Friday, August 26, 2005

SaLuSa - "I refer to the benefits of NESARA which unbelievably for some of you, is so far reaching that it will eventually encompass the whole world"

Through Mike Quinsey 08.26.05

The pressures of life take their toll, and you are effectively slaves to your work. Your waking life is one of continual hard work, and even so you can be hit by some unexpected happening that brings more pressure to bear upon you. It would be true to say that life for many is full of drudgery. You often say to yourself, that there must be something better than this and of course there is. What you call modern living and computer assisted functions were presented to you as providing more free time for you, but the opposite has happened. Many spend more time in their working capacity than ever before.

Dear Ones, it was never meant that you should sell your soul to your work. However, your systems require high levels of input from you and your quota of work is often dictated by staffing and profit levels. The most important aspect of your life is your family, yet many find insufficient time to devote to them because of other demands. The system has no measure of fairness and often the hardest worked are the least rewarded. Everything you see and experience in this connection is challenging you to find a better system. In your minds you want a fair distribution of wealth and other benefits, yet you know so many that are denied basic requirements even in what is called the affluent West.

The Spiritual Hierarchy has seen the outworking of materialism but already prepared a system to take its place. I refer to the benefits of NESARA which unbelievably for some of you, is so far reaching that it will eventually encompass the whole world. It will make adjustments, and indeed quite far reaching changes that will change society and its concepts almost overnight. The re-distribution of wealth will create the conditions for all else to fall in place. This will be followed by the introduction of devices that will take the hard work out of life, leaving much more time for leisurely pursuits. Your choice of work will one of choosing outlets for your skills and ability that are more in the nature of voluntary work.

Much of the older needs for manpower will cease as new technologies come in, and the systems will be set up by your First Contact visitors. No longer will great corporations be needed to supply your needs, and you could say that you will soon all be self contained. Key areas such as your utilities will disappear as a result, to be replaced by more efficient and totally reliable methods. You will no longer experience breakdowns or shortages and you will not pay for the pleasure of using them, they will be free. You will not carry the burden of taxes which will become unnecessary, and the obscene amounts of money and energy spent on armaments and associated matters will totally cease.

You could say that the Utopia you have always dreamt of will become your reality in short time. However it is not intended that you should withdraw from society, but you will become one of a vast team working for the good of each other and the Earth itself. Man is in reality of a very generous and giving nature and is naturally very caring. Your creative talents and ideas will have every chance of fulfillment, and given the freedom of expression that you will have you can look forward to a very satisfying time. In all of this we shall be working with you and it will be a most enjoyable time and at last you will see how Man can work together as Brother and Sister, when the constraints and prejudice of millennia of time are removed. Trust will replace doubt and fear, and you will know beyond doubt that you are your Brothers keeper.

The trials and tribulations of life will soon be a thing of the past, and you will see a great coming together of the people. Spiritual understanding will be lifted up to a level that all can join, and the old divisions caused by the multitude of various beliefs will disappear. You have to realize that in your distant past, you were deliberately mislead as to your true origins and pitted against each other in divisive ways. You were encouraged to worship false Gods who instigated their own laws that lead to much bloodshed in their names. Man has always sought the truth, and instinctively known that there was always a greater truth to be learnt. Soon you shall be surprised and also shocked to learn of the way you have been manipulated for eons of time. Now all of this is about to change and the truth will ring true as it is laid bare before you.

Many dear souls are returning to Earth to bring the next stage of enlightenment to you. All in all, it is necessary as you prepare for the next stages in your evolution. The truth will not be strange to you, as you have come from those higher realms where you were once a fully fledged Being of Light. You are simply growing in consciousness again, and returning to those levels. Everything that is about to take place is part of the plan that was put in place eons of time ago. As many of you now know, you are about to leave this cycle of duality behind as it has served its purpose well. Allow everyone to have the opportunity to once more return to the Light and see each soul exactly as yourself, one who has elected to be part of the great play of duality as the curtain now comes down.

I am SaLuSa one of many Sirians in contact with you of Earth. Our association is one of long standing and we are the principle players in the final events that are about to unfold. See us as your friends and mentors, and know that we are not just technically advanced but also very spiritually aware and we wish to share all knowledge with you. We come at the Creators request and not in any way to mislead or control you. You are joining us as members of the Galactic Federation, which is for the promotion of peace and unity within this Galaxy. We come in peace and friendship, and Love and Light to bring you into a new era of joy and happiness. Your toils are nearly over, and you will rightly enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Hold fast in your beliefs that a better world awaits you as it is emerging now. Leave the old to disappear gently, and welcome the new that will herald a great age of Light and Love, it is called the Golden Age for good reason. Place your vision into the future and do not concern yourselves about the past. That will all be explained and eventually put in its place in the Hall of Records for all time. You have a wonderful history behind you, but an even more magnificent future ahead. I leave you all with my love and blessings until we meet again.

Thank you for your inspiration

Mike Quinsey

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Violino St. Germain - "Never doubt the power that you have to create, and where it is accompanied with the energy of love it can achieve miracles"

Through Mike Quinsey 08.25.05

As you would see events upon Earth, they are reaching a critical point when something has to give. The pressures all round cannot help but bring a conclusion of some kind. The energies created for change are coming together and are approaching that level where a quantum leap forward is about to occur. Everything in life is about energy and the place it has in creation. It may take time for events to manifest, as for example the removal of the Berlin Wall, but they will eventually take place. This is because you motivated and charged the changes that you desire.

When you move into the higher dimensions, your ability to create is instantaneous through the use of focused thought power. Even in the lower levels such as the astral regions this ability still exists and perhaps you will see that it is quite natural to you. This is why we continually remind you to take care as to what you wish into being, because as it takes time to manifest you do not always associate the result directly with yourself. It is not even necessary for you to consciously desire something, as the thoughts themselves will attract situations to you. It will sound strange, but even though your thoughts could consistently be of something you do not wish to happen, such as something you feared, it would still come to you.

You may feel logically that you can repel what it is that is not desirable, but the best approach is to let things be. Take for example one of your regular concerns where your health is required. Many of you are racked by the fear of getting cancer, in fact some people are convinced that they will get it, and sometimes their greatest fears are realized. However, if you can discipline yourself sufficiently to take a positive approach, you can help protect yourself with affirmations that your body is healthy, and praise the main organs of your body for being strong and healthy. The word has power and it can be used for your own protection.

If you think of how healing works, through the use of prayer and affirmations you have a perfect example as to what I am referring. The word along with visualization techniques “talks” to your body in which every cell has a consciousness. Body cells talk to each other and are programmed to carry out certain tasks. Because of the perfection of the body and its natural function day in and day out, you probably give little thought as to how it takes place. The body is a great hub of activity that can respond to your input, and if it is abused will let you know so that you can deal with it. Pain for example is there to warn you of danger or injury, Fatigue is there to tell you that your energy is spent, and so it goes on where natural functions of the body signal to you when your attention is needed.

Now, I do realize that life on Earth is not quite a simple as I have indicated. However you have to approach it from a point of strength and affirm daily what it is that you require. Some of the most successful people in life have had that single pointed desire to achieve a certain goal, and absolutely nothing has detracted them from their aims. Through reasons of karma and your life plan is another factor that comes into play. However, you can still affect the outcome of events in your life even if you cannot stop them. Attitude is so important when you are dealing with problems, and if you can always take a positive view it will lessen the impact that they can have upon you.

You will know by now that your prayers are always heard, but that you will not always get the response you hope for, or necessarily when you expected it. However, the energy creates the possibility for a response. When a loved one is ill, you your family and friends consciously or otherwise send loving thoughts to them and this creates an energy around them that has healing qualities. This is how absent healing works, and why some healers ask you for a photograph so that they can use visualization techniques. When you have physical healing whether or not the healer is aware of it, there is a thought process also involved which is just as important and effective.

Dear Ones, whatever it is you desire is within your power to manifest. From life to life you have carried forward certain desires that ultimately have become part of your life plan. You create life around you, and it is no good waiting for it to come to you. Be dynamic and purposeful, be definite and positive as to what it is you require, and it will surely manifest at some time. Look at how you have collectively brought your consciousness to bear upon those who advocate war. You have projected a different scenario of peace and an end to war, and those energies have caused changes to begin that will bring their ultimate manifestation. No physical presence can stop the momentum that has started, and as the old breaks up so the new takes its place.

Never doubt the power that you have to create, and where it is accompanied with the energy of love it can achieve miracles. Some may consider the events that are about to unfold as miraculous and they are certainly due to the changes in your mass consciousness. Whilst the end-times have been decreed to occur as the means to introduce a new cycle, the manner in which it is taking place is due to your contribution. The situation is now so positive that we can say that you have all but brought the changes into your dimension. The final falling away of the dark will be hastened by your quantum leap in the Light.

I am St. Germain, and we of the Hierarchy rejoice in your success as we have always acknowledged your freewill to determine the manner in which these final days would be played out. You have proved your love for each other and recognition of the Oneness that exists. Now you come together in those loving energies that are enfolding all life forms, and there is a great lifting up taking place. Your future is assured and we shall all celebrate your success. Believe me, you are quite incredible and have yet to realize your greatness. A great love accompanies you as you move even further into the Light and I shall be with you.

Thank you St. Germain

Mike Quinsey

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Diane - "After having been veiled from the truth for so long, some find it hard to accept that you have been living an illusion"

Through Mike Quinsey 08.24.05

Dear Ones, I am Diane a member of the Galactic Federation. As you will know by now, we have been following your progress for a long time and have helped direct your evolutionary process. We have also been aware of the ultimate opportunity of Ascension that is available to each and every one of you. You choose whether or not it is to be your reality as you all move into the end-times. The fact is that you will be drawn to the reality that feels comfortable and right for you. There will therefore be a degree of sorting out in the final stages that are almost upon you.
Some of you wonder why we have not intervened before now, knowing that this would have hastened the final period of change. The fact is that we cannot arrive without your invitation, and our approaches previously have been rejected. We could not force the issue as that would not have been productive, and at the wrong time would have done more harm than good. Even now although we have a divine decree that now authorizes us to take action as we see fit, it is measured and still very much determined by events upon Earth.
Where we have the advantage in en-acting our plans, is that we see a clear overall picture and all probabilities of the outcome. It is very fluid and literally changes from second to second in the great sea of creative energies. It is only in recent times that many of you have learnt how powerful your creative energies are and that you determine the manner in which the outworking of the plan takes place. With the Creator of All That Is, you are allowed to be co-creators, but it is the Creators Plan that will finally bring an ending to this cycle.
The more you gravitate towards your destined path, the more we can allow you to create the conditions for it. Bearing in mind that the other planets in your solar system are sufficiently advanced and understanding of the path of Ascension to handle it themselves. However, you are not yet in that position or able to create the conditions by yourselves. This was always going to be so and why we have introduced ourselves over many years, so that our presence would be acceptable and a normal part of your experiences. After having exercised so much patience, we do not wish to rush into the final actions that lead to First Contact. Now that the final period is marked out, we can time our arrival to coincide with your needs.
The Light is growing so powerful upon Earth, that we no longer have any doubts as to the outcome. As we have told you many times, your victory is assured. At present you are transmuting the lower vibrations, and the web of Light grows in its intensity and more of you are grasping the opportunity to draw it to you. In spite of the negative energies around you, you are placing yourselves beyond their influence. You are instead linking with the grid of Light and grounding it upon Earth. This is all part of the preparations that are necessary to bring the final changes into manifestation.
After having been veiled from the truth for so long, some find it hard to accept that you have been living an illusion. This has not been the result of some plan to deny you the truth, but to allow you to pitch yourselves against the pull of the dark forces. The challenge, which you have always been aware of deep down, has been to rise up in adversity and find you real self. The test of duality is almost over, and as you become more enlightened so you see how it cannot harm you if you stay within the Light. You become a member of the audience, rather than the players on the stage. However, this is real life and you still participate but instead of being directly involved, your influence is from a distance.
Your role becomes much like ours, where we simply send out the energies that will help transmute the lower vibrations. That is a very simplistic explanation, as in reality we are forever balancing the energies to ensure that both you and the Earth, are progressing in a manner that will bring the pre-ordained ending. Our greater plan is ready and no time will be wasted once we arrive on Earth. We first have to remove the opposition to it, as others who do not desire to lose their exalted positions, now have to concede that it is time to step down. Even they in fact have the subconscious knowledge that there would come a time for such action.
You are only Earth Beings through your present experiences, and I can tell you quite definitely that originally you all came from other planets. Earth is just another experience along the way that forever takes you through the Creator’s creations that are never ending. When you meet us again, you will find it easy to equate with us as we have much in common with you, except that we are truly aware of whom we are. You are connected with us, and we are not in fact alien to you. You too have experiences of having lived on other planets, but for now very few of you have this realization. When you meet those with whom you have a link, you will be in no doubt as to your relationship and the knowing will return to you. It would have been too much of a burden to have carried this knowledge with you through all time.
Open up your hearts to us, and we will come closer to you. We know you of old and we cannot wait to renew our acquaintances with you. There will be many a tear as old friends acknowledge each other, and your earthly experiences will soon fade into the background. This will not be a time of sadness, but one of utter joy and happiness. Your long and arduous journey is all but over and it will be a time for great celebrations. I do not forget that it will also be a time of great revelations as to your true relationship to the Creator. Your religions will be seen in the correct context as yet another means of experiences that were not meant to hold you in their beliefs forever. You will find that you have had experience of all major religions such as you understand them now. You are not beholden to any particular beliefs, but they have helped you towards understanding the One Great Truth. There is only the One Creator of All That Is.
I am Diane and assure you that we are very understanding of your difficulties in accepting major changes to your thinking. However, it is impossible to move on unless you are prepared to release your old ways. Be open and ready to see the greater picture and your place in it. You are exalted beings and much admired for your journey into duality. It has not been easy for you, but the rewards are immeasurable. We stand before you in awe of your achievements and success as you finally come home. I know that so much love is being sent to you, and if you link in with the higher forces you can draw it to yourselves and feel it for real. What a wonderful time of re-union beckons, and such a short time to go before it becomes your reality.
Thank you Diane
Mike Quinsey

Saturday, August 20, 2005

"America is sick and tired of liars and hypocrites" Why did you lie to the American people? Why did you lie to the world?

By Cindy Sheehan

The media are wrong. The people who have come out to Camp Casey to help coordinate the press and events with me are not putting words in my mouth, they are taking words out of my mouth. I have been known for sometime as a person who speaks the truth and speaks it strongly. I have always called a liar a liar and a hypocrite a hypocrite. Now I am urged to use softer language to appeal to a wider audience. Why do my friends at Camp Casey think they are there? Why did such a big movement occur from such a small action on August 6, 2005?
I haven't had much time to analyze the Camp Casey phenomena. I just read that I gave 250 interviews in less than a week's time. I believe it. I would go to bed with a raw throat every night. I got pretty tired of answering some questions, like: "What do you want to say to the President?" and "Do you really think he will meet with you?" However, since my mom has been sick I have had a chance to step back and ponder the flood gates that I opened in Crawford, Tx.
I just read an article posted today on by artist Robert Shetterly who painted my portrait. The article reminded me of something I said at the Veteran's for Peace Convention the night before I set out to Bush's ranch in my probable futile quest for the truth. This is what I said:
I got an email the other day and it said, "Cindy if you didn't use so much profanity ... there's people on the fence that get offended.
And you know what I said? "You know what? You know what, god damn it? How in the world is anybody still sitting on that fence?"
If you fall on the side that is pro-George and pro-war, you get your ass over to Iraq, and take the place of somebody who wants to come home. And if you fall on the side that is against this war and against George Bush, stand up and speak out.
This is what the Camp Casey miracle is all about. American citizens who oppose the war but never had a conduit for their disgust and dismay are dropping everything and traveling to Crawford to stand in solidarity with us who have made a commitment to sit outside of George's ranch for the duration of the miserable Texan August. If they can't come to Texas, they are attending vigils, writing letters to their elected officials and to their local newspapers; they are setting up Camp Casey branches in their hometowns; they are sending flowers, cards, letters, gifts, and donations here to us at Camp Casey. We are so grateful for all of the support, but I think pro-peace Americans are grateful for something to do, finally.
One thing I haven't noticed or become aware of though is an increased number of pro-war, pro-Bush people on the other side of the fence enlisting to go and fight George Bush's war for imperialism and insatiable greed. The pro-peace side has gotten off their apathetic butts to be warriors for peace and justice. Where are the pro-war people? Everyday at Camp Casey we have a couple of anti-peace people on the other side of the road holding up signs that remind me that "Freedom isn't Free" but I don't see them putting their money where their mouths are. I don't think they are willing to pay even a small down payment for freedom by sacrificing their own blood or the flesh of their children. I still challenge them to go to Iraq and let another soldier come home. Perhaps a soldier that is on his/her third tour of duty, or one that has been stop-lossed after serving his/her country nobly and selflessly, only to be held hostage in Iraq by power mad hypocrites who have a long history of avoiding putting their own skin in the game.
Contrary to what the main stream media thinks, I did not just fall off a pumpkin truck in Crawford, Tx. on that scorchingly hot day two weeks ago. I have been writing, speaking, testifying in front of Congressional committees, lobbying Congress, and doing interviews for over a year now. I have been pretty well known in the progressive, peace community and I had many, many supporters before I even left California. The people who supported me did so because they know that I uncompromisingly tell the truth about this war. I have stood up and said: "My son died for NOTHING, and George Bush and his evil cabal and their reckless policies killed him. My son was sent to fight in a war that had no basis in reality and was killed for it." I have never said "pretty please" or "thank you." I have never said anything wishy-washy like he uses "Patriotic Rhetoric." I say my son died for LIES. George Bush LIED to us and he knew he was LYING. The Downing Street Memos dated 23 July, 2002 prove that he knew that Saddam didn't have WMD's or any ties to Al Qaeda. I believe that George lied and he knew he was lying. He didn't use patriotic rhetoric. He lied and made us afraid of ghosts that weren't there. Now he is using patriotic rhetoric to keep the US military presence in Iraq: Patriotic rhetoric that is based on greed and nothing else.
Now I am being vilified and dragged through the mud by the righties and so-called "fair and balanced" main stream media who are afraid of the truth and can't face someone who tells it by telling any truth of their own. Now they have to twist, distort, lie, and scrutinize anything I have ever said when they never scrutinize anything that George Bush said or is saying. Instead of asking George or Scotty McClellan if he will meet with me, why aren't they asking the questions they should have been asking all along: "Why are our young people fighting, dying, and killing in Iraq? What is this noble cause you are sending our young people to Iraq for? What do you hope to accomplish there? Why did you tell us there were WMD's and ties to Al Qaeda when you knew there weren't? Why did you lie to us? Why did you lie to the American people? Why did you lie to the world? Why are our nation's children still in harm's way and dying everyday when we all know you lied? Why do you continually say we have to "complete the mission" when you know damn well you have no idea what that mission is and you can change it at will like you change your cowboy shirts?"
Camp Casey has grown and prospered and survived all attacks and challenges because America is sick and tired of liars and hypocrites and we want the answers to the tough questions that I was the first to dare ask. THIS is George Bush's accountability moment and he is failing ... miserably. George Bush and his advisers seriously "misunderestimated" me when they thought they could intimidate me into leaving before I had the answers, or before the end of August. I can take anything they throw at me, or Camp Casey. If it shortens the war by a minute or saves one life, it is worth it. I think they seriously "misunderestimated" all mothers. I wonder if any of them had authentic mother-child relationships and if they are surprised that there are so many mothers in this country who are bear-like when it comes to wanting the truth and who want to make meaning of their child's needless and seemingly meaningless deaths?
The Camp Casey movement will not die until we have a genuine accounting of the truth and until our troops are brought home. Get used to it George, we are not going away.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Bush hidding in his ranch & NESARA update by Patrick Bellringer

By Patrick H. Bellringer

Looking at our world today it appears that there is very little goodness anywhere and that the Darkness is becoming ever darker! Our news media today gives no news but only selected stories filled with fear. The planned annihilation of the Iraqi people continues and the noise of saber rattling against Iran grows ever louder.
Hope lies in the occasional ray of Light that breaks through the Media “chinking” to lighten our space. Patrick Fitzgerald’s Chicago, USA Grand Jury probe into U.S. Government fraud and treason is one such ray of Light. Sorcha Faal reporting from Russia on the intrigue of the U.S. Military coup is another ray of Light.
There is information coming from all parts of our world at this time that indicates the Darkside’s One World Order is coming apart at the seams. G.W. Bush sought asylum in Saudi Arabia and is now hiding on his ranch at Crawford, Texas surrounded by National Guard troops and Secret Service agent to protect him. Twice this past week Bush has tried to stop Fitzgerald’s Grand Jury probe into his evil doings by the use of explosives, but to no avail, thanks to French Intelligence, some good CIA and the Forces of Light.
Yesterday, a reader wrote, “It is extremely hard to stay positive about anything in this world with the constant news of the criminal activities and other horrors from our unelected cheaters, err, I mean leaders. Please, anything about NESARA’s progress or first contact would be greatly appreciated.” With this in mind my wife, Anne, and I turned to our old friend Christ Michael/Hatonn for help.
I include here an excerpt from the communication given to us.
[Quoting]: Greetings! I AM Christ Michael, known to you as Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Creator Son of the Nebadon Universe…..
NOW—for the NESARA news. We have not been idle, little ones, but very busy dealing with the Darkside. They have brought out more plans and explosives, and evil deeds that must be dealt with, or after the announcement they will try it again. The coup is going on, but not as you see on T.V. or even the internet. Sorcha Faal has some facts, but not the whole Truth. Know that this situation with arresting Bush is going on as planned, and he is running scared. The Star People and other White Knights are working hard, and all is under control. The announcement should have been yesterday, Friday, but we held off a bit until a few little skirmishes are dealt with. I know you are anxious and waiting as are others, but all is well. I know you can’t see why the announcement just can’t be made on the Capricorn, but that, too, took some time to have those 3D people agree. It wasn’t until the demolished announcement center that they finally agreed to go aboard ship. This all takes “Earth time” as you know it. Yes, we are behind schedule as to the announcement and the First Contact and Second Coming, but by dealing with these skirmishes diminishes them happening later and makes the change one of wonder and joy.
It is now time for Mother Earth to Ascend, along with those who have chosen to go with her. This has been eons in coming, and a few more hours or days is all we have to go. Rest easy, keep up your prayers and petitions and your work. All is in my hands and my “crew”. When? Anytime, my dear ones, anytime now.
I, Creator God-Christ Michael-your old friend Hatonn-take a short leave but am in your thoughts. You are my crew. SALU! [End quoting]
My friends, keep hope alive! Do not let fear and doubt rule your day. These are times for patient endurance and the knowing of peace within the heart. We are but a step away from the beginning of our most glorious Golden Age of Peace, Freedom and Abundance. Aho!