowledging our presence. People will have many questions to ask and your services will be well appreciated.

At times you will be overawed at what takes place, as for example when we of the Galactic Federation and the people of the Inner Earth meet you, and your Guides and the Masters are made known. It will be an amazing time that will be so different to anything else you have experienced so far, and one of continual upliftment and happiness. Once the changes get started they will take place very quickly, and there will be a succession of great periods of activity to bring you the benefits you have been promised. Already you can see the direction in which things are going and we know you watch with interest the outcome of the financial problems, that have the world teetering on the edge of collapse. It is quite apparent that you can never return to the old ways, and our allies wait in the wings for the opportunity to step in with a totally new approach.

We promise you that whatever your personal problems or needs, in time all of you will be lifted up to new levels of prosperity. When you leave duality it will be as you say, on a high, because you will by then have taken a quantum leap forward. We will already have met you, and our craft will be as familiar in your skies as other craft are today. Because you have got used to the idea of our presence, coming amongst you will have been made easier. Our exposure will be through the media and we shall be making many appearances to acquaint you with the tasks that lay ahead, and also give you an understanding of our home planets and cultures that you will find are not so far removed from your own. It is not that you have no knowledge at all, as over many years there have been many contacts made with you. Some have been lucky enough to be invited aboard the space craft, and taken on journeys well beyond your Earth.

We believe that you will easily mix with us and we will work together all the way to Ascension. Beyond that time you will have become more like us, and many of you will join the Galactic Federation and travel the Universe with us. You will have become Cosmic Beings with an advanced level of consciousness, and quite different to what you are now. It is then that you will realize that you are every bit as great a Being as we have so often informed you. There will be no distinction between male or female, and in fact you will eventually become androgynous with a perfect balance between both genders. It will come with the body changes and the refinement of it, as it becomes of a much higher vibration. Your bodies are in fact slowly changing now, and will continue to do so as your vibrations are lifted up.

Believe us Dear Ones, you are entering a most wonderful period, and will have the most exciting experiences that will soon put the past well behind you. Of course some earthly experiences are beautiful and you will hold on to some memories. However those of the future will surpass all of them, as life becomes one great blessing full of sheer bliss, joy and happiness. You will better understand the Love that pervades everything around you, and your place with God and from whence you came and where you are going. Religion will not come into it, as you will find your God within along with all knowledge.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and have never felt so close to you as our Light merges with yours. Where we are all headed for, everything exists within the Light, and in absolute harmony. You may have to feel it to believe it, but it will take your breathe away when you do. No longer will you feel separated from the Source of All That Is. Many of you are already prepared for what awaits you, and you are living the future now. We love you for what we see, but look beyond your physical body to the real you.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

" Feel the new freedom "

SaLuSa through Mike Quinsey

There is no doubt that your creative powers are opening up paths to Ascension that are extremely powerful, and that is speeding up the changes. It is happening on more than one level, and bringing forth the first of many preliminary changes that will set things up for the more important ones to go ahead. All is proceeding well and the dark Ones have got the message, that we are no longer prepared to wait for them to move aside. We will remove any person obstructing our efforts, to move the people of Earth into positions where they can start the whole process of Ascension. Much has already been done to lay down the foundation to success, and we are now building upon it.

Every individual can also help at this time, by concentrating upon the Light and all that is positive. You may not know exactly what is going to happen, but you do know sufficient to be able to project whatever you visualize that will bring the Golden Age into being. See the happiness created by your release from the bonds that have held you back, and your return to Sovereign Beings. Feel the new freedom and removal of anything that has hitherto restricted your movements. Know that in time you will be able to travel anywhere in the world, by a new technology that makes distance of no consequence. Speed will be of the essence, and achieved by using free energy that abounds in the Universe.

Somewhere along the way, there will be periods of uncertainty as the old is replaced by the new, and that is because some matters such as the financial changes cannot be implemented overnight. Similarly there may be some distribution problems where the supply of foodstuffs are concerned, and shortages could occur in some areas. However, do not panic as we will be using our facilities to overcome them, so that things return to normal as soon as possible. If you live in isolated or distant areas you may be more prone to the problems, but you will intuitively know when you should prepare yourselves for them. We mention such possibilities so that you give some thought to them well in advance.

Naturally when we have free access to the media we will ensure you are well informed of what is happening around you. At present we are hoping to have assisted you to make the first changes before the year is out. However, it must be already evident to many of you, that we must get things underway soon as there is much to do in an ever shorter period of time. We can cope, but we think of the impact upon you, as so many people are still unaware as to what is about to enter their lives. It will be wonderful news, but nevertheless is something of a shock to find your life suddenly turned upside down. This is where the Lightworkers can be of great help by explaining what is taking place. It is important that people understand that the cycle has to end, but that it is the means of moving onto another path that lifts you up into the higher dimensions.

Dear Ones, we really are so proud of your efforts to work with us, and together we have achieved great strides in spite of the resistance. We know even more of you are anxious to offer your services to us and Mother Earth, and your chance will eventually come. Be assured that all along the plan has been to enlist you in our projects, and in fact we have always encouraged you to do so. Our role was never intended to be such that we did all of the work ourselves, and we could put it to you that it is your Earth and your responsibility to make all things good once more. However, we were always going to assist because the task is beyond your present capabilities.

We could almost take time out and allow you to enjoy the coming weeks, when it will become apparent that matters are undeniably moving towards some form of announcement. Those of you that have reliable sources of information such as David Wilcock on the Internet just to mention one of a number, can follow developments virtually as they take place. However, you must exercise your own discretion as to what you accept, as disinformation is still mingled amongst the truthful reports. Either way you are on the verge of exciting times and the fulfillment of your expectations. The year 2012 speedily approaches and we would venture to suggest it will go off with a flurry of events, that will clearly see the beginning of the end of duality, and the beginning of another era dedicated to the Light.

This is the time to enjoy what is happening by seeing beyond the immediate changes to the expected outcome. You know that the "clearing out" is vitally necessary to make way for the new to take its place. Of course the experience will have unpleasant consequences for some people, who are going to be unavoidably involved. For some it will be for karmic reasons and if you believe that to be the case, accept that there must be a lesson to be learnt from it. It is often nothing directly to do with your present life, but carried forward from an earlier one. There is a tendency to question what it is you have done to deserve it, but do not look at it as some kind of punishment. All life is a continual experience and remember that there is "good" karma that is also attracted to you by your thoughts and actions.

Never lose your perspective about what is going on around you, as you are not necessarily aware of the reasons. However, understanding the process of Ascension you will be able to allow for the necessary changes, that will herald the coming of all that is going to lift you up. Whilst you cannot "see" the levels of consciousness growing, you can sense the higher levels of energy around you. With the coming of 11.11.11. an even greater shift will be felt, and you will truly know that a great leap forward has taken place.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and our activities around Earth are increasing with our intent to bring the dark Ones under our control. There abilities to cause trouble are being curtailed, and they are learning that we do not intend to tolerate any more nonsense from them. They are in shock, because they thought they were invincible, and their arrogance has led them into a dead-end. The Light is supreme and continues to spread across the Earth. We have won the battle and look to help you establish a new governance across the world, one based on Light and Love for all Beings.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.

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Monday, October 10, 2011

" holding your light is more necessary than ever "

October 10, 2011

Through Suzanne Ward

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. When my mother was participating in a fall equinox global meditation and visualizing Earth radiant in golden-white Christed light, she heard, “Please record my words.” It is with joy that we share the following with you.


I am Gaia, the soul of the planet you call Earth. Just as you, I can feel heavyhearted or lighthearted. For long ages I wept, when my spirit was broken. My people were hateful to each other and my body was soaked with their blood. I weep no longer because there is so much to feel joyful about, so much to feel thankful for.

My light is not yet in full force, my body is not yet balanced. That is because some of my children still are being hateful to one another. Some of them are without love, without compassion, without the understanding that differences can be absolutely splendid when harmony and respect flow along the heart-lines.

Yet, I am joyful because I am on a journey like no other soul in this universe ever has traveled. I am going home, and you who are holding the light that is helping me move steadily and quickly forward are coming with me. Can you imagine a greater distinction than this journey we are sharing? Can you imagine a greater excitement than our ascension? I cannot!

I asked to speak this day to tell you of my gratitude for all of you. You were chosen from a great number of souls, triple the number that could incarnate and participate. This level of light service never before has been undertaken. We are playing a part in the grandest show ever performed in this universe. I feel the humility that mingles with sublime satisfaction for a job well done—in the continuum, our job is completed.

As our travels continue, many wonders are in store for you and this world of ours. You have been told of many, so you can think of them and look forward to them, but actually living in the glorious times soon coming is beyond your imagining.

All beings in this universe are watching this unfold, did you know? I cannot imagine such a vast audience! All the souls of light are cheering for us, so we shall continue giving them a good show, an experience worthy of even God’s applause. I share my heart with you and my love for you is overflowing.


Gaia’s message for you is of exceptional value to us as well. We hold this beloved soul in highest honor, as do all other lighted beings throughout this universe. We know of her unwavering courage and unconditional love for her successive generations of residents throughout the long dark ages that they caused her near unendurable emotional and physical suffering. We can see that her body is not yet in balance, as she said, but we also see her spirit soaring, and this is indeed a joyous sight to behold!

We see another grand and beautiful sight—your spirits. You have long awaited proof that many profound changes are afoot, and if you are perceiving happenings in the context of Earth’s ascension, you know that your patience is being rewarded. It is natural, however, that most people are interpreting events with third density outlook and in the context of their experiences and world history they have observed or been taught.

As an example, many view foreign nations’ involvement in “Arab spring” as self-serving—control of oil reserves and extension of military and multinational corporate interests. While that may well be the idea in some greedy, power-hungry minds, it is not the higher purpose and will not be part of the outcome. Assistance was given to those who are fighting to throw off the yoke of oppressive rule simply because without help, the valiant fighters’ mission could not be successful as universally ordained. Their inspiration to rise up against the status quo and the decision to aid them are positive reactions to the vibrations in the energy planes Earth has been passing through.

That energy streamer is just one of a multitude with unstoppable momentum toward world transformation. Others include the global economy, which is teetering on the brink and has moved beyond the Illuminati’s ability to manipulate in their favor. Due to demands of the populace, governments that need to be in upheaval, are; and new governing bodies that need to become stabilized are working on that. In the United States, the Occupy Wall Street movement is growing. Emphasis keeps increasing on peaceful negotiations to national and international conflicts. Petitions are circulating around the globe for clean energy and other environmental preservation measures and to end injustices that formerly the populace felt helpless to change. Community leaders, groups and families are helping their neediest members, and the exchange of goods and services is helping many overcome obstacles and deal with hardships.

Underlying all of this activity is, people who think of themselves as “ordinary” are doing extraordinary things. Perhaps a few among them understand what is transpiring worldwide and universally, but the great majority is simply following an inner urge to act against the entire spectrum of corruption and inequities, and inspired individuals are opening pathways for the masses to tread.

The energy generated by the participants in all reform activities, along with the energy of all who in heart and mind are supportive of those efforts, is observable as light that keeps shining ever more brightly. This is indeed cause for jubilation, but please do not think that holding your light steady is not as necessary now that momentous change is undeniably underway. Your light absolutely is as necessary and valuable—as essential—as ever!

The energy of the desire of everyone who is actively protesting conditions based in negativity is light-filled and is registered thusly in Earth’s energy field of potential. Many participants are motivated by anger, frustration and resentment, and while that is indeed understandable, the energy of their thoughts and feelings about those conditions is registered as negativity in the field of potential. The result is, the energy generated by the people’s focus is attracting the “like” energy that is prolonging what they are protesting against.

And not everyone shares your and our excitement about the many movements toward change that are spreading like a cleansing wildfire throughout your world. The recalcitrant Illuminati will continue to resist giving up the shreds of power they’re clinging to just as stubbornly as they are trying to hold onto their illegally amassed unimaginably vast fortunes. In their persistent refusal of the light constantly being offered, they are living in a darkness of their own creating that doesn’t let them see what they soon will be forced to acknowledge: Their efforts were futile. Their time is over.

Others also are stubbornly dragging their feet insofar as embracing the light. They thrived under the old ways of doing business and are stuck in the superficiality and triviality of what they deem social, professional and financial success. Having lost touch with their spiritual nature long ago, they will resist changes that interfere with their comfortable lifestyles.

Thus for a while longer, negativity from a number of sources is going to be in the collective consciousness, the powerful energy field of Earth’s residents’ thoughts, feelings and actions that creates everything that goes on in your world.

For millennia the collective consciousness allowed darkness to easily dominate life on Earth. Seven or eight decades past, the collective consciousness started stirring as the massive infusion of light from distant civilizations inspired new kinds of thoughts and feelings in the peoples. Gradually they turned from acceptance and compliance to questioning the wisdom and motives of “authorities.” That led to a growing determination to uplift their lot in life and to help others who wanted to do the same. All of those natural stages were necessary to bring the peoples to this point of conscious awareness and action.

The high vibrations that are enabling static conditions of long duration to undergo dramatic change are opening minds more so than ever before. However, the masses have not yet achieved the spiritual clarity that includes knowing the power of thoughts and feelings. They don’t know that they can’t manifest what they do want as long as they are preoccupied with what they don’t want.

Many of you have sent queries to my mother: How can I help Earth when I don’t know what my mission is? Few of you came to be leaders, millions of you came to be teachers, way-showers. By living your light, the energy you radiate touches souls around you and nudges their consciousness into questioning; share your knowledge with those who show they are seeking answers. This would not be in a preaching or proselytizing manner, which can have an alienating effect, but by offering information to the extent individuals show interest, and the importance of thinking and feeling positively instead of negatively cannot be overstated.

Visualization may be a technique more commonly known than the law of attraction, and it may be helpful to give examples such as, if you don’t want more war, focus on peace. If you don’t want more corruption in governments, focus on leaders with wisdom and moral integrity. If you don’t want impoverishment, focus on abundance flowing in.

The words imagine, picture, envision, and think about have the same effect as focus, of course, and suggestions of what to visualize that is in line with what individuals do want can be helpful too. For instance, a good life for everyone: Visualize crowds of healthy appearing, smiling people of all ages and races strolling in lovely parks and laughing children on colorful playgrounds. Envision vegetable gardens thriving and tables laden with food, prosperous neighborhoods with trees and flowering shrubs, schools and universities filled with eager students.

For preservation of the natural environment and rejuvenation of damaged lands and seas, visualize Earth with crystal clear skies and waters, verdant lands where deserts used to be, flourishing forests.

You want humane treatment of all animals, so picture animals of every species grazing in meadows and peaceably mingling with one another and with the people.

To the extent that individuals show interest, tell them that all of those and myriad other glories are part of Earth’s Golden Age, and it is the collective ideas, desires and actions of her populace that are creating that Age.

There will be clean, safe energy sources; fair and just laws; a stable global economy and equitable allocation of the world’s bountiful resources; new forms of transportation, communication and construction.

All nations’ infrastructures will be soundly rebuilt. Travel from one country to another will be unrestricted. All who want to be employed will be, and there will be more recreation time for everyone. Taxation will be fair and so will salaries and wages. Accurate history of your world and the universal laws will be taught. Education at all levels will be affordable to every person and so will attendance at museums, galleries, theaters, concerts and sports events. Technologies will grow by leaps and bounds.

All of those enhancements and many others that also will immeasurably uplift life in your world are being manifested in the collective consciousness, and speaking down-to-Earth, they are in planning or implementation stages. [The message dated December 31, 2007, “Essay on 2012,” on Matthew’s Messages page on has details of life in Earth’s Golden Age.]

Even more profound experiences await you on a personal level. You will feel your eternal connection with God, by whatever other name you call the Supreme Being of this universe, and you will take your rightful place in our universal family as the brothers and sisters you are.

You will experience living in the continuum, where all lifetimes are happening simultaneously, and you will travel back and forth between Earth and worlds with compatible energy levels. You will communicate telepathically with souls in spirit and in physical civilizations as you wish, and you will manifest your ideas into forms.

You will know that you are powerful multidimensional beings and all that knowledge and those capabilities are components of your soul. They don’t require esoteric studies or external instructions—those self-discoveries automatically come with steadfastly living your light and evolving spiritually.

Now we say what will NOT be part of life in the Golden Age: fear, pollution of any kind, religious dogmas, violence, capital punishment and prisons, male superiority, social caste systems, cruelty to any life form, poverty, mind control and closed minds, greed, jealousy, envy, cheating, prejudice, corruption, harmful chemicals and drugs, political haranguing and bureaucratic red tape, wanton destruction, health afflictions, anger, ruthlessness, divisiveness, self-centeredness and egotism, dishonesty, military mentality, weaponry, addictions, pornography, homelessness, slave trade, media control, corporate monopolies.

We mention those behaviors, character traits and circumstances that proliferate in a third density world only to gladden your heart about their imminent disappearance—their low vibrations can’t exist in the fourth density world on your near horizon. And now we say, if your thoughts have been dwelling on any of those attitudes or conditions that have caused misery to so many, switch to thinking about and acting solely upon what you want—love, harmony, kindness, compassion, health, abundance, mutual respect, generosity, helpfulness, joy, cooperation, honesty, forgiveness, gratitude, fearlessness.

When the power of love—or light, which is the very same energy—is the constitution of your collective consciousness, oh! the magnificence in your lives and your world!

Now then, we shall address some of the other issues in your thoughts. First, we urge you to stop worrying about the long-term effects of radioactivity from damaged nuclear reactors in Japan, genetically engineered foods, vaccines, and toxins in various forms of pollution. The cells of all persons who absorb the light are being changed to the crystalline form that will “shed” everything with low vibrations that inhibit the ability to function healthfully in body, mind and spirit.

In previous messages we mentioned numerous predictions or prognostications that will not come to pass. Now we speak of other situations that have arisen or resurfaced and are causing concerns anew—none of these will happen either: military coups as oppressive as the corrupt governments they ousted; railroad cars transporting thousands to internment camps; biological warfare; holographic displays of an alien invasion as reason to impose martial law; manmade geophysical events that will destroy thousands of miles of coastline; a food shortage so severe that the wealthy will hoard food and the rest of the world will starve; and the control of drinking water.

Please remember that a plan is one thing, bringing to fruition its intended result is quite another. Skirmishes, random violence, political bickering and deprivations will continue as the duality in humankind plays out its final act, but nothing can deter Earth’s exit out of third density at the end of next year. In the interim, a great number of persons will be leaving—everyone who completes the provisions chosen in soul contracts, all who refuse the light, and many others who choose to leave rather than adjust to the mammoth changes forthcoming or believe the truths that will be emerging. All of those souls will have as many opportunities as needed to grow spiritually and intellectually.

You may have heard that two vast underground areas that housed Illuminati-controlled laboratories, vehicles, weaponry, storehouses and living quarters were destroyed, but it was by safe technologies, not nuclear devices; and some within the Illuminati camp have been removed from power, but not by killing them. As both defensive and offensive measures, the light forces use only the power of light and technologies that have no harmful aftereffects. They are aware of Illuminati plans, and if those include rigging major bridges with explosives that can be detonated remotely, they are authorized to prevent that. While that might seem to be a violation of Creator’s law of free will, it is not—it is the honoring of Earth’s free will. After 9/11, she chose that any further attempt at terrorism on that scale would be prevented, and by God’s authorization, our universal family has successfully thwarted many attempts.

Absolutely animals “go to Heaven”! But it’s not because they have a soul, it is because they are souls. Everything that has a measure of consciousness is a soul because it is created of Creator’s love-light essence, the life force of everything in the cosmos. Also animals evolve, just as other souls do. [If you are interested in reading more extensive information about animals, type “animals” in the search blank on Matthew’s Messages page on]

All persons who accompany the planet into fourth density and journey onwards will do so in their “today” bodies, they will not “be issued new” ones, but aged bodies will be renewed, rejuvenated—“de-aged”—incrementally. Bodies afflicted with disease of any nature will gradually become healed—this includes blindness, deafness, diminished mental capacity, chronic pain, and degenerative diseases—and re-growth of missing limbs and teeth also will happen in stages. Current medication dosages will be determined by the same means as now for the short time that the medication may be needed. Along your journey, all persons will be restored to peak health physically, mentally and emotionally.

Belief in Earth’s ascension or not has nothing to do with whether bodies are affected by the combination of successively lighter planes of energy along the ascension pathway and the low frequencies emitted by the misuse of technology on the planet. All bodies are affected, but the effects do differ in accordance with current health status, awareness of the ascension process, and reactions to tumultuous situations worldwide. Absorbing light helps bodies stay relatively balanced and not go flying out of kilter; it is the same with emotional and mental functioning during this unique time in the universe, especially in this late stage of Earth’s approach to fourth density.

Pollution of all kinds can be quickly eradicated through the use of technologies developed in your world, but long suppressed or misused, in conjunction with the advanced technologies of your universal family that they will teach to your scientists and engineers.

Not all extraterrestrial civilizations are benevolent; however, all civilizations with crews roving in your skies are. The non-lighted beings from other civilizations who are living on the planet will be leaving soon because their bodies cannot survive in the vibratory levels the planet is traveling toward. Yes, many former residents of Atlantis have returned specifically to help prevent a recurrence of the cataclysmic destruction that befell that civilization; these souls also have wisdom and leadership capabilities gleaned from many other lifetimes in spirit worlds and other physical civilizations.

Planetary alignment within your solar system has considerable effects on behavior and attitudes, especially when the juxtaposition of the planets and Sol is ripe for energy surges. The surges are occurring with greater frequency because of Earth’s accelerated movement through the system, and when she is well within fourth density, there will be a recognizable sensation of stability as there will be no more negativity to contend with. No celestial body is going to collide with Earth or come close enough to have any noticeable effects.

For those who asked if getting an astrological chart for guidance during these hectic times would be helpful, we say that charts prepared by spiritually evolved, knowledgeable astrologers can be a helpful tool; but depending on only external sources to guide you in making major decisions and ignoring messages from your soul would be folly. A major aspect of soul evolvement from third to fourth density is the soul-consciousness connection that is designed to keep you on track with choices in your contract.

We cannot give “how to” instructions to open telepathic communication channels as they open when the time is right for each person, and that timing differs just as you yourselves differ. However, we have given precautions for novice communicators, and since telepathic channels are opening with increasing frequency due to the higher vibrations prevailing, we are happy to repeat the guidance.

Prior to recording a transmission or conversing at any time, ask for protection of the Christed light and insist that only light beings may connect with you. Don’t attempt to communicate when you are ill, emotionally or mentally stressed, or feeling fearful or angry—any of those conditions lowers your energy level and makes it easy for base entities to connect with you. Self-doubt is natural in the beginning, and that also is an invitation to low-level beings; if you feel uneasy about the source’s information or have an uncomfortable sensation, cut the connection and try again when you are feeling relaxed. With practice you will become self-confident, but do so with humility—the low vibrations of egotism are certain to connect you with dark sources.

All darkness will be gone when Earth enters fourth density around the end of your calendar year 2012, but not all the glories of her Golden Age will be on that threshold. Wondrous developments will continue to unfold throughout your world, including joyous reunions with beloved souls you knew in this lifetime and will remember from others. It is as Gaia said, “many wonders are in store for you and this world of ours.”


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